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27.02% My Birthday Wish To Be A Dungeon Master Was Granted / Chapter 10: Events Before the Meeting

Chapter 10: Events Before the Meeting

Continuing the events after the hero was thrown outside the dungeon. I used the [Create Entity] skill to create a golem with insights on how to be a dungeon master to manage the dungeon when I am away. Well, I made his style the same as mine when managing a dungeon. I don't want to come back seeing that the adventurers diving in my dungeon becoming a bunch of corpses.

His image was that of a duplicate me, a doppelganger so to speak.

"Greetings master."

Woah… Looking at myself kneeling while greeting in a polite manner made me feel weird, doesn't it?

"Mu…? Master…?"

When Shironeko woke up from sleeping in my lap, she saw my doppelganger kneeling, at my, at our direction.

"Fu- Fueehhh!!?? M-Master!!! P-Please raise your head!!"

She raised a cry and politely asked him to raise his head… Cute…

"Shironeko, it's okay, that person is a golem I made to supervise the dungeon, and also take care of you when I am away."

"M-Master!? Eh…? Eh…?"

When she noticed my presence, she twisted her head to my direction, and then back again to my kneeling doppelganger. She repeated this about 5 times before her brain overheated and fainted.


"Lady Shironeko!?"

Both I and my doppelganger raised shouts of worry when we saw Shironeko faint. But when we looked at her face, both of us made a faint smile, she had a face that was smiling while blushing.

"Two… Masters… Best… Day…"

She was quietly murmuring those words while unconscious. But I was still taken aback by the politeness of my doppelganger. It made me cringe seeing myself kneeling and talking in a polite tone mostly used from the Edo Period, seriously, I haven't even spoken like that before.

Holding up Shironeko's light body, I carried her to the bed and laid her down. Covering her body with a blanket to avoid her body temperature lowering, I looked at the direction where my doppelganger was.

… He was still kneeling… No wait… he is changing his pose from kneeling… to a… DOGEZA!?

"Stop!! Stop that at once!!! I don't want to see myself doing a dogeza with that pitiful face!!!"


My pride won't allow that to happen!! I quickly ran towards my doppelganger and lectured him on what to do, and also told him to stop all this polite nonsense to me and Shironeko. I mean, who can stand seeing theirself being polite to theirself? At least I can't.

And so spending half the day on lecturing on what to do when I am away during the meeting, I created another room where my doppelganger will stay, along with Shironeko. As I thought, I can't bring her to a meeting where scary dungeon masters will gather.

The next day, I was busy checking the dungeon while Shironeko was watching TV behind me. She was watching an anime with a certain pirate MC who can stretch his body like rubber.

She was watching it with sparkling eyes. I thought what she was doing was cute, well, until that happened.

She was watching it like always until the scene where the MC did one of his moves. Shironeko also copied the MC. She made the same pose as the MC, with her fist straight in the ground while crouching.

I thought it was really cute, until I saw her skin turning red and steam rising from her body. Oi… is what I'm seeing real or not?

She readied her body and jumped. She inhaled a huge amount of air and…

"G*mu G*mu no J*t Pist*ol!!!"


The cave room shook and the TV that was just there, playing the anime show earlier, was now lodged 2 meters inside the wall. Shironeko, noticing what happened, turned pale and looked at my direction.



For a few moments, the only sounds that were audible were the sounds from the dungeon via microphone.


With quick movements, Shironeko dived down and did a dogeza in front of me while her body was still steaming.

"I-It's okay Shironeko. I can always create another one, so cheer up okay?"

"Uuu… Hiku…"

With teary eyes, Shironeko came up on me and went back on my lap, just to doze off seconds later.

"… She really is cute…"


<Warning!!! Hero Detected!!!>

Another warning popped up on the screen while I was enjoying the BGM of Shironeko watching anime.

"… Again?"

I opened up the Dungeon Menu and took a look at my dungeon. A familiar face appeared, along with some other unfamiliar faces.

"He's back, and with a party?"

Correct, the hero is back, and with a party nonetheless. It was composed one male and three females.

... Riajuu… Die and explode a million times!!!

I became enraged at the site of the hero, who was thrown out of my dungeon like trash, was being accompanied by three girls, moreover beautiful ones!!! Looking at their clothes, their breast sizes were ordered from biggest to smallest, with biggest starting from the left. The leftmost girl was wearing revealing clothes, emphasizing her chest. The cleavage was clear, even through the screen!! Ahh… Boobs… Boobs are justice!!!

She was wielding a staff, with a book on her other hand. If appearances can decide the class of a person, then she must be a mage or magic user. Next was the average size boob girl. She was wearing clothing a priest would wear. On her right hand, a staff with golden embroidery, and on her left hand, a silver cross. She is, without a doubt, a cleric or healer.

