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11.11% (DROPPED FOR NOW): Grand Army Of The Dead / Chapter 1: Outbreak
(DROPPED FOR NOW): Grand Army Of The Dead (DROPPED FOR NOW): Grand Army Of The Dead original

(DROPPED FOR NOW): Grand Army Of The Dead

Author: Chance_No

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Outbreak

I was 12 when the world died, I remember every detail of the outbreak. Nothing can prepare you for the horrors that was to occur


December 17th, 2010. 2:45 PM.

Princeton Elementary. College Park, Florida.

I was in school when it was starting but it wasn't that bad. I remember the news reporting strange attacks but nothing I could really understand, I was forced on being a kid.

"Alright class, I hope you all have a wonderful winter break. When the bell rings you may leave."


"Hey Chance, you want to go to my house and hangout?"

I wasn't really a social kid growing up didn't really have too many friends. It's not like I couldn't make friends, just that my family didn't stay in the same place for long. So I never got that attachment.

" No I have to get home, I have stuff I gotta do. Next time maybe." I said in a emotionless tone.

I walked away from him quickly before he could say anything. I feel pretty bad for treating my friends like that, but like I said I didn't want that attachment if I wasn't going to stick around long.

I lived four blocks away from my school It was a nice peaceful neighborhood. I got home expecting my older siblings to be home but they weren't. Probably out doing stuff with friends. My family was myself, Clayton my brother, Lisa my sister, My mother, and my stepfather Josh. I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on to watch cartoons, flipping through the channels past the News and straight to Cartoon Network. The signs of the outbreak we're there I just didn't pay attention. For example, on my way home as I passed a street I heard yelling and screaming and when I flipped through the channels on the TV passing the News they were talking about a outbreak. I ended up falling asleep for a few hours and awoke to a world of chaos.


I remember my brother shaking me awake frantically.

"You have to get up bro the world has gone crazy."

He was right as soon as I got up you could hear the chaos screaming and gunshots going on all around the city.

" Chance it's like the fucking Walking Dead."

All we could do was watch the news and we tried calling our mother and sister but the line was busy. The media told everyone to stay indoors and let the proper authorities handle the situation but people just panic and make it worse.

"What do we do Clayton?"

"Well it would be stupid to go outside the only thing to do is wait. The News said it would be at least a hour before the National Guard mobilize." my brother said in a confident tone.

The thing that movie get wrong it that our worlds militaries fall almost immediately. But in real life after the first 24 hours of chaos they got a grip on it. The military moved swift and hard clearing town's and city's within a year we had everything under control. Some of the larger cities where deemed unclear able so they just bombed them. Life went back to normal the US alone lost 40% of its population same for most other countries, the 3rd world countries however didn't get so lucky losing almost 80-90% of their population. As for my family my sister was able to stay with her friends till the National Guard got to them. My mother also was safe and got home to my brother and I we lost our step father he was a good father better then our actual dad. Within 4 years everything that happened that 1st year disappeared and became a distant nightmare. For the first time in ages the world lived people and countries came together. Nobody ever was able to figure out how or what caused the dead to come back at least they didn't want us to find out. The only thing they gave us was the name they called it the Husk virus it turned people feral and made them very hungry they didn't retain any vestiges of their former personality. That was the end we thought but it wasn't obviously scientist being scientist fucked the world even harder.

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