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17.02% High School DxD: The Tale of the Gutsy Sekiryuutei! / Chapter 12: It's time to show the results of my training! Rating Game here I come!

Chapter 12: It's time to show the results of my training! Rating Game here I come!

Outside the Gremory Mansion was the entire Occult Research Team going over the results of their training as it was their last day of training, everyone was still waiting for the return of Michael and Kai. Everyone was rather focused on their own training than worry about the boy during the duration of the week, but only a certain few such as Asia and Raynare kept losing focus wondering if the boy was alright.

As Rias was acting a little lenient towards everyone's training for some odd reason, she would even cast faraway looks while lost in thought but still that was the only noticeable change anyone could see from.

"I hope Michael-san comes back soon." Asia clasped her hands together and looks down sadly.

"Don't worry, Asia, he'll be here, I mean he's Michael-sama, he wouldn't waste a chance to suddenly make a dramatic entrance." Raynare reassured her friend and patted the girl's shoulder.

"R-Really?" Asia asked, hopeful.

"Of course." Raynare nodded but looked towards the ground sadly, 'But I'm not one to talk... I still can't shake my uneasiness either.'

Speaking up to the entire group, Rias crossed her arms and sighed,

"It appears both Michael and Kai-sama are late."

"Maybe a slight delay came their way before they could arrive?" Akeno suggested.

"Yes, that may be true, but we can't just wait here all day for them so we'll go underway with seeing the results of our own training." Rias said as everyone nodded to her order, as Asia and Raynare begrudgingly accepted as well disappointed that they were not able to see Michael before then.

"Now Yuuto and Koneko get ready to show us how you've improved." Rias exclaimed.

"Hai, Buchou!" Both the pair nodded as they separated from each other on the field and took on offensive stances.

"Right now begin!" Rias raised her arm in the air to start the spar, but then the noise of bushes were heard.

"Huh?" Everyone looked towards the forest to see a shadowy figure walk out of it, they all grew defensive until the light from the sun shined down on the figure to reveal a smiling Kai who had a single Band-Aid on his right cheek.

"Yo." Kai raised his hand.

"Kai-sama, welcome back." Rias greeted.

"Well, it's good to be back. I hope that your training went well." Kai said as approached the Gremory Group.

"Some of them have been quite excellent, but I still struggle to see if these small changes will be enough against our opponent." Rias placed a hand on her chin in thought.

"Well then I guess you'll have to find a way to make the best of what you got." Kai suggested then looked around at the group.

"Um..." Asia steps forward, "Kai-sama?"

"Yes?" Kai smiled as he turns his attention to Asia, who in turn jumps in surprise.

"W-Where is Michael-san isn't he with you?" Asia asked.

Everyone looked to Kai, with a worrisome expression (except for Koneko) since half of them knew from rumors how the smiling devil would get out of hand execute some rather extreme deeds.

"O-Oi! What's with those looks you guys? Think I did something too cruel to him?" Kai chuckled then joked, "Well I could have, but I'm actually pretty lenient. But I am shocked that you all would even think of something like that!"

"...Kai-sama, you always hide something when you insinuate things." Koneko nodded.

Kai simply sighed at the young girl's ability to read him.

"I should have expected much from Koneko-chan. You always did know how to read me like a book?" Kai shrugged then chuckled, "Well, to tell you the truth, he's going to be here in a while..." Kai smiled.

"How can you be so sure?" Rias questioned.

"Give it a minute." Kai said with his usual smile.

Then from out of nowhere a figure jumps out the forest to get above Kai and cocks back his fist.

"Your mine!" The figure shot his fist forward to punch Kai's head.

"Too obvious." Kai simply raises his hand to grab the figure's wrist then slams him onto the ground with a loud,


"Aaaah! That hurts! Why'd you do that!" The figure grabbed his head and rolled around on the floor

Everyone looked at the figure on the ground cautiously as Kai simply chuckled to himself.

"Your still centuries away from ever catching me off guard, Michael-san." Kai shook his head.

"Hah! Don't get comfy, I wasn't even serious yet!" The figure turned back to Kai and shouted.

"Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind me getting serious too, would you?" Kai smiled with a challenging tone.

Michael sweatdropped at that and shook his head, "You know what...I'll just have to let you off with a warning this time."

Michael's appearance changed moderately as his hair grew a little wilder and dirty as he was in a horrible state which could be told by the many bags under his eyes as his Gi top was completely torn off as his bandaged chest and arms were on full display as even his feet were bare with the bandages implying that he had been covered with the wrappings from head to toe.

"M-Michael-san?" Asia approached the sitting boy.

"Huh? Oh hi, Asia, its been a while." Michael smiled as he picked himself up then looked around to see everyone, "Oh, everyone your here too what's the haps?"

"Michael-sama!" Raynare ran to Michael and gave him a big hug.

"Itai! Ouch, Raynare-chan..." Michael winced in pain as Raynare took notice of this and stepped back.

"Oh sorry." Raynare apologized while blushing a little.

"No worries." Michael shook his head then placed his hand onto Asia's head, "It's nice to see you again too Asia."

"Y-Yes, it's wonderful to see you too, Michael-san I-I missed a lot." Asia fidgeted a little while blushing.

"Your back?" Kiba smiled as he and Koneko joined everyone to gather around Michael.

"Of course I am, Pretty Boy what you thought I would die?" Michael crossed his arms.

"...I did." Koneko closed her eyes.

"You little..." Michael glared at Koneko.

"Ara Ara, Michael-kun you seemed to have grown muscular." Akeno laughed into her hand.

"Well I would be surprised if I didn't, since I had to struggle with trying to survive Shishou's training." Michael said looking at his arms which have grown moderately muscular before he started training, "But that only means the Great Hanamura has only gotten stronger, I mean if your impressed with my muscles then prepared to be amazed when you see my new moves!"

Michael gloated.

"Excuse me, Michael-sama?" Raynare approached the boy.

"Yeah?" Michael turned back to the girl

"Are you okay, you look like a mummy with all those bandages on." Raynare grabbed Michael's bandaged right arm and examined it.

"Huh? Oh, this? I'm fine, so don't worry about it!" Michael grinned and folded his arms behind his head, "Hehehe! It's just that Shishou did a real number on me during training that I almost died."

'Good, your not revealing anything about our training if you did then...' Kai thought.

"..." Kai looked at Michael with a serious look then turned his attention to Rias, who was the only one who hasn't said a word to Michael.

"So Pretty Boy have you worked on anything new?" Michael asked Kiba as they engaged in a conversation about their training.

"Well, no, actually I've been actually going over the basics." Kiba explained.

"Tch! That's all. Well I was able to learn a couple things while almost dying so I guess my power is stronger than yours now." Michael chuckled.

"Hm? Is that so? I guess we'll only know when the Rating Game starts." Kiba said with a pretty boy smile which ticked Michael off.

"Oi! That face is pissing me off." Michael growled as glared at Kiba.

"Now now, Michael-kun lets calm down." Akeno smiled and placed a hand onto Michael's shoulder.

"Even after almost dying by training, Michael-sama is still the same person." Raynare placed her hands on her hips and shook her head.

"What did you say?" Michael growled.

