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25% Dimension Seamstress / Chapter 4: Yang Guifei - Dragon Mercenary group

Chapter 4: Yang Guifei - Dragon Mercenary group

What Aunt Jifeng didn't know is that there was no need to teach me anything at all. I limited my skills though, like the guzheng she brought earlier, I had known every existing song that can be played in it because I'm a system.

"I cannot believe that you know this song already. Did your mother teach you?" She asked.

"Haha...Yes, Aunt...she did." Crap, I did too well.

"I didn't know Yueyu knew how to play one." She wondered

"She got interested after one of the dancers from the palace taught her." I lied. I should keep a low profile for now and not exceed too much of any expectations. This, however, caused my aunt and uncle as well as the two sisters to become angry even more. Uncle and aunt originally called for her to teach the two girls. I first wondered why my uncle hated me, particularly him. It was because Guoguo and Hanguo's mother had a love affair with him bwahaha. My father did know about it that's why he divorced her when he fell in love with my mother. It was kept from the public but once it goes out. The Yang family especially my uncle's side would collapse in anger and embarrassment. With this information that I recently gathered, I just need the perfect timing to reveal it. And why do I want to reveal it you may ask?




'Yo. There's a mercenary group!' Iris jumped on me while I was reading the info book for more information about people that Yang Guifei hasn't encountered.

'There is?' I closed the book to inquire more about this mercenary group. Iris scrolled through her screen as she fed the information.

'Yep, it's like an underground elite group that sells all kinds of illegal services like assassinations, drugs, weapons. But they only sell it to people that they trust. They're feared by all the people who know about their existence. They're pretty chill and lowkey so even if they can overthrow the whole kingdom they wouldn't.' This made me think and made some of the cogs in my head work.

'Unless they have a reason.' I said

'Yep, unless they're not saying.'

'They might have something to do with either the imbalance, the death of Guifei, overturning of the Tang empire...or.' I looked at Iris in the eye her being able to connect with my thoughts.

'All of the things above.' She said. They might be behind the rise or are in support of the rebellion.

'I could just reveal everything to y...' I glared at her which made her stop.

'Or we could go for the hard way.' She continued. I don't want any guides, it spoils the whole story. It's like reading the last page just to know the ending.




That's when I decided that I would make a 180-degree turn and go for the Mercenary group. I plan to get a job from the guys and get a high enough rank from being a hitman, though I heard that they're pretty tight-knit but I'll sure find some way. I started to build up my body thinking of new ways to tone it but at the same time keep it feminine. I only train during nights with Iris watching beside me.

'You sure that you want to join the Mercenary group?' Iris seems to doubt.

'Aren't you the one who told about it anyway?' I said

'Well yeah...But..." She paused.

'But what?' I put down the Lute.

'Nah never mind...' I didn't wanna ask any further and continued with my business.




With the help of Aunt Jifeng, most of the people in the Yang residence had shut their least for now. Nothing but compliments were heard from Dan Jifeng about me. It caused a commotion when Aunt Jifeng had only wanted to teach me but not my sisters. I couldn't care less of the sh*t talk every night when they started to invite me to dinner, I could shut them up with their pathetic and hypocritical logic. My reputation rose more and more as time went by until it reached the ears of the emperor, which was also a part of my plan.

And thus, the beginning of the plan "Wreck Havoc" Has begun.

I only followed Guifei's path so that uncle Yang would let me join in dinners, and sell me off eventually but, I'm going to prevent that, I just need to gain the emperor's favor as well as some of the concubines so they would invite me to different parties and such. And in one of those parties, I would spot a member of the Dragon Mercenary group. After countless of meet-and-greets, we have finally been invited by the emperor himself for his birthday.

"Your Majesty, I wish you the greatest of blessings." Uncle Yang stated with the four of us behind him be being at the last.

"This is Lady Yang Hanguo, Yang Guoguo, and my wife." He said. This however ticked some of the people inside the all since this wasn't the right greeting. I took a step forward and showed courtesy instead.

"This Yang Yuhuan shows great respect to his Majesty." I kowtowed to the old man showing right etiquette that the three of them seem to forget. And of course, yo girl got it right and pleased the emperor.

"The youngest one among you seem to know more than you do, I wonder why Sir Yang?" The adviser Li Linfu said. This guy is also in my hit list so I kept guard. He's said to be crafty according to Guifei's memories. Uncle Yang noticed his mistake, or the two ladies' mistake, because of what Li linfu said and immediately scolded the two.

"You brats. Go and kneel to greet his majesty, how could you forget?" Uncle Yang said. The proper etiquette when meeting the emperor is kowtowing three times, and when the emperor is a friend f yours, you only need to do the hand and fist bow.

'These b*tches thought!' Iris said as she sat on the table we were seated at. Since the emperor and the corrupted uncle have a good relationship they didn't bother.

And that's just the beginning of meeting the snakes and wolves of the Tang nobility.

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