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96.42% Mage King Retires / Chapter 27: Ch 27

Chapter 27: Ch 27

Areth and Leyfin searched for the traces of the migrants. On a wide clearing within the woods, they found tools and animal bones that were left there long ago. They confirmed that it was indeed the people of Magnolia who left these traces.

Areth was enjoying the nice view of this world. If he brought his watch with him, he would have taken lot of pictures. However, it was necessary to leave it on Earth with his dummy avatar. Otherwise, his parent would be alarmed.

The two floated above the trees to scout and follow the traces. It led them to the grassy plains. They saw many beasts wondering in the grasses, stalking a herd of other unknown creatures.

Along the way they noticed the same traces in many of the places. They were mostly discarded magic tools that have become useless, and mysterious marks on the ground. These were the works of the Court Mages.

After traveling far from the woods, they have begin to find man made structures and traces of human activities. These structures were now covered in tall vines, evidence of the long time they have remained uncared for.

They have also encountered flying animals that thought they were preys. Leyfin promptly took care of it with her powerful fireball spells.

"This body is amazing... That mysterious organization you have joined must be really formidable to possess such technique. Even the Court Mages of Magnolia did not even have the slightest clue after researching for decades."

Areth shrugged. "I told you, I designed this thing myself. Why won't you believe me?"

Leyfin laughed and said, "Who are you kidding? I've been with you since you were five! You think I don't know how much you like to act cool?"

"Fine." Areth could not be bothered about her anymore and continued scanning for tracks. They have even crossed mountains in order to find the migrants, and as of now they have yet to see any signs of civilization.

After several hours of traveling straight, they finally saw cultivated land growing something like a grain.

"This is it."

Leyfin sped up her flight and rushed toward the small village in the distance. The village had shabby fences surrounding its perimeter. However, that was nothing but a ruse in order to deceive potential enemies.

Those fences that looked disorderly have minute carvings on them, even the land beneath was gathering rivers of mana flowing toward the village center. The houses were also too sophisticated and incongruent with their shabby defense.

There were houses made purely of solid stones, it was as though it was molded directly from a massive rock. The rest were simple wooden huts.

Leyfin stopped just above the perimeter. Sure enough, a robed man flew up and headed to their direction.

"Who are you, what business do you have in here?" The man asked.

Leyfin recognized the man after he got closer and buzzed around excitedly.

"Sir Karhus! Is that really you?!"

"This voice...Leyfin?"

"It's me!"

The man examined Leyfin closely and tears begun to swell up his eyes.

" survived after all. Thank goodness, thank goodness."

Leyfin also started crying. She felt like she had found home.

Areth watched with deadpan face as the two cried their hearts out, as though they were competing as to who could cry the loudest.

The residents also have caught up with the situation and started ascending, wondering why the Sir Karhus was crying like a child, and there seem to be a small fairy bawling out beside him as well.

"What's happening here?"

A man with gray hair and beard walked out of the fence and stared at the sky. He was wearing simple brown clothes with a sickle over his shoulder. He looked like an ordinary farmer.

Leyfin look below and turned to the voice. She did a double take as she almost couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the person.

"Your Majesty!"

The person found the voice familiar.

They all descends outside the fences and stood before the man. The man squinted his eyes as he saw Leyfin's small figure, finding her face familiar.

Suddenly, a scene appeared in his mind. It was during the times of war, a young lady led the Court Mages to battle the demons, being able to burn a Demon General and 637,009 demons to crisp with a single fireball.

That sight was still fresh in his mind, and he recognized the small girl right away.

"Leyfin Rovefolia." Said the man, the former king, Sylveser Magnolia.

"Your majesty, Court Mage Leyfin Rovefolia, announces her return!"

Leyfin bowed curtly and said with an earnest expression.

Sylveser waved his hand, "No need to be so formal now. Magnolia is no longer and I am a king no more. Neither I nor my ancestors own this land."

"As you will."

Leyfin said with complex emotions.

The other villagers have come out to see what the fuss was about and some of them recognized Leyfin, although she was a lot smaller than before now.

They crowded around her in joy. A middle aged woman joined the crowd and everyone made way for her.

Her aged eyes landed on Leyfin, glow returned to her haggard face as though her time went back and regressed her age. The two stared at each other for a brief moment.

With a gentle smile and with a shaky voice, she called out softly.

"Leyfin, my good child. You are back."


Leyfin flew towards her mother's embrace and started sobbing again while the others laughed heartily.

"Leyfin, we are glad that you are back!"

"That's the Flame Empress for you. I knew that she wouldn't die so easily!"

"Now we have regained half of our military might!" Someone jokingly said.

After calming down, the people turned their attention to Areth. Leyfin's mother also noticed him and a brilliant smile emerged on her face.

A thought struck everyone's mind and they bought the same thing.

Her mother voiced it out for everyone.

"Leyfin you filial child, you sure have grown. Tell me, where is the father?"

Everyone looked on with expectant gaze. Even the former king was looking at Areth expectantly. If the genes were properly passed on, then this child would be another genius.

Areth and Leyfin blanked out for a moment, piecing up the puzzles and finding clues from the context. They suddenly realized what she meant.

Smoke rose up from Leyfin's head and her enter body turned beet red. Areth admired himself for thinking of such brilliant design.

"M-mother! What are y-you saying! He's not my child!"

Everyone covered their mouth and walked away with a 'hohoho' laugh. They made sure to give the family some time and privacy to discuss such issue.

Leyfin also noticed the state of her body and glared at Areth.

Sylveser even nodded at Areth with approval. Being able to master flight at such as young age, as expected of the genius' son.

Leyfin's mother, lady Ishea, led the two to her house. It was a house made of wood, it was meat and clean. Leyfin noticed that only her mother was inside.

After much hesitation, she asked.

" he-"

Ishea sighed and said. "Your father died in battle while covering our escape."

The atmosphere become a bit gloomy in an instant. Ishea did not want to see this so she smiled and assured her.

"Don't worry. Your dad died in a way that he desired, protecting us, the last remnant of Magnolia. We will always remember his sacrifice for generations to come."

"That's right." Leyfin said, wiping her tears and smiling. Her smile was so brilliant, a trace of sunlight entered the house and lightened up the gloom. "Father is a hero."

"Sit down first and tell me about what you have experienced later. I'll prepare some food for you and my grandson."

"He's not my child! Areth you talk to her!"

Leyfin turned to Areth, but he was looking at her with big innocent eyes.

"So his name is Areth, he indeed resembles you when you were young."

Leyfin was speechless.

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