"...Baka-senpai will always remain stupid." Koneko insulted.

"Hey, what's your deal!?" Michael growled as everyone but Rias laughed.

"Michael." Rias said while walking through everyone to see him face to face.

"Buchou." Michael said with a complicated face as Rias continues to walks towards him.

'Man, I hope she's not mad that I used her name without permission that night.' Michael thought.

Everyone just watches as quite a lot of tension was being picked up, but all that tension soon died once Rias showed Michael a welcoming smile and gave the boy a warm hug which surprises everyone even Michael.

"Welcome back." Rias smiled.

Michael's eyes widened then he gave a smile, "Yeah, it's good to be back, Buchou."

"Ahem!" Kai coughed resulting for everyone to turn their attention to him.

"I know you've all missed each other, but you should all get ready to return to your homes before the Rating Game begins." Kai explained.

"But we were about to start a spar to see the results of our training." Kiba spoke up.

"Yes, and now that Michael's here I believe it would be good to see what he can do." Rias looked to Michael who nodded excitedly,

"Yosh! I've been training up real good let me show them what you taught me, Shishou!"

"Michael-san, do you remember what I told you about how your training should be handled?" Kai asked.

" never let your guard down?" Michael guessed.


Kai karate chops Michael's head as the boy cried out in pain and held the large bump in pain.

"Ow!" Michael cried and looked at Kai in anger, "What was that for!?"

"Your body may have gotten stronger, but your mind still has a ways to go." Kai shook his head then continued,

"But what you truly need is rest if you keep training and fighting before a match you'll grow fatigue and unnecessary thoughts and doubts on what you can do to where you'll keep pushing yourself to exhaustion." Kai explained as he poked his index finger to Michael's forehead, which annoyed the teen, "Your injuries are also something which can't be overlooked which is why you should heal them before the game, alright?"

"This sucks!" Michael turned away and said, "But fine! I'll do it, but only because I feel tired and want to take these stupid bandages off!"

"Good." Kai nodded then turned to Rias and her peerage, "You all should rest also if you want to have a better chance against your opponent."

"Hai, Kai-sama!" Rias and everyone nodded to the man's instructions.

"Now last thing before I go." Kai nodded then turns towards Michael and snapped his fingers, "You don't need these seals anymore."

Suddenly the golden seals revealed themselves then deteriorated leaving Michael free from the weights to move freely (or move the same as always, but just faster) again.

"Whoa, I forgot about these!" Michael rolled his arms then chuckled, "I feel light as a feather now, hahahaha!" Michael tested his new light body out and jumped up about 3 times.

"Wonderful that means your training was a success now your speed should be better than last time," Kai smiled widely, "Now it's time for me to take my leave, everyone good luck I'll be rooting for ya." Kai smiled and waved at the group before glancing back at Michael and said coldly, "Remember to know your limits." Kai's face was filled with total seriousness once his eyes opened.

Michael looked at Kai in shock then simply nodded as his serious expression seemed to have calmed down the Ultimate Class Devil.

"So until we meet again, I wish you all good luck, but please don't bore me or else." Kai chuckled as his tone seemed rather sinister an cheerful. This was able to cause everyone to shiver and look at the man put his fingers to his forehead and teleport away.

'He's frightening when he's playing around.' Michael gulped.

[Yes, but I wonder what would happen if he were to be enraged?]

'That would be something, I would like to avoid thinking of, Ddraig.' Michael sighed.

"You all heard him, we mustn't get too worked over before the match starts, so we'll show them not to look down upon the Gremory Group, so my adorable servants let's teach them how powerful Rias Gremory and her servants can be!"

"Yes!" The Occult Research Club members agreed to the words of their Club President.

'I'll make sure you win Buchou even if I have to break every bone in my body.' Michael gripped his right hand with his left very tightly.

[Remember what he said, Partner.]

'I know, but I'll still use it even if it means I'll help her win.' Michael thought.


After the training camp, everyone teleported back to town with a magic circle and went to their individual homes to prepare for the Games to begin. Since the next day was a day off and school was closed for the day and it was the designated day for the Rating Game to start, Michael stayed home while under the care of Asia to heal his bandaged wounds which made Michael's body look to be in a terrible condition. After being healed, both Michael and Asia prepared themselves for the fight ahead.

Michael was told to wear whatever made him felt comfortable during the Games so he just put on his regular uniform as usual, but without his scarf as his goggles rested on his forehead and his dragon arm was bandaged by the same restraints Kai put on him from before.

"It's almost time." Michael sat on his bed while fiddling with his fingers as he watched the alarm clock ahead of him.

'10 o' clock PM, we're supposed to meet up with everyone in 30 minutes prior to the time the game starts at 12 o' clock.' Michael said anxiously as he smiled.

[You seem excited.]

"Of course I am, I'll finally get payback against that Yakitori, Riser!" Michael grinned, "Turning back now won't look good for future Maou, Lord Michael Hanamura."

[Kukukuku! Indeed but you should remember that despite your dragon power increasing you can't control it.]

Michael then looked at the ground and nodded, "I know but I'll think of something to do with it."

Breaking the conversation was a knocking on the door...

"Who is it?" Michael asked as the door slowly opened to reveal a shy Raynare.

"Michael-sama, may I come in?" Raynare asked.

"Of course, this is your home too." Michael smiled and waved for her to enter.

Doing just that, Raynare blushes and enters the dark room as she takes it upon herself to sit by Michael's side.

"S-So today is the day, huh?" Raynare looked down at her feet.

"Yup and I can't wait to show everyone what I'm made of." Michael smiled.

"I know you'll just 'wow' them out there, Michael-sama." Raynare smiled at Michael then looked to the side sadly.

"Huh, what's wrong?" Michael took notice of this.

"It's just that?" Raynare fidgeted a little, "Are you happy I'm here with you?"

Michael looked at Raynare with an annoyed expression and said, "Why would you ask something so obvious, of course I like you here."

"But I haven't been able to help you much unlike Asia or the others does, and during the training camp I wanted to support you with everything I had, but you went off somewhere with Kai-sama to train so I started to think that maybe I'm just not useful to you and nothing but a nuisance to you." Raynare looked down with teary eyes.

Michael looked at the girl with a sad face then reached out and hugged her gently with one arm.

"Michael-sama!" Raynare's eyes widened.

"Look I don't care if your useful to me or not in fact don't use the word "useful" at all your not a tool your, Ray-chan. My friend. So I expect you to stop thinking your useless and just continue being the you that I know." Michael grinned.

"Michael-sama..." Raynare said astonished as Michael released the girl and folded his arms behind his head.

"And besides helping out the future Maou is something you should be proud of even if it is the little things you can manage to do." Michael laughed heartily.

Raynare looked at Michael with widened eyes then began to ponder over something.

"Michael-sama, you want to be a Maou in the future, right?" Raynare asked.

"Yeah, of course." Michael nodded happily.

"Then that would mean you would have your own peerage." Raynare implied.

"I guess, I still haven't thought that far yet, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Michael shrugged then looked the other way while sweating, 'I have to get someone who can actually tolerate me before I can decide that first.'

Raynare played with her skirt a little then blushed, "So then would you mind if I...?"

