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Previously, Overhaul has left Starling City but before he left the city, he rescued his big sister figure, Laurel Lance from Deathstroke and left the city. Upon arriving at Central City, he rescued The Flash from Doctor Light and captured Zoom.

"So you are saying you wanted my help to to make a better suit for you?" Cisco asked me.

"Yeah. It is a pain for me to keep change this hood you know." I told him and he laughed hearing this.

"Give me 2 days and your hero suit will be done," Cisco said to me.

"Good," I told him.

"See you guys tomorrow," I said and open a warp gate to my hotel room leaving an awed Cisco.

"Damn. Wish I had that. Can go anywhere easily." Cisco said and proceeded to build-up Overhaul's suit.


"Fuck. I am bored right now." I muttered while laying myself on the bed.

"If only I got the place to train my powers," I said before I slapped my forehead.

"I can just train there as Star Labs has. got a floor for me to train my powers," I said and open a warp gate directly to Star Labs. I teleported directly to their main room and sees all of them are shocked seeing my appearance. Of course, they are shocked as I did not wear my Overhaul suit.

"Mm. Hi? You guys must be wondering who am I right? I am an Overhaul. But my real name is Brendan Hunter." I introduce myself to them.

"You looked so young. How old are you?" Joe asked me.

"13 years old," I replied.

"Shouldn't you be at school right now?" Iris asked me.

"I already graduated from high school since I am super clever," I told them in a cocky tone.

"So what are you doing here?" Caitlyn asked me.

"Just wanted to test out my powers. So have you got any space for me to train my powers?" I asked them.

"Sure. Follow me." Harrison Wells said to me.

"Okay," I replied and followed him.

"Are you sure we can leave him with Harry?" Caitlyn asked Barry.

"He is going to be okay. Plus Harry seems comfortable when we talk about him." Barry replied.

"By the way where's Cisco?" Joe asked.

"Building Overhaul's suit. He asked him to build it yesterday." Barry replied.

"So are you from another universe?" Brendan asked Harry who nodded his head.

"Yeah." He replied while inspection me."You look younger than your doppelganger." He replied.

"Why everyone kept saying I look younger than him? Please tell me he is not some 40 years old man or just has an old face." Brendan asked him making Harry chuckle a little bit.

"No. No. Your doppelganger looks 20 or 21 years old if my guess is correct." Harry replied.

"Your way of talking seems like you are close to my doppelganger," Brendan said to him.

"Your doppelganger rescued me and my-I mean me when Zoom tried to attack us. " He said to me.

"But you had to take care of some universal problems leaving Zoom to take over the city," Harrison said to me.

"Oh. Guess I am pretty popular at your Earth." I told him.

"Popular is not the world that I will use for your doppelganger since everyone will recognise you even from far away." Harrison Wells told me.

"So I am like Batman? When people see his shadow or silhouette they started to run away?" Brendan asked him.

"Something like that." Harrison Wells replied.

They then arrived at the training room where many targets are there.

"Hey? So I guess you knew about my powers." Brendan asked him.

"I only knew you have that blue fire and ice ability. Plus that warp gate." Harrison Wells told me.

"Cool," Brendan replied and activate his blue fire.

Then he made many fireballs which then turn into shuriken and him throw them at the target which sliced to half.

"You are working to make shapes with your flame?" Harrison asked Brendan.

"Yup. I mean making fireballs are too cliche so I tried to make many weapons out of flames. I already made fireballs and spear. So I tried to make shuriken's and perhaps a disk with the blade." Brendan told him.

"Nice ideas. Here you go." Harrison said and activated the training room targets to appear.


"Do you see how nice of them 2 talking to each other?" Cisco who just arrived a the main room asked the others while watching the interaction between Brendan and Harrison.

"He made a joke with him," Cisco told them.

"Yes, we see it Cisco," Joe said and they see Brendan made a dragon head with it breathe a fire blast to the targets burning all the time.

"Too much?" Barry asked.

"Too much," Caitlyn replied.

Then they see Brendan put out the fire by unleashing his ice blast towards all that burning targets.


"So which villain Flash will be fighting today?" I asked them.

"Just some robbers," Cisco said while sipping a drink.

"So anyone hungry?" I asked them.

"I am hungry. Why?" Caitlyn asked.

"Because I am going to use my warp gate to go to Big Belly Burger. So anyone wanted to join me? I asked them.

"Me!Me!" Cisco suddenly said with excitement can be heard in his voice.

"You wanted to walk pass through his warp gate," Joe replied

"What? I mean it's not every day we can walk pass through a gate which is like Doraemon's door to go anywhere." Cisco replied.

"Good point there Cisco," Iris said.

I open the gate with Cisco followed me.

We entered Big Belly Burger with me ordered 3 special sets with Cisco ordered 4 regular sets. Of course, his orders are for others while my orders are mine.

We walk out of the Big Belly Burger and I spotted a stall for Smoothie.

