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45.94% My Birthday Wish To Be A Dungeon Master Was Granted / Chapter 17: Crisis or Chance?

Chapter 17: Crisis or Chance?

After eliminating a dungeon master, my summoned goblin assassins and goblin ninjas were able to continue their jobs of scouting and playing police. They have approximately stolen 2 kills, not counting the lich, rearing in an additional 30000 DP to add to my forces.

"Now that the plan to play police is working, I should probably use the rewarded DP for an assault force instead of a covert one. Who knows how long this tactic will work."

After deciding to summon an assault force, a report came to me via a goblin ninja.

"Is that so, all the more to summon an assault force."

The report from the goblin ninja consisted of the following…

A large amount of enemy troops is heading towards our dungeon.

There has been a high leveled monster sighted within. It appears to be a Firedrake, a lower being than a dragon. Comparing those two, a dragon is leagues above a firedrake, but a firedrake is comparatively stronger than a wyvern; and,

Taking our defensive force, it is impossible to repel, much less defend if they land an attack against me.

I should probably summon an assault force at once, equalling, if not, no less weak than the assaulting enemy troops. I should also prepare a monster that can best a firedrake in combat.

I thank the goblin ninja and the ninja quickly went back to its post. Is it me, or did it seem like it was happy?


~ Third Person POV ~

Outside of the dungeons, a vast land with forests, wastelands, oceans, and brimstone are mixed together, forming an unrealistic scene. This is the battle grounds where numerous dungeons compete against each other in the [Dungeon Battle] event.

In these lands, there are clearly no monsters which can bring about an advantage using the terrains. Actually, it is at most, impossible to use the terrain to your advantage.

This battle ground was chosen in order to give no advantages to any particular dungeon master's specialty. For example, if this battleground was mostly lava, fire type monsters would be advantageous while water types will be weakened, thus the choosing of this unreal battleground.

On it, a large gathering of monsters could be seen marching towards a certain direction. They numbered at least 200, and a B-rank monster could be seen within its ranks. The B-rank monster was called a Firedrake. With scales red as lava, standing about 3 meters high and about 5 meters in length, this is what you could call, an organic tank. It can breathe fire from its mouth, and its fire breath can decimate a hundred human soldiers.

This was truly a fear-inducing foe when one is against it. The monsters surrounding it were also noted for their high offensive capabilities.

Fire Lizard, C rank, can breathe fire from its mouth and have scales as hard as iron.

Flame Wolf, D rank, very dangerous when in packs, can burn their surroundings when increasing their body temparature via fire magic, can usually escalate to C or B rank when packs exceed a hundred.

Alpha Flame Wolf, C rank, the leader of the flame wolves. They can breathe fire and use their body temperature to scorch their surrounding or adversaries.

There were also other monsters, but they mostly filled up the E or F ranks.

Right now, as they were single-mindedly marching towards their destination, they were met with another force. They were comprised of several D, C, and B ranks. In terms of power, the Firedrake forces were superior.

Both of them were about a hundred meters away from each other. With a sound of a horn echoing through the lands, numerous arrows flew up.

Using that as a signal, the flame wolves, using their speed, ran through the lands and charged towards the enemy force. The enemy force had high goblin archers (D-rank) in their ranks as the rearline. Their vanguard was mostly made up of orc crusaders (C-rank). With towering shields in hand, the Orc Crusaders made an impenetrable wall of iron. Behind them was the cavalry made up of Orc Riders (C-rank).

The Orc Crusaders marched on, one step at a time towards the charging Flame Wolves. Each step sounded like beating drums, raising the tension in the battlefield. 50 meters until the two forces clash, the arrows raised pandemonium upon the charging wolves. Since the Orc Crusaders only advanced a few steps, they were not subjected to the arrow rain.

Arrows, simultaneously, lodged themselves on the flame wolves' body. One particular flame wolf had its eyes pierced by two locky shots. It raged about until another arrow pierced through its body, robbing it of its life.

