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38.88% Emperor of Arts / Chapter 7: Serenity

Chapter 7: Serenity

In a mountain near Feyre City, Acewill was lying beneath a huge tree looking up at the clear sky, he finally got used to his new place and the guild has also recruited many players in the workshop.

As Acewill was looking at the sky he saw a faint dot moving at a fast speed, he stood up and looked at it carefully, and what happened next shocked him, never in his wild dreams he will see one.

He had only seen those in anime and read it at some novels, Acewill was fascinated, after what he saw disappeared, he immediately rushed at the City.

He went to the newly built Guild Residence, its design was modern like, it was bustling, many players and NPC had joined, Acewill permitted the NPC's to join the guild if they want and it worked out.

The guild members were happy, some were drinking, some were talking to each other and some were looking for missions.

Acewill looked at his guild and was happy, he then went to a room, Keht and Zthu was sitting at the sofa talking to each other when they noticed Acewill arrived.

"Shadow!" Keht called out to Acewill

"oh!" Acewill turned and saw Keht and Zthu.

Acewill walked to them and sat on the opposite sofa, "Keht, you're in charge of the non-existent intelligence division right?" Acewill asked immediately his eyes were shining.

Keht was surprised, something must be up for Acewill to be this excited "Yeah, what is up?" Keht asked.

"I just saw a cultivator who was flying on a sword"Acewill immediately said, Yes the dot he saw was a cultivator, his eyes were sparkling with life when he saw it, just maybe, just maybe he can make a sect!.

It was a dream of many people to create a sect, Keht and Zthu were dumbfounded on what they heard, A cultivator?.

Speaking of cultivators they remembered that in stats there is a cultivation technique, "wait let me see" Keht said as he contacted one of the members of the Non-Existent Intelligence Division.

"Yes, from what we found there are cultivators," Keht said then he paused for a second then continued "But they were extremely hidden and from what information we got only NPC's can be cultivators".

"That is ok, we will create our own cultivators in our City," Acewill said as he smiled expecting of the future.

"Sorry to break you but, we don't have cultivation techniques" Zthu who was listening finally spoke, Acewill finally realized, how can he create a sect without cultivation techniques and Martial techniques.

Thinking for a while Acewill remembered something, though he was not sure it counts as a cultivation technique when he was young he was experimenting on bunch of things, like gathering qi.

And he was successful, it was more like a breathing technique than a cultivation technique but Acewill was gathering qi, maybe it will be a cultivation technique.

He then took out a blank peice of paper and started writing, it took him a while to write the contents then the final is naming the technique, once he was done the paper turned into a black jade.


[You have created a new cultivation technique]

[Serenity Qi Cultivation Technique]

Rank: Unrivaled

+500% Speed in Cultivation.

+75% affinity to all elements

+50% Comprehension

+30% Soul Power

(A/N: Tell if I can add something here, it just came up in my head)

A Technique that gathers all kinds of energy and refines it to pure energy.

The three of them were in a daze, it worked? they thought the first one to recover was Keht, he stared at the description, it was too OP!, they don't know about the rank because it was the first time they saw a cultivation technique, just as they were about to recover.

[Ding] The system sounded

[Congratulations for being the first player to create a cultivation technique crystal]


Sect Creation Emblem

+100 Grade 1 Martial Technique

+50 Grade 2 Martial Technique

+10 Grade 3 Martial Technique


[Congratulations for being the first player to create an Unrivaled rank cultivation technique]


Pagoda Creation Emblem

+30 Immortal Earth Rank Technique

+10 Immortal Heaven Rank Technique

+3 Immortal Saint Rank Technique

The three again was stupefied, thankfully they were in a private room as a stack of books appeared before them slowly.

About 30 minutes later, 10 books that we're giving a strong aura appeared before them, it's pressure was strong, then again a stronger aura appeared, it was 3 books that were floating above Acewill's head.

The books have some kind of words circling around it, Keht tried to touch the book but was suddenly pushed back in a strong force, Keht stumbled for a few times before hitting the wall.

Acewill and Zthu were surprised, The book has its own consciousness, the 3 books are starting to encircle Acewill.

Acewill smiled, the books were trying to oppress him, but then something weird happened the crystal on Acewill's hands started to tremble, then it flew out.

It was now floating above, just then it started to glow, the three books also started glowing like a fight was going to happen, the crystal was glowing stronger until.


The light burst and enveloped everything, Acewill and the two covered their eyes trying to avoid the blinding light, after a few seconds the light subsided, what they saw next was so cool.

All of the books were floating, circling around it, the three books were also close to it and circling around it, Acewill suddenly heard something, he looked around then turned his head into the crystal.

He then felt like the crystal was connected to him and understands what it wants, Acewill then took the Pagoda Creation Emblem from his inventory.

The Pagoda Creation Emblem flew out of Acewill's hands and it flew to the Crystal, what happened next was something like you will see in dreams or fantasy.

Acewill was suddenly transported into a very large room with tons of empty shelves, it looked like a library, No, not just a normal library, it was heaven library.

