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"Seriously how much a jerk can you guys be? 3 years passed and you still want to bully me, Sam?" I asked him who now is with his lackeys on the ground with their swollen eyes after I beat them up like usual.

Their head is thick as steel as they attempt to bully me and ended up being beaten up by me.

Anyway now I am 11 years old and attend the local primary school which is the last year.

At school, I aced all the test since the test are easy for me to answer them.

My alias as "Overhaul" now seems to be getting popular as now criminals and thugs will be scared of me if they see me from far.

I still kept wearing the black hood with now I managed to get Kevlar Vest that I wore beneath the hood.

I also sewed a mask for me. It is tiring and painful when I make my own suit.

Anyway, my money now is almost 20 million after I stole much money from the crime family.

Penguin keeps his promise to send many men after me and I kill them. I delivered their kidneys and tongues back to him.

Penguin's factories, the illegal one's got destroyed by me. Penguin tried to use the police to capture me but he didn't have any evidence as I burned his CCTV when I invaded his factory.

So yeah, Penguin basically has me as number 1 in his shit list with the second is Batman.

Speaking of Batman, he now has confronted Joker. This Joker is really crazy if I had to admit as he publicly released his poisonous gas.

Their fight seems endless where Batman locked him up and Joker got freed after months passed.

But there is still no Robin yet nor Batgirl but I already see the soon to be Robin as I sometimes see the flying Grayson shows.

This is the last day of my primary school and after this, I will be leaving this orphanage with enough money.


"Are you sure about this Brendan?" The caretaker asked him and he nodded his head.

"Here is the money. 5 million." Brendan said and he gives her the briefcase which contains money.

The caretaker eyed the case suspiciously but took it.

She did not check it and bring out some documents. She then handed it to Brendan who accepted it.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I apologise if I offend you." I said to her and she just smiles.

"It's alright. I forgive you." She said to me.

Brendan put the documents into his mountain walking backpack.

"Hope we see each other in the future," Brendan said to the caretaker who waves her hand to her.

Brendan did not go directly to the bus station as he planned to go to another city tomorrow. Rather he decided to book a room for a night at the hotel.

He decided to patrol this city for the last time before he goes to another city. Not like he will come to this city back anymore.

Brendan now is floating on the air using his gravity manipulation with his Strength Force. He currently is floating on the top of the Wayne Enterprise building.

His strength force now let him able to have super strength which he wagers now he can just lift weight things 5 ton. If he pushes it further he can lift thing that weight 15 ton at least with struggling.

Now he also can stop bullets using Still Force and he also can use the Still Force to drain the life force from any living objects.

He also can now use the energy construct creation thought he can make swords and chain. He still has not unlocked the other ability but he is sure he can get them and improved them.

His Strength and Still Force kept growing stronger and he knew if he confronted The Flash right now, he will win.

But now he has a mission which is to kill the Turtle. And steal his power as stealing Turtle's power will increase his Still Force.


"Now that I think about it, has The Flash appeared or not? I only know Green Arrow has started a year ago."

I am now in deep thinking while formatting my plan when my eyes catch a figure is running among the building.

"Oh. It seems The Batman is patrolling the city." I said and then goes to the edge of the building.

My body glowed green and I levitate. Many people will say I fly seeing me in this state.

I slowly go down to a building and landed gently only to hear someone scream.

Guess the Batman has struck once again. I calmly approach the location but then my ear something landed behind me.

"He sure is a sneaky person. The perk of learning under the League of Assasins." I turned behind and there he is in his glory, Batman who is actually Bruce Wayne, the CEO of Wayne Enterprises, the richest man in this city or world plus an orphan due to his parent died due to a mugger.

"Are you Overhaul?" He asks me and I just smiled hearing his.

"Yeah. It is nice to meet you, Mr Batman." I greeted him.

His face did not change a bit."Why did you attack Penguin?" He asks me a simple question.

"He tried to strike a problem with me," I replied.

"And you freeze him with his lackeys," Batman said to me.

"Yeah. At least they are not frozen to death." I replied but I can see the famous Bat-glare aimed at me.

"But you burned his factory and injured some people." He said and I can see his tense body.

"Yup. He threatened me so I paid him back." I replied.

"What you did is wrong." He said and now he is trying to fight me.

