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26.31% Compelled / Chapter 15: Raging Storm 1

Chapter 15: Raging Storm 1



Somestimes you just want to play it safe by downplaying the next person but sometimes that doesn't cut it. Especially if the person you're trying to deceive is someone whom you've given a a sneak peak at your soul. I know that Sasha is only quiet because she thinks im still collecting my thoughts and frankly, maybe I am. I'm not really sure what to tell her but I know I gotta give her something to give her a sufficient dose of crap to sate her curiosity. I'm suddenly thinking, is pretending to pass out so much far fetched? And before I could even indulge in the idea I remembered that I still had my dad's car to return to Mr Simon's garage and there goes my scape bubble . Mxm its fine!

I turned my head to face Sasha and found her still looking at me. I averted my eyes to avoid looking directly at her. I felt a sheen of sweat adorning my forehead and I remembered Derick telling me I should go to an advanced 'lying' academy to avoid being too obvious about it. I knew I was acting awkward from the firm thin line set on her beautiful full lips. I stretched my hands and reached out to hers

"I need to tell you something before we go home" my lower lip quivered at the thought of what im about to do

I felt her release what she took to be a silent sigh but I caught on to it with all my senses standing to attention with my nerves raking every living cell in me.

Sasha : You know you don't have to say anything if you're not ready to talk about it. There is absolutely no need to feel like you have an obligation to tell me anything until you're sure you want to share it with me. Whatever it is, I just need you to know it wont change how I feel about you

What the f.... How the hell am I supposed to remember everything I wanted ro say right now? I honestly didn't see that one coming. See, Sasha has an aura about her that concludes her as cold, gothic and just wild. Like an untamed beast. I never could've predicted this mushy, soulful person im seeing right now and I just wondered how the facade came to life. I was still in my stray thoughts when I heard her continue to say " sometimes trying to explain, trying to make people understand you, your feelings or whatever it is that gives you the urge to explain because of all the feigned empathy and gauging eyes but those are the same prickling fuckers who go out there labelling you all the hideous shit they wanna call you. They paint a picture drawn by their sickening minds"

I was taken aback at this and that's when it hit me that in as much as Sasha has a wall of beauty, power and confidence . . . Its all a veil hiding the broken and pained little girl who once trusted with all the fibres of her being. I know it's hypocritical of me to want to know what happened but I knew better than to pry so I just engulfed her in one of her comforting bear hugs. Somebody hurt my Sasha. Now someone's bound to get hurt!

I started getting a feverish and gradually growish headache and I started to zone out . . . NO NO NO NO not this again. Not now

"Isn't that what you want Princess? To hurt the ones who hirt your Sasha?" The gorgeous man in shiny golden robes again. Hos smile was taunting. Like he was daring me to . . . Do something, is it to defy him? Or to actually go through with hurting the unknown scumbags my heart was fiercely smoldering to burn to ashes!

"What is happening" I whispered to myself when I felt something unfurling from the pit of my stomach. It was hot and powerful. It made me crave to touch it. It called to me and I was about to follow its powerful call if not for the untimely appearance of the old women who normally appered bold and unnerving. Now she looked far and had an almost . . . Sad? It it pleading? She looked scared? Am I seeing things? She looked like she was cowering from the man's shadow . . . Almost hiding from the mere shadow of his sculptured frame. I got confused but one thing one clear from her face. She meekly shook her head a small no as if fully shaking her head would cost her her soul. In as much as I dont like her but a part of me seem to understand her madness and I wanted to follow her silent warning blindly. The man was on cooing to me to follow the call. To embrace it. To let go. I looked at the old woman with an ominous voice one more time before averting my eyes to look at the hauntingly beautiful eyes of the smiling man. I didn't miss the inhuman dilation of the women's already dilated pupils before she faded into thin air. The man gave me an encouraging nod of approval as I took a step closer and closer to the calling hit. He opened his arms as the heat started touching my face, I flinched and it came to me. Instead of the searing heat I expected to feel when the fire made contact with the tips of my fingers, I was touched with a frosty feeling. A cold unlike anything I've ever encountered before. I heard a piercing shriek and tried to strain my eyes to look at where the inhuman shriek came from but I didn't have to look far as the realisation hit me

The hideous inhuman scream I was searching for came from my very own throat.


I tried to blink as I felt the frosty darkness blanket the length of my skull and I gasped for air. I feel like im getting a brain-freeze only this one seems to be overpowering my brain cells. Taking over my sanity and leaving darkness and cold revenge in its wake . . . S h u l d n ' t h a v e w e l c o m e d i t! But it was already too late as I felt the froat creeping to my soul and my vision shifted to reshape on a mortified Sasha's face. I felt her shift away from me, as if cowering away from her worst fears and I touched my temple as a searing pain tore at me as if unrooting my hair from the stems. I crumpled in sobs as the more I tried to stop it is the more it pulled at my brain cells. I could feel it as physical as someone kneading a dough. It was becoming unbearable by the second and I was trying to hold on to dear lufe as my vision staryed growing foggy and hazy

"D-Dad . . . M-Mom, c-call . . . d-dad" I gasped as I felt my throat getting clogged by the misery, the frost, the unshed tears, the fear and the irreversible regret. I couldn't do anything about the shivering so I just braced myself


Dana couldn't even begin to fathom the severity of her mistake. She had no idea of the darkness that she had unleashed and as true as the saying goes. Dana unknowingly opened a portal for the lord of Vengeance to come and put the entire human species to doom! She could only hold on for so long as she watched Sasha frantically touched the keypad on her screen. Luckily she didn't have to break a sweat as her family's numbers were on speed dial. They picked up on the first ring and asked to be sent the exact location. Sasha felt a wave of rwlief knowi g they were just less than half an hour away but that was too much time when you have The Lord of Vengeance controlling your every breath. He whispered in soft murmurs, enchanting and weaving her in a web of lies and deceit. She had welcomed evil without a thought and hence giving the evil a chance to taint her pure blood and soul, giving it absolute control of her sanity and knowing it only had so much time before the annoying druids will take yet another fibre of this web that is rightfully his so he had to act fast. Knowing the girl was still going to resist him seeing that she is still pure and untainted, he could at least get the soul that cries out to hers so that she may forever know that she lost something precious to h i m.

" Very well then, My Princess" He said in a thick accent " I shall set you free" he smiled when he felt the distress dissipate from her, becoming evident through the crease that slightly relaxed in her forehead. How gullible!? He clicked his tongue at the naivety of this particular creature of fire. She must've been kept in the dark about her true identity but that's something he can't explore right now to his utter annoyance. He splattered the igniting magic all over the expensive brightly coloured metal. What a waste of Gold and Silver. That could've been more pretty adorned on his strong arms and chest. He sneered as he looked to his left at the utterly shocked human who wouldn't live long enough to tell the tale. How beautiful. Death after sex. Isn't it beautiful indeed? He made to leave but the human held on to his expensive gold robe so he released her touchy hands from her body to see the vengeance bubble back to the surface from the uncontained pain and anger Dana felt. She looked at him with a sinister promise and she saw the woman in a white robe with an ominous voice in his face before she blinked and saw the truth but her pain was nothing compared to what she felt when the Lord of Vengeance disappeared into thin air and the car went up in smokes just as her parents came running towards it


She screamed as she watched Sasha's calm expression as if she already knew this was gonna happen she muttered a few fond words and closed her streaming eyes but not before she said "Don't let him get away with this, Dee" and then it was lights out!

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