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You know when I got transported into this DC world, I expected to fight Darkseid with his armies, Sinestro with his Yellow Lantern Corps, Bizarro, Lex Luthor, Bat Family, Ra's Al Ghul with his ninja's group, evil speedsters or Amazo but not expected to fight an angry princess.

"Aargh!" I shouted in pain after being slapped by this angry princess.

Yup. You hear me, she slaps me many times. I ducked my head avoided being slapped by her but I instead got kicked on my stomach making me crash to the car.

"Hey! If you le--" I had to avoid being punched by her making me unable to finish my words.

The Flash meanwhile is eating popcorn's while watching this. Wait! Why he just watches this? Shouldn't he help her?

"Stay still you fiend!" She shouted and I quickly blast myself or the air and shot my ice blast to her freezing her.

"Okay. That should make her unable to stop moving for a while."

I then see a fist is about to hit my face.

"Crap," I said and activate Still Force making Flash movement stop for a second and time resumed with me ducked his punch and touch his left leg.

I freeze his left leg but a punch landed on my face sending me backwards.

He vibrates his leg making his leg returns back to normal but I already blast my still force to him making him frozen at his place.

I then activated Strength Force and deliver many punches to his ribs, abdomen and kick his knee.

Time resumed with him got send backwards and crash to the store just in time I block a punch from, angry princess.

"Okay woman!How about you calm right now and let me explain?" I told her and she stopped.

"Ok look. I am Overhaul but at the same time, not your lover." I told her but she just narrowed her eyes to me.

"How can I trust you after all you are a charmer and many women have fallen for you." She told making me wanted to punch my doppelganger right now.

"Then ask me a question that only we both knew?" I said to her.

"When is the date of our supposed date in France that you promised me?" She asked me.

"Nope. Never knew." I replied.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

She then took out her Lasso of Truth.

"So you are going to use that?" I asked her and my ear com made a sound.

"Overhaul. Incoming being at a very fast speed rate." Harrison said to me. No doubt that is Superman.

"Fine. You can use that." I said to her.

"But at my place," I told her and quickly tackle her into the warp gate that appeared begin her.

Just in time, Superman arrived to see there is no Overhaul and Wonder Woman.

"Damn it. I missed." He said.

"Batman. They are gone." He said to Batman through his ear com.

"We should not let Diana join Barry. We should have expected this to happen. Bring Barry back to Watchtower." He said to Superman.

"Okay," Superman replied.

Meanwhile, I am at Star Labs with Diana who just stares at me.

I open my mask and revealed my real face to her.

She looks surprised.

"I am Overhaul from another universe that comes with someone. I helped him and decided to become Overhaul to cover up my doppelganger." I told her.

"If you said indeed is true then I will believe you after you answered my question using my lasso." She said to me.

"Go ahead."


"Do you managed to track her?" Batman asked Martian Manhunter who shake his head.

"She even left her communicator," Superman said while showing Diana's communicator.

"Any idea where she could possibly go?" The Flash asked.

"She is not at her apartment. I already checked there." Hawk Woman said making Batman frown her eyes.

"Search other places. Goes to the place where she visited the most." Batman informed the others.


"So you satisfied now?" I asked Wonder Woman who nodded her head.

"So you really are from a different universe?" She asked me and I nodded my head.

She sighs and releases me from her lasso.

"I am sorry for my behaviour." She said to me by then she takes out her handphone and takes my picture.

"Why you take my picture of my face?" I asked her.

"I can tease your doppelganger later. Anyway, I should go to the Watchtower right now. Until we meet again Overhaul from a different universe." She told me and flew away from Star Labs.

I turned behind to see Harrison and Jesse who just smiled staring at me.

"Please tell me that I did not have any angry girlfriend that will search for me?" I ask them.

"Plenty of them actually," Jesse told me.

"Wonder Woman already met you and that left you with ---" Jesse closed his mouth.

"Let's just say she is not someone you did not know and rather did not know." She told me.

"As long as it is not some alien princess, I am fine with it," I said to them but Harrison nodded his head hearing my words.

"Fuck," I muttered.

"Okay, dude. Now let's go eat Big Belly Burger right now. I am starving." Jesse said to us

A week passed with me now in the plan showing my Still Force to Harrison Wells and Jesse.

"Hmm. Your power is identical to Turtle. " Harrison commented.

"Yeah. But my mastery over this power is not so great. " I told them and made the surround me become normal and many cups fell to the ground.

"No wonder you did not fear speedsters as your power is opposite to the speedsters," Harrison commented.

"Okay. So the other is Strength Force which made you have Super Strength, gravity manipulation and lastly ability to manipulate earth." Harrison said.

"Yup," I replied.

"So you got pyrokinesis, cryokinesis, Strength Force and Still Force," Jesse commented.

"Your powers are identical to your doppelganger but your doppelganger seems to possess telekinesis, telepathy and other psionic ability. Then the explosion power." Harrison said and showed me a video which showed the difference between me and my doppelganger."

"But you are weaker than him in term of offence as your fire manipulation still not able to match your doppelganger explosion power."

"Then I have to train my powers," I said to him.

"And this is how you will be training your powers." He said and then a hologram of my doppelganger appeared in front of me.

"I am so screwed," I said.

My luck these days are pretty bad.

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