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Previously on the Overhaul, our protagonist, Brendan Hunter, just left Gotham City but he met Batman during his last patrol and fight against him.

The fight ended in a draw and now he is in a Starling City.


"No matter how I look at these two people, I swear I see them somewhere. But the question is where?" He thought in his head.

"So where are your parent?" The man asked me.

"Don't know and don't care about them," I replied making him frown along with the woman.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked me.

"I did not know whether they are alive or not. They left me at the orphanage when I am just a baby. All I know is I lived at the orphanage the moment I knew how to walk. " I told them both who has a sympathy expression.

"Wait. Which orphanage are you from?" The man asked me.

"Gotham," I replied simply.

"Then how come are you here? Gotham is far from Starling City." The man asked me once again.

"Public transport," I replied. Okay. I felt like this man is starting to investigate me right now.

I ignored their looks of suspicion and eat my food.

Hmm. From what I know this Oliver seems to not call himself Green Arrow rather The Hood.

Money is no issue for me as I kept them in many accounts bank of mine.

"I should buy a smartphone and search for an apartment room for me. I will live in this city until I felt I wanted to leave this city. Hmm. Maybe I should just skip my study since I did not want to go to high school.

I got the feeling I will be like those MC who got troubles in school and be badass. That is a no for me since I wanted to remain hidden in shadows." I thought in my head.

I then go out the Big Belly Bugger along with my backpack on my back.

"New city and new life for me. Let's just hope my life in this city is peaceful." I said in a low tone.

"Fuck. Why I did say those words?" I thought in my head while laying down my body as now I am being held as a hostage with other citizens since 5 armed robbers who wore Clown Masks are now busy robbing the bank.

"I just take out some money from my account bank and the next thing I knew I was forced to lay down on the ground.

But then a man walked near me and grab my hair. This fucker.

" What a weird hair you got their brat." He said to me.

I just wanted to burn this fucker. No one said my hair weird. It is not a bad hair rather than mob hair like yours.

"Hoho. Look like someone is angry." He said while grinning.

"You know what. Fuck this guy." I thought and my leg moved forward to kick his ball making him moan in pain and fell down.

The other quickly noticed this and pointed their weapon to me.

"Stand down brat!" The leader said and I stand down.

I glared at them making them flinch."Hmmp. Your glare did not intimidate us." He said to me.

"Time to use my Gravity Manipulation or not," I said when I see a figure crash into the bank and the figure quickly shoot arrows to all the armed robbers.

"Wow. He is very quick firing those arrows. No wonder they said Green Arrow is a metahuman who has the ability to shoot arrows faster than a normal human." I thought to see the Green Arrow no The Hood shot the robbers down.

All the robbers are lying on the ground as their shoulder and knees got pierced by many arrows.

The Hood stared at me."Good kick boy." I heard he said to me and disappeared like a certain bat-themed superhero.

Soon the police came and arrest those robbers and I sees the same man.

"Ah. No wonder he looks familiar as he is Quentin Lance, the father of Sara Lance and Laurel Lance." I thought in my head before I see he sees me.

He approaches me."So you are the one who kicks that man balls huh? Pretty harsh attack you delivered there." He said to me.

"I do this to all those thugs at Gotham," I said to him.

"Make sense but do not do that again okay?" He said to me.

"Okay," I said and walk out of the bank with me touch my backpack."Ha. Luckily you did not go missing." I said and start to search for a living place.

I kept walking around the city as my eyes lingered to the city buildings.

But then a teenage girl crash against me but I did not fall rather the girl does but I grab her hand making her did not fall.

"Watch when you walk," I said to the girl who seems to be older than me.

"I will hear that advice. Whoa. You got a big backpack you got there tough guy. Where are you going?" She asked me.

"Hotel," I replied and walk past her but then she followed me.

"Why are you following me?" I asked her."I find you interesting. How old are you?" She asks me.

"11 almost to 12 years old," I replied.

"Hmm. I am older than you. I am 14 years old." She said to me.

"So what is your name?" She asks me."Brendan. My name is Brendan Hunter. What is yours?" I asked her.

"Thea. My name is Thea Queen." She replied making me surprised seeing the girl in front me is younger than the live-action.

"Does she know she is the daughter of Malcolm Merlyn?" I thought in my head while sees she kept following me.

Feeling annoyed by this girl following me, I entered an alley and run catching her off guard.

"Hey!" She started to chase after me. I see the fence in front of me and I climb it and jump over it.

I turned behind and looked to see that girl do the same action like me.