"Huh?" Michael quirked an eyebrow.

Raynare started to tremble a bit as Michael looked at her in worry.

' she okay?' Michael thought.

Raynare kept holding it in until her face turned red completely to the point where she couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Would you mind if I could be apart of your peerage in the future!" Raynare bowed her head to Michael who looked at her in shock.

He scratched his cheek in thought.

"Well, uhm...I guess you could if you wanted." Michael chuckled, "Wait what am I saying of course you can if its what you really want!"

"Michael-sama!" Raynare smiled with teary eyes and hugged Michael tightly, "Then from now on, I'll do my best to prepare to be your best, useful servant as you grow to be a High-Class Devil!"

'I thought I said that she doesn't have to do it just to be of use to me, but it's a start.' Michael hugged Raynare back.

"If it's what you want then you can get it just as long as you put enough meaning into your goal." Michael grinned.

The hugging continued to commence as Raynare was still intent to stay in it as Michael kept looking from side to side feeling a little uncomfortable at the long hug.

'This is taking way too long.' Michael thought.

"Michael-san..." Raynare said dreamily as her hug started to get even tighter to where her breasts were now pressing up closer to Michael's chest.

Reaching for the girl's shoulders Michael pushed the girl away and gave a bitter smile,

"Ray-chan, I'm sorry for doing this, but I really I have to get ready for today's match so."

"R-Right, right. I'm sorry, I forgot." Raynare looked off to the side embarrassed at her actions.

"No worries." Michael stood up and headed towards the door, "Wish me luck! Wait, no, you don't because we've got this in the bag!" Michael closed his eyes and jabs his thumb into his chest.

"I know you do, Michael-sama, you'll definitely show that yakitori jerk." Raynare raised a hand and waved goodbye.

Turning back to the door to reach the knob Michael stopped as he heard these words,

"Please return home safely, the both of you."

Michael's eyes widened at that for it was the first time he had ever heard those words directed towards him. It would always be silence when he lived alone before Asia and Raynare came along. No one would welcome him back or tell him to make it back home safely but now... he finally has people like that. He looked back to Raynare who gave him a genuine worried smile, Michael shook his head and nodded,

"Who do you think I am, of course, I'll return home safely and I'll make sure nothing scratches Asia, too." Michael gave her thumbs up as Raynare does the same,

"I know you will."


Opening the door, Michael sees Asia standing in front of him pouting her lips while having teary eyes.


'Crap!' Michael cried as he just remembered the Blonde girl.

Leaving the apartment, Michael and Asia walk to the Academy just before the match could actually start. While walking Michael noticed Asia was wearing her old Sister clothes but without the cross since she was a devil now and it would actually inflict damage if she had any on her body. Michael had noticed something off when they continued to walk down the street, Asia was uncomfortably look from side to side as she looked to be really nervous.

Michael smiles and puts his hand on the girl's shoulder earning a cute yelp from her.

"Asia, are you alright?" Michael asked.

"Y-Yes, Michael-san I was just startled was all." Asia tried putting up a brave face.

'Is she really that shaken up about the match?' Michael questioned.

"Asia, here." Michael held out his hand to the girl who looks at Michael hand then his face in question.

Michael gestured his hand once more than said, "I'll hold your hand if your nervous."

"W-What?" Asia's eyes widened as her cheeks grew pink.

"Well, its obviously clear that something's bugging you and this is the only way I could think to help you." Michael shrugged as Asia looked at his hand closely in, "Or if it bothers you this much then I'll just sto-" Michael's hand suddenly gets grasped by Asia's.

"N-No, I want to hold onto Michael-san." Asia said as she looks away.

Smiling, Michael simply stayed quiet and nodded as the pair walked down the dark road hand in hand.

"So you're wearing your old nun clothes?" Michael asked.

"Y-Yes, when I asked Buchou-san, she told me, "Wear something that you feel the most comfortable in." I thought about it a lot, and I found out that this outfit is the easiest for me to move around in… I'm not a Christian anymore, but I haven't forgotten my beliefs. Even though I'm a Devil now…"

"Don't worry about it, you still look good in it like before when I first met you." Michael complimented.

Asia blushed, "Thank you."

After a few more seconds of silence, Michael decided to talk once more as he felt Asia's hand begin to tremble,

"Hey, are you nervous about the match?"

Asia nods timidly and said, "Yes, the thought of us going into a scary battle makes me shake in fear but if Michael-san is right near me then I know I'll be fine."

"Of course, you'll be fine. And besides I'm always going to be with you, bet on it." Michael laughed lightly.

"Really?" Asia questioned.

"Like I said before, me and you won't be ever separating, Asia. We'll be together forever so you won't get yourself in trouble or hurt." Michael sighed.

[Considering how you are it should be reversed.]

'Shut it.' Michael spat.

"So make sure to be safe during the game and call on me if your in danger." Michael points at the girl while saying those words very seriously.

"Yes! I'll do just that, Michael-san!" Asia nods happily.

"Good girl." Michael pats Asia's head as the girl turns red by the kind gesture.

Making it back to the Abandoned Classroom at 11:40 pm, all of the club members were getting prepared for the match by resting as everyone seemed to have been ready before arriving as Kiba had on gauntlets and leg armor on his lower legs. As Koneko was wearing those same gloves that martial artists wore. Drinking tea were Rias and Akeno who were acting calm out of everyone.

'Wow, everyone seems to be mellow.' Michael thought.

[Because unlike you they know when to act reserved before a fight.]

'Hey, I can be reserved!' Michael growled.

[Name one time to me then.]

'Well there was that time when I helped Saji with his mothe-! Wait ,no, I ruined that book club by eating all the snacks, which I dropped on the floor.' Michael slumped down in shame as he couldn't think of anything which could help with his argument against Ddraig.


Entering the clubroom before the games begin was the student council's President, Sona Sitri and her Vice President Tsubaki Shinra.

"Excuse me." Sona said as Tsubaki closed the door.

"Good evening, Sona." Rias greeted.

"Welcome." Akeno greeted.

"Huh, why is the Kaichou and Fuka-Kaichou doing here?" Michael questioned.

"The Rating Game is monitored by an outside clan." Rias answered, "They will be watching us tonight."

"We volunteered for this." Sona brought up, "Since it is Rias' first Rating Game."

"Don't worry, I'll show you a fight that will make you proud to be considered my rival." Rias smiled.

'Man, now even the Student Council is watching, I guess the Rating Games are really famous in the Devil world.' Michael thought.

Looking around the room Sona's sight catches Michael sitting on the couch with his arm on the arm rest.

"Hanamura, Michael?" Sona called out to the teen.

"Huh?" Michael looked up to see the High-Class Devil then immediately stood up stiffened and said, "Yes, ma'am!"

Smiling a bit by the boy's action Sona continues, "Just to let you know we will also place it upon ourselves to allow the Fallen Angel your living with to watch you in the match."

"Really?" Michael was confused at first then simply shook his head, "Thank you!"

"Hm, no need. Also Saji has placed it upon himself to stay and watch as well." Sona continued.

"He did?" Michael questioned as Sona nods.

'So I guess he's trying to get some notes about my current skill huh? Well then I guess there's no need to hold back I'll show that I will be too much for him to handle.' Michael grins.

