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Chapter 1237: Importunate

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

It wouldn't be much of a loss for Qiong-Hua Palace to set free of Yue Gongxue. They might be a bit degraded, but if they did it properly, they might earn some credits of supporting a much-told love story. On the contrary, if they lost Shuang and Han, it would rip them off.

The two ladies were pretty significant and influential in Qiong-Hua Palace after all.

The problem was that because of the two ladies incitement, people looked at the Moon Queen with hostility in the eyes.

[The ladies are right! A faithless person will not live long in the world! How can we trust a deceitful person? As the prime master of Qiong-Hua Palace, how could you backtrack like that? How could you be our the Moon Queen?]

[If you are not even entitled to be a proper person, how do you lead our sect?]

There were some others who were only shocked. [Shuang and Han always just follow their own wills indeed, but they never went so wild before! Isn't this too bold? They actually questioned our prime leader for a man from outside! They even wanted to dethrone the Moon Queen! That was exaggerated, wasn't it?]

How could the two ladies not stand out for their beloved brother's parents? They surely would do whatever they could! [Brother's parents are just like our own parents!]

[Ye Nantian is not just somebody from outside to us! Comparing to him, everybody in Qiong-Hua Palace is an outsider to us!]

[Well… I know… They are hundreds of years younger than us…]

[But still! They are our brother's parents! End of discussion!]

[If we fail to help him on this…]

[We will never forgive ourselves. More importantly, nor will our brother forgive us! We can't live with even a slight bit of grudge from his eyes!]

The two ladies had the same thought, so they were both getting angrier and angrier while speaking. Neither of them could stay rational at the moment. One of them was ready to leave the palace, while the other actually drew out her sword with killing intent.

They were going to do it!

If they were somebody else, the people of Qiong-Hua Palace might still think that they were acting. However, nobody would doubt that the two ladies would do what they said!

The Moon Queen nearly passed out! She was totally lost!

[What the hell is this?]

[What… What did I say? I didn't say anything serious, did I? Why are the two sisters raging up like that? Are you elders of Qiong-Hua Palace or not? What position do you think you are standing in?]

[How could you stand your ass to the opposite side?]

[Besides… I didn't say anything wrong! Going against my words? I haven't said it out yet, have I? Come on!]

[What I said was let's discuss about it later.]

[That is all!]

[Only a few words!]

[When you are going to have your daughter marry somebody, don't you think you should have a serious discussion about it first?]

[Come on! I just said several words! Ye Nantian didn't say anything yet! Why did you jump out like that?]

[Yue Shuang… You are looking at me like I am the worst person you know in the world!]

[Yue Han… You act like you are going to kill me right away if I dare to speak one more word!]

[How did things come to such absurd?]

[What the hell!]

[This is… unbelievable!]

[It can't be more… ridiculous!]

The Moon Queen felt like he was dreaming.

It was like a nightmare full of inauthenticity!

"You two, please calm down. Honesty is what human beings live upon. I didn't say they couldn't leave together, did I?"

She was awfully depressed at the moment with sullenness and frown in her pretty face. "I merely said we should discuss it! That is all! Yue Gongxue is going to leave the palace forever, married to this man! She was our Saintess after all. Shouldn't we prepare some betrothal gifts for the couple?"

She suddenly turned mad and said, "When the daughter of an ordinary family was leaving for marriage, they should have a serious discussion before the girl left! Shouldn't we talk about how to proceed with the wedding, how to get it done properly, who to take charge of it? Shouldn't we? We are one of the three great palaces! Our girl, our former Saintess is going to get married, and don't you think we should prepare a wedding for her? It would be a disgrace if not!"

Everybody else was stunned, with their eyebrows pulsing, looking weird in the face.

They all knew that the Moon Queen was speaking against her true will.

She definitely didn't mean it in the beginning.

She just got frightened by Yue Shuang and Yue Han, so she chose to stoop to compromise.

Yue Shuang suddenly turned glad and said, "It turns out Prime Master did have the same thought with us! How profound and thoughtful! Because of the anger in our head, we sisters have wronged you. We apologize."

