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36% The Tale of Night Prince / Chapter 8: Pranks

Chapter 8: Pranks

~Hogwarts, Slytherin Dormitory, Lestrange Room: NIght~ {POV 3rd Person}

The room assigned to the vampire trio is located between boys and girls section but they sensed that just like boys' rooms there is no protection on the gate of the room. Well, they do understand that school can't use protection used in girls section which is used to keep boys outside, as one of the students staying in the room is a boy but for someone like Aruhik, even if he is a single occupant of the room, he won't allow others to easily invade his privacy let alone now he is sharing the room with his two beautiful lifelong partners who have attracted eyes of almost every other boy in school.

So the first thing the three vampires did after entering the room is to set up a barrier around the room which only allow three of them to enter and exit, they are confident that even Professor Dumbledore won't be able to break it even after trying for weeks. The motivation for Ash to set up the barrier is the same as Aruhik, as the only proper education she ever got, is after meeting with Aruhik and Sia so her personality is similar to the mixture of both but leaning more towards Aruhik. Sia's motive for working on it is quite a simple one that is in her words 'Lower beings must not disturb her family time.' so both Ash and Aruhik have to convince her into giving up the idea of setting deadly traps in the barrier as they don't want any dead students in their front door though she still succeeded in counter convincing them to include minor traps.

They also called Dimpy here, to take care of their general needs in the room as she is the only house-elf they have allowed to Apparate inside the barrier. Even owls are not allowed in this room and Dimpy will be the one taking care of letters and owls.

As for their room, befitting the name of Slytherin it is indeed luxurious, from their senses they can tell that their room is twice the size of other rooms, multiple beautiful silver lanterns hanging from the ceiling, walls are decorated with silver carvings on a green background, three ancient four-poster bed with green silk hangings and there is another door in the corner which leads to their private bathroom so they don't have to share with others.

After checking that their luggage has properly reached the room, they called their Aunt, Narcissa Malfoy through the mobile as Aruhik estimated that most likely Draco should be calling Lucius Malfoy, and that was indeed the case as they could hear Draco and Lucius's voices in the background. After informing their Aunt about safe arrival and the events after that, three of them walked towards the bathroom.

Just before entering the bathroom, their clothes disappeared as they are initial black dresses attached to them which have changed shape to look like school robes using a small amount of mana, so they just have to will for it disappear from their body. On a side note, their clothes can also be equipped in a single weapon slot but it doesn't change anything in them, not even something simple like speeding up self-repair function let alone increasing defense.

Since their thoughts are connected to each other, all of them know each other's body quite well so Aruhik and Ash don't really feel flustered showing their naked bodies to each other or Sia. As for Sia herself, she is wearing clothes only because she learned from Aruhik that the naked body can only be shown to a dearly loved person and Aruhik will get really angry if somebody else managed to see her without clothes. After washing each other in a fairly lavish bathroom, mainly Aruhik and Ash cleaning Sia then washing each other, they came out of the bathroom. After they dried water from their bodies black pajamas appeared on their body, a shirt without a collar, and pants for Aruhik while gown, which exposes their neck and shoulder, for both Sia and Ash.

Aruhik can see that Sia's pupils have almost completely turned blood red and even Ash's black pupils are showing signs of blood color, understanding their desire Aruhik moved to one of the three beds and other two also followed him on the same bed, since the bed is quite large they don't really need to get a bigger one for the time being. Aruhik lied down face up in the middle and Sia settled on his right side while Ash on his left side, both on them partly on top him with their small breasts pressed on his chest, looking at their faces again he found that now both of them have complete blood-red pupils which are slightly glowing and even their canines have elongated. Though his canines haven't elongated, through them he knew that his eyes are also in similar condition as them.

As both girls moved towards either side of his neck, Aruhik also put his hands around the waist of both girls and pressed them closer to him. Since his shirt didn't have a collar, Sia and Ash were easily able to access his neck, soon Aruhik also felt the breath of both the girls on his neck and slightly warm wetness on his right side, from the previous experience with Sia, he easily understood that she is licking his neck, Sia got this habit of licking the place she is about to bite soon after she fed on him for the first time.

Aruhik felt pricking sensations on both sides of his neck almost simultaneously but the pain disappeared almost instantly and unlike the first time when he felt relaxation this time Ariuhik started feeling the heat rising along with a slight excitement building up inside him. He is able to feel similar emotion is also building up in Ash and Sia, and due to shared senses their emotions and desire kept on resonating with each other and continuously increasing.

Both girls continued drinking his blood for more than five minutes but due to Aruhik being a pureblood vampire he didn't face any problems like being anemic. By the time two girls stopped all of them were taking heavy breaths along with increased heartbeats and with slight blush covering the cheeks of both girls, which is visible even on Ash's wheat-colored skin. Soon Aruhik noticed that his canines have also elongated completely.