The books suddenly flew off and went to the shelters, Acewill noticed that the heaven library has top floors, the weakest Martial techniques went to the shelves in the lower floor the stronger books were top floors, Acewill toured around.

The Grade 1 and Grade 2 Techniques were on the bottom floor, then the 2nd floor was where the Grade 3 Techniques reside, then on the 3rd floor had nothing the same for the 4th, and 5th, Acewill continued climbing at the 6th floor.

The 6th floor has the Earth Rank Techniques, it was looking empty because it only has few techniques but it the interior design looked much more majestic, then on the 7th floor was where the Heaven Rank Techniques, it has fewer shelves but much more majestic than the 6th floor.

The ten Heaven Rank books were neatly displayed, it has a crystal above it, Acewill then saw a small pamphlet at the sides, Acewill picked one and tried to read it.

It was the Manuals on how to learn heaven rank techniques, "So they have to put their consciousness on the crystal then they will see how to learn the technique, and it has time limit of 2 hours?" Acewill read the manual and was surprised.

He wanted to try it so he followed the manual, first he went to a technique its name was Shadow Darkin Footwork, he put his hands on the crystal and focused his mind on it, he felt his body was becoming light, Acewill then opened his eye's and found himself on white space.

Acewill noticed words appearing above him, then it suddenly rushed and entered Acewill, he felt a strong headache it was unbearable, after 10 minutes that felt like forever the pain finally subsided and the pain was also gone.

Acewill felt like a series of information appeared on his mind, then a silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him, to be clear it was a shadow.

The shadow started moving its feet was not making any noise and was light it felt like he was never there, Acewill was sure that if he lost the shadow, it will be hard for him to find it.

Acewill studied its footwork, from how it moves and how it executes it, Acewill tried to do the footwork and found that it was pretty hard, he then continued practicing, with a shadow performing the move, it was easy for Acewill to learn the move and after one and a half hour.

Acewill learned the Shadow Darking Footwork, Only if he focused his steps but when he looks on the shadow it felt natural and Acewill was feeling something was missing as he was thinking, his eye's blacked out and found himself back again at the library.

Acewill tried executing the footwork again and found that the hard work did pay off, even though Acewill felt something was missing to the Shadow Darkin Footwork, he didn't go again.

Acewill climbed up again and saw a room with a barrier on it, he tried to touch it but he was able to get past it, there he saw the three books that were trying to suppress him, the books were flipping on its own and words flowing out of it.

Acewill didn't bother to go close and went to the stairs, he saw that there were still plenty of rooms but he knew those rooms were empty, he then went back down, after he got down he found out that the crystal was nowhere to be found.

Acewill turned his head around and found nothing just then "Ummmm" he heard a voice below him and found a white-haired kid who was looking very cute.

He was stupefied, how come there was a kid here? he thought, "Hello" Acewill said.

"Father" The kid suddenly cheered and hugged him, "What?" Acewill was shocked to the core, how come I have a son? I never had a girlfriend! did someone defile me? is this a joke? he was panicking, I am too young to be a father! He yelled inside.

"Wh..What ish" Acewill stuttered, he calmed himself down after a few minutes, "What is your name?" Acewill asked.

"You named me Serenity" Serenity answered.

"Serenity? You mean the crystal?"Acewill asked

"Mhmm" Serenity nodded

"Oh!!!" Acewill was happy, "so it was the crystal, I almost had a heart attack," thought as Acewill sighed on relief.

"How did you transform into a human" Acewill asked

"I don't know father," Serenity asked innocently, "Gahhhh" Acewill almost puked blood, this kid is too cute, I don't mind to be a father anymore he exclaimed in his mind.

"Okay let's forget about that do you know how to leave here," Acewill said as he patted Serenity head.(A/N: He is not a Shotacon I think--)

"Yes Father" Serenity cheerfully replied as he was getting patted by Acewill, Serenity then raised his hand and flicked.


Acewill again found himself back at the guild residence with Serenity beside him, Keht and Zthu noticed Acewill, "Hey Where did you go you suddenly disap..." Keht was asking as he noticed Serenity he stopped.


Keht suddenly kneeled, Zthu was startled why Keht kneeled and then he noticed Serenity who was hiding behind Acewill.


Zthu also fell down on his knees, Coincidentally the girls also arrived and noticed Acewill, Lily saw Zthu kneeling on the ground and thought Acewill was lecturing them, she walked close and was planning to hug Zthu when she noticed Serenity.


Acewill felt a gust of wind passed by him, then the next thing he found was the girls were already behind him, flocking on Serenity, Zthu and Keht finally stood up.

"What happened?" Acewill asked

"He was too cute that my knees gave in" Zthu said.

Keht didn't say anything and just turned around, Acewill noticed blood on the floor, "Did he just got a nosebleed" Acewill was surprised in his mind.

"Serenity, Stay with them for now," Acewill said as he looked at the girls playing with Serenity, "Okay" Serenity answered as he got to know the girls.

