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40% Cliche OD / Chapter 6: Buy and Sell (2)

Chapter 6: Buy and Sell (2)

Aira immediately took her communicator bracelet and made her way somewhere, her manager, for some reason noticed her reaction and decided to follow her.

"Aira!" The manager couldn't help but shout when they reached the 8th floor, because, manager class and above are the only ones allowed beyond it.

Hearing her name, Aira flinched, if she didn't continue this time, she'll definitely be fired: "Its do or die!"

She rushed her way towards the highest floor where an employee can enter, the 10th.

"Aira, don't you dare, I'll forget about this event, just come with me." The manager said as she breaths heavily.

If one of those under her care are to approach a limited access floor such as the 10th and above, she'll definitely be punished severely, not that severe though, just a lot of penalties, maybe she'll only receive a quarter of her salary for half a year.

"I..." Aira couldn't help but hold her bracelet, for some reason, she now wants to go in more, can she even trust this person's words now? the manager merely wishes to save his own pocket after all.

Karas couldn't help but look at everything in quite a shock, why would this girl do so much for this.

Noticing Aira's hesitation, the manager sighed: "Okay, just hand it to me, I'll view it seriously, let's clean this thing up."

Aira was about to hand over the bracelets, but the door opened: "What's the matter?"

A man wearing a complete noble suite, much like a maestro's uniform, completely white though.

Karas' eyes opened wide: "Zaran?" He muttered lowly, Zaran is one of the few people that he stood together with for a few years before he died.

He couldn't help but smile and stayed silent.

The manager trembled: "Young Master Zaran, this... an accident."

Sweats grew to the both of them, Zaran is known for being fair and strict, if he knew of his negligence, he will be punished much severely.

Zaran frowns when nobody spoke: "We're in the middle of a meeting, yet, you two are here causing a disturbance, return to the first floor now."

The manager nodded his head repeatedly: "Yes, yes, Aira, come with me now."

As he spoke, he reached and held Aira's arm tightly: "Young master, we're really sorry."

When they are about to go down, Zaran noticed Aira's silent and sad eyes: "Wait, what are you here for?"

The manager shook his head: "Nothing really, just some bonus and stuff for her."

Aira trembled hearing this, they haven't even reached the 9th floor, yet, the manager already started shutting her down, she'll definitely be fired if this continues.

But Zaran spoke: "I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to her."

Aira isn't used to talking to higher officials and rich people, hence, she trembled, but she used everything she got and handed the bracelets to him.

Zaran sighed, he took the bracelet and equipped it himself, the window immediately reappeared.

"Hello there," Karas spoke casually with a wave of his hand.

Zaran frowned at his words without any respectful or formal tone: "What is it, to cause our employees to behave like this."

Karas chuckles, Aira did her best, so, it wouldn't be bad to help her too: "Well, I'm trying to sell something I made, but your manager wants to brush it off, ignore it completely saying that how dare I sell something to your company."

"Well, I was ready to change the company I will be selling it to, but your brave employee actually rushed to the 10th floor, I applaud her for that, saving your company from billions of his worth of business."

Zaran frowns deeper, an unknown person is saying that he can increase the company's profit by billions? That would definitely be more absurd than anything.

Still, he wouldn't just ignore it since someone is saying something like that, if that's true, then, they will definitely hit the jackpot, if not, then, he has ways to 'fix' the situation.

Zaran nods his head, he looked at the manager: "Go down now."

The manager nods his head and held Aira's arms tighter and was about to drag her away but Zaran interjects: "Not her, only you."

The manager trembles, he nods his head: "Yes." He immediately went down while wrecking his head of many possibilities to happen, he only wishes that Aira's matter is a huge joke.

Zaran looked at Aira and spoke: "Come with me."

Aira trembles, she nods her head still before following Zaran inside.

"Zaran, what are those commotion earlier?" A mature voice sounded.

"Dad, I think we've been having lazy employees recently," Zaran spoke, currently, there are five people in the room, his dad, and the other three are from the other company that supplies their needs.