"Hey. Wait for a minute for me okay? I wanted to buy a smoothie?" I told him.

"You mean 3 smoothies," Cisco said to me and I just smiled hearing that.

Then his phone ring."Hello, Cisco here. What!" Cisco they ran towards me who just buy 3 smoothies.

"Brendan. Urgent. Caitlyn is acting weird and she is about to kidnap by Grodd. " Cisco said.

I quickly grab his hand and entered the cleaner room. I opened my Warp Gate outside the Star Labs.

"Hold these for me Cisco. I got a gorilla to beat." I said to him and I blast ice spikes towards Grodd who avoided them.

"You. You tried to hit Grodd." Caitlyn said. No. That is Grodd speaking.

"Let her go before you got to hurt her you fake Caesar," I told him.

"No," Caitlyn replied and Grodd stares at me.

Oh shit. He is trying to attack my head. But then my head felt like being hit by something which made me confuse along with Grodd.

"Why? Why can't I hit enter your head?" Grodd suddenly spoke to me.

"Guess I have a thick head," I replied before sees Grodd growled and looked at Cisco.

"Cisco. Go through that warp gate and waited for Caitlyn ." I told him and he nodded his head.

I open the warp gate with him quickly entered it.

I then said down my hand making an ice wall between Grodd and Caitlyn.

I then made a warp gate behind her and Cisco quickly pulled her inside.

I then closed the warp and crack my neck.

"It's my dream to fight a King Kong but fighting a semi half-size King Kong is not bad too," I told that damn ape.

I blast many icicles towards it but it jumped forward making me smiled.

"Fool," I muttered and slammed down my hand to the ground with many pieces of ice spikes headed to Grodd who smack the ice spikes down but 3 ice spikes stabbed its knees.

But that damn ape destroyed those ice spikes and I jump to my right avoiding the landing ape.

"How that feels ape?" I asked him for making it growls.

"Let's see how you like this." I then made a big ice shuriken and throw it towards Grodd who avoided it but I already dash to him with a long ice spear moved to stab its right shoulder.

It roared in pain and smack me away. I rolled down on the ground and then froze down the ground making him unable to jump.

"Got you," I said and made the ice to envelop his whole body.

Then the Flash arrived and I looked at him."Dude. You arrived at the time I defeated this ape. You didn't live up your name as the Fastest Man Alive. you know." I told him.

"Sorry. I had to stop many robberies along my way." He told me.

"Apology accepted. So you got a cage for this ape." I asked him.

"No. We don't." He replied.

"But I know who can help us to jail it." The Flash replied.

"Hmm. That means he will call ARGUS for help. Damn. At this rate, my status as Anti-Hero will be known and I had to leave another city again." I thought in my head.

3 days passed as the incident happens with Cisco has finished making my suit. It seems Barry goes to Starling City to help Oliver.

I meanwhile am packing my things when my phone got a call.

"Brendan. Can you come to Star Labs? I want to talk to you about something." Barry asked me.

Something is wrong here. I can hear the nervous tome of him.

But I open a warp gate and step through it only to avoid a dart that directed to my neck.

I see Oliver Queen who glared at me.

"What the hell is your problem?" I shouted at him with my left eye now has blue fire surrounding it.

"Whoa, Brendan. Calm down. " Barry said before I pointed my hand towards him.

"Then why do you have a dart behind your hand," I said to him and all of them tense.

I see Lyla, Diggle, Felicity along with Team Flash are all looking at me.

"Arresting a murderer," Barry said to me.

"Really. This is I got after I saved your ass huh?" I told him.

"Brendan Hunter, I need you to come with me to ARGUS before I used force to make you come with me." Lyla threat me but I respond back with making blue fire surround me.

"Make me," I replied.

"Give up, Brendan. You are outnumbered here." Diggle said to me.

"Please. I can beat you guys alone." I told them.

"Please. Give up Brendan. What you do is wrong." Barry said to me.

"Wrong? By killing those horrible rapists and thugs, I made Gotham citizens walked on the street while feeling safe. You looked at the crime rate, it decreased. " I told them.

"Plus, why don't you arrest Oliver there? He too has taken the life of many people during the past 5 years. Even learning under a group of assassins." I told them they all stared at Oliver who gritted his teeth.

"Is it true?" Barry asked."It is kinda complicated, Barry." Oliver replied"Hey! He put an arrow through someone head. Unlike me who burn criminals almost to half-dead." I said to them.

"But you cripple them!" Barry shouted making me a bit angry.

"Oh yeah. You think that those fucking criminals will become turn over a new leaf. No way they will. You, a person who did not see the dark side of the world and experience it will not understand my actions." I told Barry.

"Whatever. This ended now." Barry said and he sped to me with Oliver shot his arrow to me but then my hand spread a green aura around me making everything around me slowed down.

I shut down my fire and casually walk beside Barry.

I made an ice dagger and stab his right knee deeply and punches his face 3 times.

