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"Damn, my doppelganger is really famous here," I muttered while watching many figures of my doppelganger and posters.

My doppelganger wears the same cloth astonished does expect his skull symbol is red.

And my doppelganger seems to have ice power like me but the most noticeable thing is his gauntlet.

"Do not tell me that he has Bakugou's quirk, explosion?" I thought.

"But looking at him he seems to be colder and older." I looked at my doppelganger images.

"It seems he has clashed against The Flash and won by severely injured both his knees. Winning against Green Arrow by exploding his face and shoulder many time. Damn, my doppelganger is brutal." I thought while scrolling the news of my doppelganger achievement.

"Okay. It seems Daily Planet did not support me as their articles kept criticizing my actions. " I thought before sees the name who writes this news.

"No wonder, Clark Kent and Lois Lane. " I thought.

"Both of them seems to oppose my action. Damn no wonder my doppelganger put kryptonite on Superman's hand, then blast explosion directly to his eyes with both of his hands. He must be annoyed with them."

Then a headline catches my eyes.

"Overhaul gain a victory upon fighting Justice League."

I blinked my eyes many time reading the headline.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed in the store making everyone looked at me.

"Sorry," I muttered before an old man approached me.

"What got you so surprised son?" He asked me.

"This headline." I showed them this headline. He laughed seeing this headline.

"Hahaha. You should see how Overhaul defeats the Justice League easily alone. I got videos on my phone. Want to watch them?" He said to me and I nodded my head.

In the end, I spend hours watching my doppelganger fighting the Justice League. I watch how my doppelganger trapped them I a dome of ice and throw kryptonite to Superman making him unable to move.

Then he moved to injured the Flash. Shazam tried to hit him but my doppelganger catches his punch easily. No doubt my doppelganger uses Strength Force.

Then I see my doppelganger blast explosion directly to his nose making Shazam grab his bloody nose.

He did not wait as he slammed down his fist to Shazam making a big crack on the ground. Damn. His punch is powerful. Even I did not reach his level.

Martian Manhunter tried to attack his neck but my doppelganger unleased his explosion with a stronger explosion on his face and without mercy but the Martian alive.

Aquaman tried to stab my doppelganger but then his body froze on the midair.

"Sage Force." I thought in my head. So my doppelganger did not have Still Force.

He then spins Aquaman very fast before making him fell to the ground with his head hit the ground very hard.

In this universe, there are Green Lantern available for now based on the video, Hal Jordan and John Stewart.

They tried to cage him but then the cage disappeared.

"Overhaul's quirk?" I thought in my head but then I noticed he did not move as Green Lantern projection got destroyed no it got erased suddenly.

"An invisible attack. That means one thing. A stand. Moreover, it's The Hand." I thought and sees both GL Lantern suddenly got pulled towards him and their rings got snatched by my doppelganger.

Then they got punch many time and crash to the ground.

Batman is the only one who left and I see he got easily defeated as my doppelganger used telekinesis to made him crash to a building.

As for Wonder Woman and Hawkwoman, my doppelganger just trapped them in ice.

"Too powerful. My doppelganger is powerful than me." I thought in my head.

I give back the old man phone and buy a shirt with my doppelganger picture and a figure from his store. I returned back to Star Labs and entered Harrison's workshop.

"So I take it your strolling made you gain knowledge about your doppelganger." He said to me.

"Yeah. Damn. Defeating Justice League full of many powerful and intelligent being. No wonder you said Zoom feared my doppelganger." I told him.

"Told you. Anyway, your suit is almost done." He told me while I watch my suit.

"Look scary. This is enough to scare my enemies. So which planet my doppelganger currently located right now?" I asked him.

"Do not know but knowing he is alive is suffice for me and the citizens." He replied.

"So have you got any clue where to locate Reverb or any Zoom's lackey?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I got one. " He told me and tap something on his computer. Then the computer showed a lived video at Starling City with a woman fighting with a policeman.

And guess who the woman is, Black Siren, the doppelganger of Laurel Lance.

"She is Zoom's, right-hand man or woman. I suggest you go there first." He told me.

"The suit is not done yet," I replied but he just smiled.

"Since Overhaul of this universe is stranded on another planet, how about you replace his place for a while?" Harrison said and then type something.

From behind me, a suit can be seen. It looked liked Crossbones suit from MCU.

"I hope you are not too small for that suit." He said to me making me smile. I wear a suit and look at the mirror.

"Okay. This suit is too big for me. " I said to him making him laugh but then the suit shrink and now the suit is perfectly fit to my body.

"Okay. Now I wanted to tell you about the suit. It can withstand your fire and ice ability plus bulletproof. Can withstand strong hits and have ear com that can make me talk to you. " He told me.

"Nice," I replied and open a warp gate near the Black Siren.

I see Black Siren just used his sonic scream to blast off the cops with the police cars.

"Umm. Wells. I forget to ask you but can this suit withstand her sonic scream." I asked him.

"Yes, it can," Wells replied.

"Good." I then landed down with creating an ice wall around me and Black Siren.