Understanding his desire Ash loosened him and as soon as she did, Aruhik gently turned his body along with Sia and pressed her under him then he reached for her neck. Sia also exposed her neck by slightly tilting her head, this time Sia felt a slight prick on her neck then she started feeling the thrill and heat rising up inside her, similar to when she was feeding on Aruhik, gradually her excitement kept on reaching higher levels along with her heavy breaths.

While Aruhik was feeding on Sia, he felt a soft sensation along with a slight weight resting on his back, he already knew from Ash's thoughts that she is coming for him, soon he once again felt the pricking then a familiar sensation wash over his body. For the next couple of hours, girls took turns feeding on him and Aruhik fed on them. Tired from these activities they soon entered into dreams while cuddling with each other.

This desire for feeding on each other started a few months before they met Ash for the first time, they don't know why it appeared but gradually the sensation of relaxation while feeding on each other disappeared and it was replaced by excitement also it worked both sides instead of just the one who is being fed on, along with this their desire for each other's blood also increased. Few months after Ash became Aruhik's Beast Vassal similar characteristics also appeared between them.

Three vampires still don't know but later they will find out that this is a vampire characteristic that appears between lovers, as their feelings turned from just family members to lovers their desire for each other's blood also increased, due to this Aruhik desires for Sia and Ash but both girls only desire for Aruhik's blood and not each other's blood.

Almost every species has the instinct to breed and create strong offsprings, the same is also true for vampires, so when vampires fall in love with each other their instinct affects them to create a strong offspring. Feeding on each other's blood is actually refining it to bring the greater potential out of their bloodline and greater the potential and strength of parents stronger is the offspring.

So if three continue these activities for a long time their potential and strength will increase also because they are refining each other's blood they get tired in just a couple of hours even though they have a vampire's stamina, but refining blood with your lover is quite a long process and this long word is with respect to vampires life, so these seven years is just a small glimpse in the long life of vampires due to which they didn't find any noticeable difference in their bodies also they all have quite a high potential due to Aruhik's wishes so whatever improvement occurs easily gets covered up.

To what extent instinct will affect a vampire depends on its bloodline purity and since all three of them are pureblood vampires, as girls take human form based on Aruhik's bloodline and Aruhik wished for being a pureblood vampire, so they experience it at its maximum. The activities they just did can be considered as something similar to foreplay in humans and pleasure they just experienced along with their instinct make them almost addicted to it, making them repeat the process again and again.

The only reason they are not taking the final step is that their bodies are not fully developed, so Aruhik does not want to do something that might harm them and their instincts also warn them to take final step as a vampire's body develop to an ideal state according to their strength and potential so their instinct heavily affects them due to their strong bloodline each time they do something that might harm them or negatively affect their own growth.

There is also another fact they don't know, that is pureblood vampires take a really long time to reproduce as their fertility is very low, they will come to know this fact even much later than the previous fact.


~The Next Morning~

Dimpy spent quite a lot of effort to wake them up just before the start of their first class but they don't have any time for breakfast, not like they needed any of it. Though they don't need to sleep at night and can go on without it for a long time. When they actually sleep, independent of duration they sleep for, it is really difficult for them to wake up in the early morning. Three of them also know that they can't be late for classes on their first day so they got up and checked their time table.

Monday: Transfiguration in the afternoon and Astronomy at midnight.

Tuesday: Defence against dark arts in the morning and Charms in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Herbology in the afternoon.

Thursday: History of Magic in the morning and flight lessons in the afternoon (will start from next week).

Friday: Double Potions in the morning.

Fortunately, today is Monday so they didn't miss any classes in the morning as the class start in the afternoon, in less than 30 minutes. Three of them took a fast bath and got ready for the class, by the time they entered into the classroom there were already most of the students from Ravenclaw and Slytherin present there which included Draco but they were still before the class time as don't need to predict the way in this ever-changing castle, with the help of magic and space sensing they easily found the right path and shortcuts.

When they entered the class they saw a cat is sitting on the table watching all the students in the class, they instantly identified from the magical signature that this is Professor McGonagall. Three of them sat on the seat behind Draco and they heard him talking to Daphne.

"I told you before, right? They really don't like to wake up early due to which they didn't attend breakfast but they will arrive on time in class." To which Aruhik greeted them and replied.

"Good afternoon, we honestly are not a morning people but you don't need to worry about it, we will still arrive in classes on time." Thinking of something Ash asked them.

"What is with this cat on the teacher's desk?" Pansy replied to this.

"We don't know, it has been there since we arrived, I think this might be the teacher's pet." In response to this Ash asked them.

"Oh, then would anyone of you would like to provide milk to this cute cat? As I know cats really like to drink milk, I can call house elf for it." Hearing this suggestion from Ash, the cat started looking towards them and as Tracey was about to agree but Draco stopped her.