Then I approached Oliver and use my ice dagger to stabbed his left leg and right shoulder before delivering an uppercut to his jaw.

Then the surrounding around me changed back. go normal and Barry fell to the ground with Oliver flew up and crash down to the floor.

"Open fire," Lyla said. Diggle and her shot towards me and I slowed down everything yet again for around before catching those bullets easily and let the time resumes.

"Too slow." I told them and dropped down those bullets.

"Open your eyes. This world needed someone like me to exist. A hero who kills criminals, not some false heroes like you who put the criminals into prison then the criminals he gets out and caused many innocent people to die." I told them.

"That is not what heroes do. " Barry said.

"If we do that, we are no better than mercenary, killers and them." Oliver said "Like Deathstroke? Or you?" I asked.

"Yes. What you said are right. I am not better than a killer but a killer who ended the life of people who did not deserve to stay alive on this planet." I told them.

I open my warp gate behind me.

"One advice for you. Do not call me when you got a crisis okay?" I told them and close my warp gate.

Good grief. My expectations are right. They, of course, will monitor me and checked through the cameras in this city to catch me.

"Well, time to go to New York City I guess," I said.

But then, I hear my phone rings. An unknown number?

I pick up the call."Listen, Brendan, This is Harrison Wells. Meet me at the Jitters right now. ARGUS and the team are just recovering themselves. Meet you there. I already am at there." Harrison said to me.

"Bring your backpack too." He said and ended the call.

"Hmm. This guy perhaps has some news to tell me. Let's just go meet him." I open a war gate near the Jitters whole ringing out my backpack.

I entered the Jitters and goes straight to the second floor to see Harrison Wells who nodded his head to me. I approached him Is it the opposite of him and put my backpack next to his backpack.

"So what do you want with me?" I asked him.

"Come with me. Go to another universe." Harrison said to me.

"Okay. But I think you are hiding something." I said to him.

"Yes. I-I needed your help to rescue my daughter. Zoom captured her and imprisoned her at his lair." He told me.

"Okay, I will help you," I told him.

"Thanks. So as payback, here look this. " He showed a live video of Star Labs.

He then pressed a button before the Star Labs light, no the entire building shut down. I looked at him.

"EMP. I installed it secretly behind the Flash suit. A small one but enough to make the Star Labs goes offline for 3 days." she said to me.

"Cool. So how do we needed to go to another universe? Isn't Barry is the only one who goes through that dimension portal?' I asked him.

" No. I can use this." He showed me a device that looked like a ring. No, it looked like a mini-portal.

"Yes, this device let me able to open a portal to another dimension by pressing this button. Designed by me along with you and other scientists. I managed to keep it as a secret from everyone." Wells said to me.

"So what are we waiting for? I cannot wait to go to another universe." I said to him.

We entered an alley while I am looking around to see if there any people following us.

"Okay. Line clear. Open the portal." I told him and he activated it. Whoa. This portal connected directly to other universe and all you had to do is walk passed through it.

We walked lass through it and I sees a futuristic Central City.

Damn, this world is more advanced than the universe I lived."Come on. Let's go to Star Labs and get my things. Without Zoom here, we can move freely." He told me.

"You can just say that I am here as your bodyguard," I told him.

"Also give me your suit. I will make some upgrade into it." He told me.

We enter the Star Labs with many people greeted him but news catch my eyes when I looked at the television.

"OVERHAUL IS ALIVE AND CURRENTLY IS AT ANOTHER PLANET!" I read and looked at Harrison who gestures me to come to him.

"I will explain to you about this later. But in this world, you are respected by many people and national leaders as your method of handling criminals are favoured by them. " Harrison informed me.

"Cool," I replied.

"But you must know that some of the heroes did not favour you. But I guess you already knew which heroes did not like you." He said to me.

"I already figured it out. So is The Flash exist here?" I asked him.

"Yes and No. First, Jay Garrick is indeed the Flash but he is the first one. The current Flash is Wally West." He told me.

"How do you know about his real identity?" I asked him.

"He once asked me to help him to build a treadmill for him to check his speed and he gave out his real identity to me." Harrison Wells replied.

I followed him into his office and he takes out some folders.

I look at the news with the news showed the Justice League saved the day again.


"Say, Harrison? Do you have any ideas where Zoom's Lair located?" I asked him.

"No idea but I figured that you already had a way to locate Zoom's lair." He replied.

"Are you sure?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Look. I already knew about your personality since I already work with your doppelganger many times and got used to your personality and ways handling the criminals. I forgot to tell you but this city did not mind Overhaul's ways handling those criminals."Harrison told me.

" That is good to hear. " I replied.

"But please make it less painful for them and do not traumatise them," Harrison said to me and I just smiled hearing that.

"No promises," I replied.

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So I decided for my MC Brendan Hunter to cut his relationship with Team Flash. And make him goes to Earth 2.

I have an idea which involves my MC to have a Stand to make him more powerful.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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