'It's almost time!' Michael restlessly smiled.

Suddenly a voice called out,

"Is everyone ready?"

As ten minutes have passed by a magic circle draws itself on the ground and summons Grayfia to stand in front of everyone who now stand up to show they are ready. Grayfia then started the information the team needed,

"When it becomes the time to start the battle, you will be teleported to the battlefield through this magic-circle. The location of the place is in a different dimension used for battles. You may fight with all your power. It's a disposable space so feel free to fight to your satisfaction."

Michael's eyes sparkled in excitement at that and thought, 'Awesome, so it's just like Shishou's own technique from training!'

[Indeed, meaning you can run wild, Partner.]

'Yeah, I'll show everyone what I'm made of!' Michael chuckled.

"Then I will return to the monitoring room." Sona said, "I pray for your success, Rias."

"Thank you, but I would recommend the judging for the game's second half." Rias smiled confidently.

"Naturally." Sona makes her way to the door then looks back, "I just personally think that your opponent isn't a suitable match for you."

Smiling after receiving words from her Rival/Friend Rias smiled.

After Sona and Tsubaki left the room, Grayfia then continued her explanation,

"This "Rating Game" battle will also be viewed by members of both households from a different location through broadcast."

Hearing this Michael looks at Rias who gives a serious face at that.

'So Buchou's parents will watch the game also huh?' Michael thought.

"Maou Lucifer-sama will also be viewing this battle so please remember this."

... ...

"WHAT!?" Michael screamed out as his eyes bugged out in surprise as everyone instead widened their own eyes in surprise as well.

"One of the Maou are gonna watch us!" Michael screamed as he suddenly felt tons of excitement at the moment. It was his dream to become a Maou and now one will watch him fight?

Rias made a shocked expression,

"Onii-sama is... I see, so Onii-sama is also going to view this battle."

'Wait, Onii-sama!?' Michael looked surprise as it was clearly written by his vacant expression.

"The Maou is your BROTHER!?" Michael shouted.

Rias was unfazed by the boy's outburst as Grayfia showed an annoyed expression by Michael's rude shouting.

"Yes." Rias nodded naturally.

"B-But I thought your family was the Gremory clan?" Michael asked, "And the Maou is Lucifer so shouldn't you have Lucifer in your name?"

"Ufufufu! Michael-kun it appears that you are mistaken." Akeno giggled at Michael's obliviousness.

"Huh, how?" Michael asks.

Kiba then brings it upon himself to explain,

"Remember the Great War, well because of that our former leaders the Maou-sama's were in a critical condition and passed away. So if they were to have died then no more devils would be here today if there aren't any leaders so that's why-" Kiba leads off to where he thinks Michael gets it but...

Michael looked confused then growled, "And that's why, what come on Pretty Boy use words!"

Kiba simply sighed and continued, "And that's why the Maou-samas still kept the titles so those with Ultimate-Class Devil powers after them inherit them."

Putting a fist to his hand, Michael said, "Oh! I get it now so they are just positions not names themselves, heh, who would have thought."

Kiba then gave a bitter smile, "But even with them, us devils out of the other factions are still in a tight spot but luckily the Great Satans have the same amount of power as their predesseccors."

"So Buchou your Brother is an Ultimate Class Devil?" Michael asked.

"...He wouldn't be one if he wasn't baka-senpai." Koneko insulted while looking away with half lidded eyes.

"His name is Sirzechs Lucifer the "Crimson Satan" the strongest of the 4 Maou."

Rias answered as Michael nods understanding a little now.

'So now I kind of understand so he was Sirzechs Gremory but now is Sirzechs Lucifer.' Michael thought.

[Correct, if you do not share the same surname as your clan then you cannot inherit it.]

'So that would explain why Buchou is the next heir.' Michael thought, 'But I still want to meet this Sirzechs guy right away and see if I could stand a chance against him.'

[Why? Doing that will get you killed.]

'Don't worry I'll think about that part when I get to it.'

[Michael, the way you shove back the dangerous consequences will result in you dying or worse.]

'Ddraig, look I'm not going to die because I won't simple as that.'

[But what if you do die.]

'Well then I won't die simple see?' Michael chuckled.

[It's no use trying to reason with you...] Ddraig sighed.

'I never listen to reason because all it has are doubts. That's why I think later than before when I do something.'

Grayfia then said on cue, "It's about time." She gestures her hand towards the magic circle.

"Please use this to transfer yourselves for the destination for your match."

Gathering on the magic circle, Michael and everyone looked at the seal of the magic circle a to reveal the mark of the phoenix. Michael's eyes narrowed at the mark as he couldn't wait to face Riser face to face and show that jerk what for! His thinking blinded him as the magic circle teleports them away.

Taking only a few seconds the Occult Research Club was able to teleport into the area to where the Match will take place as the surroundings were still the same as before as they stood in the same Club room.

"Did we stay in place?" Asia grabbed Michael's arm.

"I don't think so." Michael shook his head and looked around.


[Hello, everyone. I am Grayfia, a maid from the House of Gremory and today I will be the arbiter of the Rating match between the House of Gremory and the House of Phoenix.]

Coming from the school's broadcast Grayfia's voice was heard,

[In the name of my Master, Sirzechs Lucifer, I will be keeping my eye on this match. By using both Rias-sama and Raiser-sama's opinion, we created this battlefield which is a replica of the school, Kuou academy, which Rias-sama attends to in the human world.]

"So we did teleport." Michael said as he walked towards the window and saw nothing but the weird colored blue/green sky above, "So this is a replica?"

[The location where both teams were transported will be their "base". Rias-sama's "base" would be the Occult Research Cub's clubroom located in the old school building. Raiser-sama's "base" would be the Student Council's room located in the new building. For the [Pawns] to use "promotion", please head to the enemy's base to do it.] Grayfia announced.

"Aw what no fair!" Michael whined then remembered with a dull face, 'Wait I don't even know how to promote at all.'

[But based on your opponents number of servants you'll have to take down an equivalent of 8 [Pawns] before they reach your Master's Base.]

'This will be tough but who cares I can handle it if I try my best!' Michael clenched his fist and smiled.

Handing out small earphones Akeno finishes with giving them to everyone but Michael and Asia,

"Please wear these transceivers."

Taking them both Michael and Asia stared at them in confusion.

"While your out there in the battle field we'll be able to communicate with these." Rias explained.

"Spy guy equipment, sweet." Michael and Asia put the transceivers in their ears as everyone grew ready for creating a strategy.

Sitting on the sofa Rias confidently says, "First we must deal with Riser's troublesome [Pawns] before they promote to [Queen]."

"Wouldn't it be much easier to just barrel through them and attack the [King]?" Michael asked.

Rias simply shook her head and said, "No, that would be reckless and most of our main pieces will be eliminated before we even get to Riser."

"Oh...sorry." Michael scratched his head and sighed.

'Well, there goes my Plan A!' Michael cried in his head.

"Michael, I know you want to end things quickly by getting to Riser but this is a Rating Game its a game which takes a long period of time to complete similar to the actual chess game. Yuuto."

"Yes." Kiba nods and places a map of the whole school on the table.

