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2 males can be seen walking in a forest with one is wearing a suit with a red skull symbol on his chest while the others are wearing a black jacket and can see a weapon on his back.

"So when can we arrived at Zoom's lair?" Brendan asked while eating A cheeseburger.

"2 km more," Harrison replied.

"It will be great if you can just make me use my powers to just go there," Brendan replied before stopping.

"Wells. Stop." I said to him and he stopped.

Sounds of stepping can be heard and a figure emerged from the forest.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," Brendan said as he sees a shark who has a human body in front of him.

"King Shark," Wells muttered and take a step. behind me.

"Hmm. Harrison Wells and Overhaul. " King Shark said to us. He stared at me.

"You are not our universe Overhaul. Your scent smelled different." He said to me.

"Smaller Overhaul. You look not so scary when you are small. " He said to me making me piss.

"Okay, if he said that I am weak, I will kill him using " that". I thought in my head.

"You must be weaker than this universe Overhaul. It will be fun to eat you." He said to me making me smiled and then laughed.

"Hahaha!Hahahaha!" I faked my laugh which made Harrison moved far from me as King Shark is the same when I moved to him.

"Just because your body is bigger and you are just a damn shark you can say that I am weak huh?" I said and approaches him.

"You know everyone kept comparing me with my doppelganger saying that I am younger, smaller and most of all they thought I am weaker than him," I said and the forest now has a cold air surrounding it.

"And look them now, they are now in jail suffering for their whole life. I knew what my doppelganger do and admit he is cooler, stronger and crueller than me." I said.

"Defeated the Justice League and even the villains, saving this world many times. But who says he is different than me?" I said and put my hand on the ground making it split with many earth spikes stabbed King Shark's body making him roar in pain.

"I can just be like him you know? I already killed people. What is the count again? 3?4? Probably not more than 5 I think. But I decided to stay kind after all l am young. I am a damn 13 years old who just tried to search for a place to call home.

Living at Gotham will be made me hunted by Batman because I killed 2 people which is not my fault. I defended myself you know from getting killed since it is Gotham I know you tot that.

Goes to Starling City and get many families figures for a year I think before the friend no former friend I had told me that she did not want to meet me again.

Did you know-how frustrated am I when hear those words from my friend?" I asked him.

"I felt nothing because why? I already knew no one will befriend with me. " I touch his face.

Then his body exploded no got disassembled and his blood splattered on my body.

Then I assembled back his body and there he is folks, King Shark.

I punch his right face sending him to many trees.

"You know, I never roast a shark yet," I said and activate my blue fire.

"It seems today I got the chance to raise a shark. A humanoid and alive one." I said to the humanoid shark by showing a sinister smile to him making him tried to run despite his body is injured.

"Where are you running to Shark?" I said and made a firewall in front of him making it step backwards.

"I am still not done with you!" I said and many fires spears conjured from my hand.

I threw them to King Shark who scream in pain and a large fire blade appeared on my hand.

I then stand its stomach making it roar in pain. That's right, Scream more. Yell more in pain. I wanted to hear it.

Then someone taps my shoulder and turned my head to see Wells is the one interrupted my fun time with King Shark.

"What?" I asked him in a cold tone.

"Leave him in the forest. He already got injured." Wells said to me.

"Besides are you the one who said to me that you will rescue my daughter? Are you going back on your words?" He asked me making me closed my eyes with me deactivating all my powers.

I breathe a few time and calm down myself.

"Yeah. Sorry. Guess my anger take over myself. Sorry." I told him.

"It's alright. Come on, the better we rescued my daughter, the more sooner you can eat your foods at my lab." He told me and I chuckle hearing that.

"Let's go." He said to me and we continue our walk until we reached into a building.

"The signal ended in that building." He told me and I goes to the front door.

I put my hand in the door and freeze it.

"You wanted to do the honour of shattering it," I asked him.

"My pleasure." He said and used his gun to break it only to see another wall.

He looked at me."It will be more dramatic if I break it only to have my daughter sees me break the frozen wall." Wells replied making me laugh.


It's been days since I got kidnapped here and become Zoom's hostage. I am kept in I'm some sort of cage with the cage making metahuman unable to use their power.

As for me who did not have any power, I got zero chance to break the cage or got free from this cage.

There is another hostage and he is a male. But I cannot sees his face as he wears a metal mask.

And he always knocks his cage which irritated me.

"Seriously, if Overhaul is here, I will be not kidnapped and Zoom with his henchmen will not be able to take over Central City."

"But that bastard speedster did not appear for days. Even Reverb, Black Siren, Death Storm and Killer Frost did not appear at this place. Maybe they abandoned this place. If only I can free myself from this place."

Then I noticed the wall got frozen and the first thing I thought is Killer Frost is here but then the frozen wall got break by someone. 2 a figure entered the room.

"Dad?" I called him with tears of happiness fell to the ground seeing my father.

"Jesse." My father said and approach my cage.

"I came to rescue with your favourite superhero, Overhaul." He said and I looked behind to see Overhaul who wears his old suit with him looks smaller and younger.

"Why he looks so small and younger than me? And what is with that old suit?" I asked my father.

"I will explain to you later." He said and looked at Overhaul.

"Oh. Step back beautiful." He said to me. Who knew he is such a flatterer.

