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33.33% Emperor of Arts / Chapter 6: Secrets

Chapter 6: Secrets

"Time to open the City!" Acewill paused, "Is what I would like to say but, we just got promoted to City." He said as he put his hands on his chin.

The City was still small to be called a city, and from the general knowledge, it was supposed to be a town first before a city, that means Acewill village just made a massive leap, and it was not even big as a town yet.

While Acewill was thinking, the others sighed of relief, they plan to stop Acewill if he really plans to open the city, the city order emblem was a great help but also made it hard for them.

They may have a huge population but it was too small for a real city population, and the guild members were also low, there was no way for them to protect the city if someone tried to attack them.

Acewill turned and looked at the others "What do you guys think of gaming Workshop?" he said, he was planning for it in the future but it looks like they are gonna be needing it soon.

Everyone debated, and though that it was a good idea, the only problem was the funds, even though poverty was non-existing in this era, it was still not enough to make people rich.

Acewill was not a rich person and so are the others, just when everyone was talking on how to earn funds, Lily who was beside Zthu spoke "I can take care of the Workshop!" she cheerfully said.

Everyone turned their heads to Lily, " Are you sure Lily?" Zthu asked he won't let his girlfriend pay for them, it may also look like he was a worthless boyfriend which he really was based on the story. (A/N: Im not burning you my friend. <3)

"Mhm, it is ok Papa has a small unused building that we can use" She said as she grabbed Zthu's hands"the others looked at the two love birds who were flirting in front of them.

Acewill clapped which got the attention of the others "Ok, we can temporarily use it or maybe if it was for sale we can buy it from them" he proposed.

Everyone nodded on Acewill's suggestion, it was embarrassing to use something that was not theirs, "Ok, im gonna go tell Papa now"Lily said then she logged out.

Lily stood up from her capsule, then picked up her high-tech phone, she immediately called her father.(A/N: I don't know how to explain a high-tech phone, suggest if you have some).

A man in his 40's was sitting in his office chair looking at the window, and if you look carefully on the windows you will see that he was at the highest place of the building..

He had gray hair, his eyes looked fierce, his secretary beside him was still and was explaining something.

"Our sales have reached its peak this week" the secretary finished speaking

"Mmmmmmm" but the man looked like he was not satisfied, he was still thinking how to raise their sales,


The man looked at his high-tech phone which was ringing, the man checked his phone and when he saw the caller, he signaled the secretary to leave.

When the secretary left, the man immediately answered the call, a 3d hologram appeared from his phone.

"Papa, why did you take so long to answer?" Lily said as she pouted.

"I'm sorry, honey you see Papa was on a meeting.." The man started explaining, not many people will believe that this fierce man was so soft on his daughter, he was pampering her so much.

"Hmph!" Lily harrumphed on her fathers explaining

The man just smiled "So what does my princess need to call her Papa at this time? Did you already miss me?" the man said.

"Papa you see, I have been playing with my boyfriend," Lily said as she blushed.

the man's smile cracked when he heard the boyfriend, he had met Zthu once when Lily introduced the guy, and of course, Zthu paid the price on laying hands to his angel.

He also threatened Zthu not to do anything to his daughter and now he heard from his daughter that he was playing with her, playing with what? Don't tell me, many different thoughts passed to the man's mind, it was a hunch but just maybe he thought.

"I want to borrow the building that you were not using, We plan to play there" Lily continued


A loud thunder struck into the man's mind, they plan to play on the building, is a room, not enough? and so they want to use a building?. The man was getting restless, he wants to strangle that Zthu guy, how dare he touch my angel.

"Honey, I will go there right now," the man said

"Eh? Why?" Lily was confused

"I just want to talk with your boyfriend about what you guys are playing," he said as he smiled then left his office.

Lily was confused but knowing his father wanted to talk with Zthu she decided to call him over.

The man left his office and his secretary was waiting outside, "Chairman Ripper" the secretary greeted (A/N: I can't think of a name so I used the top voter of the novel, thanks for the votes btw.)

Ripper was the owner of one of the 5 titan company which was the Metanoia Company, "Ready my ride" he commanded then took the elevator.

The secretary also followed and pushed a button, a few seconds later they reached the top floor, a helicopter was waiting.

Meanwhile, Zthu reluctantly went to Lily's house, he doesn't have choice if he doesn't go there he will be beaten up and if he go there he will be beaten up, he had no choice, Thankfully Acewill also wants to meet up with Lily's father.

Zthu first picked up Acewill at the train station, and when he met Acewill he was shocked, he was much more handsome than his game character, Acewill immediately found Zthu because not much was changed to his game appearance.

they greeted and then proceeded to Lily's house, they talked on the way, it was not too far from the train station, it took them 15 minutes to reach the house and Acewill looked at grandeur gate in front of him.