The Moon Queen took a breath of relief. Before she said something to save her face, Yue Han spoke loudly, "That is absolutely correct. We have to discuss it carefully. Even an ordinary family will prepare ample gifts for their daughter to be married, let alone the great Qiong-Hua Palace! Our former saintess is going to get married! We can't be careless about it. Any mistake might bring disgrace to our sect."

Yue Shuang clapped and said, "Han! You fool! You were talking nonsense. Prime master has been thoughtful on this matter. The wedding must be splendid. As for the gifts… Well, we are one of the great palaces in Qing-Yun Realm. Now that our girl is going to marry somebody, we should give her a thousand times more than the ordinary families give to their daughter, shouldn't we? We can't let the world look down upon us…"

[What? A thousand times? Why do you give her the entire Qiong-Hua Palace, huh?]

The others didn't seem happy about what the lady suggested, but none of them dared to say anything. They thought the two ladies were too protective to the Ye Clan!

"My sister is right! I made a mistake!" Yue Han said, "Prime Master was right. We can't let the world look down upon us! We should support our great Prime Master's wise decision!"

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Chapter 1238: Rapacity

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

What Yue Han said made it sound like it was the Moon Queen's idea to give Yue Gongxue a big wedding and plenty of gifts! Whoever dared to object to it were gig against the Moon Queen and the two ladies at the same time!

The Moon Queen couldn't maintain her decent appearance anymore, opening her mouth and looking at the two ladies. [Listen to you… Prime Master and Prime Master… but… I… I didn't say that, did I? I… I didn't say anything yet! Why do you talk like those are all my ideas?]

"Well…" She looked pretty awkward.

[No… It is already across the baseline to let Yue Gongxue go with Ye Nantian… How could I put on a wedding for them? Plenty of gifts? Thousands of times more? What a bloody joke!]

"My sister is right!" Yue Shuang didn't give the Moon Queen any chance to speak. "We Qiong-Hua Palace can't lose that face! We sisters agree with Moon Queen's decision!"

"That's right!" Yue Han nodded, "We must make a particular effort on the gifts. We must make sure there are nothing plain, cheap and low are put into the package. It will make us look like a joke. Our Moon Queen supports this wedding! We have to show the world the best we have! We must show the world our true capability!"

"Absolutely!" Yue Shuang complimentary looked at Yue Han, "Han-er has absolutely said all that was in my heart! For the fame of our sect, for making the world in awe of our power, we must give the bride the best we have! Hmm… I think we should make it ten thousand times more than the ordinary…"

[Holy hell!]

Everybody else shouted the same words in the heart!

[Ten thousand times more now huh? That can't be more ridiculous! What the hell are you thinking?]

"Listen up, guys. We are all staying together here. Let's discuss it. Our specialties… Hmm. There should be at least eighty Qiong-Hua Pearls, shouldn't it? That should be enough to beautify the gift packs. That is our best specialty! And the Pure Lotus Seeds! Eighty will do… No need to give her more. Hmm. As for the regular treasures like Ice Essence Soul, just make it one hundred of each… Good… Oh, right… What else will shock everybody in the first sight? Come on, think about it. This is not just a public affair, guys. We will have to add on some gifts privately!"

The others all felt fainting.

[Are they crazy?]

[Losing one hundred of each of those treasures, the entire Qiong-Hua Palace might collapse immediately…]

[The pearls are surely our specialty. It glows in the dark and works excellent in curing wounds. The powder of the pearls is perfect healing medicine. However, only the Ice Soul Mussels that live tens of miles beneath the palace make such pearls. It is difficult for such creatures to live, even more difficult for them to make the pearls. One hundred Ice Soul Mussels may only make one pearl in ten thousand years. Yet the two sisters actually asked for a hundred? To beautify the gift packs? With the pearls? Really?]

[The Pure Lotus Seed is also a specialty of the palace. It saves lives from death, also cures mental diseases. It is even rarer and more preciously than the pearls! It takes ten thousand years for the lotus to bloom, and the seeds appear for a short time after that. If they are not collected in time, they will disappear and become spiritual energy in the air… Such lotuses barely grow in other places. Whenever the lotus seeds appear, there will be a war in the palace. What a precious treasure! How could you ask for a hundred of it? We have merely a little bit more than one hundred in total! Do you want us to give her all we have?]

[And you said that the Ice Essence Soul is some regular treasure, didn't you? That is our lifeblood! If we lose one hundred of it, the palace will collapse in one month…]

[And you even asked for more?]

