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Gale Fantasy Online Gale Fantasy Online original

Gale Fantasy Online

Author: Old_TQken

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Beta

Thinking about my life, I can't really say that I enjoy it or despise it, but it all change on October 20, 2025. The time of technology was advancing, new source of resources, and a whole new era. So many brilliant minds have changed the course of life itself, from a new way of farming, production of machine, and games.

One of those brilliant minds is James Maven, he is one of businessmen that own a game develop company. He has made numerous games that really made an impact on gamers of this time. But in his new game, he's making something that is out of his usual method. A VRMMORPG that has an A.I that would generate infinite possibilities. So, when he announces his game at his recent convention,

"thank you everyone for coming at this event. Today, my team are making a new game that will change the way of games. Gale Fantasy Online is a VRMMORPG that has a unique A.I that is program to generate infinite possibilities"

People were getting hype and ready about the game and its unique game mechanics. But then people asked about the release of the game.

"well about the release, it's still in development and still has bugs on the way. But I have a proposition for all of you. Every single one of you in this room will have a chance to play the upcoming beta in the next 2 weeks. Everyone here will get to experience the game itself."

He has told the core elements of the game and after that he asked everyone to line in front of the picture taking.

"excuse me" a girl raised her hand to ask a question, "what's the reason of this picture taking? I mean you never ask us that before."

"well there actually two reasons for this, the first reason, is the save this memory of this event and at least to have something to remember. The second reason is to identify the people that participate in this event to serve as pass in the beta. The beta is not going to be in a downloadable links like usual game beta, it will be held in the company's headquarters"

When I heard it was held at the company's headquarters, I was ecstatic and honored to be in the core of one of the biggest game development company in the world. It felt like getting an invite to Mr. James' mansion. We took the picture and then he asked to take a picture of him one by one. The convention holds from 100 to 300 of people since it was only given to those who have been influencing the company brand.

Well since I'm a pro gamer and I post my game play online; I can say that I've influence James' company. When the picture taking was done, he gave us the pass-code to enter the company's headquarters. He thanked us for attending and we all left.

The event went trending after 2 hours. it's look like someone already made a video about the event and got deleted instantly because of leaking classified information, they told us to keep the event a secret and if we ever leak it, we would be ban to the beta testing and any related events. They already caught 3 people leaking about the beta testing and was instantly banned from the beta testing.

Well I keep my promise to keep it a secret. My classmate budge but I just ignore them, since there were 5 students including me that was part in the beta testing, so we team up and instantly became friends. One day before the beta testing, we decided to together.

"Ugh where are they?" I was getting annoyed since we planned to meet at the school entrance to go at the mall.

"hey! Michi! Over here!" a familiar voice was coming across the street. It was May calling me.

"Hey! I thought we would meet at the entrance. What happened?"

"Sorry Michi, Alvin went home, because he left his money at his room, so he went to grab it really quick. In the meantime, he told us to wait at the café and told us to tell you. I'm sorry" May apologized.

"Its fine let's go; I could use some coffee after a long day."

We went at the café and mark and Sandra are arguing about something,

"what's your proof that caramel is better than chocolate, Sandra"

"its more delicious and more addicting, that's all"

"well your proof is lacking"

A waiter notice that we were staring, he then approaches us,

"Excuse me ladies but do you know those two?" the waiter asked

"Yes, why?" may answered

"well, they have been arguing from the past hour and they're scaring some costumers, can you please stop them; it would be appreciated"

"oh sure! I'll stop them" I went to them, grab their ears and said in an irritated voice,

"If you two keep this up, I will destroy you into a million pieces and collect those pieces and burn it into ashes" Mark and Sandra froze, "so are you two done?"

"YES MICHI, PLEASE DON'T HURT US" Mark and Sandra replied in a terrified tone.

I ask them to get us a table and they hurried to find one

May laughed, "Bahahaha you can be scary sometimes, Michi"

"Well, I learned it when my bullies tried to annoy me, and now those bullies don't mess went with me"

Me and May chuckled for a while and we ordered coffee, we sat on the table that Mark and Sandra reserved for us.

"thanks for saving us a table"

"no problem; just don't do that again; its scary" Mark and Sandra replied, still looked scarred.

"Bahahaha, no promises on that" I laughed

After a while, Alvin arrived, and we headed out to the mall. When we arrive, Me and May went to the clothing stores while the rest just went to the gaming stores. I wanted to buy something new for the beta testing. May thought of the same thing so we helped each other out. May suggest that I buy a crop top.

"well, I don't know; I seem it would make my chest somewhat visible from the bottom"

May looked at me, "um if you don't mind me asking, what cup size are you?"

I was surprised at first, but I answered," um I'm a C, why?"

"hmm, well I have an idea" May started to find something "ahh try this one"

It was just a t-shirt, I wanted to try something new, but I guess I'll trust May on this one

"um ok, I'll try it" I went to the dressing room and tried it on. After I was done, I've shown it to May.

"Well?" May looked for a second "hold on" she turned the t-shirt like a crop top. "so, do you like it Michi?"

"hmmm, perfect!" I picked the t-shirt and helped May on her clothes, in the end, she decided to buy the crop top.

"so, you really like the crop top?"

"well I'm just a size B, its perfect for crop tops"

"well I can't argue with that; come on, let's meet up with them" we bought the clothes and headed out to the gaming store.

When we arrive, Mark and Sandra were arguing again, so I did my usual move and we headed to the food court. We bought some food and sat on a table

"Michi, when are you going to stop threatening us like that"

"hmm, maybe when you two stopped fighting and we both know that's isn't going to happened"

"Bahahaha yeah, Michi's right, you two just keep on fighting" May laughed

Alvin, looking like he doesn't know what's going on, said, "hey tomorrow's the day; you guys already decide on your character?"

"um Me and May is just an idea, but Mark and Sandra already decided on something"

"yeah! When we got the news that there are 10 starting classes, I already know what I'm going to be"

Me and May couldn't understand that classes, so I asked,

"so, what's the difference skills about the classes?"

"here, I'll send to you the unique skills to different classes" Alvin copied his chart and send it to me.

"thanks Alvin, ok let's see"

After looking through it, I manage to understand the different classes.

"so, what I understand, there 5 types of core elements to the specific classes, since I'm more like a speedy type of player, I guess I'll go with dual wielder"

May though about her class, "maybe I'll be a magi knight since it's a knight that can use magic"

"Well I, Mark, has chosen to be a swordsman" mark, posing like an idiot

"Well I'm going to be element maker, magic suits me better anyways" Sandra feeling humble about her class.

"Well I'm going to be an assassin" Alvin's choice was like his personality, cold.

It was getting dark so we went home and get some rest. Tomorrow is the day, the day that we get to experience something great… or so I thought.

Old_TQken Old_TQken

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