"Wait, Tracey wait.....what three of you are actually panning? Let alone I don't find this tabby cat as cute even though it is not as ugly as Mrs. Norris but the important thing is I don't think you three would actually help an unknown cat that you meet for the first time." The cat was almost glaring at Draco for comparing her with Mrs. Norris but he didn't notice it. Aruhik replied to him while making a sad face.

"That is quite harsh of you Draco, saying something like this to your own cousins." After him, Ash added to his statement.

"Also, it is quite rude to call a female as ugly, isn't she just the most loveable tabby cat." But Draco didn't believe them even one bit.

"No way I am falling into another one of your traps, I have already....wait, you said female cat...that means.....she is....." Aruhik cut him off here and said with a disappointed face.

"Oh, unfortunately, you found out. Don't worry we do it better next time." Hearing the first part he confirmed his suspicion but when he heard the last part, Draco replied with a tired face.

"You know that I absolutely don't want you to take this as a challenge."

By this time Professor McGonagall has understood that Lestrange siblings already knew her identity, they were just trying to prank their batchmates. So she transformed into a human and asked towards Ash.

"Miss Lestrange, how did you identify me?" Ash instantly answered her.

"Professor you are quite famous for being an Animagus." Then she further added in her mind 'And actually registring it in the ministry.' as they have faced quite a number of unregistered Animagi while hunting for black wizards, so she is indeed a celebrity among them for actually registering it.

Professor replied by awarding the Slytherin with points.

"Very good, Slytherin is awarded five points for remembering this information."

The rest of the class went smoothly and they were given matchsticks to transfigure it into a needle. Draco easily transfigured into a beautiful silver needle without even using his wand which earned him heavy praise from the Professor and awarded him 10 points even though he compared her with Mrs. Norris. By the time she finished praising him, she found out that Lestrange siblings have also done the same but she can't award so many points to one house in a single class. So she awarded them 5 points each saying that Draco did it first and by the end of class Slytherin has earned a total of 30 points. Due to the overachieving performance of these four when Gryffindor attended their first transfiguration class Hermione earned only one point while Harry 10 points.

While going out of class Aruhik once again recalled the conclusion they reached while researching the Animagus magic. It can be considered as bloodline-magic exclusive to magicians in this world as there are certain specific channels in their body for transferring magical energy which completes the spell during each conversion they just have to activate it and once they do it the spell can be executed at will using those magical energy channels but three of them didn't find anything like this in their own body. Also, three of them don't really need this spell as Animagus generally use their animal form for sneaking and hiding but Ash's Dark attribute is definitely much better, it is because of her attribute she has become such a great assassin that she is feared most in all the organizations, even though they have deduced that Sia is most powerful among the three Leader class of Glaives.


Aruhik, Sia, and Ash are going towards the hall for the lunch along with Draco, Daphne, and Tracey. Just when they reached the hall, Aruhik saw Harry is also coming towards here along with Ron and Hermione also Aruhik could hear that he is discussing herbology with her which was their today's morning class, Aruhik speculated that may be due to Harry's knowledge and training the relationship between them is different from original as in this conversation Harry is the one teaching Hermione. Remembring the gift he has prepared for him, Aruhik called out to him.

"Harry." Hearing familiar voice calling out to him, he looked towards the place where the voice came from and saw that Aruhik, Sia and Ash who are still wearing hoods are coming towards him along with their cousin and other two Slytherin girls, so he also greeted them with a smile but didn't notice that his two partners have already tensed up after seeing them. Sia also just glanced at Hermione once then completely ignored her as she doesn't consider her important enough to even remember her name, Sia knows it only because Aruhik and Ash remember it.

"Hello Aruhik, it is good to see you again Sitasia, Asheal, and Draco." Aruhik introduced the other two girls to him.

"These two ladies are Miss Daphne Greengrass and Miss Tracey Davis our fellow batchmates and both of you should already know him, Harry Potter. These two are your friends?"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis. Yes, these two are my friends, I met them on train Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger." Till this time both of them have already come out of daze and Ron spoke with a scowling expression.

"What do you Sly..." But he was instantly cut off by Aruhik who spoke his real purpose.

"After meeting you at the shop I was searching for a proper gift to welcome your return to the wizarding world, and I finally found a gift that you will definitely like...There are too many people here let's go to the side, by the way, others can also come if you want to know about the gift." If somebody looked closely then they will find expression on Harry's face is similar to that of when Draco was asked to give milk to Professor McGonagall, because he has also fallen into so many traps that he even checks the Christmas gifts given by them to find any hidden tricks in them. Unfortunately, nobody else other than the three vampires noticed it.

Harry wanted to stop others but Slytherins have already gone ahead along with Aruhik so he can't refuse the two Gryffindors and prepared himself for another one of their traps. Even though Draco also had the same suspicion he didn't say anything about it but asked Harry.

"So rumors are true, you lived in a muggle society before coming here?" Harry replied with the already prepared answer

"Ah....yes...I knew about magic for the first time, just a month ago." This reply from him really surprised the three Slytherins as they never thought that the life of the famous Harry Potter would be this simple before coming to school.