She looked at me and wondered her eyes. I can see her fear. Wow. Didn't know my doppelganger is really scary?

"Y-y-you h-h-ha-a-ve returns?" She asked me making me feel pity for her.

"Obviously to arrest you, Black Siren," I replied and notices one thing.

"Ah, crap. My voice sounded not kike my doppelganger." I thought in my head.

"Your voice? Now I got it. You are a fraud wearing Overhaul's suit." She said in a confident tone.

"Is she's stupid or what? I just create an ice wall like my doppelganger?" I thought in my head.

"Let's see how you like this fraud." She said and release her canary scream.

I got thrown backwards and crash to a police car. I groan in pain.

I regain my standing and aimed a punch to her but she easily dodged.

She then kicks my hip. My face hit the ground first.

"Ouch." I groan.

She then kicks my face making me grunt in pain and step my stomach harshly making me scream in pain.

"S-stop. I g-give up." I told her but she steps me many times.

"This is what you got for trying to play the hero." She said while keeping stepping my stomach.

Harrison Wells who sees this then rub forehead."Really, he had to do that? His tactic and personality are the same as his doppelganger." He said.

"Let's just hope that he did not kill her." He said.

Meanwhile, I am trying my best to not just burn her right now.

"Now boy, how do you want to die? Get step by a hundred time or scream at your ear?" She asks me.

"What? Can you repeat that? I cannot hear it." She now is near me.

"I said I will kill you bitch," I said clearly and I activate up my blue fire.

She steps back and wants to release her canary scream to me but my blue fire already hit her.

She rolled her body on the ground and stand up back.

"Your fire is useless to me!" She said.

"Only your suit woman," I told her and moved my finger and the fire grows bigger making her scream but then she released a scream to a nearby pipe and the water hit his body.

My blue fire got erased and she smirked seeing this."Your blue fire is weak compared to the original Overhaul." She taunted me.

"Bitch," I muttered and shot my blue fire to her and she responds back with her canary scream.

"Got you," I said and my fire blast spread.

"You miss." She said to me with 2 blue fire around orb can be seen around her.

"Wrong. The fire is where I wanted where it be." I said and command the fire surrounded her.

"Give up before you got burned alive ugly," I said to her but she then released her canary scream making her fly to the air but my fire chased her.

My fire then combined and a hand made of blue fire grab her.

The fire hand then slammed her down to the ground and it rises again and then slammed her to the ground again.

"20 times you step against me so it is fair I slammed you down to the ground 20 times right?" I asked her.

"Bam!" Bam!"

"W-w-wait!" She said to me.

"I-I give up." She told me and I just stared at her.

"Okay. I will let you go." I said and sees her has a relief expression on her face.

"Right after you got slammed down 17 times," I said to her and her eyes winded hearings this.

"But if you tell me where Zoom's lair is, I can release you," I told her.

She grits her teeth hearing this.

"Looks like a " No." Time to slam you down." The fire hand moved but then it got freezing.

I turn behind to see 3 individuals who are now staring at me. My ice wall already got melt.

"Hi, there young Overhaul." Reverb, the bad doppelganger of Cisco Raymond greeted me.

"Reverb. I see you bring your friends." I told him.

"Of course, after all, we are facing you and at the same time kill you." Reverb announces in a cold tone.

"I will burn you alive Overhaul!" The bad doppelganger of Ronnie, Deathstorm told me.

"Get in the line hot head. I am going to freeze him up to death." Killer Forst, the bad doppelganger of Caitlyn said to his lover.

I crack my knuckles and neck seeing the enemies I will fight.

"Bring it on losers," I told them.


"Sir, are you seeing this?" Alfred asked Bruce Wayne who is behind him.

"Yes. It could not be. He should not be able to return this early." Bruce said.

He then took out his home and called the person he trusted the most.

"Clark? You are seeing what I am seeing right now?" He asks.

"The live news from Starling City that shows Overhaul fighting those villains. Yes. I am watching it." Clark Kent AKA Superman replied.

"Called the others. We must assemble right now." Bruce said.

"Okay," Clark replied.

"Tell Damien and Tim to go sleep early and make sure he did not sneak out to patrol the city, Alfred," Bruce told his butler who nodded his head.


"Brendan, can you take them?" Wells asked me.

"Yeah. I can take them." I replied.

"Do it," Wells said and I unleashed a big wave of fire to them with Killer Frost respond back with her own ice wave that melted upon meeting my blue fire wave.

"Dodged." Reverb shouted and he opened a portal and entered it.

Deathstorm carried Killer Frost to the air by flying.

Killer Frost then shot icicles to me but the icicles melted when they approached near me.

I then made 2 fire hound and command them to attack that couple.

I blast my fire to behind me with Reverb avoiding it.

"He sure is one troublesome opponent," I muttered.

"But not a big problem for you," Wells said and I smack down my hand creating ice spikes that sprouted everywhere.

Reverb who just opened his dimensional gate barely dodged my ice spike making him stunned for a bit.