He was speechless, as they were standing on the gate, they saw Lily coming to greet them, she was much more beautiful in real life Acewill thought.


A huge gust of wind came behind Acewill and Zthu, they turned to look what was it and saw that it was a helicopter, Zthu began trembling as the helicopter started to descend.

When it was 10 meters away from the ground, someone suddenly jumped from the helicopter, it was bright and they only saw a silhouette.


The silhouette landed at the ground creating a small crack dust flew over and covered the silhouette, Acewil was impressed this guy must be a master, but he was sure that if they fought he will easily win.

The dust cleared away and Ripper can be seen, Lily also reached them, Ripper opened his arms and closed his eyes seemingly welcoming his daughter's hug that was coming.

Ripper waited and nothing arrived, he opened his eyes and saw his angel hugging the damn hooligan, Ripper wanted to beat Zthu but his daughter was there, he has to show his graceful appearance to his daughter.

If not for his wife, he won't allow anyone to get close to his daughter, he turned his head to evade the sight, and that's when he noticed someone.

The hairs on his body stood up and his heart started thumping faster, he was feeling fear, "A Monster" he thought as he looked at Acewill, an indescribable pressure weighed on him.

Acewill noticed Ripper's gaze and smiled at him, then like a wind, it became peace again, the pressure disappeared like it was never there, but this made Ripper grew more anxious, "Who is this person" he thought.

He was strong himself, he was already considered in the Martial Arts world and knew many strong people, but the guy in front of him is someone he can't fathom.

Ripper tried to look somewhere and noticed his strongest fighter, Butler Kazekawa who was the guard of his daughter, he was a grandmaster that worked for their family and was always composed even in front of guns.(A/N: I can't think of names)

But right now this grandmaster had a pale face as he stared at the monster in front of them.

Lily noticed that Ripper was not speaking and was sweating, "Papa, Are you okay?" she asked.

"Ah nothing, let's go inside, and also who is this young man" Ripper said respectfully as he looked at Acewill.

"He is our guild leader Shadow," Lily said.

"Ah!, Hello Mister Shadow" Ripper greeted, he doesn't care about asking anything else as he was in front of this person.

"Please don't call me shadow, my name is Acewill," Acewill said, even though he noticed that they were wary of him, he still needs to be respectful except if he was an enemy.

"Yes, Mister Acewill how about we go inside" Ripper respectfully said, he didn't care about Zthu anymore.

"Okay" Acewill replied and they were led into a very big garden, it took 15 minutes and they finally reached the manor, they were led into a beautiful room and made them rest, Acewill sat on the couch meanwhile Lily and Zthu was sitting together on the other couch.

The butler Kazekawa prepared some beverages and snacks, Zthu was surprised, usually, Butler Kazekawa didn't serve them, this made him really surprised.

"May I ask, what brings you here?" Ripper asked as he looked at Acewill

"It's about the building we are planning to buy" Acewill went straight to the point.

"Building?" Ripper said clueless then he turned his head to his daughter who was happily clinging to Zthu.

"Papa, it was the small building we plan to borrow" Lily reminded Ripper

Ripper finally remembered, he was embarrassed how stupid of him to think of those indecent things "Honey why don't you go out for a bit I have to talk with Mister Acewill"Ripper said.

"Okay, let's go!" Lily said then pulled Zthu with her

Zthu looked at Acewill, he was worried, Acewill smiled at him, Zthu nodded and was dragged by Lily then both of them left.

"Now, May I ask what are you planning to use it for?" Ripper asked he was okay letting them use a building because his daughter asked so, but he must know what will they use it for, even though Acewill was strong he will not risk his daughter to danger.

"We plan to create a gaming workshop," Acewill said

"Gaming Workshop?" Ripper exclaimed this monster was playing games? he thought, then he remembered a game in which many great figures were emerging.

"Are you possibly playing Multi-Cosmos Online?" He asked

"Yes" Acewill replied

"hmm" Ripper pondered for a while.

"Okay but I have a condition," Ripper said

"What was it?" Acewill asked

"I want to be the sponsor of your workshop, of course, we will also help to look for members, we can also give you funds of the Workshop and advertise it," Ripper said, he was confident

Zthu was startled, it was a great deal, "Tell me what do you want" Acewill said in a serious tone, it was impossible for them to not want something, it was too good to be true.

Ripper sighed then started speaking "The Multi-Cosmos Online has become influential and the titan companies started setting their eyes on it, but we can't do anything about them, their backing was much dangerous than the titan companies so we can't do anything about it, there was a secret that has been given to us, and that is The Multi-Cosmos Online will probably devour the world."

Acewill was shocked and was confused "What do you mean?" he asked in a surprised tone.