Even if the flame wolves raised their body temperature, they couldn't burn the arrows just before it pierced their bodies. If they were able to do that, then flame wolves would rise up in rank to B-rank. It's just impossible to burn wood in an instant with only 150 degrees celsius.

Even the Alpha Flame Wolf, with practically double the heat radiated from its body, couldn't get out unscathed. Even with its agility and speed, it can't run from the arrow rain encompassing a 50 meter radius with the Alpha Flame Wolf as the center.

When the arrow rain subsided, the flame wolves had their numbers reduced significantly. Counting those which were lucky to get out unscathed or with minimal injuries, they only numbered about 20 out of 70.

Since the flame wolves were practically of no use in the starting battle, the others retreated to their army's side. As if it was planned out, the Orc Crusaders opened a path for the Orc Riders to charge. Each Orc was riding a giant grizzly bear, making it a daunting enemy on the battlefield. The Orc Riders charged towards the enemy without fear. The retreating flame wolves which were injured was caught up with and brutally massacred. The flame wolves lucky enough to dodge just had its body trampled by the other Orc Riders.

The Firedrake army, seeing that their initial attack failed, they switched gears and had the Fire Lizards take the front and spew fire. A fire breath from a single Fire Lizard can at most, burn a person with no counter-measures against fire, but with tens of them, can easily create a massive forest fire.

A raging inferno formed in front of the charging Orc Riders, but as if to say 'TO HELL WITH THAT FIRE!!!', the Orc Riders continued charging, plunging into the inferno. About 12 Orc Riders died inside the inferno, but the others were able to advance with only minimal injuries. The reason for that is the Orc Rider's skill [Fire Resistance]. For Orcs to become Orc Riders, they must befriend a Fire Bear. A Fire Bear (D-Rank) is a giant bear that can breathe fire, hence the name Fire Bear. To befriend one, one must be able to take the breath of the bear numerous times without fighting back. The Fire Bear will then acknowledge you as a rival then continue fighting with you until your bond grows deeper. Once that is done, both of you fight until one is down, whether you win or lose, the bear will offer you its support.

The Orc Riders, upon coming in contact with the Fire Lizards, trampled them to death, bashed them with their iron clubs, and rampaged within enemy lines. The Firedrake seeing this went into a rage and personally joined the front lines, along with the other monsters.

Flame Turtles (C-rank), Magma Slimes (D-rank), Inferno Zombies (D-rank), and Fire Elementals (C-rank) joined the battle at the front and launched a counter attack at the Orc Riders. The Orc Riders seeing that numerous monsters charging at them began a retreat.

While bringing along the charging army of monsters, another rain of arrows barraged the area where the Orc Riders were passing, along with the charging monsters, using the their huge shields at their back, the Orc Riders were able to block against the arrows coming their way and safely got out unscathed. The charging monsters however, didn't. Some monsters that had a bad compatibility with arrows were either killed or wounded, halting their advance and being trampled to death by their allies.

But none of that affected the Firedrake. Boasting scales as hard as pure steel, it charged against the rain of arrows as if it was just playing under the rain. The arrows bounced of its scales, having no effect against the Firedrake.

Seeing that, a single silhouette stood behind the wall of Orc Crusaders after the Orc Riders succsessfully retreated from the charging enemy force. Its height was about child and it had green skin. It wore an eyepatch and had a white cape on its back. It was a Goblin Strategist.

"Gueh!! Gugyaa!!!"

Shouting in a voice a human cannot understand, the Orc Crusaders charged against the charging monsters. With their spears raised and towering shields upfront, it could only be described as a giant moving wall.

Behind them were Orc Berserkers. In exchange for defense, they can release a fury of attacks unthinkable for something their size. With two huge battleaxes in each hand (Huge for a human), they charged along with the Orc Crusaders.