"Keht, Zthu come with me" Acewill called out at the two who were acting like grandfathers when they were talking with Serenity.

Keht and Zthu followed Acewill, After 20 minutes They arrived outside the Feyre City, Acewill looked at the plot of land that was 1 hectare wide, it was enough for building the sect, the city has plenty of territories.

Acewill then took out the Sect Creation Emblem.


[Do you wish to use the Sect Creation Emblem here (Y/N)]

"Yes" Acewill answered.


Then the ground started trembling as if hell had erupted, fissures opened up around the perimeter of the land.

The fissures were enough for a man to fall into if someone was not careful, seconds later walls rose up from the fissures and soon Acewill and the two weren't able to see the entire extent of the wall because they were outside of it.

The wall kept rising until it was 87 meters high, it was high as a castle wall, it would require 50 men to stand up each other to be able to climb over it, But the trembling was still not finished, it continued for 2 minutes before stopping.

The trio can see a huge mountain in front of them, it looked like mount fuji but much smaller, and the walls in front of them turned into beautiful stones like it was only natural to be there, then the entrance was like a trench or something. (A/N: Just think of a rocky road going to a mountain)


[Congratulations for being the first player to create a sect]


+10,000 Sect Reputation

+100 Grade 1 Magic Cultivation Manuals

+100 Grade 1 Body Cultivation Manuals

Sect Design Blueprint

Sect Blessing

Acewill noticed that unlike last time the techniques were now directly sent to the heaven Library, and he also found that they were Cultivation Manuals which greatly helped him, also Acewill took out the Sect Design Blueprint.

Sect Design Blueprint

Used to move the buildings of the sect and design it.

1-time use.

Acewill immediately used the Blueprint, he fixed the positions of the buildings and positioned it to where he designated it.

Everything that was needed for a sect was already given by the Sect Creation Emblem, he doesn't need anything anymore other than the techniques and NPC's who will be cultivating

The sect system was simply made by Acewill the sect has a literal meaning of outer, inner, and core disciples. The closer to the center of the sect that a disciple gets, the more powerful he was.

The Sect Design Blueprint gave Acewill a birds-eye view so he can see everything, I placed the main hall on the middle, which was the highest, if someone wants to go there they have to climb stairs.

Acewill also placed the pagoda on the north, the treasure storage was also at the north, the treasure exchange Pavillion on the east, then the Merit Job Billboard on the West, then the profession hall on the west.

Profession Hall, it was for alchemist and blacksmith and the others, in simple word it was where the types of equipment were placed if they want to use the profession hall they must have sufficient merit points.

After a while, Acewill finally finished, he then read the Sect Blessing he got.

Sect Blessing

Blesses the sect which makes the qi gather on the sect and it gives both quantity and quality.

"So it improves the qi on the sect pretty good," Acewill said, then it was finally time.

The trio walked and entered the Sect, As they walked they were amazed, it was so big, it took the trio 2 hours to finally reached the Main hall, As it was a mountain it was very hard to climb up.

The Main Hall was very huge and stylish, Acewill entered the Main Hall and found that its interior design was also very majestic, Acewill toured around and found a room that was big, and what happened next destroyed his fantasy it was the scanner.

It Scanned Acewill full body before opening, inside was like a tomb room or something, Acewill found a crystal ball in the middle, which was the same as the City Core, he put his hands at top of it

[Ding] The system sounded

[Name your Sect]

Acewill remembered that he haven't named the sect yet, he looked around and after pondering for a while he named it Feyre Sect(A/N: HELP WITH THE NAME! tell me if it's ok or wants to change).

[Sect Core]

Sect Name: Feyre Sect

Sect Master: Shadow

Sect Rank: Tier 0 (0/1000)

Disciples: 0

Elders: 0

Sect Loyalty: 0

Sect Benefits

Qi Gathering (Level 3)

Sect Improvement (Level 1)

Sect Skill:

Sect Soul-Binding

Their Soul will be bound to the Sect Core and will be an official disciple of the Sect.

If a disciple wants to join a sect they must undergo the Sect Soul-Binding or they will not be able to enter the sect

Sect God Killer Formation(Defense).

An automatic defense of the Sect (hidden Description)


[Congratulation for being the first player to be a Sect Master]


+5 Disciple Talent Tester Machine

Qi Gathering Pill Formula

Strengthening Pill Formula

Acewill smiled when he saw the rewards he got, especially the Disciple Talent Tester Machine or DTTM for short, now looking for disciple will not be hard.

When Zthu and Keht heard what they got they were happy, they immediately rushed back to the City looking for potential disciples.

As they were rushing, it still took them about an hour to reach the entrance of the sect, they reached the City a little while later then, made a banner and burrowed a store, they don't need to rent one because Acewill was the owner of the City, "Looking for Disciples" is what was written on the banner.

Many lined up, especially NPC's some guild members also tried, it was lively on the recruitment just then.


[Universal Announcement: The First Event].

LordMark LordMark

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