"Hit him!" Wells commented and many ice spikes attacked Reverb who blasted away my ice spikes.

"Ice Eagles," I muttered and 5 ice eagles launched to Reverb very fast making him close his gate but I can see one ice eagle hit his body.

I turn my head to the couple and sees Deathstorm left Killer Frost to fend off my fire hound.

Deathstorm blasts his fire towards me and hit my body.

"Ha! You deserve that Overhaul!" He shouted.

"Yawn. Your flame is not hot." I said making him angry.

I then slammed him down to the ground with gravity manipulation that came from Strength Force.

I increased the pressure making him scream in pain.

"Stop!" Killer Frost shouted but I ignored her plea. In anger, she screams with cold air surrounded her with my fire hound got frozen.

She then made ice spikes to stab me but I respond back with a huge fire fist destroying her ice spikes and hit her.

"Fire Prison!" I said and prison is made around her.

"Moved and you will be melted," I told her who is not comfortable with the blue that is slowly burning her.

"Come out Reverb or your friends die," I said and he appeared with a switch.

"How about you let them go?" He asked me.

"Tell me one reason why I should not kill your friend," I asked him.

"Because of this switch that I am holding will activate the bomb in Zoom's lair." He replied making my glare harden.

"Brendan. " Wells called me.

"I know but you can count me in this. I know how to handle this situation." I told him.

"You better," Wells said.

"I promise you we will get your daughter back," I said to him.

"Now free my friends." He said to me.

"Fine. " I replied and his friends got freed. But all of them cannot move as they are very injured.

"Naive thinking young Overhaul. " He said and blast me with his vibrational blast making me roll on the ground.

"Hahaha. If the " you" from this universe sees this, he will be disappointed." He said and shot his vibration blast towards me who grit my teeth in pain.

"You know, the older you kept beating me every time we met and nearly lose my hand. " He said and shot vibration blast to me who screams in pain.


"Maybe I should turn on this switch to kill the hostage at Zoom's lair." He said to me making me smile.

"Why are you smiling huh?" He said and shot me.

"Brendan. Your vital is dropping." He tells me.

"Geez. Your ego is high compared to the other " you". I told him.

"Because he did not discover yet this amazing power." Reverb said.

"You are right. He maybe did not discover his power but you knew what is the difference between you and him?" I asked him.

"What is the difference? He is far from me but you meanwhile is close to me." I said and activate my strength force.

I put my hand on the ground and activated one of Strength Force's ability, geokinesis, the ability to manipulate Earth.

Multiple cone-shaped spikes rise up from the ground and stabbed Reverb making him let go of the switch.

I quickly grab it.

"Bet you did not see that coming Reverb," I told him.

"F-f-fuck you." He said to me and I punched his face knocking him out.

"Language dude," I said and sees the police officers approached me.

"Overhaul. You are back. How glad we are having you back." One officer said to me.

"Hahaha. I still got to protect the Earth from harm." I replied.

"Your voice. And your body. Did you get younger?" Another police officer asked me.

"Kinda," I replied.

"Until we meet again officers and remember guys, you guys are the real heroes," I told them and activated my warp gate.

I then walk passed through it.

Harrison Wells looked at me.

"So how am I? Good?Better?Not bad?" I asked him.

"Please don't say that I do worse than my doppelganger," I said to him.

"No, rather you do the same thing as your doppelganger," Wells said to me making me sigh in relief.

"But now you must be aware now if you wanted to patrol this city." He said to me.

"Why?" I asked and he then on the television. I see all news now is talking about my return.

"Oh. The Justice League" said me.

"Yes. Now they will know that you have returned. They will send their strongest members or the whole League to this city." Said, Harrison Wells.

"That just means I must train harder than before," I replied.

"And I will help you with your training but give me the switch. I will be able to track its signal to Zoom's lair." He said to me.

"Call me when you managed to locate Zoom's lair. I am going to Big Belly Burger to buy 2 special sets for me. " I said.

"Brendan. Buy 3 special sets for me." He said to me.

"Wow. You sure eat a lot." I told him.

"No. Only one made me full. The remaining 2 is for my daughter." He said to me while smiling.

"And please hurry back to this lab. I cannot wait to meet my daughter." He said to me.

"Copy that Boss," I replied and open the wall gate to go to the Big Belly Burger at this universe.


The Justice League now is in their meeting room with all of them are watching the video Overhaul's battle against Killer Frost, Black Siren, Death Storm and Reverb.

"His fighting style and powers, it's him." The Flash muttered.

"But why his fire is blue?" Green Arrow asked

"Maybe he got over his explosion power," Shazam replied.

"But look at this body figure, he looks smaller and listens to his voice, as a teenager speak," Superman said.

"Anyway, we must send one or 2 League members to go there. Flash obviously will be there but who will accompany him?" Batman asked.

"I will." Wonder Woman replied.

"Are you sure Wonder Woman?"Hawk Woman asked and Wonder Woman nodded her head.

" Call us if things thing got worse," Superman said and both Flash and Wonder Woman nodded their head.

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