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Chapter 2: into the unknown

Today is the day of the beta testing of Gale Fantasy Online. I'm so ecstatic that I couldn't wait any longer, May, Alvin, Mark, and Sandra are ready to go, so I just need to meet them. when I left the house, there was a man in black that was waiting for someone,

"excuse me miss, are you Michi?" the man in black questioned me.

"um yes, why?"

"I work for Mr. James, I'm here to escort you and your group to the beta testing center" the man in black opened the door to the limo.

"my group? What do you mean my group?" I asked

"oh, I think they never sent the news, since the beta testers are mostly high schoolers, so the CEO made arrangement for the high schooler to arrive the center safely. Our group are student in the same school that you go to, their names are May, AL- "

"yea, yea, I already know them, they're my friends" I cut him off to save him time

"oh, well shall we get going then, do you know where they are? I went to their houses, but their parents said that they already left"

"um let me text them" I sent a text, waited for a while, and got a reply. "they said they are at the Mall near royal street"

The driver checks his phone, "well then, let's go; we don't want to be late"

I hopped on the limo and we headed to the mall to pick up the group. While the man was driving, I was admiring what's inside the limo, there's snacks, a TV, and many more. When we arrive at the mall, I texted the group if they see a limo outside the mall.

"umm, let me check… yes I do, why?" May texted

"its our ride at the center, I'm in it; come on, let's go!"

After a while, the group got on the limo and we're headed to the beta testing center. We talked about those who leaked about the game and the new changes.

"about the classes, some snitch told about the classes, so they changed it and also added something about it." Mark pulled out his laptop.

"did you really bring your laptop in this event?" Sandra judging mark about his decisions.

"shut up" mark opened a file and showed it to us

The file says the following:

dear beta testers,

Since the information about the 10 classes were leaked by a beta tester. We have decided to change the classes and add a new feature about the classes.

There are now 12 beginning classes, and all have its unique abilities. To avoid the same problem, we had about the classes, we will not send information about the classes, you will see the information in the game itself. Thank you for understanding and see you at the beta testing center.

James Maven


Well I just hope they changes to much; I was really invested in my class and it would be a shame to change it. the driver gets us a head start that we are almost arriving to the beta testing center.

"well let enjoy this to the end, also…" Sandra grab something on her bag "here, wear it before we arrive"

It was a wrist band that said, "eternal force". Its something we joke about making a group name, in the end, we decide to go with it.

"wow you made it in time! I love it" I hugged Sandra so hard that she asked me to stop

"fellas, we have arrived at the center" the limo stopped, and we exited the limo and admire the building.

We went inside and it was like standing like a portal, the floor was glass and below it, was a reactor like lights and surrounding it was a bunch of cannons like pillars. it's looks like we are the first to arrive, the place was empty. There was like a resting area, so we sat there and waited for everyone else to arrive.

Five minutes later, 2 groups of people arrived, it looks like they are from a different school. We introduce ourselves to them.

"hey, nice to meet you all, I'm Michi, and these are my friends, Mark, May, Alvin, and Sandra. We are from Titan high school"

"hello, we are from Sky high school, I'm Leah, and these are my group, Robin, Maxwell, and Lily. It was nice to meet you all"

"heya! We are from Sakura high school, I'm Sora, and these are my friends, Mei, Yui, and Yuto"

We greeted each other and chatted while we waited for the rest.

It's been 20 minutes, and it looks like everyone's here.

"dear beta testers, please go to the circle in middle of the room to begin the beta testing." A speaker was telling instructions.

We headed to the center of the room, and the CEO arrived,

"good day tester, thank you for coming to the beta testing. Now before we start, I must confess something"

the ground was shaking, and everyone was getting worried.

"it all right people, it just the portal starting up"

"portal? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY PORTAL?!" Sora shouted in a confused tone

"this game is just a way to experiment something new and illegal; a portal to another world, for 2 years, we have been studying this new world and made something to interact it. we called it AWI system."

He throws a bunch of metal bands at us and the bands started to connect on our arms.

"wha- what the hell is this thing" May questioned in a scared tone

"those are the AWI system bands, it will help you in your time in the other world

"what do you mean?!"

"you are selected to explore the new world and test the use of our AWI system"

Everything is happening so fast; I can't understand what the meaning of this is. New world, the AWI system, us exploring this new world. Why? Why us

"I understand that you're are confused but I need this experiment to be a success, and all of you are the testing dummy"

People are panicking, some tried to make a run for it, but the glass wall were closing and there was no way out

"don't try to resist. Its already too late, I thank you for your braveness"

the ground is starting to glow

"welcome to Gale Fantasy Online"

Old_TQken Old_TQken

some people might get confused. don't worry, ill try it explain it on the next chapter. see you in two days

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