"Someone wishes to sell their firearms to our company but the manager ignored it and tried to brush it off, I wonder how many of those ignored calls approached our company first before they succeeded in other company?" Zaran smiled at his father before wearing the bracelet activating it again.

Zaran's father, Roan frowns at his words, clearly, that is something unforgivable: "We should make clean the company again after this meeting."

Then, a window appeared again, Zaran sighed as he saw the fatty in front of him casually waiting, then, his eyes widened as he saw the large 12-meter sniper rifle behind the fatty.

"Wait for a bit." He placed the bracelets on the table's screen driver and Karas's face were shown in full bloom: "Now, what do you wish to sell?"

Karas smiled: "Finally, took me almost an hour to finally arrive here."

"Well, I'm here to sell my invention, a sniper rifle." As he spoke, he took the sniper rifle and continued: "I call this 'Ghost', a very great killing technology either for war or assassination."

Roan chuckles: "What's so great about it than any other sniper rifles around in the world?"

Karas chuckles: "This."

As he spoke, he activated the assault rifle's ghost mode, immediately, it blended with the environment, it would be great to call it transparent too!

They looked at the monitor in shock, speechless as looked at Karas's hands completely empty, But then, he moved his hand, there is a distortion before it returned to normal again.

"Invisibility?!" Roan and the rest couldn't help but utter.

Karas shook his head: "Sure, call it that, but moving around it will have your location identified immediately."

Just the mere invisibility ability of the gun is already worth billions, a technology not available anywhere!

Roan smiled, if they get their hands on how to create that invisibility ability, then, they'll definitely strike rich.

Karas knew that the current technology of his world wouldn't be capable of producing it even with blueprints, hence, he didn't want to sell the blueprint, because they will have no chance of obtaining the minerals to create it.

Karas removed the ghost mode and described everything.

After his thirty minutes of presentation, he asked: "So, how much are you willing to offer?"

Karas's words struck Roan, it means a lot of things; 'This child... he's a huge schemer!'

If Karas is not satisfied, then, he can sell it to others, not a big deal, what will he lose? A few hours of his time? But Roan's company will definitely lose a great chance!

"How much is your asking price?" Roan asked.

Karas chuckles: "How about... Well, just give me your biggest offer, I'll think about it."

Roan sighed, his question answered by another question is the trickiest thing to deal with, after a few minutes of contemplation, he looked at the sniper rifle one more time before speaking: "I don't know about it, it can definitely not be produced through mass production, right?"

Karas nods his head: "Well, depends on its price, I might feel great to sell a few more out there."

He didn't mind Zaran, after all, even if Zaran is his friend, he is he, and business is business. Helping his company later will be later, but he needs as much as he could.

Roan nods his head: "I can offer five thousand Gis each, I will also pay an additional fifty thousand to be the sole buyer of your creations in the future."

He said creations, not the only sniper rifle!

Karas shook his head: "I can accept the fifty thousand to sell you only my 'Ghost' creation, but not everything else, if you want all of my creations, then..."

"Then what?" Roan asked seriously.

Karas chuckles: "Well, two billion gis!"

They all became speechless, silence descends in the room as nobody spoke!

Two billion gis, that will definitely be a huge investment, but if they can get the same results as this ghost gun, then, it definitely will be worth it!

"Oh right, two billion per year, not a lifetime contract," Karas added, he also hesitated soon as he spoke, because, if he really worked with them, his freedom will be limited.

Roan frowns, he immediately shook his head, no matter what, it will be a huge loss for their company, not to think anymore, he spoke: "How about the blueprints and the rights for creating it, how much are you willing to sell it?"

Karas shook his head: "No thanks, I'm not selling it."

"You know, we can just disassemble your gun and research it ourselves," Roan spoke, he breached the topic, because, if such a gun is easy to make, then, Karas will definitely be angry.

But to their dismay, Karas just shrugs: "Suit yourselves, take as much time as needed."

Roan sighed, although they will dismantle one or two of it, later on, it will be great not to remove Karas from their midst, he sighed: "I will pay twenty thousand gis, you always show us your product first and offer it to us first before others."

Karas chuckles: "For every transaction."

Roan sighs, he nods his head: "Okay."

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