Soon they reached a corridor where no other students were nearby, Aruhik put his hands in the robes and took out a book covered in gift paper along with a letter. When Harry arrived near him he gave both of them to him but stopped him from opening the letter and spoke.

"Read it later on, first let me tell you about the gift. You know, it is really difficult to find a proper gift for you, fortunately, a kind shopkeeper lady helped me with it. When I entered the Gift Shop she asked me who do I need the gift for, when I replied to her, for Harry Potter even though she didn't believe it she suggested to me a quite suitable gift for you, I am sure you will like it." When Harry heard until here, he decided to not ask what the gift is, he will find it out by himself later on, when he is alone.

"Thank you, I will open it later on in the room." But he was about to turn away and run from here, Ash spoke which a playful tone.

"I am sure you will definitely like this book, me and Sia loved the story about you in this book~. This book actually tells us a shocking fact that Harry Potter is actually a girl~" Ignoring others' shocked faces she continued.

"How she lived in a magnificent castle surrounded beautiful flower garden and she can even talk to fairies living there~. I loved the part of her meeting with that handsome wizard~, then the part in which she finally confesses her love for him and gave her first~kiss is even better~" Completely ignoring the horror-filled face of Harry, Aruhik added.

"Sadly, the author did a fatal mistake, he mentioned that Harry Potter will be attending Hogwarts along with her lover from next year while you are attending this year." Coming out of his daze Harry instantly asked.

"Seriously? This is the only error you found in the story?" Once again completely ignoring him, Aruhik spoke.

"Don't worry about it, I have already contacted the writer to change the dates in his story. He will soon release the true version of the story with corrected dates. I have also planed on reciting this story on magic television, people will surely love it." After saying this, the three vampires instantly joined a group of Ravenclaw female students from nearby going towards the hall and started conversing with them. Harry instantly came out of his daze and was about to run towards them but Draco instantly stopped him while laughing.

"Wait, Harry....haha.... don't go near them now...hahaha..." Ron wanted to shout at Draco for stopping Harry but it was already difficult for him to stop his laughter let alone say anything else.

Watching the confused face of Harry, Draco controlled his laughter and replied.

"Hahaha...sorry...haha.....let breath... Don't you see who they are talking to? If you talk about a book in front of Ravenclaws, they will definitely ask about it. And believe me on this part, knowing my cousins I can assure you that if even one of the Ravenclaws asked about it, they will recite the whole story to them. And since they are girls, I am pretty sure that by tomorrow morning at least girls in every house will know about it." The last part earned Draco glares from the three girls present there but they didn't say anything because something else interested them more at the moment.

Harry stopped after hearing Draco's explanation and he could feel goosebumps rising on his skin, as he already feels quite conscious of the fact that other students whisper wherever he goes but if they come to know about this story.....

Then Harry remembered the letter given to him along with the book so he instantly opened it, others also saw him opening the letter but they didn't peek on it and waited for him to finish the letter that is except for Ron who started looking at the letter from his side but instantly spoke.

"What is this gibberish?"

Ron can't understand anything from it but Harry was able to understand it completely because the letter was written in Volow language and he learned it from those unknown teachers because of Lestrange siblings as they started writing to him this language. He also knows another fact about this Volow language that in the whole world the number of people who can understand it doesn't exceed the value of 100 both muggles and magicians included, so he is pretty sure that nobody else here can understand it, maybe except Draco as he is their cousin. This also made him understand that this letter might contain some sensitive information for him alone.


Hello Harry,

This is to inform you about the different stories circulating about you in the wizarding society, sooner or later others will also know about it and by then it will be much more difficult for you to control it.

By the way, the same author has also created an adult version of the same story where instead of a magnificent castle it is a cold dungeon and instead of being a princess, you are a s̈êx slave.

To stop the spreading of similar stories you can take the legal route, contact Edward Tonks who is your distant relative he might help or show you the way to do it.

One more thing, I almost forgot to write it, the thing about reciting the story in magic television is true as it will increase the number of viewers. The show will happen one week later after I wrote the letter.

When did I write this letter? I can't remember it, but don't worry the show will definitely happen.

On a side note, I am also considering the idea of gifting one book of this author to every student in the school, only if the book still remains in the market until the show happens.

Which version? Obviously princess version for girls and adult version for boys.

Your well-wishing friend.


As soon as Harry completely read the letter, the letter broke down into small red shining particles and dispersed in the air. Then he suddenly noticed that the three girls present there have their eyes on the 'gift' he received. So he asked them.

"What happened to you girls?" Hermione replied to this.

"Well.....why don't you remove the gift paper...I want to know the name of the book....just for reference." Tracey also weekly defended.

"Asheal said that it is a good wanted to read it once."

