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24.56% Compelled / Chapter 14: Slave to lust . . . or love?

Chapter 14: Slave to lust . . . or love?

*Music recommendation Ariana Grande title Dangerous Women*



In as much as I'm used to being loved and appreciated, all this is new to me. Even stranger is the fact that I also want this and I want more of it. I know you may think im a hypocrite or im greedy but I want Sasha to please me like this. I want this to last and at least she's female so she can come and go as she pleases at my house and it won't sound creepy to my mom and dad. I know im too old to be doing this but hey, I'm still trying to figure things out in my head and then to tell them the first person I want to be physical with is a woman! I don't know if my dad is not going to have a heart attack.

Maybe im being a jerk right now with all the awkward silence but I really don't know what to say and im already feeling a little . . . shy? I'm trying to steal a glance at Sasha and I found her looking right at my eyes . . . her gaze brooding like she's trying to figure something out, or maybe just trying to figure me out.

"uhm . . . are you okay?" I said trying to gauge her thoughts.

Sasha : I'm actually thinking Dee, have you thought this through? I mean is this what you really want?

I feel the raging turmoil inside her and I feel bad because her doubts and insecurities are mine too and try as I might, I cant assure her of anything. Rest assured, I want to see where this is going and how far it's gonna go and with that in mind I did the first thing that came to my mind and kissed her

I could feel the slight resistance but then she gave in and elevated the kiss. The simple perks became dèep and then became ravenous and needy. I felt something stir inside me and my heart skipped a bit. Sasha is savage and her brown eyes almost looked black with lust or is it something else? I don't have time to linger as she strapped herself across my thighs and she leaned in. Her hot breath caressed my neck in hot tingles and my spine shuddered. She left a trail of wet kisses in the wake of her ravenous kisses, like a wild predator. I smiled a flushed smile and let her devour me but then she stopped and my head snapped up to look at her and her eyes flipped back to all white. I blinked twice and when I looked again her eyes were dark hooded balls and a ping went on in my mind but I couldn't let myself linger on that either as her tongue found its way to my dark tinted, voluptuous areolas I threw my head back and mourned. My hands going everywhere and nowhere all at once. She inhaled and I scrunched my brows in confusion. She nibbled my tits and I got lost . . . like im drowing. She choked on my neck and I gasped. I felt something else bubling to the surface from the back of my head, s u f f o c a t i n g! Oh no no no no. Not now. Not anxiety please. All my pleas were fruitless as anxiety took over the lust and the tingly feelings down my spine straight to the coven between my thighs. I am slowly sinking into the darkness and . . .

"Dana" the panick ringing louder than her voice in my head. Sasha is scared . . . for me?

There is a silhouette at a distance, big and gigantic. Shit shit shit, the man is gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous. He smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth and then he phased out. What the . . .

"Please talk to me Dee" Sasha's voice has gone an octave higher and I dont know why but I want to follow him, the gorgeous man at the peripheral of my vision


I took a deep breath and I felt Sasha exhaling loudly. Who was that. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful Sasha's worried face and a frown marred my face. "Are you okay" I asked when she reflected the frown in my own face




The first time I met her I had thought maybe it's my imagination but now im sure there's more to Dana than she's willing to share but then she is right. I was just a stranger to her and im not sure if our acquaintance makes up for all that but right now im totally freaked out. I can ignore the slight headache that came like a prick, sneaking up on me while I was worshipping this beautiful creature but now she is slack on my arms and I couldn't help the fear that morphed in my head at what could've happened. Did I choke her too much. Did she just die? Oh My God she's not breathing and her pulse goes from shallow to shallower by the minute. I ts been almost 10 minutes now with her heart rate deteriorating and pardon me if im overreacting but this person was just fine a minute ago and now she's not even having seizures or anything. Just dead! How will I explain this? A murder case. They will just say I took her here just to kill her and its actually nothing like that. I roughly raked my tousled hair in a straight back line and I felt my heart itch at the fear and presumptive nature of my head. How will I explain . . .

"Sasha" her faint voice sounded distracted and . . . scared? whatever the other underlying emotion made me want to squeeze her in a bear hug. What a relief.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack" I said placing my left palm on her chest to feel the steady beating of her heart.


Dana: Why would I want your heart to malfunction? she chuckled lightly and placed her right palm on my chect to feel the unsteady rhythm of my heart.

"You tell me?" I put up a smile to hide my frantic nerves that haven't settled down completely. She hugged me back and with the same fervor and I breathed a sigh of relief. Now that she's back and steady I dont exactly know what to ask.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I forgot to take my enxiety pills before going out this morning" I heard Dana say when I was still struggling with how to ask without offending her or something like that. At least its nothing major. She's going to be fine. I just have to get her home.

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