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Chapter 12 hangover


Grrrrrrrr grrrrrrr grrrrrrr sound from somewhere jarred me up, I sat down in an instant and immediately regretted it when a terrible headache hit me, and I fell back on my pillow And laid down with closed eyes trying to figure out from where this irritating sound was coming from.

Sunlight from the window, filling in the room usually makes me happy but right now it was irritating me. I clearly remember I had closed the windows before I left the house last night.

I slowly open my one eye and my world went upside down,

"where the hell am I?" I shouted.

It was a small apartment, unpacked boxes laying here in corners of the room, the bed didn't have sheets, no curtains, I am sure I am kidnapped.

I heard the shower running in the bathroom, definitely, someone was there with me. How did I end up here? What happened last night? All I remember is I went to the club to feel good, then if I am not wrong I went to the park..?? I think? I looked under the sheets to see what have I done, thank god I was in clothes not mine but still clothes.

God, please let it be a fling or one-night stand or something, I don't want to be kidnapped by a psychopath who even didn't have bedsheets and curtains. I don't want to be someone's slave or anything like that. My mouth was dry.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen like a cat, without making any noise, open the refrigerator in search of water, and to my surprise, it was as empty as my bank balance and my life. Confirmed psychopath. I took the half-filled water bottle from the countertop gulped down the water.

The shower turned off, and I did the best thing I could think of. Lunged to the bed, took my phone, grabbed my heels, and ran to the door with a prayer on my lips "God please help me"

And God listened to me, the door was not locked, and I was out of this psychopath's apartment before he could come out of the bathroom. In a fraction of seconds, I was out of the building.

Searched for a cab and to my house, it was far from my place, and this headache and hangover was killing me.

I have always wondered what is so relaxing in drinking alcohol that people go crazy for it. I have seen my Father, my friends, and the love of my life went down the drain with it. There is nothing good in Alcohol what is it people like about it the numbness people get for a few hours followed by a terrible headache or feeling of losing self and others with time in it? What is so good about it that it can make people giving up on their family but not this liquor?

"No no no don't think about it," I said out loud. Which made my cab driver shocked. And I gave him an apologetic smiled.

"Can we stop at the gas station I need to pick up some medicine and something to drink?" And gave him my weakest smile. To which he nodded.

He pulled at the gas station I went to pick medicine for headache, picked some donuts, cakes, chips, water bottle, and 2 coffee. People gave me looks I don't expect anything less than it to be honest. I mean how often people get to see a girl in an oversized wrinkled T-shirt and heel and let's not start with my face. I know I look like a beggar.

Gave one coffee to the cab driver, took medicine, I checked the time it was 20 past 11 of the morning. Reached home by 12.

Went straight to Stella's door. She opened the door as gasped. So I look that bad. It's okay doesn't matter.

"What happened to you?" She said with concern as she held my hand and took me in.

"I have NOOO idea but I am fine. Can we have a cup of tea?" I said as I plopped down on her couch. Feeling better after taking medicine.

"Sure! But what happened and whose clothes are you wearing?" She asked as she kept teapot on the stove.

"Last night went for dinner with Liam and then he had to leave early, so I went to my dance out all the frustration, had some drinks, danced a lot, had fun, went to park is the last memory I have from last night. I woke up in a psychopath's house who didn't have sheets on the bed, no curtains, no food, or water in his refrigerator. I even didn't get to see his face, I was so scared that some man with the hunter will come and ask me to strip but thank god nothing like that happened, so when that man was in the shower I ran out AND... I am having a very bad headache. Well I was having a bad headache but I took medicine from a gas station on my way back, so now I only have a headache. And here I am perfectly fine in front of you so don't worry! Phewwww that was a long explanation" I said in one breath as I could see Stella's worried face turning into a smile and then confusion.

I love her, she is like a mother I never had.

"Thank God!" She said mocking me. And her phone rang.

"Hello. She is here, don't worry... Hmm. Don't worry... See you later bye.." She hung up.

"Who was it?" I asked her.

"Liam... He was worried about it as you were not home last night" she said as she poured tea in cup and brought out the cake.

"Thank you, how did he know I was not home?" I said taking a sip from my tea

"Ummm... He came here last night to give me some things I asked him to buy for me" she said.

"How many times I have told you just leave a text on my number I will bring the things you need Stella," I said.

