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5.81% Mana Star System: Soul Rebirth / Chapter 4: 4 Home!

Chapter 4: 4 Home!

The entire way home Korrin didn't hear the end of it. How he was a loveless father, or a womanizing bastard or this or that. The slew of insults so great the alcoholic carriage driver had become uncomfortable. Korrin knowing that he messed up took the brunt of the insults, only mildly piping up when his manhood was challenged. Donis had been busy inspecting the countryside and the carriage they were in ignoring his mothers wails.

Donis's mind had been abuzz with all of this new information about the closest flowers he could inspect, the clothes, the carriage and even his father. Donis's opinion of his father had swelled a little. His father was a much higher level and it even said something beside his name that hadn't shown up before!

-Korrin Laurent –

Age: 23 -

[Level 26][? EXP] –

[Mana State: Breath]-

'Way to go dad, I knew you'd surprise me! Only someone as strong as you could give birth to me heheh,' sniggered Donis, picturing a typical MC striking a fierce pose in one of those novels he loved.

The vast amount of information still wasn't enough to level [Inspect] up. He'd looked at any and every bird creature that had flown past their carriage. A lot of them looked very similar to what would be seen on Earth. Their only real notable physical difference would be their SIZE. Holy lord, they're half the size of CARS. And they ALL have these ungodly names attached to them!

-Blood Drowning Falcon –

[Level 18] –

[Common] -

-Inferno Desertgul –

[Level 21] –

[Uncommon] -

- Acid-Spiked Vulture –

[Level 16] –

[Common] -

If these are the common tier of monsters on this world, I don't want to see the higher level beasts. 'And Korrin is higher than all of them, dad, are you actually a monster?!' thought Donis, slowly becoming starry-eyed. Korrin also seemed to have a mana state, [Breath]. It sounds like it'd be the upgraded version of the [Wisp] Mana State. 'Can Korrin actually use magic I wonder,' mulled Donis.

The carriage stopping shook Donis, signalling that they've arrived. A cute smile formed on Donis's face, grabbing the attention of Morissa. "Yes sweetie, we've just arrived home. Yes Donis, Home!" cooed Morissa. He had no idea what she was saying but he kept smiling cause he was about to gain a whole lot more of [Inspect] experience. A frown formed on Donis's face betraying the idea that a smile had ever been there. His mother became worried at the sudden change of her happy baby.

'Does this world use exp?'

-Yes. Each and Every Focused Action or Autonomous Action, Quest Completion, and any Gained Title Gives the [User] Progress Towards Their Next Level. Only When Abilities Level up, do They Grant [EXP] Towards Your Overall Level-

The [System] helpfully replied. 'It's like you know when I'm sort of directing a thought in your direction. I must say it's almost growing on me,' Donis chided lightly.

Looking over his status intently he noticed there was no [EXP] bar or anything. 'System, do I need to upgrade you or can you make a bar underneath each skill to show [EXP]?' Donis thought.

-It is an Ability the [User] can Pick up in the [System Shop] titled, [UI Upgrade 1/5] for [50SP].-

'[50SP] Isn't that insane actually. But why are the Upgrades to do with you always so much higher than the ones that deal with fighting?!' Donis protested.

The [System] staying silent only rubbed more salt into Donis's imaginary wounds. This was all alleviated almost instantly when Donis cast his [Inspect] at the weapon neatly placed against the kitchen table. It was a sword. It was a slightly glowing sword. It was definitely a fantasy sword. 'A MAGIC SWORD,' exploded Donis. 'YES, a REAL magic weapon. Today has just been too good to me, I'm about to cry!'

-Korrins Sun Sword –

Rare –

Flame Rune-

'Father you're so cool,' a stray tear running down Donis's cheek.

Morissa noticing the tear rushed herself on to the nearest chair, making Korrins heart jump a little. "Dear don't rush yet, I don't want you hurting yourselves!" spoke Korrin. "The babe is crying, he's hungry, I've left him alone for far too long. Dear could you fetch a basin to soak me feet into? They ache me so," said Morissa quickly readying herself to feed Donis. "Uh dear, I'm tired from the jou-" Korrin began whingeing when Morissa shot him a haunting smile. "Ah I mean you're tired, sit, let me take care of you!"

Korrin began unpacking their things and the family was finishing their business with the drunk, quickly saying their goodbyes to the driver, who was now entirely too sober. Morissa not knowing of the mushroom wine incident, shook his hand gratefully for the safe journey while Korrin could only grumble and offer a poor excuse of a handshake. Korrin getting scolded once more for not showing enough appreciation decided to just pick up the rest of luggage and bring it all, and save his ears for later.

Donis had not stopped smiling, and not just because of the sword, but something wonderful just happened. With the inspection, another notification popped up.

-[Inspection 2/5] Level Up!

[Sub-Quest] reward awarded. +[25SP]-

His father now had extra info tied to his status!

-Korrin Laurent –

Age: 23 -

[Level 26] –

[Mana State: Breath] –

[Occupation: Rune Forger] –

[Titles: Dual Craft Expert, Forceful Tower, Truly Valiant, Sword Aficionado.]-

'System, can I see what others titles do on other people?' thought Donis.

-The [User] of Their Own [System] can Restrict Access to as Much Information as the [User] Wishes. This is Your Father's Restriction Parameters.-

'Wait. Does that mean other people have the system too?' quickly thought Donis. Other people having the system would change everything. It would mean he didn't have to hide anything and wouldn't feel ostracised within his friend group, if he made any.

It would also mean that others can see Donis's Status. This is bad news for him. If other people have [Inspect] he could be in danger of showing others he wasn't just a normal baby.