"It was not as simple as you think, that is why I told you that their backing was much more dangerous than the others, we were searching for people who were able to be the vanguard of the company or help us in the future, that is why we were searching and coincidentally you appeared," Ripper explained.

Acewill sighed, he knows that Ripper was not lying, he can easily know if someone is lying, "Okay, I will agree"Acewill said, it was a big revelation to him but he was still calm, he can easily adapt to many things, so this was the secret of the game he thought.

"You accepted easily?" Ripper said in surprise.

"I don't care about the other stuff, I can just wait in the future you know," Acewill said with a smile.

Ripper also smiled and said"Thank you Mister Acewill, We will provide anything your workshop and your people needs, and please follow Butler Kazekawa to see the building,."

They both shook hands "Please take care of my daughter" Ripper said, Acewill nodded then he left, "Was it okay to tell him that?" Butler Kazekawa asked looking at Ripper.

"It is okay, he will know it soon and we had already secured connections with him, we will have no problems, Also give them that place". Ripper said as he sat back, Kazekawa also left and followed Acewill.

Acewill saw Zthu and Lily who just arrived, "Let's go," Acewill said with a smile, Zthu and Lily knew that the talked was successful, Acewill and Zthu left.

Acewill was told that he can visit the building tomorrow, Butler Kazekawa also told him that the equipment and other things will be ready tomorrow, still, Acewill was still clueless about the building.

They also said that he can live at that place, Acewill agreed, he was living at his apartment for a long time and it was also very far.

Acewill went back and packed his belongings, Ripper just messaged him just now and was said that someone will pick him up tomorrow, as for the others, they were still students but have a guaranteed job.

As for his gaming capsule, he gifted it to his brother who was still in high school, their parents were already gone and Acewill was in charge of him, he plans to make his brother join him when he graduates high school if what Ripper said will really happen then it will be proper to make his brother play now, Acewill spent his whole day packing his belonging.


Outside of an apartment, a limousine was parked, many people were looking, two personnel were standing waiting for someone, Acewill just came down with his belongings he saw a limousine waiting outside his apartment..

The female dressed in a secretary outfit greeted him and the male who was the driver picked Acewill belongings and loaded it to the limousine, Acewill was a little shocked on how rich Ripper is.

Acewill got in the limousine and they traveled for 1 and a half hour, Acewill felt his body aching from the ride, he went out and started stretching his body.

he looked around him and found that tall buildings were around him, and in front of him was a twin tower which was one of the tallest in the country, this time he had his mouth wide open.

Then the female secretary called out to him and lead him on the tower, on the entrance Acewill saw many people were lining up, he also saw the emblem of Eternal Emperors in the reception room.

The Emblem was what Acewill designed by himself which was the head of a dragon with a crown on its head, This place was so extravagant, Acewill turned his head around and saw how spacious the hall is.

Acewill was again lead into the elevator, Acewill saw that the elevator had hundred of buttons, the secretary clicked the top floor, Acewill didn't bother anymore and just stayed calm.

they arrived at the top floor, Acewill only saw a single door, which was a metal door, "please stand here" the secretary said, Acewill followed the instructions and stood at where he was supposed to.

Then green light passed by Acewill and scanned him, Acewill was already used to the surprises, especially high-tech ones.

It scanned him 2 times and the door opened, What he saw inside was an extravagant room that was very spacious it also had a swimming pool on the balcony, and a chimney in the living room,the secretary excused herself then left, Acewill toured around the room.

After a while of touring Acewill sat on the looking very expensive couch, and it felt comfortable, Acewill saw a button beside the couch, he was curious so he pressed it.

Then suddenly the table beside him opened, Acewill peeked inside, it was a small refrigerator, a high-tech one, it has some beverages inside.

Acewill picked a drink and drank it, he became rich overnight.

After enjoying for a while Acewill climbed upstairs where the Master bedroom was located, Acewill saw a Gaming Capsule which was more looking high-tech.

Acewill also saw a tank that was connected to the capsule with liquids on it, he went close and observed it but still no avail, he then noticed another refrigerator on the side, Acewill opened it and finally knew what the liquid was "Energy Dew".

It was a heaven-defying drink that was capable of increasing the human lifespan, it can also recover the cells that have been damaged, it was basically a healing potion.

Acewill drank a bottle then felt warm in his body, his blood was circulating fast, "it feels a waste not to train" he thought, Acewill remembered that there was a training room, he walked downstairs then entered the training room.

The equipments were advanced, there was a gravity control platform, a training bot, etc, Acewill started his training.

LordMark LordMark

Hello guys, the story felt fast right? sry, about that.

Give a review if you guys liked my work, it will greatly motivate me.

also Thanks for the votes

Love ya all.

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