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Chapter 34: Insurance

After reading the report submitted by Proxy, I checked the mana levels of my dungeon using the Mana Monitor.

Mana Levels: 136,052

Hmm… It's been rising steadily for the past three days after I created the door, now, to use [Future Sight] again to check whether it is safe or not.

Mana Levels: 10,380

Okay, that's a no go. If I did that, then it will really come and bite me in the back. My plan was to change the head of the kingdom using a golem in the guise of the King. By assassinating the King, and having him replaced by one of my golems, I could indirectly control the country, but I'm not after that, what I want is to stop the hero from harrasing my dungeon and targeting my head, along with stopping the kingdom with any thoughts of wiping this dungeon off the map.

But it seems that it is impossible with this kind of drawback. I also want to minimize the casualties because of the war, but it seems next to impossible.

The next thing to do is form a contract with the head of the town, the next most believable thing to do. By supplying his war potential with the monsters I summon using DP, I might be able to minimize the casualties in the town of Granc.

The last one, and probably the right thing to do, is to get the help from the mythical creature said in the report in the mountains east of Granc. To do this, I need to give it an early warning to ensure that it will arrive in the nick of time, instead of being late to save Granc, but this will probably create the most casualties, both in Granc, and the Kingdom.

"Hmmm… what should I do…?"

After pondering for a while, I had a Golem gathering information in Granc to head towards the east mountains to request help from the mythical creature. Next, I had Proxy and the others break out of the dungeon discreetly and head towards Granc as quickly as possible to inform the Mayor about the events in the castle and about my decision to form a contract with them to supply them with war potential.

After issuing my commands toward my subordinates, I had nothing to do except wait for the news, so I played CS:IO, ignoring Shironeko sleeping on my lap.


~ Third Person POV ~

The town of Granc, once a lively town, but now, was deathly silent. The incident with the hero spread like wildfire, causing unrest amongst the citizens of Granc. Adventurers and civilians alike living presently in Granc, had anxiety throughout their body. This was expected because if the hero was restrained by soldiers, this could be a cause for purging the unbelievers of the Holy Faith.

Inside the town, there was a single person readying supplies for a journey. He bought items for hiking and food just for appearances, why for appearances? It is because the person is not a human, but a golem tasked by his master to gather information within the city.

Right now, a new command was given, and that was to journey to the mountains east of Granc to give the mythical creature living there information about a possible war, and Granc may be the battlefield. If the creature will uphold the contract, then it will no doubt support the town of Granc and repel the invaders.

That was the reason for this golem's preparation. Once he was done, he headed towards the east gate to start his march.


At the same time, three silhouettes could be seen inside an alley within the Capital City. These three were none other than Proxy and his bodyguards. As the command was given, they were to break out of prison quietly and quickly head towards Granc to give the mayor the message, although, there is no such thing as a quiet prison break. At least, all they could do was escape without killing anyone and also quickly run away to avoid disturbances and uproars within the capital.

The three of them were right now hiding themselves from the guards trying to find them and waiting for night to come. The three of them planned to slip away once darkness falls within the capital and quickly run towards Granc. As they were Golems, they would not feel fatigue so they have no problem with running all the way without rest. And also because of their high levels, they are faster than any horse within the capital, so renting a carriage is not needed, not that they had that option in the first place. And also makes it impossible for the guards to pursue them.

Hours passed by while dodging the sights of the guards within the capital, and finally, darkness begins to loom over the capital. Taking this as their cue, the three of them rushed towards the gate in the direction of Granc. Seeing as the gate was heavily guared, they discarded that option and decided to scale the walls. Because it was night time, it will be hard to spot them climbing the walls, and thusm started their climb.

Once they reached the top, they checked if there were guards nearby, and quickly jumped down. Again, because of their high levels, the fall didn't give them a scratch, and they quickly ran towards Granc, leaving behind the capital and the guards trying to find them within the capital.


~ Daichi POV ~


Once again, soaking my obody within the sarmness of the hot spring, I let out another pleasured sigh. Because of working my mind to its limits earlier, I became fatigued and wished to soak in the bath and take a rest.

Back in the core room, Shironeko is watching anime again.

I stood up after soaking for about 20 minutes and dressed myself up in the dressing room. When I got out, Shironeko was waiting outside, hoping to use the hot spring too. I approved and she happily got inside the dressing room and began undressing. Thankfully, I quickly got out just before I saw her birthday suit, so probobly no one will call me a lolicon if they tried to read my memories.

Dragging my heavy body towards the bed, I flopped down and shut my heavy eyelids and drifted into the world of dreams…

"Master, a report from a golem gathering data within the capital."

Or not, thanks to Kaze.

I opened my eyelids and Kaze came into my vision. He had a tensed face, so I quickly got my serious face on.

"What is it about?"

"Well, you see, the King issued an order for an immediate sortie and got the soldiers to march towards Granc ASAP. It seems that their pretext of mobilzing such a force is said to be, "Quelling a rebellion.""

… This was too quick. I thought that it would take at least a week before they got that order, but to receive it within the same day Proxy and his bodyguards escaped, it is going to be a tight schedule.

"…Then, what is the estimated number of troops within Granc?"

"About 15,000 soldiers, and about 500 adventurers."

… That's a little bit on the small side, but it is to be expected from a town that governs by itself.

"How about the King's troops?"

"About 50,000 soldiers, and siege weapons."

… Did I just hear that right?

"… Umm… Tell me again, what is the war potential on the King's side?"

"About 50,000 soldiers, and siege weapons, master."


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