'Seriously, dude do you have a hobby for collecting maps?' Michael sweatdropped as he remembered the Abandoned Church Map that Kiba conveniently had.

Rias draws a circle

Circling the old school building and old one Rias was able to divide the territories accurately.

"There's a forest near our base so it's safe to assume that this is our territory. As the new school building has to be Raiser's territory. It's quite possible that there will be an ambush when you enter their territory. The school field is visible from the new school building. So it's dangerous to pass through here."

"Um, so wouldn't the sports grounds suffice if we want to enter the New School building?" Asia raised her hand shyly.

But Rias simply chuckles at the question and says, "Well, yes that would be ideal for this situation, but Riser already knows of this and it would seem too obvious for us to take. But my hunch says he'll have his Knight and 3 Pawns stationed near one of the Club room in the sports ground. He'll need mobility so he will use them to gain control of the whole sports ground."

Michael blinked at Rias' serious strategizing.

'I don't understand almost half of this.' Michael sweatdropped, 'But I have to keep serious so they won't know.' Michael continued showing a poker face through the entire explanation.

"Buchou, I believe securing the gym near the old school building should suffice for our first location. If captured we can gain a rout to the new school building as the passage between the school will restrain any enemy movements."

Kiba points at the gum on the map.

"Yes, I believe so too, our first objective is to capture the gym. Though there may be a rook positioned there since the opponents mobility will be shortened as the Rook's destructive power will be a threat to handle." Rias nodded.

Michael looked over at Asia who was staring at everyone intently.

"Oi, Asia do you get any of this?" Michael asked.

"Huh? Yes, I guess so." Asia nods with a smile as Michael grew shocked at that as he felt that she may not have also learned of what everyone is saying.

"Why don't you Michael-san?"

Michael fixes himself and gives a gloating laugh while sweating, "Hah! Of course I do I mean I am the Great Hanamura!"

"Yuuto and Koneko I want the two of you to set up a trap in the forest. Take another map with you and make the to mark where your traps are set." Rias crossed her arms, "To avoid anyone of us getting trapped by them I'll make a copy afterwards for everyone."



The two left with a map and a strange looking tool box.

"Now Akeno, I want you to do something for me." Rias turned to her queen.

"Yes." Akeno nods.

"Once Yuuto and Koneko return, I want you to cast an illusion of mists around the forest and sky so it can react to Riser's group. If taken care of then the battle will start with it confusing the enemy, though I know it will only get more intense midway so I'll entrust this task with you." Rias said.

"I understand, Buchou."

Akeno bows and exits the club room leaving only Michael and Asia.

"So Buchou what should we do?" Michael asked.

"For now you two are on standby but Asia you are to stay by my side as my healing support so I can keep you safe. Because if you go down then we'll all be in big trouble in battle." Rias answered as she looks at Asia then to Michael.

"H-Hai, Buchou." Asia nods.

Rias smiles then focuses her attention on Michael.

"Now Michael sit here." Rias waves her hand towards Michael.

"Alright, but how will this help with getting ready?" Michael complied and sat next to Rias.

Rias then points to her lap and said, "Lay your head here."

'I'm confused how will this help the match as it is!?' Michael's eyes wandered from Rias' to her eyes in confusion.

"Um, Buchou what's the point of this?" Michael blinked with a blank confused expression, "Wouldn't it be better to focus on the fight?"

Laughing Rias gently grabs Michael's head and places him onto her lap.

"You'll understand soon so just calm down."

'Wow! Her lap is soooo soft!' Michael blinked as his cheeks grew a little red, 'Is this that lap pillow, Matsuda and Motohama kept crying about. Now I know why they're striving for this. But Buchou's lap feels really soft for some reason. Hm? I wonder?' Michael rubbed his cheek against her lap curiously and felt the smooth texture of Rias' legs and suddenly relaxed in contentment, 'It is, her legs are really smooth too, once the games are over. I'll tell the school of my triumph and become famous for this!'

Michael had tears streaming down his face, 'I'm gonna be so well-known as the first student to have placed his head on the lap of the school's Great Lady!'

"Geez, why are you crying?" Rias sighed while looking down at the crying Michael.

"Nothing! Just blinded by how awesome this is!" Michael responded lost in his glory seeking mind.

Though he did notice Asia's teary eyed face as she looked rather unpleasant with the sight of Michael getting so close to Rias.

"If something like this will get you to cry in happiness then I guess letting you do this from time to time won't be so bad, Silly Boy."

"No, that's fine once is enough for me." Michael shook his head as he just wanted to bask in this for just a little longer so he could brag to the Perverted Duo later. He can just imagine them crying out tears of blood right now.

But suddenly these thoughts disappeared as soon as Rias placed her hand on top of Michael's head.




Michael could have sworn that his heart beat was growing faster as a surge of power grew within him.

'I feel so calm; what's going on?' Michael thought.

"It seems you've noticed the change within yourself." Rias stroked Michael's head, "I just released the seal placed upon you."

"Wait a seal?" Michael asks.

"Yes, Michael as a pawn I had to use up about 8 pieces to reincarnate you, but if I had released all of your power in the beginning then your untrained devil body would have broken under the pressure of power you hold. As you are the strongest after Akeno, so I had you train to get better to adapt to your inner strength." Rias explained.

"But I felt something big release out of me though." Michael responded.

"Yes, It was hard for me to identify how much or how little to remove part of the seal due to your sudden growth, but I trust you, so I only released about five of the sealed pieces." Rias said.

"Really, that's awesome that means I can go all out without worryi-ouch!" Michael cried in pain as Rias pinched his ear.

"Remember if I see that this given opportunity is too much then I'll seal back the pieces unlocked, understood?" Rias said with a strict tone.

"Yes! I do! Please let go of my ear if it's pulled on anymore then I'll lose it!" Michael cried.

"Good." Rias released his ear.

'Why do they always go for the God damn ear!' Michael rubbed his ear in pain.

"Now listen up, Michael your opponents may be girls, but don't hold back because they won't hesitate to finish you off okay?" Rias warns.

"Oh I know that. All I have to do is punch them in the face, right?" Michael grinned.

Rias sweatdropped at Michael's simple mindedness and simply nodded, "Yes, but it will take more than that you have to use promotion to change into a Queen."

"Nope, I'm fine a Queen sounds too girlish for me." Michael pouted while looking away, "I want to rely on my power alone."

"Michael." Rias said with a stern/playful voice.

"Fine, I'll do it, but only because I want you to win!" Michael growled then looked up at Rias with a genuine smile.

"Yes, I will rely on you my adorable, Michael."

Then suddenly receiving a transmission from Akeno, Rias answered, "Yes?"

"Buchou, Preparations are complete."

Standing up while forgetting about Michael who falls down and hits his face against the floor, Rias then announces, "Then here are our plans."

Crawling towards Asia Michael held his nose in pain and cried, "Why?"

"Michael-san, are you alright?" Asia inched closer to the downed Michael.

After gathering back in the Clubroom the operation was set as everyone went to their positions.

"Yeah! Let's Do this!" Michael smacked his cheeks twice with both his hands to get pumped up.

Right now he was outside the School Building with Koneko who was to be assigned his partner much to his dismay.

