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Living in an orphanage is not bad. We orphans managed to get eat, played around, sleep on a comfortable bed and lastly watch a cartoon on the TV.

But it will be better is these 3 jocks in front of me did not bully me.

I am only 7 years old and judging the high of the 3 jocks.they are older than me. Probably 9 years old.

"So Brendan, we still did not receive your food. So hand it over." The leader said to me.

Yeah. They always asked for food from me as they are hungry. A stupid request but the old me refused and ended got bullied.

And that is why the previous me has a skinny body because he did not eat enough food.

"Fuck off." I cursed and that stunned them.

"You shits wanted to get fat or what requesting for more foods. " I continued.

"You guys think you are scary enough, please all I sees is some wannabe strong older kids who think they are the strongest," I said to them and devoured my food.

The leader tried to snatch my drink and I gripped his hand.

I increased the grip on my hand making him wince in pain.

"I told you not to disturb me. You are deaf or what huh?" I said while increasing the grip more than before making him fell to his knees while he is I'm the merge of crying.

I let his hand go and he feels to the floor He glared at me with tears can be seen on his eyes."I will tell the caregivers about this." He said with his pitiful voice which I ignored.

"Yeah. Go ahead tell her that your hand is it because of me refusing to give you my food."

He then proceeded to run with hid lackeys following. I continued to eat my food and drink milk.

I then wash the plate and goes to the playground when I see the caretaker is with the 3 jocks who are grinning thinking that I will be punished.

I then see the caretaker signalled me to come to her.

I walked to her with scowls on my face. I am now in front of her who has a stern face.

"Brendan, I heard you injured Sam's hand." She said to me and I guess Sam is the jocks leader name.

"Yeah. So?" I asked her."I want you to apologize to him." She said to me.

"No," I replied in a blank tone."Why should I apologize to him? He should be the one to apologize for me for trying to take my food by force." I said to her.

"He lied," Sam replied making me glared at him."It is not nice to be for me, Brendan." The caretaker said to me and I scoffed hearing that.

I already expected this caretaker will listen to Sam word rather than me.

I walked back but the caretaker grabs my shoulder and I smack her hand off."Do not touch me again woman." I said to her in a cold tone making her flinch.

"You are not being fair to me. You did not listen to my story and yet here you stupidly believe this liar story.

I will not apologise to this bastard who is actually my bully. See this skinny body. Does everyone have a healthy body except me? Guess why? Because of these lame liar with his lackeys took my food." I told her.

She just kept quiet hearing my story and I walked back to the playground.

"Hmm. Even in this world, I only have myself to trust." I thought about my head.

"If I wanted to practice my powers. I needed a place to train. Gotham have many abandon buildings that can be useful for me to train my quirks and body."

"But still it seems the Batman still just begin his hero 's journey. This Batman really looked like the one from the animated movie, Justice League: War."

"Now only the Big 2 has arisen. Superman and Batman. There is no news about Themyscira so no Wonder Woman yet. Central City did not have a red blur running around the city so that is good. And there is no Titan Tower in Jump City. So no Teen Titans.

The younger heroes still have not arisen. That means no invasion has happened. I needed to prepare myself. I will not be on the hero side, not villains side. I am on my own.

A year passed as I lived in this orphanage. The treatment from the caretaker to me has been neutral but I can see the scared expression on her face.

" Well here goes nothing." I thought in my head before sees the leader push the male to the ground.

The female got grabbed by the lackeys and I am about to take action when my eyes see something dropped from the sky.

Not rather someone drops from the sky."The Dark Knight, Batman." I muttered while seeing his suit is the classic blue one.

Hmm. Like in the Batman: Hush movie.

"Hmmm. From what I read in the newspaper, the villain that Batman has fought is only the Penguin. No Joker or Red Hood yet. Damn, this is really liked the beginning of Batman. Wait. If Joker arises, that means this city will be in chaotic."

"But what if I killed him." I thought in my head while looking at my hand.

"If I used my quirk, Overhaul, it will leave no traces of me," I said while looking at Batman who just defeated the scums.