Hearing these replies Draco and Ron immediately started laughing but Draco also moved further away from him while dragging Daphne and Tracey along with him which really confused others. Their reply made Harry feel really grateful towards Draco for stoping him to discuss this book in front of those Ravenclaw girls but he still asked his doubt about Draco's strange behavior.

"Draco, thanks for stopping me there but why are you standing so far away." After catching his breath Draco replied.

"If you destroy the gift in frustration we don't want to become its victim, I don't know what tricks they have used for its protection." Hearing this Ron and Hermione also quickly moved away from Harry. And Harry replied with a sigh.

"It is really not easy for you to have cousins like them." This really surprised Draco but he also replied with a sigh.

"You are the first one to understand this, even Dad and Mom don't believe me on this fact." Harry nodded to these words as even though he didn't meet Lestrange siblings regularly, he had still fallen victim to quite a few tricks of them, let alone someone like Draco who is close relative to them and can meet quite frequently with each other.

"Okay then, see you later." After saying Harry turned back towards the dormitory and started walking away from the hall. Watching this Slytherins also greeted Harry and went back towards the hall but ignored the other two as Weasely's are disliked among almost all the purebloods and the other girl is the one who commented about the relationship between Aruhik and Sitasia, they don't want to have contact with a girl that can make them like those three families that got destroyed because of helping those commenting about siblings relationship and her being a muggle-born just give them one more reason. Daphne and Tracey don't shout mud blood every time they see a muggle-born wizard but that doesn't mean they like them.

As for Draco, though he doesn't like or hate muggle-borns because of Aruhik's influence, he has learned to use them but he still considers this one as useless because Sitasia surely dislikes her that means Aruhik will also mark her as those out of friends category or even an enemy to destroy. And Ron, he just doesn't like his face and he also knows that his family and Weasleys hate each other.


On the other side, watching Harry walking away from the hall Ron asked.

"Harry are you not going to have lunch?" Hearing this Harry remembered the show and distribution of books mentioned in the letter and goosebumps once again rose on his skin but he still answered the almost real reason.

"The best procedure to stop people from knowing about this book is to ban it and I can do it legally because they are using my name in their story without my permission." Hearing this both Ron and Hermione immediately volunteered to help him with this, Harry thanked them and agreed for their help as might really need it.


Aruhik did this prank with one major goal in mind that is when all those authors will be approached by legal authorities they will have pay compensation to Harry which will be in the form of money and money will obviously be stored in Harry's Gringotts' vault but then a question will arise, why Harry Potter hasn't received any report for 11 years from Gringotts about his vault's balance which Gringotts have the duty to send at least once a year but all have been intercepted by Dumbledore, who is his guardian on the magical side.

This will lead to Dumbledore giving up his authority over Harry's finance but this will also increase his focus on Harry and indirectly giving more freedom to other students including the three vampires. Also, nobody will know that this was all directed by Aruhik, because, from outsiders' point of view, they will just think that Lestrange siblings did a prank on Harry but it finally resulted in Harry getting richer. Due to this Aruhik recommended Harry to contact the Tonks, not the Professors in Hogwarts as Dumbledore might easily convince Harry to give up the compensation, and these series of chain events will fail. And obviously, the thing about reciting the story in a show was a lie but it will force Harry to work hard as his social life is at risk here.

But why did they choose to do it in the form of Prank? Because of the differences between a normal child and three of them, first: Aruhik's actual age is around 25 so he can't really act like a kid, second: Sia's actual age is in tens of thousands of years, she was born as an accumulation of lightning energy that suddenly got awareness then as her strength increased her intelligence also increased during these time she has fought with many other creatures due to various kind of reasons, sometimes she won and sometimes lost, and all these experiences led her to have a high dependence on the strength, and third: even though Ash is an actual 12 years old kid, her experience made leave all her childishness.

Due to this none of them can behave like a naive child, almost all of their actions will have a definite goal, not like actual children who act just because they want to or something as simple as just because they can. And soon they found out that it is really difficult for three of them to communicate with kids in an equal position and not taking a higher ground, so they started hiding their goals behind pranks, and then it became much easier for them to interact with kids of similar ages in equal standings.

Almost all of their pranks have some goals hidden in it just like the recent one with Harry using the book written on him, Harry used to easily believe anyone who showed even a little care for him so they made him so cautious that he even started checking his Christmas presents for hidden traps, in transfiguration class Ash gave them enough clues to conclude that cat is the Professor and similar hidden goals in many other tricks. Sometimes they indeed do pranks just because it is fun but it very few in numbers and they do it when they want to take revenge or annoy someone.


The rest of the day went smoothly for the three vampires but they found that Harry along with his two friends is did not attend the dinner. What they don't know is that he is waiting for the reply from legal departments that take care of these things also he is guarding the magic television so he can turn it off if it started showing his story, this morning's events scared him to such an extent that he has even resolved himself to force enter other houses' common rooms and shut down their television.