"She is athletic." I thought and continued to run and turn to left only to almost hit a man leg but I dodged it but Thea does not.

"Ouch," Thea mumbled."Geez, kid. Look at what have you done to my jeans?" The man said.

"Huh. Wait. This guy is that villain, Boomerang." I thought in my head seeing his look is like from the Suicide Squad movie.

"Wait. You look a bit familiar." Captain Boomerang said but I quickly grab Thea's hand to make her come closer to me.

"You are Moira Queen's daughter right?" He asks Thea who now is behind me or should I said behind the backpack.

"Oh. Do not be afraid of me kids. I just want to get a tiny amount of money from your parent for dirtying my jeans." He said to Thea while grinning.

"Dude. Stop making that face. People will see you as a lolicon." I said to him.

"Shut up brat! And what the heck is lolicon?!" He asked me.

"Only adults know this forsaken word," I said to him.

"I am an adult." He said to me."No. You are just an old man who is leering over a young girl." I said to him making him angry.

"You shitty brat!" He snarled at me.

"Geez. Watch your language, old man. Did you kiss your mother with that mouth." I said to him and he delivered a kick to me but I dodged and touch his knee while applying a tiny amount of fire on his jeans.

I then made a fire spread for an instant which does the trick making Captain Lolicon or Boomerang to fell down the ground while trying to dismiss his jeans.

I quickly pulled Thea and we are back at the main street where many people are walking around chatting happily.

"I think we lose him," I said to her who now is staring at me.

"How did you do that?" She asks me.

"Do what?" I ask her.

"Made his jeans suddenly burned." She said to me.

"With my power," I replied. Heh. Like I will lie about my power.

"So you have pyrokinesis?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I said to her."Cool. Wish I have a superpower like you." She said to me.

"You are not surprise of me having a superpower?" I asked her.

"For your information, we already got a man who can fly, super strong and fire a red beam from his eyes so why should I be surprised when hears you have the ability of pyrokinesis?" She said to me.

"Point taken," I said.

"So Brendan, how about you stay at my mansion? Consider this as a payback from reducing me from that man." She said to me while I am thinking about the advantage and disadvantage live at the mansion with The Hood who is basically is a bit paranoid of unknown people like a certain Bat Themed Superhero.

"Sure. I can probably save up some money." I said to her.

"Cool. Wait a minute. I will call my driver." She said and take out her phone to call her driver.

"Hmm. Now I remember, there is no sign of Black Canary yet." I thought in my head before I looked to my right and sees a certain boxing gym.

"Ah. Wild Cat Boxing Gym? So that is the place. Good. I will come to this street tomorrow and headed to that gym tomorrow to be trusted by that old hero." I thought in my head.

Then I felt Thea touch my shoulder."Hey. It seems we had to wait for an hour to wait for my driver since he had to pick up my mother." The a said to me.

"Thea?" A woman called out her name and sees the woman I met this morning.

"Hmm. So I guess she is Laurel Lance and by the look of it, she still did not become Black Canary yet." I thought in my head.

"Big sis?" Thea called her and the woman ruffled her hair.

"What are you doing here alone?" Laurel asked Thea.

"I followed my friend here. You know how boring it is to spend time with my mother." Thea replied making Laurel glance at me.

"You are that boy from Big Belly Burger." She said to me.

"Yeah," I replied.

"So you are a friend of Thea." She said to me.

"Kind of," I replied.

"So what are you guys doing here?" She asks us.

Then Thea proceeded to tell us how I will live with Thea for a while and we are waiting for her driver to pick us up in an hour.

"How about I give you a ride? Been a while since I visited your mansion." She said to me.

Thea and I agreed to go with her. Thea already called her mother saying that she will go back with Laurel while bringing in a guest to stay for a night at the mansion which her mother agreed.

"Damn. This mansion is huge. It is bigger than the orphanage." I thought in my head seeing The Queens Mansion.

"Hmm. But I bet Bruce Wayne has a huge mansion rather than this one."

We are welcomed by a maid and a butler.

The butler takes my backpack and put it in a guest room while I am following Thea who now is pulling my head touring all over the mansion with Laurel is talking with the maid.

But then I see a male figure with a black man beside him approach the Laurel who has a strained smile seeing the male.

"Guess that is Oliver Queen and John Diggle." I thought in my head.

Thea who sees this dragged me to her brother.

"Bro. I brought home a friend." Thea said to Oliver who eyed me.

I met his eyes and stared at him.