[Are you serious? You want us to give the bride some private gifts too?]

[You two are totally insane… Since when did you become so generous? You are full of nonsense!]

[If we truly give Yue Gongxue all those you mentioned, we are giving the entire Qiong-Hua Palace to her!]

"Cough cough cough…" The Moon Queen suddenly started coughing with a red face.

She was the most embarrassed at the moment. Everybody knew that deep in her heart, she didn't want Yue Gongxue to go. She knew it. Yue Han and Yue Shuang knew it. Ye Nantian knew it. The others all knew it. However, she couldn't take back what she had said, could she? She had to keep going!

Yue Shuang and Yue Han talked like they were delivering the same ideas with the Moon Queen. In another word, the two ladies named those treasures in behave of what the Moon Queen had said! It wasn't that preposterous!

The ladies might need to take responsibility for it, but the Moon Queen had to be responsible for most. Other than that, she couldn't explain!

Ye Nantian was already lost in confusion. What happened was muddling his head.

When he entered the hall and saw these people's cold faces, he knew the Moon Queen wouldn't go easy with it.

However, things developed unexpectedly. Yue Shuang and Yue Han actually raged up and started an uproar in the crowd… They actually turned the situation over…

Ye Nantian thought that it was enough just to take his beloved wife home. He was overjoyed, but then surprised when the two ladies began to be rapacious…

[Is this normal? The two ladies, who should be on the palace's side, actually ask for gifts for us?]

[They are so bold and confident… as if they would love to give up everything for us…]

Not to mention the Moon Queen, even Ye Nantian was lost in confusion.

[Is this world… too much of a magical world? Isn't it crazy? Unbelievable!] Ye Nantian thought.

After the two ladies' long speech, the main hall of Qiong-Hua Palace was in silence.

The Moon Queen's embarrassed cough was the only thing that resounded in the hall.

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Chapter 1239: Make Use of It

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

"Well… Elder Shuang." Somebody else finally talked. It was the current Saintess of Qiong-Hua Palace, Cheng Bingmei.

Because Yue Shuang and Yue Han had been obviously favoring Yue Gongxue in intransigence, Cheng Bingmei understood it would be turning against the two elders if she insisted in stopping Ye Nantian.

What she wanted at the moment was to make the sect lose the least…

Most importantly, she was reconciled to see Yue Gongxue leave the set in such a high-profile and luxury way! After all, Yue Gongxue was the former Saintess who had strongly violated the rule in the palace, slept with a man and even bred a child! Cheng Bingmei just couldn't stand it!

Besides, the Moon Queen was lost in wordlessness, so the current Saintess of the palace would surely stand up and unleashed her voice!

"Well… The gifts… What you suggested is too much… Besides, we should better discuss it among ourselves…" She looked at Ye Nantian and said, "We have a visitor here after all…"

What she meant was obvious.

The Moon Queen, who was embarrassed, felt that Cheng Bingmei was being quite reasonable, so she nodded to praise. When she was going to say something to support the Saintess, Yue Shuang suddenly turned around and moved fast to the front of Cheng Bingmei, and then smacked her on the face, saying coldly, "Who do you think you are? We are discussing a great matter of the sect! Do you think you are qualified enough to interrupt? Don't you know this is about the reputation, the dignity, the fame of our great palace? Didn't your master teach you how to behave? You are extremely disrespectful!"

"Impudicity!" Yue Han was furious too. She wanted to slap that woman too, but the Saintess had been smacked away over a dozen meters. The Saintess's face was swollen with five fingerprints on it.

This woman had always objected to Ye Nantian and Yue Gongxue's marriage. She was the one who ratted out Yue Gongxue back to the year and did all those dirty tricks to make it a tragedy.

She did it because she was jealous, and she wanted to replace Yue Gongxue. Shuang and Han knew clearly about this history.

They had been planning to find an excuse to beat this shameless woman up some time, but the rat jumped out herself before the two ladies did anything. What a great opportunity! They surely had to seize the chance to beat her up for their beloved brother!

That was why Yue Shuang smacked the woman so hard.

She didn't do it in full power though; otherwise, the woman's head would have been exploded!

The sound of the smack was resounding in the hall.