When the monsters neared a certain distance, the Orc Crusaders stopped almost instantly and created an immovable wall. When the monsters reached about a meter before the Orc Crusaders' shield, the Orc Berserkers behind them jumped over the Orc Crusaders and commenced the bloodbath. Chunks of meat and slime mucous scattered along the ground, along with some Fire Elemental's screams. Normally, you couldn't hit an elemental physically, but the Orc Berserkers' axe are magically enchanted with [Spirit's Edge], making it possible to harm elementals.

Thanks to the Goblin Strategist's division of troops, they were well balanced in terms of strategy and formation, unlike a mob of monsters. There were three divisions for their army, a Support Division, an Offense Division, and the Healing Division.

The army of goblins, orcs and others were only one-third of the complete army. The complete army numbered more than 600, while the Offense Division numbered more than 200.

There were some Orc Berserkers that were killed in combat, but each one brought along more than 10 along with them, dealing a huge blow against the Firedrake's troops.


Sensing that they were in the disadvantage, the Firedrake roared as if to stop the movements of everyone in the roar's effective range. Every monster in that area was stunned, until they were aware of what the Firedrake's actions were to bring about.

A huge amount of air gathered in the lungs of the Firedrake. With a huge bellow, a raging inferno, stronger than what the Fire Lizards breathed out combined enveloped the whole area. Several Orc Berserkers and Orc Crusaders were burnt to ashes, along with some Orc Riders. With just a single breath, more than 50 were killed.

"---Gu—Gugyahh!!! Gugyahh!!!"

Shouting out of desperation, a huge silhouette appeared behind the destroyed Orc Crusader's formation. Its height was about 3.5 meters and had a physique of a human bodybuilder. Its skin color was red and had two horns protruding out of its head and in its hand, a giant steel club. It wore nothing but a loincloth covering its genitals, exposing the huge muscles on its body.

It was a Demon Troll (A-rank).


With a single roar, the ground shook and the ashes of the burnt corpses flew away into the air. The Firedrake flinched under its roar, and roared a roar of its own.


The two exchanged roars for about 5 seconds before the noise faded into nothingness. With this the battlefield was quiet, very quiet as if nothing had ever happened, but tension was really high.

In a moment, the Firedrake spread its wings to take flight. Seeing this, the Demon Troll dashed forward, closing the gap with just a step. Using its huge arms and steel club, it swung at one of the wings of the Firedrake, smashing it to pieces.


The pained scream of the Firedrake echoed through the battlefields. Sensing that its one advantage that is flight was taken away from it, the Firedrake gave up on it and inhaled a huge amount of air. Because of that move, the Firedrake's fate was sealed.

At that moment, the Demon Troll clasped tightly its mouth, sealing the air movement within, and brought its head to the ground. The Demon Troll then stepped on its mouth and swung its steel mace at its other wing.

The remaining wing was decimated and chunks of its meat splattered on the ground. The Firedrake was unable to scream because of its sealed mouth, and because of that muffled scream, the air inside its lungs that were brought to its organ to breathe fire, went up its windpipe. Having no way to exit the body, except for the two small openings of the nose, the fire went back inside and burned its insides.

The Firedrake squirmed as it felt the pain of being burned inside, trying to get away from the clutches of the Demon Troll. A few seconds later, the Firedrake stopped moving and lost its consciousness for eternity.


~ Daichi POV ~

While I was waiting for a report about the outcome of the battle, a goblin ninja reported in.

It seems that the enemy army was obliterated, while my army suffered about 50 losses. I can understand since it was from the Firedrake, but still, more than 50 with one breath, such a frightening gap. If it wasn't because of the Demon Troll I summoned, I wouldn't be able to win against that and I would've lost the game.

But seriously, 25000 DP FOR A SINGLE DEMON TROLL!?

Well, anyway, counting in its battle potential, It is way too OP. I would like to use appraisal, but I'm sure that would count as using a skill and I could be disqualified.

Well, now that that's done, let's attack whoever attacked me.

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