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Chapter 11: chapter 11 Crossing paths


After taking a bath, I decided I can't wait anymore so I woke up Taylor.

"Come on we need to go now"

"Now? You said at 8?"

"No now! Time to wake her up, so that she can see me again" I said as I looked in watch it was around 7:35.

By the time we reach there, the front door of her apartment was open, and we heard a voice, we were not expecting. It was Daisy.

Saying some shit to Britt. She was always like this. Rude and tough most of the time. She had a soft side in her but no one was allowed to see that side.

But this time it felt like Daisy was on my side, as she was asking Britt about Ross. I too needed answers, maybe Britt will tell her the truth.

But she refused to tell her anything. I stood there trying to listen to, what they were talking while trying to keep Taylor quiet, which was a bigger task as Taylor was acting like a fucking jelly.

"Just go, face her, be a man," he said and pushed me. And I stumbled to which he started laughing like a donkey.

*sometimes I hate this asshole so much that I want to kill him*

I stood straight, Britt's back was to me and in front of her stood Stella.

I am sure her expressions were matching with mine. Because I was also in a state of shock as her after being pushed by my jerk of a friend who can't seem to recall how to stop laughing.

And next second Britt was turning to face me. She looked tired and surprised.

And Daisy roared from the living room with not so welcoming words.

Without wasting or giving time I pulled out iPod and kept it in her hand. She looked confused. So I told her that she left it at the bar instead of telling her that I found it on the floor as it will bring back bad-fighting memory.

That's when my mind stroked me like heavens were helping me it. This has happened before. The 2nd time she met me when she came to pick her phone back. Before I could stop myself I kissed her at the top of her head just like I did years ago.

In a hope to bring back some memories,in a hope to bring back some parts of Britt I loved back and to enlighten the love lost in her again. I wanted to hold her tightly, I wanted to taste her more, I want her back. Taylor pulled my shirt to remind me that I need to let her go. I separated from her. See you again, definitely seeing her again.

When we parted ways, I saw her eyes, they hold the same hurt, as they held years ago. Same sad eyes, same questions in her eyes.

Before I could do something more stupid like begging her on my knees, Taylor pulled me away.

"Leave me," I said

"Why? One step at a time Mav. What do you want to scare her away, make her believe that you are a creep" he said, amazing me as after years he said something which made sense.

"Yeah right," I said pushing him away

Then we saw Daisy coming out of the apartment, we choose to ignore her and stood there in silence as she hopped in the elevator and left us with a goodbye saying "assholes"

"You are bad for my rep-uta- tion," Taylor said mocking me and I punched him in the gut.

"Let's wait for Stella, she was with Britt. you have something important then you can leave?" I asked him

"Yeah I have a meeting with Dicaprio for our next movie," he said with a wink "who is Stella btw?" He asked

"Britt's friend, she lives in that apartment," I said pointing at Stella's apartment.

"She better be hot I ain't living sleepless life for nothing," he said with hysterical laughter and slid down to the floor. "Wake me up when Stellaaaaaa is here"

"Okay and yas she is hell sexy," I said and sat next to him.

"Can wait to see her Daddy?" he said and kept his head on my shoulder "now sing a lullaby for me Daddddyyyyyyy..."

I pushed him away to which he laughed.

After 20 minutes Stella came out of Britt's apartment

"Well that was a show," she said as she walked toward us. I got up from the floor "who is this homeless?' She asked with a laugh and pointed at Taylor who now was laying on his stomach on the floor.

" hello how have you been," I said as I hugged her "friend of our, Taylor"

"I want to ask something about Britt. Will you tell me ?" I asked her pleading

"What will I get?" She said mocking me

"Me!" I said with a wink "and him if you want"

"Stop hitting on me you asshole you are not my type," she said with a laugh and her whole body shook "come have breakfast with me plus I don't think we should talk here in open like this Britt can come out anytime"

"She is going somewhere?" I asked her as I kicked Taylor to wake him up "get up"

"Sexy Stella is here?" He said as he got up

"Hi I am sexy Stella, I hope, my age won't bother you hottie *let's go in*," Stella said as she hugged him. Taylor looked like he lost his blood, I laughed and Stella laughed harder.