"Okay then, Michael and Koneko once you are able to enter the gymnasium a battle will be imminent so move accordingly as planned, we need this location for it is crucial to our strategy." Rias explained through the transceivers.

"Yes." Michael and Koneko responded.

"Then I will go to my position as well." Kiba walked off with his sword on his hip.

"Yuuto move accordingly like we discussed." Rias said.


"Asia, will stay by my side, if she's taken down then we'll lose our only source of healing." Rias explained.

"Y-Yes." Asia said nervously with a little energetic tone.

"Akeno I trust you to move when you think the time is right."

"Yes, Buchou." Akeno responded.

'Akeno-senpai a true queen I can't wait to see what she's capable of.' Michael thought in wonder.

"Now then my adorable servants. The time for turning back is too late. Our enemy is Riser who is a gifted man of the immortal house of Phoenix with a promising career. Let's go and Blow them away!"

"YES!" Everyone replied and headed off to accomplish their objectives.

"Michael-san! Everyone please do your best!"

(In the monitoring Room)

Watching the games intently were Sona, Tsubaki, Saji and Raynare who were keeping an eye on the Gremory Team rather than the Phoenix side,

"So Mike is paired with Koneko Toujo-chan, huh?" Saji said seriously.

"It's only accurate since he's the only pawn Rias has and with the support of her rook it will be quite the right choice to put them out in the game first." Sona responded.

"Michael-sama…" Raynare looked at the screens in worry as she watches Michael and Koneko sneak through the back door of the gymnasium.

"It seems the Gymnasium will be their first location." Tsubaki commented.

"Yes, it seems crucial they do that." Sona nods.

(In the Copy of Kuoh Academy)

Hiding behind the curtains in the back platform, Michael and Koneko kept hidden behind them despite it being open for the inside to be visible.

"Okay time to show my stuff." Michael grinned excitedly.

"…I feel 4 presences. Enemies." Koneko muttered.

"Really are you like a dog or someth-!" Michael then got his nose pinched super tightly by the girl.

"…I do not like dogs and do not like to be compared to one." Koneko said with an annoyed face.

"S-Sorry, I get it, stop before you break my nose!" Michael cried as Koneko suddenly let her grip loose.

" didn't have to take it as an offense." Michael covered his nose in pain.

Suddenly the lights to the gym started to turn on as the voice of a woman sounded, "We know you're in here, Servants of Gremory! We literally watched you enter."

"I am Mira, Riser-sama's Pawn."

"I am Xuelan, Riser-sama's Rook."

"I'm Nel and I'm Riser-sama's Pawn."

"My name is Ile and I'm also Riser-sama's Pawn."

Entering was a woman with a china dress, female twins and a loli girl with a staff.

'Heh, now it's time to make my entrance!' Michael thought.

Koneko was about to pick herself up until Michael grabbed her shoulder and shook his head as he then shouted, "Fools do you think you can actually intimidate me!" Michael roared.

Koneko facepalmed and shook her head.

"I am the man who even makes God tremble in fear!" Michael's voice sounded throughout the gym, "I am the man, who has conquered dozens, no, Millions of lives in his lifetime! And you morons want to deal with me for I am, the Powerful and Great Michael Hanam-!"


Punching him into view of Riser's Servants, Koneko simply walked over to the downed Michael.

"Ouch, what the hell was that for!?" Michael cried.

"…Unnecessary." Koneko stated.

"It was not!" Michael got up on a knee and stamped his foot while pointing at the girl, "I was just about to introduce myself to them in the most awesome way ever but no you just had to ruin my cool entrance!"

Michael was really starting to regret pairing up with Koneko as the two don't really see eye to eye at all. Well eye to black eye, Koneko can't even stare at him once without trying to punch him in the face.

Koneko simply ignored Michael's angry rambling to focus on the enemies at hand, "A Rook and 3 Pawns, we are outnumbered."

Letting the girl ignoring him slide Michael looked over to the enemies and said, "Man, that much I guess me using up all the pawn pieces left us at a disadvantage." Michael sighed then stood up, "But…" Michael thrusts his fist forward, "Summon!"


"I guess I'll prove that quality is better than quantity!" Michael summoned the Boosted Gear and punches his fist into an open hand.

"I'll handle the Rook so I entrust the Pawns to you, Baka-senpai, make sure they don't interfere with my fight." Koneko said as she fixed her gloves.

"Don't need to tell me that, I've got your back all the way!" Michael's sudden change in personality shocked Koneko until Michael lunged forward and grinned as Koneko then followed.

"Let's go!" Michael roared.

*BAM!* *BAM!* *BAM!*

The battle between Koneko and Riser's Rook, Xuelan began as they exchanged blows which look very powerful as each of their strengths cancelled out each attack with a block. Even with Koneko's small build she was able to keep up with the Rook and move more freely but…


Growing on the defensive Koneko was dodging a few kicks imbued with the power of flames.

'She can use Pyrokinesis?' Koneko thought as she rolled under an incoming kick then decided to take the initiative and attacked the Rook from behind as she was momentarily open.

"Heh, Careless!" The Rook raised the back of her heel and slashed it upwards against Koneko.

"!" Koneko's clothes were grazed a little as he clothes revealed her underwear from underneath.

"Koneko-chan, are you alright!" Michael gasped.

"Focus on your opponent!" Lunging forward the Mira thrusts her staff forward at Michael with the ability to pierce through the air.

Michael gasped in surprise then sidesteps to the right and thrusts his palm into the staff redirecting the attack as the Pawn grew unbalanced.

"Hah!" Michael took this chance to raise his leg and slam it onto the girl's torso sending her flying and crashing into the wall.

"Phew! That felt good I wonder who else I can hit next!" Michael grinned as he landed and grew ready in a battle ready stance until.


Blinking Michael heard the sounds of chainsaws and looked back to see the twins coming at him while swinging such dangerous weapons.

"Disassembling time~!" The girls sang happily.

"The hell!?" Michael gasped then jumped back narrowly dodging a chainsaw.

'Chainsaws! Why do little girls have chainsaws?' Michael thought in surprise as the twins then began running at Michael with their chainsaws recklessly.

[I would focus on running if I were you!]

'Crap! Damn why me!?' Michael then ran with his tail between his legs as the twins chased after.

"Rip it, rip it apart~!" The twins sang so happily.

"Running won't save you!"

"We're still going to cut you to pieces~!" The twins said these words happily.

"You guys are freaking weirdoes!" Michael screamed as he stared back at the twins.

Turning his head forward Michael sees that Mira was up and thrusting her staff at him once more.

"Oh, would you give me a bre-!"


The staff thrusts itself into Michael's chest and sends him flying past the twins who separated as Michael bounced off the ground multiple times before stopping harshly. The staff's attack may have been strong but Michael still stood up with some more fight in him.

'Damn, that's smarts!' Michael patted his chest in pain.

"Now it's payback time!" Michael grew ready in a fighting stance but then remembered.

"Rip it, rip it apart!" The twins were still chasing after him with their deadly chainsaws.

"Okay you two need to stop!" Michael growled in annoyance as he jumps back avoiding another slash then ducks as a twin from behind tries to get him.