"Hi there. My name is Oliver Queen." He greeted me politely with a smile.

"Brendan Hunter but you can call me Brendan," I said and looked at John who now eyed me.

"And who are you? Some Men In Black agent?" I joked making Laurel, the maid, Thea and Oliver chuckled hearing this.

John just had an amused smile hearing my joke."Well, you are right about Men In Black but not an agent. Just a bodyguard of Oliver Queen." He replied.

"You can call John boy." He said to me and ruffled my hair. It's pretty annoying when someone ruffled my hair.

Then I noticed Oliver and Laurel goes somewhere else.

"So lovers quarrel?" I ask John."Yeah though they have broken up." John said.

With my enchantment hearing, I can hear Laurel scream at Oliver and Oliver scream back at her.

Oliver will be hurt if Laurel has her Canary Cry Since he will be blown back.

Then I see Laurel got in her car but managed to wave her hand towards us and drives out of the mansion.


I am now staring at the boy who is now chatting happily with Thea. Mom is not at the dining table since she got a meeting.

This boy, Brendan intrigued me as I see his action at the bank. I and Diggle shuddered when we see he viciously kicked the robber balls.

It seems he is from Gotham and is looking for a place to stay at Starling City. I am suspicious of him on how he got money but did not ask him that question.

Thea seems happy chatting with Brendan who kept making jokes.

Well as long as that boy did not anything to Thea, he is good for me and I will not shoot an arrow to him.


"Ha. This is what you all a comfy bed." I said while laying my body on the comfortable bed.

My backpack is beside me. Not a bad start for me in this city.

"Hmm. Wonder if Oliver has gone hunting the evildoers?" I thought in my head but then my ears heard footsteps.

I quietly walked to my door and open it.

"A thief. Must be a professional one." I said while being the thief now is sneaky goes to a bedroom.

"Wait for a minute. That is Thea's bedroom. Not on my watch." I said and dash to the thief.

I leap towards his head and bite his ear making him scream in pain.

His scream made the guards open the light of the mansion and run to my location.

"Stop biting my ear you brat!" The thief said to me but I decided to hurt him for a little bit.

I quickly made a tiny fire on my finger and shoved into his right ear.

"Hot!Hot!" He said while trying to get me off from his body.

I jumped away from him and ran away from him.

"Come here you damn brat!" He shouted and cause after me.

But luckily many guards already pointed their guns to him with Diggle is in for of the other guards.

"Brendan, come here." He said to me and I walked near him.

"Stay behind me." He said and I followed his order.

He then asked 2 guards to arrest the thief.

2 guards approach the thief who looked like he already surrenders but then he throws 2 knives to the 2 guards who lower their guards seeing the thief has given up.

The knives hit their knees and the thief quickly snatches both guns from the guards and pointed them at their head.

"Let me go or I will kill these both." He told us.

Diggle is biting his lip seeing this. He did not expect the thief to attack the guards when they come closer to him.

"Sir I suggest you calm down and surrender. The police already on their here." Diggle told the thief.

"Calm down? How about you calm down? I am already calm down. But if you treat me, I will kill them." The thief said to us.

"I can just use my quirks to solve this but it will make Oliver suspicious of me." I thought in my head.

"What should I do? What should I do?" I wondered in my head before an idea formed in my head.

"Hope this works." I thought in my head.

"Holy cow! It's the Hood!" I exclaimed while pointing my finger behind the thief.

"What?! The Hood is here?" The thief exclaimed and looked behind.

Diggle who sees through my plan quickly take action.

"Now! Take him down." He ordered at the 2 guards who grab both thief arm to make him unable to use the guns with Diggle quickly punch the thief on his face and smack the guns away.

I sigh in relief seeing this as my brilliant plan work.

Then the police came and the guards gave them the arrested thief. The injured guards are now being treated by the maids.

"Well, Brendan, who knew you are such a clever boy to do that?" Diggle said to me.

"Or the thief is too stupid to believe my words," I said and he laughs hearing that.

"You are an interesting boy Brendan." He told me.

I see Quentin now approach us.

"Geez, kid. First the robbers at the bank and now a thief. 2 cases now with you in both cases and with your help managed to arrest both criminals." Quentin said to me.

I shrugged my shoulder hearing his words."That is how life works." I said.

"Hmm." Quentin snorted hearing my words.

Then the police bring the thief to be jailed and we all go to sleep.

And that is how my first day at Starling City ended. Pretty hectic day for me huh?

Wonder what trouble will I be involved next?

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