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Chapter 8: Six

Oh Areum

"I'm not Areum, I'm Jung Yoona. I signed the contract last night. I'm your little sister now, remember?"

Hoseok let a small smile creep onto his lips. He pats my head before giving me a full smile.

"Right. Sorry Areum, I mean Yoona. Boy, this is going to be harder than I thought," he spoke while getting off his knee and sits down in front of me. He scratches his head and tilts his head as if thinking to himself.

I don't know how he did it, but I'm smiling at his figure in front of me. He managed to make me smile, even after what had just happened.

I noticed his eyes had gotten big before his face had turn red. And they were looking at my chest. He turns his head quickly to the side before letting out an awkward cough. My face heats up as I remember I wasn't wearing a bra so my chest was on display for the world to see in my thin white tank. I grabbed my blanket and cover myself.

"I-I didn't mean to stare.." Hoseok said shyly before asking if it's okay to look now.

I told him it was okay and he hesitates to turn and face me, but he eventually does and before we know it, we're both laughing out loud.

Once everything had settled down and there was no more awkward tension between us, I asked him what he was doing here.

"I texted you this morning saying I was going to pick you up. We need to get you ready when you meet Grandma. We have to get you new clothes and change your hair color. I still need to fill you in on the people in our family too. We have maids, butlers, drivers, chefs, and a family doctor that you must know their names and at least the basic information about them. That way, when you finally meet them, you will be able to recognize them all."

With the blanket still covering me, I turn to find my phone. I unlocked it to see that I missed a text from Hoseok.

"Sorry, I didn't see your text."

"It's okay. I figured you were still asleep when I sent you that text. I was here until pretty late last night..." Hoseok's cheery voice had suddenly died down.

"I know the first term of our contract states that you will now be called Yoona, but it doesn't feel right calling you Yoona in this situation..." his smile was no longer on his face and his eyes were full of care that made my heart jump a little.

"Areum, those two earlier..." he pauses as if trying to find the right word to ask his question.

"...were they often in your life? Are they the reason why you agreed to help me?"

I lower my head in shame because it was true. He had figured me out and saw every raw piece of me. No matter how much I disliked the fact that he saw everything, I couldn't do anything about it now. So I nodded my head to answer him.

"Yeah, they are loan sharks who have been after me for about five years now. I took on your offer for the money so that they wouldn't bother me anymore. But don't worry, I'll keep my end of the deal. I'll still help you with your Grandma."

"I don't want you to stay here anymore..."

I lifted my head up to meet his gaze that seems to be piercing through me.

"I don't like the idea of you alone here with what happened earlier. Let me find a new place for you to stay in. I think I'll be more at ease knowing you're somewhere safer than here."

"Hoseok don't," I shook my head in response to him. I didn't want any more charity than what I've already received from him. He saved me from the two brothers. He's giving me money to pay off my debt, although it's more of a job. He's been nothing but kind towards me. And he's just making it harder for me not to like him.

"They were right about one thing. I do owe them money and they will leave me alone once I give them the money. I don't need to leave my home."

"Please Areum. I want you to be safe. I don't want anyone to hurt you..."

His eyes lowered down onto my cheek that was still probably red from the slap earlier. I covered my own cheek refusing to let him see it.

"I'll be fine. They won't hurt me anymore."

My whole body froze and both eyes widen twice in size as his big hand gently pried away my own covering my cheek. He cups my swollen cheeks and he smiles down softly towards me.

"Please Yoona? Will you do this tiny favor for your Oppa?"

Those crystal clear orbs sent shivers throughout my entire body. And I knew right then that I had fallen hard for the man in front of me. The man that was just a stranger yesterday. The man who made me such an offer that I couldn't refuse. The man who swore to protect me. The man who is supposedly my brother. I felt like I couldn't breathe and had lost all ability to speak so I nodded to answer him instead.

That damn killer smile of his had spread across his face before he's quick to flick my forehead with his hand that was cupping my cheek.

"Ow! What was that for?" I yelped out and moved away from him to rub away the growing pain.

"Sorry Areum. Haha. Just a habit of mine that I developed towards my sister. I used to flick her on her forehead a lot. I just couldn't resist with your head so near. It was too tempting."

"You know, I could kill you right now and no one will ever find your body."

Hoseok chuckles to himself before ruffling the top of my head.

"I'll be outside waiting for you. Get ready and we'll go shopping first and then we'll come back to pack up your stuff. I'll get you a room in a hotel that's closer to my home. You can stay there for now and we'll meet up there to familiarize yourself with my family. Okay?"


I waited for Hoseok to leave and close the front door before I uncover myself from my blanket. I got up from my bed and made sure to brush my teeth and wash my face. I put on minimum makeup and tied my hair into a messy bun. This wasn't even a date, yet I was struggling with what to wear. I finally settle on a pair of black leggings and a loose off the shoulder white shirt.