At midnight they attended Astronomy class along with Hufflepuff, it wasn't something useful for them but observing stars and planets still interested them. Also, most of the other students were sleepy but three were feeling excellent, though it is not like sunlight weaken them and they just don't like it also night time or darkness indeed somewhat affect their mind as they like these types of environments. That night they didn't sleep but strolled the castle as finding secret rooms and paths is really easy for them because of their magic sensing, so they continued their tour till breakfast.

The next morning they observed that the savior trio are attending the breakfast but Harry and Hermione look like they might fall asleep at any moment while Ron is already sleeping with his head resting on the table but what they didn't know was Harry was also considering the feasibility of sleeping like Ron on the breakfast table.

The vampire trio then attended the Defence Against Dark Arts class along with Hufflepuff, this proved to be the most difficult class for three of them, the class was filled with garlic scent to an extent that it is too much even for humans let alone the three vampires with a heightened sense of smell, along with this three of them can also smell the odor of rotten flesh coming from Professor Quirrell.

Though garlic isn't their weakness, the combined effect both smell made it unbearable for them, so three of them stopped their breaths as breathing isn't really necessary for them it just increase their mana recovery. Along with this smell the deliberate stuttering of Professor Quirrell, which made it difficult for everyone to understand anything, annoyed them to such an extent that even Draco could tell that they are not liking it.

Around 10 minutes after the class started, Professor Quirrell took out his wand to demonstrate a spell for students in the class. So he stood on teachers platform with his hand holding the wand stretched outwards pointing towards a small beetle but as soon as he read the spell the floor under him disappeared and he fell into a cylindrical hole while his stretched hand hit the edge of the hole which made him lose grip on his wand and it got knocked out of his hand. As soon as he completely fell inside the hall, the entrance of the hole started contracting and within moments it disappeared. As for his wand, when it fell to ground another hole appeared below it and disappeared after swallowing the wand.

Watching this series of events occur in front of them, the whole class panicked, some went away from the teacher's platform, some remained seated on their place still in a daze, and two kind Hufflepuff girls climbed the platform to check the place where Professor disappeared. As soon as Hufflepuff girls climbed the platform, the vampire trio left their seat and went towards the back of the class. Watching his cousins moving towards the back of the class, Draco also stood up from his seat and dragged his bench-mates Daphne and Tracey along with him to follow his cousins, when remaining Slytherins saw it they also followed behind the Lestrange siblings.

By the time all Slytherins reached the back of the classroom, two Hufflepuff girls were already standing near the place where Professor Quirrell got swallowed. Suddenly, entrance to the hole once again opened in the same position and dirty green colored fumes started coming out of it, when those fumes reached the two girls, they almost vomited but they gritted their teeth and ran towards the back of the classroom at their full speed.

Within moments after the hole reopened the whole classroom was filled smell of feces, after a few seconds a coughing Quirinus Quirrell somehow climbed out of the hole, whole body covered with greenish-brown liquid and his face looked like he has just lived his worst nightmare.

Quirinus Quirrell indeed saw a hell down there, because he lost his wand while falling inside the hole he wasn't able to reopen it, and upon reaching the bottom of the hole he found out that its whole bottom is filled with greenish-brown balls, which he instantly recognized are dung bombs. At the moment entrance closed all the dung bombs burst simultaneously and due to anxiety, he took a deeper breath that too from both mouth and nose which almost suffocated him.

During those few seconds inside the hole, both Quirinus Quirrell and Voldemort thought that they are going to die most humiliating death in the whole history of black wizards, death by dung bombs, as Quirinus Quirrell didn't know any major wandless spells while Voldemort is too weak to do any major wandless spells. When the hole finally opened he climbed it with his whole life's worth of effort to leave this hell hole and started coughing to remove the liquid that has entered inside his mouth.

After coughing a few more times he noticed that the whole class is standing at the back while covering their nose, watching their action he felt even more shameful which was soon replaced by anger so he shouted at them and even forgot to stutter.

"GET OUT!! CLASS IS DISMISSED!! DISAPPEAR FROM MY SIGHT THIS MOMENT!!!" After shouting he saw the students moving out of the classroom and started searching for his wand to make his cleansing easier. After not finding it and not being able to summon it he called to the remaining few students.

"Hey you, wait." The scared Hufflepuff stopped and replied while still covering his nose, which irritated Quirinus Quirrell to no end.

"Yes Professor?"

"Where is my wand?" But before the scared boy could even reply Quirinus Quirrell once again got swallowed by the ground. And watching this the Hufflepuff boy made a run for his life as he thought the one to be accused of this prank would be him because he is the only student remaining in the classroom.


Aruhik performed all this while masking his mana with Dark attribute to hide its presence because even though there are not many magicians in this world who can sense magical energy but there are quite a few people who actually possess this talent. And Voldemort must have this skill to become this powerful, though he didn't know to what extent he can sense in his weakened state, Aruhik still hid his mana as a precaution.