Showing power and skill is all well and good, except for when someone sees a baby with titles. Donis may not know much of this world, but in no way could he justify a baby having titles.

-Yes, Others Have the [System], but Only This [User] has the Functions [System Shop] and [[User] Quests],- the [System] replied, ignoring the thoughts festering in Donis's mind.

'System can you hide my status to an extent that I seem like a perfectly normal baby if I were inspected?' thought Donis.

-Yes. Restrictions Applied.-

'Actually, could change the restrictions to show what people know about me too so that I'm not permanently restricted to the status of a babe?' Donis ended up adding.

-Yes. Restrictions will be lifted accordingly.-

Sighing with relief, he knew he could use his time as a baby and child to effectively train himself without much worry.

Scanning every corner of his house with [Inspect] didn't really give him the time to appreciate their house. It was a log cabin of sorts with brick corners acting as supports, and a light brown chimney protruding from the roof, tying in the homey feel perfectly.

Their yard had a small well in the middle and a metal forge twenty or so meters behind with a small building attached to it. Looking like the typical adventure world smitheries with ingots and unfinished swords littering the exterior.

The interior of the building housed a multitude of ornate vases and paintings done by the locals. They weren't rich, but they were well off. Having the luxury of having Duck Down-like bedding and cotton-like fabrics. The house had three bedrooms, and a kitchen with a small hallway leading outside with a study right beside the door. Each room was filled with unique trinkets that Korrin had found or bought on his travels, decorating the house with a flavour of each city and state.

The house had a garden facing the sun at the most appropriate angle, catching as much of the suns daylight as possible. It was beautifully arranged with near semi-circular patterns flowing outwards. Flowers, veg and berries entirely alien to a native of Earth populated the tidy rows of the garden. Morissa had a deep love for her gardening, as it gave her reprise from the daily assortment of problems with her kids. Five kids total, to be painfully accurate, now with a baby among them.

The children were currently out with Morissa's sister, Oralia Endoni, so the parents had a bit of time before they fetched the kids. They both smiled at each other and collapsed on the floor simultaneously. They were exhausted. Their eyes creaking with every blink, their minds numb, and bodies weak. Yet they still had to endure, but firstly a break is in order. Morissa began talking Korrins ear off, mentioning gossip from the hospital, the people, her experience and anything her mind could prattle off. Meanwhile Korrin had been setting up the foot bath for Morissa, smiling and laughing with her. He felt complete.

Donis being put to the side could only smile. As he was still wrapped up, but this time in a lovely scarf made from something much softer than his previous gray wrap. Yet he was still constricted and was very limited in his options. He felt for his parents, he really did. He never liked changing diapers of his Uncles kids. It's probably one of the worst things he's had to do. Donis couldn't remember the uncle, but he could remember the atrocities that came out of those kids.

After the light faded from the evening sky, Donis began searching for skills he could train while wrapped up, all for less than [25SP]. No easy task but one he was excited to take on.

He was struggling with deciding on what he really wanted. Ease of levelling or usefulness. Every choice seemed almost like a pain. Summoning the entire brain power of a baby under a week old, he had made his decision.

If like in his previous Quest given by the system which rewarded him with [25SP] for levelling up an ability, he'd have to gain two more quests. This was so he could immediately pick up the [UI Upgrade] as he really really wanted the [EXP] bar.

'I choose you [Breath Training 1/10] for [20SP] and [Pain Resistance 1/50] for [5SP]!' Donis mentally boomed. Another euphoric, almost addicting, sensation washed over his body seemingly concentrating on his chest area while his skin tingled. An instinctual method to breathe correctly flowed through his mind. Knowing that [Pain Resistance] having so many levels means he won't see too much difference immediately, unlike the [Breath Training] which showed effects immediately. After re-adjusting his breathing, he felt his mind focusing and his body lightening.

A new notification popped up,

-[Side-Quest: Level Up all [Body Category] Skills Once. Reward: [50SP], Title]-

He was right! 'But to think I'd also get a title. I didn't even consider that! Lucky me,' gurgled Donis out-loud. Morissa immediately picking up on that quickly begins cooing after the baby, laughter filling her belly. She was overjoyed that her little miracle was happy in his new home and showing such a cute side to himself. She already knew he was going to be her favourite.

As if explaining to himself, Donis began to monologue once more. 'So I got the Immune system upgrade, breath training and pain resistance. What possible title would that net me? Is it going to amplify my body further following linear logic? Is it going to hinder me possibly from following a magic path? It's also the perfect amount of [SP] for my personal goal of the [EXP] bar. That's super suspicious, system.'

'I got the upgrades cause they felt like they'd be easy to upgrade and definitely useful if I were to max them out. If I maxed out [Immune System] will make it so I can never become sick or diseased?! That'd be insane. Maybe [Breath Training] could let me hold my breath forever, giving me the ability to go underwater indefinitely!' Donis thought, playing with any and every idea that popped into his clearly still developing brain.

In Donis's mind, all he had to do was practice the breath training while constantly pinching himself. He wasn't sure what he was going to do with the [Immune System] upgrade cause he couldn't think of any way to train it as a baby, a wrapped up, tightly watched.. baby. He had found his first stumble. He'd already messed up. 'How am I going to complete the quest.. maybe I was too hasty,' Donis finished, internally scolding himself.

Picking himself up, Donis mentally declared, 'Screw it, it doesn't matter. I'll train what I can and hope for the best, I'm not moving from this spot for far longer than my liking, so I may as well get comfortable!' His most mature decision yet would have inspired the hearts of the local maidens. If it were not entirely in his head and his vicinity maiden-free.

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