After a full day of shopping, we decided to wait on changing my hair color since it was getting late. We headed back to my place and I packed a few of my stuff to take along with me. He drove us to a huge hotel room that was about 30 minutes away from my little home.

He parked his car in a VIP parking spot and soon we made our way inside with Hoseok carrying most of the bags that we got from shopping. All I was carrying, were my little bag that I had packed.

Once we entered the hotel lobby, my eyes and mouth hung open at how huge and beautiful the hotel was. There was a beautiful crystal chandelier that hung in the middle of the lobby and the walls were filled with paintings. I couldn't help but think that it must cost a fortune for a person to stay in this place for one night.

Hoseok leads us to the front desk and the attendant greets us before handing him a key card. He takes the card from her, even though his hands were full, and gave the lady a tiny 'thank you.' He continues to walk towards the elevator and once we arrive Hoseok was struggling to press the up button so I pressed it for him.

"Thank you Areum."

I smile towards him to let him know that it was okay. The doors to the lift open reveling Namjoon on the other end of the door. He grins to us, showing off his deep dimples that I always admired about him, before grabbing a few bags from Hoseok.

"Well, it's no wonder you didn't answer your phone."

"Thanks, dude. And yeah sorry, I felt the phone ringing, but just couldn't get to it."

"It's cool. I was calling to see if you two arrived yet. I just had the cleaners take extra care of the room for Areum. By the way, nice to see you again Areum," He gave me a tiny wave.

"You too, Mr. Kim."

"Just call me Namjoon from now on. I'm not your boss anymore."

"Alright then Namjoon. It's good to see you again too."

Namjoon moves over to make room for Hoseok and me to get into the same elevator. Namjoon pressed the top floor button and we made our way to the top of the tall hotel building.

I didn't say anything but listen to the two friends converse. Apparently, I was given the best suite in the hotel. It was the biggest room and has all household necessities, from a kitchen, a bathroom, washer, dryer, a king-size bed, and a gorgeous view of Seoul.

I learned too that Namjoon's family actually owns a chain of Hotels across Korea. The hostess bar that he currently owns is only a hobby and he is to take over the hotel business from his father one day.

The lifts reached the top and the door open for all three of us. Namjoon lead us this time to the room that was all the way down towards the end of the hallway. I noticed that there were only two different rooms here, the room that we were heading towards and the room that was opposite of mine.

Hoseok used the keycard that he received earlier and the door clicks. He opens the door and went inside followed by Namjoon and me. The room was insanely enormous. I couldn't believe how big it was and that I was going to be staying here.

Hoseok and Namjoon drop my bags full of clothes and shoes on the ground next to the bed.

"It's getting pretty late. Namjoon and I will be leaving now and let you sort out your clothes and stuff however you want. Think of this place as your home now. Call me if you need anything. I'll bring it right to you. I don't live too far from here."

I thanked both of them and Hoseok tells me he'll be over tomorrow morning so we can start my training of becoming Yoona. He bids me a good night before both Hoseok and Namjoon left me alone in the gigantic room. My eyes wandered around the spacious area, but my body was weak and tired from everything that had happened today.

I toss the bag that I was carrying down next to all the shopping bags and sat down on the corner of the bed. I let my aching and exhausted body fall backward onto the duvet and thought about my day today. I took out my phone to check my bank account once again. I stared at the $250,000 that was still showing in my account.

I couldn't help but think to myself how I seriously went from rags to riches within one day. How my meeting with Namjoon really must be my turning point. How Hoseok seems to be the shining light that I prayed for every day since my parents left me.

But, Hoseok was too bright. He shines too brightly that it's hurting.

I need to remember that Jung Hoseok is only a temporary light. He will only light and guide me until the end of the dark tunnel. Or more like until the end of our contract. Then I have to face the darkness of the world alone without his light anymore. 

While laying in bed and having these thoughts, I made a few vows to myself. I vow to help Hoseok with my life and play my role as Yoona. I owe him that much at least for all he's done for me. I vow to help Grandma get her heart transplant. I vow to not rely on Hoseok's light.

I got up to take a shower despite my body refusing to listen to me and just wanting to crash down for the night. I changed into my own sleepwear after the shower and went to brush my teeth with my own toothbrush.

After rinsing my mouth clean, I saw my reflection in the mirror. She was staring right back at me and I opened my mouth to tell her one thing.

"Tonight is your last night as Oh Areum. You are Jung Yoona the moment you open your eyes tomorrow morning."

To Be Continued...

Shookieillegirl Shookieillegirl

Hello Loves, how is quarantine treating you all? I hope everyone is staying safe and washing those hands. Enjoy this chapter for now and I hope to see you all soon in the next update! ^_^


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