As three of them were standing the entrance on the backside, they were among the first few people to go out of the classroom. Soon Draco and other Slytherins also came out of class and followed behind three of them, watching the direction they are going is different from the direction for hall and dormitory Theodore asked.

"Where are we going?" Aruhik replied.

"We should report this incident to Professor Snape, this will prevent Professor Quirrell from unnecessarily deducting Slytherin's points due to shame and anger he may feel because we saw it." Aruhik further added in his mind 'He is still trapped inside the second hole, so someone needs to take him out.'

Hearing Aruhik's reply Draco's face was like 'You really didn't do it?', noticing this Aruhik once again spoke about a fact that will distract him.

"By the way, did you all notice that Professor Quirrell didn't stutter on his last statement." Hearing this Draco spoke in a surprised voice.

"You mean he was pretending all this time?" This attracted the attention of even other Slytherins.

"You should also know that in an emotionally excited state like anger, people generally forget to keep their forced habit. So I am pretty sure that his stuttering is just an act." This really shocked all the Slytherins but they accepted that this deduction might really be true.

By the time they reached Professor Snape's office, Aruhik managed to convince Draco that he should be the one reporting it. And when Draco finally reported it, he even mentioned the possibility of Quirrell pretending to stutter along with all the reasoning.


Next was Charms class of Professor Filius Flitwick along with Ravenclaw, who taught their once arch-nemesis spell 'Lumos'. Slytherin once again earned 20 points because of wandless spell execution.

Professor Quirrell finally appeared during the dinner but other teachers were sitting at quite a distance from him, most likely smell still didn't leave him. Also, there was a rumor among students that Professor Quirrell's stuttering is fake so Aruhik checked about its origin as Slytherin generally don't spread a rumor to other houses, it appeared that Professor Snape interrogated Professor Quirrell about his stuttering when that scared Hufflepuff boy brought Professor Sprout and hearing it, he also noticed the Professor Quirrell wasn't stuttering while asking about his wand, so Slytherins also didn't hold back when somebody asked them about the reasoning. And the credit of this prank actually went to Weasley twins as they are already quite famous for pranking Slytherins and this event occurred during Slytherin's first Defence Against Dark Arts Class. The twins also finally accepted it as nobody believed them when they denied it but they failed to notice that Quirinus Quirrell was glaring at them like they have killed his father.

This night, once again three vampires didn't return to their room and searched for different hidden rooms during which they found a very small but old library stored with some quite ancients books that not even present in Lestrange and Black's personal library, yes, they have already transferred Black's personal collection to Lestrange's manor without alerting anyone else.

From the records kept there, some Hogwart's Professor used to keep his personal collection here. So they spent the rest of the time till morning in that hidden library, most of the books stored there were related to dark spells but the usage of dark spells never affected them negatively maybe because they are also considered as dark creatures in almost every world or due to Lucius Royal bloodline which is a blessing of gods, they can't really confirm the reason for it.

Also before they found the hidden library they encountered Peeves, the Poltergeist, they purposefully approached him upon sensing his presence, though three of them can't sense ghosts they were able to sense him due to weak magical energy inside him. He was about to shout about their presence but immediately shut up when Aruhik offered a deal to him about providing him with joke items and he will do pranks on students and Professors while giving extra special care to Professor Quirrell.

Obviously, they signed a magical contract that Peeves won't disclose this information to anybody in any form along with not pranking them and they will provide him with material till they are students of Hogwarts. They can break the contract binding them anytime they want due to mana superiority but it was indeed useful for now and won't be able to harm them so they let it be for now. Aruhik also gave him the first batch of items which included 100 dung bombs, 100 stink pallets, 100 colored water balloons along with some other items and if he managed to use any one of them on Quirinus Quirrell by tomorrow morning then he will be given a same batch of items again.


~Next Morning~

The vampire trio didn't see Professor Quirrell at breakfast so they thought Peeves failed, but soon they heard a rumor from students that Professor Quirrell's skin has turned blue and he has started using flowers' scent instead of the usual garlic one. Aruhik understood that Peeves was successful in using scented water balloons and made a note in his mind to give another stock of items to Peeves tonight. But by the evening the rumor about Professor Quirrell died down as students also become colorful carrying different sents. Aruhik also saw that today Harry finally joined Ron in sleeping at the breakfast table, it looks like books still haven't been banned.

Today was Herbology in the afternoon along with Ravenclaw, which was somewhat boring for three of them, and because three vampires and Draco haven't learned anything about this in advance they can't earn any point in this class.

In the evening three of them once again went to Professor Snape's office as Sia and Ash want to join the only sports team in this school, so Aruhik came up with a quite direct method of achieving it. After Ash knocked on the door, a voice came from inside.

"Come in." So Ash opened the door and all of them entered inside a gloomy and dimly-lit room, the shadowy walls were lined with shelves of large glass jars filled with slimy, revolting things, such as bits of animals and plants, floating in potions of varying colors. Three of them greeted him and Aruhik proceeded the talk.

