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Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Off to Japan

"Well, I think that covers just about everything. Any more questions?" "Nope, I think we have all the answers we need. Thank you so much for what you have done for us." "I'm happy to help anytime. Just give me a call." I turn to Angela, "Ready to go honey?" "I think so. Shouldn't we get a carrier for James?" "Already one in the car." "Ok then. Let's go home." I pick up Angela, who is still holding James in her arms, and together we walk out to a Bentley Bentayga waiting in the parking lot. I set Angela down in the passenger seat before strapping James into his car seat. I start the car and merge onto the highway. When we arrive back home, I look over to Angela, who is asleep in the passenger seat. I take James out of his seat and lay him in his crib before coming back to the car and picking up Angela, and laying her on the bed. I walk out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kart track. I turn on the vents and fire up one of the 2JZ-DETT powered shifter karts. About an hour later I see Angela walk up to the side of the track. I park the kart and walk over to her. "Morning sunshine." "Yea, hi, I need your help." "With what?" "James." "Ok, what about James?" "I think it's time to use that changing table you built." "Ahhh, got it." I walk upstairs with Angela and make my way to James' room. A few stressful minutes later I come back out, holding a crying James in my arms. "I think he might be hungry." "Good call." I hand James off to Angela. "Him and me both. Would you mind making lunch while I feed him?" "Sure. Pizza ok?" "Sounds good to me." "You need a bottle for him?" "No. I would prefer to breastfeed." "Ok then. I'll warm up the oven." Before we know it, a few weeks have passed us by. James is doing great and has begun to grow in fur. The wedding is two days from now, and Angela and I are preparing to leave for Japan. "Ok, are you sure everything we need is packed up?" "Yup." "Did you pack a bag for James?" "All packed up and ready to go captain." "Ok, Ok. Let's be off to the airport then." "What airport? We're taking my private jet straight there." I grab the luggage and carry it out to a small baggage train. Realizing that Angela is not behind me, I run back inside to see her curled up on the bed. I go over to her. "You ok sweetie?" "Y-yea. I'll be fine." "You sure?" "Yes." She gets up and I take her hand as we walk out to the baggage train. I start the cart with Angela holding onto James beside me. I pilot the cart to a hangar, in which are several private aircraft, including helicopters, stunt planes, biplanes, fighter jets, etc. In the middle, waiting for us is an Embraer Phenom 100. I load the luggage before helping Angela and James into the cabin of the plane. I close the door and give some directions to the pilot before taking a seat. As the engines whirr to life I look over at Angela, who is cradling a sleeping James. "Might want to take some cues from him. It's going to be a long flight." Angela sets James down and walks over to me slowly. "Who ever said you had to sleep on a long flight?" I look at her with a smirk. "What are you trying to say here?" "I'm trying to say that I'm horny and I've never done the forbidden tango on an airplane before." I stand up and take my shirt off. "Then what are we waiting for? One problem though…" "What?" "I'm too tired to undress. I need some… help" "Oh really? Then allow me to be of service." Angela grabs me by the shoulders and begins undoing my belt. At the same time I start taking her tops off. Soon we find ourselves nearly rocking the plane as it glides through the clouds. About two hours later, as we are both laying on top of each other, James begins to cry. "I'll get him. He's probably hungry." Angela gets up, walks over and picks him up, checking his undercarriage before sitting down and feeding him. I walk over to the bar and order a glass of bourbon. I come back over to Angela and sit in the seat across from her. "Want something to drink?" "No thanks. I don't drink hard liquor." "Your loss." I finish my drink and lay back in the seat, staring out the adjacent window. I hear Angela put James back in bed before coming back and sitting next to me, promptly falling asleep in my lap. Not long after I fall asleep myself, only waking up when we had arrived in Tokyo. As the plane touched down, I woke up Angela. We have spent a full day in transit, and tomorrow is the wedding. "Hey, wake up. We have a little bit of travel left to do still before the day is gone." I walk Angela and James out of the plane and into the private hanger, where a 1968 Mazda Cosmo is waiting for us. I open the door for Angela and James before taking my place in the driver's seat and pulling away out of the airport under the cover of darkness. After a few hours of driving, I pull into the hotel parking lot, where I quietly, so as not to disturb Angela or James, get out of the car and unload the luggage, handing it all off to a waiting bellhop. As the bellhop took our things to the room, I gently picked up Angela and carried her to our room. I set her down on the bed before putting James in a crib and crawling under the covers myself. I wake up the next morning feeling good after a much needed rest. Currently, it's 8:00. The wedding is at 2. I look over at Angela, longingly, as after today, we will officially be married, and I will have a family of my own. A real family. I gently ruffle Angela's hair to wake her up. "Hey, it's time to get up." "Ughhhhhhhhhh." "Yea I know, but today is our wedding. Remember? I don't know how you wolves like to do it but most prefer to not sleep through their wedding." "Alright, alright. I'm up." She kisses me on the cheek. "Morning honey." "Morning captain." Angela gets out of bed and walks over to James, changing him for the morning before setting him back down in his crib and sitting down on the bed. "So, what's the plan for today?" "First off is to get dressed." "What?" She looks down at herself, realizing that she has nothing on. "OH! H-how long… " Since the plane, Groggy." "Did- " "No. No one saw you." "Ok. That makes me feel better." "Thought it might, so I took some precautions. Now as for the rest of the day, we are meeting my parents. My mother is taking you out to get you ready, and my father is doing the same for me. We won't see each other till we're standing on the altar." "Oh, ok." "What's wrong?" "I thought I would be spending the day with you. Plus I'm kinda scared to meet your parents." "Well, unless you want to come to a bachelor party and be a stripper, I suggest you stay with my mom." Actually that sounds pretty fun." "That was also rhetorical. And the only thing you should be worried about with meeting my parents is your ability to breathe, because my mother can hug really well." "O-k. Also, where are my clothes?" I point to the dresser next to James' crib. "Left side. My mother already has your dress." I get up and kiss Angela on the cheek. "I'm going to take a shower. Call if you need something." I walk to the bathroom and try to shut the door before Angela grabs it. "Need something already?" "I was just thinking, why waste water with two showers? Why not just take one?" "Because you and I both reek and I would prefer to shower before one of the most important days of my life." "That's not what I mean you idiot. I mean both of us shower together. At the same time." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. I'm stupid." "Yes. Yes you are." Angela steps past me and opens the door to the walk in shower. I follow her in. "Ok. We need to meet with my parents at 10:00, so we do kinda need to be efficient here. I close the door and turn on the water, forgetting how cold the water would be and jumping back into Angela. "Sacred of a little water, foxy boy?" "NO. It just, startled me. That's all." "Whatever scaredy cat." "That's scaredy fox to you." She playfully punches me in the arm. "Again, whatever. Now, where's the soap?" "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '' I start reaching down toward my waist, then reach left at the last second, grabbing a bottle of soap and handing it to Angela. "-ght here." She looks at me with an expressionless face and takes the bottle. "Thanks." "No problem!" We finish up and get dressed. "Wait, who's taking care of James?" "I'm leaving him with my Aunt Jennifer for the day." "Is she any good with kids?" "Yea, she's great. But let's not worry about James today. Today is about us." We finish getting ready and I pick up James before leaving the hotel room with Angela right behind me.

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