"No. I will let that clown alive. He is kept alive for Batman as they are both arch-nemesis but if that clown pushed too far, I will kill him."

Seeing enough of the action, I walked to the opposite of the road. But then I see a man is walking closer to me.

My gut tells me he is a bad person and it proved true when he tried to grab me but I dodged it.

Seeing me dodged his attempt, he tried to kick me but I step aside and run into an alley.

But that proved a mistake when I hit crash into somebody.

"Ouch." I thought before I got choked by the man in front of me.

Is this his partner?

"You little runt really gave trouble for my partner. Do not worry, you will be coming with us. I am sure you will be having a fun time with us." He said to me in a sick grin.

"So you catch him. Good grief and yet here I thought I lose him." The man who chases me said to his partner.

I meanwhile am feeling angry. His girn reminded me of my father when he beat me up. It made me angry.

Without noticing blue ember start to appear on my black hair making the man widened his eyes but I grab his hand who is choking me.

"Die," I muttered and my left hand lit up blue fire and burn the man hand making him scream in pain but I point my hand towards him.

My hand shot a fire blast towards the man who screams in agony as he is burned alive.

I see the other man tried to run away but I blast my blue fire towards him and he suffered the same fate as his partner.

They only cam scream in agony as they are now being burned by my house fire to the point why will turn to dust and then died.

I shut off my blue fire and look at both men without feeling sympathy.

It's their fault to mess with me so I should not feel sympathy towards them.

"Tch. I should ask them about their activity. Based on their action, they have been doing this activity for a while.

What a waste but maybe I will meet their " friends". Who knows?" I said before walking back to the orphanage leaving 2 dead men.


"Breaking news. 2 dead men are found near Gotham Bank as both of the men die due to being alive. The police suspect someone burned them alive then dump their corpse near the Gotham Bank." Brendan heard what the reporter said and only smirk hearing that.

"It seems no one suspected me." I thought in my head before looking at the caretaker who flicks seeing my gaze towards her.

"Hmm. I should leave this orphanage now. But it will lead me to a problem." I thought in my head.

Then an idea formed in my head."Well, I just needed to collect a large sum of money and then give it to the orphanage to let me go from this place. And I knew the perfect way to do it."

I stand up and wash the plate.

I go to my bedroom and take out a book. My hand then started to sketch my suit. My suit should be based on Taskmaster.

Minus the cape and that leaves me the suit and mask.

My mask should be the eye mask with a hood covering my face. A skeleton symbol on the middle of the suit and it is done.

But the material for the suit. It should withstand any attacks. The only chance if I wanted a fancy suit is should be from Cisco.

I should probably offer him a high sum of money to make him make my suit.

"Hmm. So much thing to do but luckily I got enough time to do it." I thought in my head.


Brendan now is tailing 3 men who are with a short man who has a pointy nose.

"To think I will stumble against Penguin when I am about to search him, this is my lucky day."

Brendan now is wearing a black hood with a black scarf that hides his face.

He then sees the Penguin entered an ally which leads to a bar.

"Damn it. I must enter the bar. The question is how?" I thought in my head before an idea formed in my head.

"Stupid. You can just melt the window or just destroy the wall with Overhaul." I said while slapping my forehead.

I use my fire to boost my jump towards the window and melt it down.

I entered the building but then sess a man who is stunned seeing me coming from the window.

I reacted quickly by throwing a small fire orb to his face making him scream in pain before making the fire to burn his body.

I open the door and sees 5 men pointed their guns to me.

"Stand down now you freak!" The middle one said to me but my hand did not agree with me as it shot a fire wave that burned them all.

My ears can hear many people are rushing towards my location so I blast a flamethrower that burns this floor.

I can survive in this as I gain immunity to a flame. My body felt down to the lower floor after I melt the floor and landed in a casino which is armed with armed people.

And look there, Penguin is there.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen, I hope your night is going very well tonight." I greeted them in a cheery tone making them angry.