The Moon Queen finally couldn't stay silent. She frowned and said, "Sisters, are you going too far? Bingmei is our Saintess after all. What she said, she said it for me. She might be reckless, but you don't have to hurt her like that!"

Yue Shuang distantly said, "Prime Master, you said it yourself. She was reckless. I hate it when somebody violates the rules. And I never spare anybody who annoyed me! She interrupted in the conversation and disturbed me in such an important discussion. That was much of a violation! She questioned my suggestion! Lawless! If we tolerate that, who knows what she may become in the future. I had restrained my power when I smacked her because she is our Saintess! If I slapped her in full power, she would have died immediately! She has violated the rule! She deserved it! How do we rule the palace if we don't stick to it?"

The others were all silent.


[If what she did was violation…]

[What about what you two have been doing?]

[You have been pushing our Moon Queen unscrupulously and arrogantly! That is much more than a violation, isn't it?]

[Shame on you, talking like you are that honorable!]

[How shameless…]

[Do you really think we can't see the truth behind this? You two are standing on Ye Nantian's side all along! You wanted to hurt Cheng Bingmei in the first place!]

Yue Han nodded after Yue Shuang finished talking. She started to speak in a deep voice, "That's right. I think Cheng Bingmei has misbehaved. She must be vile and unruly deep in her heart. I don't see why we should let her be our Saintess! I suggest that the Moon Queen should give an order to depose the filthy woman as a warning to all!"

The crowd burst into surprisal. Cheng Bingmei was trembling, while the hatred in her face became fear immediately.

[If I am dismissed… I am done!]

[Elder Yue Han suggested the deposition… She and her sister are in significant positions in the palace… They are obviously hostile to me… My life after this is going to be difficult in the sect!]

[But… I… I never did anything offensive to the two elders! I never even slight them a little bit!]

The Moon Queen didn't look so well. She said, "Elder Han, that may be too much… Bingmei only cared for the palace too much. She didn't mean anything offensive. Even if she had said anything wrong, maybe we don't have to depose her for a mistake like that."

Yue Shuang sneered, "Cared for the palace too much? Does she really think that those treasures are more important than our dignity and fame? Doesn't it matter? I know she is your disciple, Moon Queen, but maybe you should think about the influence before you make the decision!"

She just kept sticking to the fame and dignity of Qiong-Hua Palace and would give in a bit…

Moon Queen wasn't embarrassed anymore, but utterly aching in the head. Apparently, she was in a tough spot.

"I… suddenly feel a headache… It must be my old injury…" Her face suddenly turned colorless. She said, "Let's call it a day. We will discuss it tomorrow."

She was out of options, so she hurriedly found an excuse to end the chaos and sent the two sisters off. She kept sighing and frowning.

[I would never have thought that this is happening…]

[Is this the turning point they said?]

[Good fortunes running out; nothing good ever approaching.]

However, when she was having a headache thinking about how to deal with her two younger sisters, she was also having a sullen feeling of unwillingness… In fact, she also felt… joy deep in her heart.

[Xue-er…] The Moon Queen couldn't sleep for the whole night. She stood in the darkness of the night and sighed to the moon, [This is going to end up what you like… The difficulty comes to an end… An enjoyable future is near…]

She sounded even a bit relieved…

After a while, she gave an order. "Restore all the Saintess supplies to Yue Gongxue. Serve her well. Choose an auspicious day for her to enter the main hall."

"Yes, Moon Queen."

The two sword guards looked glad, so they answered quickly and loudly.

They were the Moon Queen's private guards who knew how important Yue Gongxue was to the Moon Queen. The day when Yue Gongxue regained her freedom was also the day the Moon King eased the burden in her heart!

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Chapter 1240: Discuss the Wedding

Translator: RITF_Rain Editor: Chrissy

On the next day.

Qiong-Hua Palace was decorated with colored banners and lanterns.

The nine leading elders, seven penalty elders, and eight external-affair elders were all present except the three grand elders.

These elders with the eight guardians of Qiong-Hua Palace made the best force of the sect.