"Whoa whoa. Chill down Mr Batman. I did not want to right you. I mean I did not want to hit my favourite superhero." I said to him but he did not bother with that comment.

"I am starting to lean more to Superman as my favourite superhero right now," I commented but is met with silence.

Damn. This guy sure is a tough nut to crack.

"So Mr Batman have you solved the child trafficking case?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I solved them without burning 2 people." He said to me.

"Hahaha. You caught me." I said while feeling relief that he did not discover my secret identity but even though he knew it I did not care as I also know his secret identity.

"You are gifted with powers and yet you use them in the wrong way," Batman said to me.

"Wrong way huh?" I muttered before I dash forward and try to punch his blank face but he skillfully dodge my punch and counter back by sending a blow to my abdomen but I hold my knee up to block it before doing a roundhouse kick to his face but he managed to block it with his right arm but I did not stop there.

I flip backwards and then moved forward to deliver a punch to his chest but he tilts his body and tried to flip my body but I jump and tried to knee him but yet again he dodges it by stepping backwards.

He then delivers many blows to me which I had to dodge and block until he managed to land a punch my face and knee my stomach but I quickly use my elbow to hit his head strongly.

He staggered for a second before trying to judo throw me.

I quickly use my other elbow to strike his throat but he pushes me forward and delivers a kick to my stomach making me thrown backwards.

He then throws a ball which exploded to a taser net but I moved to the left only to be met with a punch from him to my face but my right leg quickly kicks his knee making him stop for a second.

A second is all I need as I delivered my brows repeatedly to his abdomen and face but yet he still stands.

"You are pretty good at hand to hand combat. Who taught you?" He asks me.

"When you needed to survive in this damn city, you must learn how to protect yourself," I replied.

"Watch many videos and involved in many brawls made me good at hand to hand combat," I said while remembering the brawls I involved when the students in my old school tried to beat me with quantities.

"Hm." He hummed and that made me annoyed.

"You seems to be brawler type yet you skilfully executed your movements." He said to me.

"Thank for the praise." I thank him. Who knew he could be a nice person?

"Not bad for a punk." He said to me making me annoyed.

"Geez at least call me something other than punk," I told him but Batman throws a smoke bomb to the ground.

Great. I hate when he does this.

I duck to avoid a kick from Bagman and throws a punch to my left but hit nothing but my head got kick. The moment I am about to fall I use my hand to support me and twist my body to deliver a kick to behind me but my kick hit the air.

"Okay. Okay. Calm down. You just needed to wait for the right moment to strike." I thought in my mind but ended up getting hit on my knees.

I lit my hand with my blue fire and commands the fire to surrounds me.

"Well since you already use your gadgets I will use my power," I said before I see Batarang exploded upon hitting my blue fire.

"Your Batarang cannot beat my fire, Batman," I said to him.

"But this does." I heard his voice and quickly avoided being tackled by him. Damn, his suit can withstand high temperature.

But I see his suit is a bit into torn. I can see the frown on his face.

"If you wanted to speak against me, you should have kept quiet rather than speaking to me," I told him.

"Point taken." He replied but then I looked below and see many pebbles. I destroyed them with my blue fire and made a firewall in front of me blocking 2 Batarang which exploded.

I moved my hand to the floor and send a fire wave to the surrounding and I point my hand to my left and shot a fireball to the Batman who uses his cape to block it.

He landed on the ground and I quickly command my fire to surround him but he dashes through my fire and throws 3 pebbles which exploded and a flash is made.

"So you tried to blind my eyes huh Batman?" I said while closing my eyes. I already predicted this and Batman seems to now wear 2 electric knuckles.

He then dashed to me but I blast my fire to him and he dodged it with using the cape as a shield to block my fire.

His blow almost hit me if I did not boost myself to go backwards with my left hand.

He then takes a deep breath and seems to be in trance.

Then he moved and I am able to react when his taser knuckle almost approach my stomach and I use my fire clad left hand to block it.

But the other taser knuckle hit my lower left abdomen.

I grit my teeth again even though it hurts very much and use the other hand to make ice knuckle.

My ice knuckle hit his face sending him backwards and I grab my lower left abdomen which now feels numb right now.