"Next time," she said with a wink "so you don't know with whom you were last might?"

"Nope," I said

"Hmmm okay you u need to take bath," she said crinkling her nose.

"And sleep," I said

"Britt you need to take care of yourself, you just can't go here, and therewith unknowns, it is very risky.." She said

"I know even I don't know how that happened, you know me I never do these things, and don't worry I didn't have any action last night," I said teasing her.

"This girl spent a night with a boy and come back without having sex tch tch.. " she said teasing me and I choked on my cake

"Shut up! You should be thinking about God, not my sex life" I said as I patted my chest to which she laughed.

"What...? It's true, I can bet you I can have more action than you if I want that too at this age" she laughed.

By the time I came to my apartment, it was almost evening and took a long bath and slept for the rest of the evening. I woke up at 9 and decided to go for a jog.

I called Nina and asked her if she was free. But she had dinner plans with Ross. So I went alone.

Put on my joggers, tank top, shoes, put on my earphones, picked my iPod which brought back Mav's memory for fraction of second. Like he was holding me. Ignored it I don't need him or his memories or him in my life at least not right now.

Went for a long jog as Adele's voice filled my thoughts "there's side to you that I never knew" by ran until my legs were hurting, to the farthest point of the city, running from in between the crowd walking on the footpath, enjoying and talking. With their family or friends or lovers. People with plans and family. Enjoying the weekend and here I am trying to run away from my own thoughts and past.

I ran up to my usual destination a small park at the top of the hill in the north of the city. Not many people come here I am sure not many people know about this park. When you sit at the edge of the park you can see the whole city and city lights, winking at you, clear sky, sometimes if you are lucky you can get a chance to see stars. This place has been the safest place to hide.

From my childhood I use to come here, me and Nina discovered this place when we were 11 or 12 years old. I laid down on the grass looking up in the sky, I remember how many times Mav followed me to see where I go and I use to hide from him in the way. He never made it to this place. We use to laugh about it a lot. A smile erupts on my face as all good memories I shared with him started to hit me.

"No stop," I said out loud "let's go back," I said to myself and got up by the time I reached the local food shop it was 30 minutes past 11. I order salad ate it in silence, listening to music on my iPod. Checking my emails.

When I came back home it was 12:15 am. I took a bath and went to sleep as I have a busy day ahead. Monday morning sucks.

A week went by in a rush of office, new publishing, new responsibilities. Mr. Turner advised me to write a book, as he is very impressed with the online work I have written on my online account. And I dodged his request again like every other time.

Comes the weekend, Saturday morning, I had breakfast plans with my neighbors of our floor as my next-door neighbor, Shelly was shifting to a new place.

So I cooked pie for all of us and went there.

"Congratulations! No more Mr. Jhon to you" I shouted and everybody laughed.

"Blessings. You are God's favorite child" Stella said with a wink which made everyone laugh even harder.

"He is your husband," said Billy another neighbor

"Ex-husband. Don't remind me of my sins?" Stella said frowning.

"You are too active according to your age Stella" came a voice from the background. We all gasped at once and then laughed when we saw Stalla blushing and Mr. John smiling standing at the main door with a beer.

"I am out, who invited this pervert?" Stella said smiling and everybody laughed again

It's strange how Stella and Mr. John are divorced yet they both are in love. Anyone can see it. God knows what made these to part their ways. Stella never talks about it.

After breakfast

"You will leave this place by?" Mr. John asked Shelly.

"Tomorrow," Shelly said

"New man is shifting here so I will tell him that he can shift here by next weekend," Mr. John said

"Already? You found a new person" Stella said in surprise

"Yeah," Mr. John said with a wink.

I was awakened by the noise of furniture, coming from next door.

The new neighbor is here but it is only Monday. I got up to see what was happening.

The door was wide open to the apartment so I went in, all blood from my face went down as saw Taylor standing arranging furniture.

"YOU?" I shouted, "you are shifting in here?" To which he laughed

"Hahaha no! You are not lucky enough to be my neighbor" He said

"Thank God! Then who?" I asked

"One of my friends," he said as he sat down

"Ohhh, who?" I knew what he was about to say but then also I asked him

"Not him whom you are thinking, but let's just keep it a secret," he said.

"Okay until and unless it's not him or you, I am fine with it," I said and went back to my apartment. Wondering who it might be.



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