"Who the hell are you boy? Some kind of wannabe hero or Batman's devote follower?" Penguin asked me made me chuckle hearing that.

"You got flattered me Mr Penguin. I am merely a pyro man who loves to cause trouble for you guys."

"What do you want boy?" He asked me.

"Money," I replied.

"How much?" He asked me.

"25 million," I replied and he takes out a handgun and pointed it to me.

"You must be bluffing. What a boy wants to do with that large amount of money?" He asked me with the other men now are pointing their guns to me.

I did not stutter or feel afraid of them as I know my fire can melt their bullets and with Rewind, I can heal my body back.

"To get out of this damn city. Just look even at the noon, someone got robbed and killed. Hell, the crimes rate kept increasing each hour and seconds.

Needed I to remind you that more villains kept popping out of nowhere and tried to rule this damn city.

Not to mention now there is some kind of Bat themed superhero who spread fear through the criminals." I said to him who just eyed me.

"Hmm. Reasonable reasons but whatever you killed my men so you must receive the consequence " He said to me and he released a shot followed by his henchman.

My left hand lit up in blue fire and it surrounded me like a shell. All the bullets turn into dust upon meeting the blue fire.

"Useless. Your bullets cannot reach me." I said to them while an arrogant smirk appeared on my face but then the fire sprinkle system got activated and my fire fired down.

I see the arrogant smirk of Penguin."Heh. The water beats fire boy. Now, what will you do? You cannot do anything since your fire cannot do anything now?" The Penguin said to me in an arrogant tone.

"How about you join me boy? Work for me and you can earn a lot of money." He said to me but I just kept quiet.

"Hmm. The silent type huh?Like the Bats. You only got 2 choices. The first choice is for you to work for me and you will not die here. Second, you die here and I sell your body. Pick your choice. You only got 30 seconds to decide your fate right now." He said to me but I looked at him and smiled.

"I pick the third choice which is kicking your ass," I said to him making him laugh.

"How are you going to do that boy? Your fire cannot be used as long as this sprinkle-activated." He told me making me smirk.

"Why're you smirking boy? Have you gone insane?" He asked me.

"No rather felt happy I will get a lot of money today," I said to him before my fire gradually disappeared.

"Time to freeze this shorty with his lackeys," I said and my quirk, Half Cold now is being activated as my right hand now is feeling very cold with cold air is spreading from my right hand.

"Kill this boy right now," Penguin said to his lackeys and I quickly put my hand in the wet floor.

My ice easily spread through the room and freezes many his lackeys even the Penguin himself.

"W-what?You have ice power t-too." Penguin said to me while stuttering as the whole body except his head is trapped in ice.

"Yup. Also, are you feeling very cold right now Mr Penguin? I thought you penguin liked to be in a cold place." I said to him making him shot a glare to me.

"Who are you boy?" He asked me.

"Me? You can call me Overhaul, the one who steals all your money and kick your penguin ass." I replied and picked up a few cases.

I use my fire to burn the lock on the case and open it to see the many money in the case.

I took all 5 cases of money.

"You think you can go away with this? Even though I did not know who you are I will send my men to hunt you down!" Penguin said to me making me looked at him.

I approach him and touch his face.

"I'd be glad to. For every man you send, I will kill them and send you their organs. Also expect for your business to be down as I will ruin all your illegal factories down. " I said to him and lit up my hand in a blue fire.

"Let this be a reminder for you Penguin as Overhaul is someone you should not mess with." I then touch his right cheek which made him cried in pain as I leave a burn mark on his right cheek.

I retract back my hand and sees a burn mark on his right cheek.

"Feeling pain? No that is wrong. Feeling hot and being burned live right, your right cheek." I asked him while he looked at me.

I can see the fear in his eyes as his eyes have tears fell down to the floor.

"No. No. No!Please!I beg you! Let me go!" He pleaded to me but I just laugh hearing that.

"Nope. I will just cool down that hot sensation on your right cheek." I told him and trapped his head in ice.

I then disappear from that place without traces.

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