"Good evening Professor, I want to discuss the idea of donating Nimbus 2000 for whole Slytherin Quidditch team." Aruhik directly entered the subject otherwise by Professor Snape's personality he might start the conversation by ridiculing them to not waste his time then Aruhik will have to take care of both the girls so they don't accidentally kill him. And Aruhik's words indeed surprised him but he also recovered fast and replied in a question.

"Oh! Do you want to join the team, Mr. Lestrange?" In reply to this question, Aruhik spoke his whole objective for coming here.

"Not me but Elder Sister Sitasia and Asheal, they want to participate in tomorrow's Quidditch tryouts for the position of Beater and whether they get selected or not, the Slytherin team will get the brooms by tomorrow night." This made him silent for a few second but finally, he agreed.

"Very well then, I will talk to Mr. Flint."

"Thank you, Professor."


This night they once again didn't return to their bedroom and after giving another batch of items to Peeves they went to the hidden old library and studied there till the morning. As in that library containing around two hundred ancient books, they found only four books related to the spells, which belong to the one and only category that they weren't able to comprehend even with three connected brains working together, but they are to execute those spells. There is also another category of spells that don't know how to execute as they never tried to learn it.


~Next Morning~

This breakfast was the same as the previous day except for the fact Professor Quirrell was pink in color also instead of flowers scent he was emitting rotten egg's odor that kept students and other Professors at quite a distance from him and few colorful students were also present during the breakfast including Tracey, whose skin has taken green color but luckily she got rose fragrance, Draco was able to fix it by the end of breakfast.

In the morning it was History Of Magic, as expected it proved to be the most boring class of all but the good thing was Professor Binns didn't really care what students do in the class as long as they are present and don't disturb the class, so most students including the three vampires spent their class while being busy with their mobiles, as they can't bring those four books in the class because it will be noticed by others and other books are not really useful for them.

After the lunch, many Slytherin students including first years went to Quidditch grounds as today is tryouts for the Slytherin team. Sia and Ash also brought out their personalized heavy duty Nimbus 2000 out of their spatial rings in a rather empty space and joined the group of students participating in tryouts, which surprised quite a few students as they are first years, but Marcus Flint explained that Professor Snape has given permission for it, so they had to quite down whether they like it or not.

With their increased mana control three of them can now use magical artifacts without destroying it but Aruhik still ordered to have some modifications in the Sia and Ash's brooms to make it more durable.

Also, the reason Aruhik decided to give Nimbus 2000 tonight is to make Marcus Flint seriously consider Sia and Ash as a player, if he gave the brooms first then though chances are low he might indeed show favoritism to some other student due to fact that they already got the brooms. As for chances of them not getting selected, how can normal magicians even think of comparing to them? Though Aruhik already told them to control their strength to normal humans just their high senses and low response time is more than enough to beat them all to the ground.

In the tryouts of beaters, Marcus asked students to stop three chasers, who are selected before them, from scoring goals. When Sia and Ash's turn came, they were holding back even their response rate quite a bit but still, chasers had to give their everything just to defend themselves let alone doing something like entering the scoring area. Obviously, by the end of tryouts both of them were selected, and by the dinner, other houses also knew that two first-year girls have been selected in the Slytherin Quidditch team and the fact that the whole team has received Nimbus 2000 from Lestrange siblings.

They spent this night in their room celebrating their selection by feeding on each other but after a couple of hours, they got tired and fell asleep while hugging each other.


~Next Morning~

Though last night was quite tiring for them, somehow they managed to reach the class on time. They have Potions Class this morning along with Gryffindor which happened just like in the original. Because of vampire trio, both Draco and Harry also didn't learn anything about the potions so Harry wasn't able to answer anything and by the end of class both Slytherin and Gryffindor understood that Professor Snape hates Harry Potter to the very core.

The vampire trio also made potions for the first time and it proved to be surprisingly easy for them as due to their heightened senses they were easily able to stop anything from going wrong even before it happened and by the end of class they were able to make perfect potions earning them 10 points each. While on Harry and Ron's side, their whole potion got wasted due to Neville blasting his cauldron and got his points deducted for it, and Hermione was depressed for not being able to brew a perfect potion.

During dinner, all students got another surprising news that Harry Potter has been selected as Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. It appears that Gryffindors were unable to find a good Seeker in their tryouts so learning from Slytherin they asked first years for tryouts and Harry easily got selected.

Aruhik also noticed that today there is nothing strange about Professor Quirrell, so he decided to meet with Peeves tonight and ask, why he isn't doing his work properly even with the advance payment that he received in the form of those batch of items.

GlaiveIris GlaiveIris


There is nothing much to say this time, just my exams are being conducted online but you all don't need to worry as I have enough chapters stored to not miss the dates.

Words count: 8862

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

See you all again next time.

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