"I needed to flee right now." I thought in my hand before making many fireballs and send them to Batman who avoided them before I send a fire wave that made Batman jump backwards and I shoot many ice spikes to Batman hitting his knee and right shoulder.

He landed safely and we started at each other.

"May we see each other again Mr Batman," I said to him and jumped below with quickly activated Warp Gate to send me back to my hotel room.

"He sure is one tough punk." He commented.

"Damn it. I cannot put a tracer on him and did not manage to know his real identity." Batman thought in his head.

He then goes back to his base to get treatment.


Beneath a mansion is a cave which is the Bat Cabe and we can see Bruce Wayne who is actually the Batman is getting treatment by his friend and butler, Alfred.

"So you are saying that Overhaul did this to you, Master Wayne," Alfred asked Bruce Wayne who nodded his head.

"Yes, Alfred. It had to be the night when I did not bring my extra pebbles and Batarang. If I had them I can counter him. For a boy who seems to be not older than 12 years old boy, he seems to be fighting very well. He surprises me." Bruce said to Alfred who raises his eyebrows hearing this.

"Are you sure he is self-taught? I mean you mastered many martial arts yet he managed to keep up with you." Alfred said to him.

"I am holding back since I wanted to measure him but it proved to be a mistake. He said to me he watched videos of fighting and get into many brawls." Bruce said to him.

"Ah. Guess that is why he wanted to endure your blows, sir. I mean the brawls he participated is sure not normal to be this good at hand to hand combat." Alfred said to Bruce who just kept quiet.

"For all I know, he has the ability to manipulate fire with ice and yet I get the feeling he also is holding back.

" I should put him in my caution list." Bruce thought in his head.


I am now in my hotel room while wearing no shirt.

I closed my eyes while activating Eri's Quirk, Rewind to make my body become healthy and back to normal again.

"Ha. That feels better." I said while sighing in relief that I managed to escape from the Batman.

"I needed to improve myself in hand to hand combat. But still, how do I do that?" I thought in my head while searching for any idea before an idea formed in my head.

"Ted Grant. He can train me. But I needed to search for him." I then searched for his boxing gym, Wildcat Gym.

"Starling City huh? This could be good as I plan to go to that city to continue my study there." said.

"Damn. If I go all out today, Batman surely will die but I did not want that. The world needed him and Gotham needed him to. Plus it will be boring without the paranoid Batman."

"Let's go to sleep. It is a tiring day for me." Brendan fell asleep with him having a nice dream about him beating Batman many time.


"Well Starling City, here I am." Brendan Hunter said while looking at the city.

"Hmm. Should search a place for living and register me at the local middle school." I thought in my head before my stomach made a sound.

"But I should fill up my stomach," I said and quickly searched a place for me to eat.

Then my eyes see a place for me to eat."Big Belly Burger, rumoured to have the best delicious fries and burgers. " I muttered and entered Big Belly Burger.

I see many people are in the Big Belly Burger. families, siblings and couples can be seen sitting in the Big Belly Burger with all of them are enjoying eating their food.

My saliva almost came out from my mouth when I see the food sets.

I decided to buy 2 sets of special sets and sit next to a man and woman. They seem like a family based on their look. Maybe father and daughter?

I eat my food and my first bite on the burger made me stunned. Damn if this was the anime, Food Wars, there will a reaction which will make me moan of this tasty food but sadly I did not as I did not want to cause a scene which will make me embarrass myself.

My mouth kept munching the finger-licking good foods until my late is clean from having any food.

I am now slurping my drink which is the Coke drink which made me have a happy face.

It's been a dream for me to eat this kind of food since, in my previous life, I will be left behind when my parent with my older siblings eat at, KFC or Texas Chicken.

Now that I think about it, maybe I should taste them. Just thinking about those eating places made me lick my lips.

"You have a funny expression on your face young man." I heard the man beside my table said to me and I turned my head to look at him.

I sheepishly rub my head while feeling embarrassed seeing him notice my expression.

"Hahaha. Well, it is the first time for me to taste this kind of foods." I inform him before noticed a solemn expression on his face.

"Where are your parent?" I heard the woman asked me a question.

"I do not know. All I know they left me at the orphanage." I told them and both of them now have sad expression.

But one thing that I noticed that the more I looked at these 2, I felt like I knew them from a certain series.

But the question is which series?

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