"… Listen… This may be a conflict to our tradition… I didn't make the decision though… Well, I thought about it last night, and I have it in my mind now." The Moon Queen sighed and told all the elders about what had happened. In the end, she said, "That's why I sent you all back to have this discussion…"

She looked helpless in the face, saying, "I have to say it clearly first. Shuang and Han favor Ye Nantian and Ye Clan, obviously. I did make a promise to Ye Nantian after all. Shuang and Han have made a great contribution to our sect, so I have to show respect to them. I don't like what I decided, but we should take the two elders' emotions into consideration… Anyway, whoever is going to stop this should better keep the mouth shut."

What she said at last forcibly shut the mouths of those who were going to object to the marriage of Ye Nantian and Yue Gongxue.

Yue Shuang and Yue Han didn't make troubles but only stayed aside on their best behavior because they saw the Moon Queen cooperating with them. All they did was sitting and listening to others.

After a while, nobody said anything as a response to the Moon Queen.

It didn't mean they all objected to this marriage. In fact, none of them ever had the experience of marriage… They didn't know how to hold a wedding.

Besides, the number of gifts was too important to be careless on…

What Yue Shuang suggested in the last day was an eye-watering amount. They would never agree on that. Regarding the two ladies, the other elders still couldn't understand why the two sheltered young ladies would generously support Ye Nantian since they were always stingy!

However, the Moon Queen had made the decision and asked them to show respect to the two ladies.

Even though the ladies had suggested an unreasonably amount, they needed to consider it all the same.

They couldn't suggest one while the two ladies were asking about a hundred, could they? It would be humiliating the ladies. The two ladies might start a fight because of it.

They even wanted to beat the Prime Master up the last day!

None of them was afraid of fighting against either of the two ladies, but the ladies always fought together… It was too difficult to defeat the two of them at the same time…

Besides, if they started a fight inside the palace only because of the problem about the gifts, it would be a massive disgrace to Qiong-Hua Palace…

Therefore, nobody talked.

"What is your thought? Ladies?" The Moon Queen frowned and said, "It seems none of you would like to talk first… I guess I have to point somebody out… First Elder, why don't you make a start?"

That was a smart choice.

The First Elder was on the highest position among all elders, who was a nice person. She advocated peace and harmony in almost all situations inside the palace…

She coughed and said, "I do know what our elders are thinking. I also know what is in your mind too, Moon Queen. I know what Shuang and Han have in mind as well… I think we all have our reasons and positions."

She took a breath and continued, "We are in different positions, which means there will be conflicts. I know that. I believe you all know that… Well, the current situation… We have to… think of a compromise that everybody is happy with. Moon Queen is happy; Shuang and Han are happy; we are happy. We have to stick together as a whole inside the palace and keep our dignity and fame in the world…"

"I think we need to make sure everybody is happy. That is it. As for the details… the plans… Sisters, why don't you all share your ideas. Let's solve the problem in a harmonious way." She coughed and made a conclusion to the speech, "Well I will just leave it here…"

Then she smiled and nodded to the Moon Queen, to Shuang and Han, and to the others in the end. The middle-aged lady, First Elder casually sat down and closed her eyes like a sage.

All the others, including the Moon Queen, Shuang and Han, looked at the First Elder in surprise…

What a great speech!

After making such a long speech, she actually said nothing…

[Who doesn't know we have to figure out a compromise to make everybody happy? We have been talking about how to do it, haven't we? You just told us everything we already knew and then stopped to close your eyes?]

The Moon Queen's mouth twisted, but she refrained from shouting out.

[I know you are good at courteously blurring the line between two conflictive sides. I wanted you to do that… but… I didn't know you could actually dancing on the line!]

Yue Shuang secretly talked to her sister through mind connection. [This old woman is unbelievable… When somebody fart, it smells… What she said is worse than farting… I am impressed…]

Yue Han replied in mind connection, [I think farting would be much better than her long useless speech. It would save us time after all.]

Yue Shuang started to act like an elder sister now. [What are you talking about, girl? Mind your language! You are a lady!]

Yue Han pouted and looked aside.

The Moon Queen frowned and rubbed her temples with her long pretty fingers.

She had felt helpless about leadership meetings in Qiong-Hua Palace for a long time.

These ladies were all leaders of Qiong-Hua Palace but also obsessed with cultivation. Seldom of them truly cared about the matters in the palace. She knew the only way to get them involved was to start negotiating about something that might damage their own interests…

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