"Geez! This is so frustrating why can't we hit him!?"

"Just hold still we just wanna slice you!" The twins cried in annoyance after missing each hit they send Michael's way.

Rolling away from the 3 pawns Michael pulls up the Boosted Gear and smirked, "Heh you brats think I'll go down so easily, this is nothing compared to what I did with Shishou during training. In fact I'll let you bear witness to Michael Hanamura new Signature Technique!"



Michael then engulfed himself with a fierce red aura which intimidated the 3 pawns.

"Now let's go!" Michael takes a single step forward and instantly reached the surprised twins in nothing but a single second.




Michael smacked one twin across the cheek sending her falling back as a small magic circle appears on her, "One."

"Why you how dare you do that to Onee-cha-!"


Michael lands a straight punch against the other sister's cheek sending her falling down as a magic circle was also placed upon her, "Two!"

"Darn you!" Mira charges forward at Michael and attacks with her staff.

"You know when things annoy me I tend to-!" Michael grabs the staff then breaks it with the fist of his boosted gear gauntlet, because he didn't want to get hurt in the process, "Break them!"

"What!" Mira gasped.

"Your open!" Michael smacked Mira across the face then kick her back as he placed another magic circle on her body.

"My staff?" Mira grunts in pain as she looks at her broken weapon.

"Seems you can't spam your old thrust attack now huh!?" Michael chuckled then gave her the peace sign, "You know if you give up now I'll let you off with this!"

[Partner, remember…]

'Yeah I know not to get too cocky but I won't attack them if they lost their will to fight.' Michael thought.

"Like hell we'll listen to you bastard!" The twins shouted in unison.

"Yes, we must win or Riser-sama will be angered with us!" Mira picked herself up.

'I guess it's the hard way then!' Michael grinned.

"Let's get him!" The three pawns rushed Michael at once as the teen raised his fist in the air.

"Boost!" Michael roared.


'Concentrate your power on the three targets!' Michael said to himself as he thrusts his hand forward and creates a ball of demonic power in the size of a Basketball.

'Is he going to attack one of us?' These thoughts went through the minds of the three girls as they continued rushing Michael.

"My new Technique followed by new my signature one, Dragon Break + Dragon Shot!" Michael punches the orb of demonic power which sends out a single beam entirely missing the girls.

"Hah, you missed!" Mira laughed.

"Did I?" Michael said seriously before snapping his finger.


Suddenly the magic circles on the girls glow bright and started to blink on and off.


Suddenly the still active Dragon Shot that was about to hit the wall suddenly responded and broke into three beams which then turned back and hit the three Pawns with their guards open.


"Kyaaaa!" The girls fell over having the wind knocked out of them while receiving partial damage as the beam split into smaller ones and attacked them.

"Hahahahahahahaha! What do you girls think about my power now, huh!?" Michael roared in triumph.

"What? That stupid Pawn was able to do something like that!?" Xuelan gasped in shock as Koneko took this as her chance.



Leaning in, Koneko fires a straight right into Xuelan's chest followed by a quick jab to her face, the woman flinches back in pain as Koneko rams her shoulder into the woman's stomach very hard.

"Ku!" Xuelan falls onto all fours and struggles to move up.

"Now stay down." Koneko said standing over the woman before turning back to walk to Michael before muttering, "…And only I'm allowed to call Michael-senpai stupid."

"H-How?" Mira struggled to get up with no avail.

"Simple you just witnessed my Dragon Break technique which allows me to target any opponent I touch and attack without worry of missing." Michael explained as he then held up three fingers, "But I have a limit to how many I can target as 3 is the limit and if I target more enemies my attack power decreases by the number of targets." Michael sighed then folded his arms behind his head, "Man this limit sucks."

[It's still good though you were able to showcase your new move in battle with positive results, at first your demonic power control was atrocious. But now I can see you gradually getting it down.]

'Yeah, but the seals are small so it's still too hard to concentrate on such a thing.' Michael cried, 'But hey my Dragon Shot improved so maybe I can go further with it.'

"…Good job." Koneko said as she pops up behind Michael.

"Whoa! Where the hell did you come from and did you finish your enemy?" Michael gasped in fright.

"…Yes." Koneko nodded.

"Wow, you really did it. I had my doubts on you because your so short but hey maybe I can have a higher opinion about yo-ugh!" Michael was then socked in the gut by the "Short" girl.

"…Do not call me short."

"Got it…" Michael whimpered in pain before standing up, "So what do you think of my move?"

"…It's clever for you, idiot-senpai." Koneko said with a somewhat nice tone to Michael.

"Hah, now even you see the might of my power!" Michael crossed his arm and nodded with a grin.

But his compliment would later fall flat…

"But Kai-sama uses a technique similar to that but for a different purpose, so your just copying and pasting his own move and using it as your own." Koneko said with half lidded eyes, "Idiot-senpai is cheating off of Kai-sama's teachings."


Michael held his heart in pain at the rather cruel/true statement.

"Ugh!" Michael grunts in pain, "I don't even know why I tried to dig for compliments from you it was just a bad choice."

[Michael, Koneko. Can you hear me? It's me.]

"Yeah! We're both done here Buchou and we're okay!" Michael answered.

[That's good to hear. Akeno's preparations are complete now you two should continue with the plan!]

"Right, Koneko-chan." Michael looks to Koneko who nods as they then made a dash out the gym.

"Are you running away!? This place is supposed to be a crucial location!" The servants of Riser screamed at the Pawn and Rook's action.

Making it outside, Michael and Koneko run a good distance away from the gymnasium.

"Okay now what?" Michael asked Koneko who ignored him and kept running before she says,




A huge lightning bolt falls upon the gym and explodes leaving nothing be a smoking crater.

"Take." Akeno smiled as she flew through the air with her devil wings out. She seemed to be wearing a Miko Outfit for battle which confused Michael a little.

'Whoa, Akeno-senpai is ruthless.' Michael gulped as he can still see electricity crackle from her hands, 'She's known as the Priestess of Lightning for a reason because even though she hasn't been in the official games some people know about her despite having no official appearance yet.'

[Riser Phoenix-sama's three [Pawns] and one [Rook] retires!]

The sound of Grayfia's voice echoed through the battle field.

'So when an opponent loses the arbiter announces it. That's rather convenient.' Michael; looked at the smoking crater.

[…You should avoid angering her in your current state, Partner.]

'Yeah I know.' Michael nods in agreement.

"Well that's it I guess we did it!" Michael raised his hand towards Koneko who simply stares at him then looks away,

"…I don't talk to plagiarizers."

"Oi! I'm trying to be nice here and who cares it's my technique the way I use it so get over it." Michael growled.

[The Lightning Akeno emitted takes a certain amount of time to charge for a second use. So using it continuously is out of the question but the enemy still has a few players more than use. So we will move out once Akeno's power has recovered, so I will leave the rest up to you until then so please begin the next phase!]

"Yes!" Michael and Koneko nodded.

"Okay, so let's do this again." Michael raised his hand towards Koneko and said, "Come on, we're teammates so let's just shake hands alright?"

"…" Koneko looks at Michael then his hand cautiously.

'Hey, why is she acting like I'm carrying some sort of disease or something?' Michael thought while sweatdropping.