Last was the girl with a pitiful chest. Mind you, I am not deciding their worth using their breast sizes! And I am not saying that pitiful chests are bad either, okay! All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but in no, under no circumstance, I am saying that flat is bad!! I'm just saying 'pitiful chest' to make it look like I am sympathizing with her… yeah… That is the reason… yep…

Anyway, she was garbed in light metal armor, with a short sword and some daggers dangling at her waist, along with a couple of items. Most likely, she is thief or scout.

Their team composition is good, if they are trying to dive a dungeon with a cave's appearance and interior. Considering their gear, it is almost good for a cave. Short weapons to use in narrow places, magic instead of arrows, I just hope that the mage doesn't use fire magic. I don't want to deprive my dungeon of oxygen.

The party of four entered the dungeon with caution. Even if they entered recklessly, they won't die. Wait… Let me use this as a test for my doppelganger.

I stood up and went to where my doppelganger was.


~ Philip POV ~

Damn the dungeon master… Making me experience that humiliation, I will never forgive him!!!

"Sandra, scout ahead and contact us if you see any golems."


Sandra rushed towards the room with no sound. As expected from a high level thief. I'll use you until you I find no more use for you hehehe…

These commoners think that they can party with me, the hero who will one day save this world from the demon lord? Just because I was recruiting, doesn't mean that I will treasure them as teammates. They are just fodder and stepping stones for my growth hehehe…

"I have returned Hero-sama. I have spotted about 5 golems inside. Judging from their appearance, they are high golems."

"I know that much Sandra. I just want to know how many there were. Now that we know, let's destroy them."




The four of us rushed inside the room and destroyed the golems using the elements of surprise. Easy!

"Let's continue."

An hour later, the four of us arrived in front of the boss room. I was 10 minutes earlier when I was alone. Just goes to show how useless commoners were.

"Inside here is the boss. Last time I was here, I was beaten in an instant, so don't let your guard down."


The three of them nodded and raised their guard. At least, they can be useful as meat shields. With the sword you have given me, I will kill you dungeon master, hehehe… HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

The four of us opened the door and were greeted with a large room. Inside was the dreaded automaton that knocked my lights out in just a moment. It stood up and looked at us like it was looking at garbage.

Don't fucking joke with me!!!

"Keeja! Ready your spells!! Sandra! Use hit and run tactics, use items if need be! Leila! Cover us with enchantments and healing!"


After giving the commands, I dashed towards the automaton and used a feint. The automaton took the bait easily, and I jumped out of the way. A moment later, fireballs with the size of two diameters assaulted the golem. Smoke covered the automaton's body. Looks like Keeja was able to conjure up high-powered spells in a moment, not bad for a commoner. I just might take her as a concubine to produce a powerful heir.

Next, Sandra came in close and threw some items at it. It had the shape of knives. It stuck to the automaton's body and exploded a second after.

"Increase thy strength and soar like the wind, [Agility & Strength Increase]!"

The next moment, green mist covered my body, and I felt really light. This must be Leila's enchantment magic. I'll reward you plenty later hehehe…

I dashed towards the smoking body of the automaton and raised my sword.


My sword was enveloped with a bright light. Those who gaze upon this skill will marvel at the sight of this. A fitting skill for a hero blessed by the gods!

The sword was swung down and my sight was dyed white. Few seconds later, my vision returned and there was nothing left in front of me.

"Hehe… HAHAHA!!! Next is, you, dungeon master!"

While making a smile as if I had completed an impossible quest, my consciousness faded.


~ Daichi POV ~

"… Haaa…"

A sigh leaked out of my lips as I looked at the screen. The sight of the hero foaming with the whites of his eyes exposed was really disturbing. His party members were also unconscious.

Deus was able to dodge the attack from the hero using his [Nimbleness] skill. During the time when the four of them were blinded by the skill of the Hero, Deus, using that time, knocked the three females out. After that, Deus knocked the Hero out after his declaration of killing me. Is he seriously a hero? He has good combat instincts, I'll give him that, but when he lowers his guard, he is nothing but a strong ordinary person.

"Golems, escort our guests outside."

After Kaze's instruction, the golems with space magic teleported the four of them out of the dungeon. By the way, Kaze is the name I gave to my doppelganger.

"Good job Kaze."

"Yes, master. Nothing can bring me enough joy than to show my worth to you."

"… Yes, well, erm… Continue on! And make sure to properly manage my dungeon during the time I am gone."


I left the room while cringing at the sight of me kneeling with tears dropping to the floor. I mean seriously!? Why the heck would you cry at the drop of a hat when your master congratulated you for a small achievement!? At most, that was just something you can be proud of, not cry tears of joy!!!

"…Haaahh… Anyway, just a few more days before the meeting…"

I returned to my room to sleep. Just visiting Kaze makes me feel tired. At least, Shironeko soothed my soul. Just seeing her mimicking the moves of anime characters heals my heart.

Good night…

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