He touches the cage and then the cage got destroyed instantly and my father hugged me tightly with him let out tears of happiness.

I am the same as I missed my father very badly.

"Are you alright? Zoom did not do anything you right?" My father breaks the hug and asks me questions.

"No. He did not." I replied making him sigh in relief.


While I give the space and time for both father and daughter to enjoy their reunion, I am now looking at the masked man.

"Is this Jay Garrick?" I wondered.

"Wait. If I freed him, there is a chance that he will attack me. After all, even the heroes like Doctor Fate and Wild Cat fought against me but ended up losing."

But I put my hand on the cage and it got disassembled.

He warily stared at me.

"You can walk out right now," I told him and he stopped out.

He then pointed his hand to the mask and I nodded my head but I chopped his neck to knock him out.

"Why did you knock him out?" Wells asked me.

"Just trusting my guts feeling to knock him out," I replied and he nodded his head.

I opened my warp gate.

"Come on, let's go back to your labs and eat Big Belly Burger," I told them they nodded his head.

I had to carry Jay's body bringing him to enter my portal.

I then disabled the mask and it is indeed Jay Garrick, the First Flash.

So I decided to open the warp gate near the police station that I see when I am strolling and put his body near the police so the police call his family to pick him up.

"So little Overhaul, who are you really? " Jesse's asked me.

"Overhaul from another universe," I replied.

"Seriously?" She asked and I opened up my mask revealing my face.

"See. The proof is here." I replied.

"Okay. I believe you." Jesse said.

Then an alarm sounded and Wells opened his computer.

"Overhaul. Problem." He said and shows me a live video from the news.

"Huh? Who is that?" I asked them.

"That is Girder. Has super strength and his body can turn into steels that once made The Flash broke his right hand." Wells replied making me smiled.

"Nice. Let's see how he faces my punches." I replied and wore my mask back.

"You better hurry up or I will finish eating your precious burger," Jesse said to me with me smiling.

"Oh sweetheart, I will be back as soon as possible," I told her and opened a warp gate to the store to beat some reject Colossus.

Harrison Wells looked at her daughter who just stares at Overhaul's back.

"You just flirt with him in front of me." He said to his daughter who just smiled hearing that.

"What? He is a cute plus when he goes older he will be handsome. Besides, do you ever tell him about his doppelganger relationship with you know who?" Jesse asked his father who shake his head.

"Nope but I will not tell him. Besides, it is not his business and problem." Wells said.

Meanwhile, I am now walking confidently towards Girder who stared at me.

He throws me a truck towards me but I fired my blue fire flame towards that truck which exploded after being hit by my attack.

Then I see Girder who rush through the fire and tried to tackle me but I used my ice to freeze him on the spot.

But my attack failed as he just runs through my ice blast attack.

I click my tongue seeing this and decided to blast myself on the air and blast a big fire iron fist that hit him.

"Take this!" I delivered a huge column of fire headed to him but he did not seem to be bothered with it and dash to me.

He throws a right hook to me with his metal right hand.

I block it with crossing my arm but that punch sends me backwards.

"Hah. All your attacks are useless against me you fake Overhaul!" He shouted and throws a straight punch to my face but I blocked it easily.

"Then we have to do this with fists," I said with Strength Force in me started to strengthen my whole body.

I punch his face sending him to move backwards but my attacks did not end there as I delivered a kick to his knee making him lost his footing.

An uppercut hit his jaw sending him to the air.

I jump to the air and axe kick him to the ground with the ground shook and a crack can be seen.

I landed to him with my elbow landed directly on his stomach and the crack in the ground become bigger and the ground shakes a little bit.

"Aaargh!" He grunts in pain.

I got over the top of him and delivered many punches to his face many times with my punches started to make dents on his face.

He roared and stand up.

I blast myself from him and launched back to him.

But he jumped and tried to knee my face.

"Shit," I muttered and duck his knee barely.

Girder then delivers many punches to me bit I block it with delivered my punches on his body.

Our fists clashed as shockwaves are made each time his metal fists met with my punch.

I aimed my punched to his abdomen many time but he headbutts me making me dizzy but I replied back with head butting him back making him fell to the ground.

I grab his right leg as I spin my body many time as he screams demanding me to let go and I heed his order sending him to be thrown very far to crash to a building a kilometre away from me.

"Heh. How's that you bastard?" I shouted at him loudly but no answer can be heard from him.

"Overhaul. Get out of there right now." Wells informed me suddenly as I see a blur is about to clash with me.

"Uh oh," I muttered but I covered my body in my blue flame and burst it making the blur hit my burning body.

I see the red speedster crash to the trash bin.

Seeing the Flash did not move, I freeze his leg but I only managed to freeze both of his legs as my attention now is on the newcomer.

"Wonder Woman," I muttered and she looks at me.

"Why?" I suddenly heard her speak.

"Why did you not tell me that you have returned to this planet you fiend?!" She shouted and delivered a punch to me.

I blocked it with my right palm but I wince in pain-blocking her punch. Damn, this woman is strong.

But the question is why she seems so angry?

"Ah. I forgot to tell you but your doppelganger is in a relationship with Wonder Woman." I heard Jesse informed me through the ear com making me widen my eyes.

"Fuck! Can you not tell this thing earlier? Now how can I explain to this angry princess that I am not her beloved Overhaul." I thought in my head while cursing my doppelganger.

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