"…Fine." Koneko raised her hand much to Michael's surprise, "…Let's work hard."

Michael chuckled and said, "Yeah!"

As the two hands were about to meet Koneko's eyes turned serious as she felt an incoming presence coming straight towards them more specifically the "Bigger" target out of the pair.

"Michael-senpai!" Koneko then leans forward and pushes Michael away from her.


A huge explosion blinds Michael as he reaches out for his kouhai.

"K-K-Koneko-chan?" Michael gasped as he fell back,


As the smoke rises, Michael sees Koneko lying in a big crater completely injured as her clothes were in tatters. Michael's eyes widened as he rushed after the down girl and picked her up.

'Who the hell did this?' Michael looked at Koneko with sad eyes.


Hearing the voice of the culprit Michael looks up to see a woman dressed up as a mage wearing a hood, it was Riser's Queen, Yubelluna Riser's strongest servant!

"Fufufu. When hunting prey you allow them into a false sense of accomplishment before taking them out when they are most vulnerable. It's enough for us to sacrifice many of our pieces in order to take you all down. But your group is already small in numbers as it is, so I guess that alone will damage you lot correct? But your chances of defeating Raiser-sama are slim if we're out of the way. So it's useless to resist."

"You sacrificed your own teammates just for an easy win?" Michael whispered darkly as his anger rose.

"…Michael-senpai….Akeno-senpai…" Koneko said with a weak, disappearing voice,

"I'm sorry… I wanted to be of more use to Buchou and everyone…."

"No don't be Koneko-chan, you didn't do anything wrong it was me I was an idiot for pushing you into giving me a handshake so it's my fault! Just you wait when I take you back to Asia she'll fix you right up so you can knock sense into me again and-!" Michael had tears streaming down his face as he continued until he felt Koneko's body get enveloped in a light.

"What's going on!?" Michael cried in worry.

[She's retiring from the match, Partner.]

'Retire? No. No. No!' Michael shook his head rapidly.

"We were supposed to win this without losing anyone! So come on Koneko-chan you can still move!" Michael cried as he then shakes Koneko to keep her awake but the light simply enveloped the girl who shook her head and gave Michael the smallest of smiles.

"No, wait maybe I can rush to Asia and Buchou if-!" Michael stood up carrying the girl who then fades away from his arms and retires from the game.


Michael fell on all fours as a cruel announcement called out,

[Rias Gremory-sama's [Rook] retries.]

'Why did you push me out of the way? I didn't ask you to do that no. What confuses me is why you even thought about helping someone as pathetic as me.' Michael clenched his fists in anger as he continued crying, 'And because of me you got knocked out the game and cried!'

Michael then was filled with rage with not only himself but the Queen who did it.

"Fufufu. I didn't realize that loud mouthed pawn was such a crybaby. I wonder would he like to explode like that short girl from before." Yubelluna puts her hand out towards Michael intending to finish the boy off.

"!" Michael gasped at her words.

Stepping between the two, Akeno takes a stance to shield her kouhai from the enemy,

"I will be your opponent. Riser Phoenix-sama's [Queen], Yubelluna-san. Or should I call you the "Bomb Queen"?"

"I don't like that name because of its bad taste, "Priestess of Lightning". Though I was hoping I can fight you."

On the ground below Michael clenched his fist and growled, "Her name was Koneko."

"Huh?" Riser's queen looked down at Michael in question as the boy's hair covered his eyes.

Akeno looks seriously at Michael then says, "Michael-kun, meet up with Yuuto-kun. I will take care of here."

"No." Michael answered back coldly as he focused his sights on Yubelluna, "I want to make this person pay for this."

Akeno grew even more serious at the situation as the plan may go astray at this point, "Michael-kun this a [Queen] the strongest piece you can't handle her yet when you haven't even promoted."

Michael then shoots Akeno a serious stare with a serious tone, "I don't care about things like that I'll do what I want and you won't stop me, ya hear?"

Michael's action was able to cause Akeno to widen her eyes and create a slight tinge of pink hue to appear on her cheeks before she smiled, "Ara ara, after hearing words I guess I can't stop you then."

Michael nodded before breathing in and out, "Release."

Suddenly a white aura flows out of Michael by a small amount of volume, 'Release the amount of Touki needed calmly.' Michael thought to himself then he remembered this much from Shishou's words.

-Touki is an ability which anyone could learn but it puts a strain on those who can't properly use it as it consumes your life energy and stamina if misused, So in battle remember to limit down the times you use it or you'll find yourself unable to fight.-

'I'm still not an expert at using it but I can still manage with what little I got!' Michael thought.

[Michael, what are you doing!? It's still too early for that]

Ignoring Ddraig's comment Michael continued as he clenched his fist, "Give me power."



Suddenly the Red Aura of the Dragon power within Michael grew out of his body intensely and highly dangerously.

"Now concentrate it all in one point." Michael breathed out and placed his hand onto his sacred gear.

"Hm?" Yubelluna looked at Michael in confusion as the aura started to get focused in one point…his right hand's index finger.

"So you believe you can frighten me with that power how pitiful, I am a [Queen] while you are a [Pawn] my power outweighs yours!" Yubelluna smirked confidently.

Michael looked at Yubelluna with a strong killing intent and growled, "This is a warning shot please dodge it."

[A warning shot? Michael using this now will drain you before your fight with Riser you should save the power you have left before your body begins to-!]

Michael cuts off connection with Ddraig as he continued his attack as the mixture of dragon power and touki mixed in the boosted gear's finger.

"This will be a good laugh." Yubelluna placed her hand forward and decided to block the attack.

"Now don't blink." Michael said coldly, "Dragon Burst Driiiiiiill!"

Released from his finger was an intense wave of spiraling red/white beam of energy as it spirals towards Yubelluna who begins to see the intensity of the attack before raising up a barrier to block the attack but…


"I-Impossible!" Yubelluna gasped as the beam broke through the barrier and makes almost makes contact with her had she not slightly dodge to the left.

"Her name was Koneko and she hates being called, Short!" Michael roars as he continues to hold the stance he fired the beam before wincing in pain as he suddenly grasped his finger in pain cutting off the continuation of the attack.

'Dammit, it's starting to sting even more after my training!' Michael winced in pain as he felt his dragon aura start to be a little overwhelming for him to control.

"Michael-kun, was capable of such a thing?" Akeno looked at Michael, surprised.


"Such power came out of that [Pawn]?" Yubelluna gasped as she continues to stare at the beam which went up in the air then suddenly flashes brightly before a huge explosion occurs,


With the flash taking place, Michael quickly dashed and ran to regroup with Kiba to further the plan as he now left everything to Akeno.

*Drip! Drip~!*

"Gagh! This freaking hurts..." Michael cried as he gripped his bleeding, limp finger.

'Akeno-senpai, I'm sorry I talked back to you, but I needed to do that so make that Bomb Bitch pay for making our, Koneko-chan cry!'

Michael thought in his head as he rushed away from the imminent fight between [Queens].

Retribrutus Retribrutus

Next Chapter- I won't lose, I'll protect Buchou's Happiness with everything I've got!

Thank you and have a nice day.

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