"Noooo," Taylor said as he pulled away from her

"She is just joking," I said as we followed her inside.

Then my phone rang. It was from My agent who was trying to help me get a job.

"Oh shit!" I said as soon as I answered the phone.

"What you forgot about the interview? at 10... meet me in front of the building, I've sent you to address in the mail" he said in not so happy tone "3 times"

"Okay" I looked at the time it was 8:40 and he hung up.

"Stella I have an interview in an hour so answer me real quick"

"What?" Said Taylor and Stella at the same time.

"What?" I asked in a questioning tone.

"You have an interview?" Said, Stella

"In an hour!" Said Taylor.

"Yes, so answer me is Britt seeing someone?"

"I think yes," she said with a sigh "some bartender," she said adding a more dramatic sigh

"Ross? Taylor saw Nina and him making out last night" I said.

"No way," Stella said.

"Yes- way! With my own eyes, sexy Stella..." Talyor said which made Stella laugh

"But I am sure she is seeing someone, otherwise she won't hide it from me, when I questioned her, she ignored me," Stella said

Something moved in me, moreover, something broken inside me fell down, to end all the hopes at her words.

"Leave your number, I will tell you if I get to know something about it," Stella said and held my hand in hers.

"Thank you lovely," I said "I need to go" and hugged her

"Okay," Stella said. "You are also leaving Sexy" she mocked Taylor

"Aawwwww yes honey," Taylor said and Stella hugged him as well which left Taylor surprised. This is what I love about her Stella make you feel like you are her own family.

We left and literally broke many traffic rules. I went back to the apartment, changed my clothes, and back to the building where I was supposed to be at 10. This place was close to Britt's place.

Chris my agent, looked more nervous for my interview than me.

"We still have 10 minutes, can we go and have a coffee?" I asked

"Yes," said Taylor "No!" Said Chris followed by an awkward silence.

"Okay okay let's go in," I said in surrender "Tay you can go back and sleep I'll come back home by cab," I said to Taylor and followed Chris.

After sitting in the waiting area for about 2 hours they called my name. To which Chris almost had a panic attack. And I had to console him that I will do fine. Seriously what is wrong with people around me?

Inside the room there stood a tall, suited man, with gray hair, wrinkled face, strong structure. whom I knew very well at once. It was uncle Rob, he use to be good friends with my mother, almost like family, Dad always had fights with mother because of him, Dad always doubted their friendship, but after Mom's death, Rob stops paying a visit and things just went their own ways.

"I can't believe it's you?" Rab said as he came forward to hug me.

"Uncle Rob" I hugged him back and he nodded "nice to see you again"

"How have you been?" He asked me and pointed to sit

"you tell me how are you, God I can't believe I am seeing you after... 10 years?" I said

"12 years Son," he said "you are here for an interview?" handing me a drink

"Yes sir," I said

"Hmmm I see," he said mocking me.

"So... Ask away," I said with full enthusiasm

"From when you can start?" He asked deadass

"What? As in start working?" Confused I asked him

"Yes," he said with a smile.

"Uncle Rob, you should know this I don't have any degree or experience-"

"Look you are like a son to me-"

"But that does not mean you should give me a full plate, let me struggle, this is the first time in my life where I was to begin again, it is my turn to make everything fine, plus I don't want pity job, give me what I deserve according to my abilities"

"So why are you here?"

"My agent brought me here, I just told him I want a job"

"What is it you can do"

"Everything," I said with a wink "I had managed my Dad's club for 8 years.

"so manage a club which is on the verge of end. it's not a big one, business is dead for that club, but it holds emotions for me, can you save it?"

"I can," I said with a nod "not sure though, If I can manage and run my father's club, I think I can" his telecom rang and he went to answer it.

"I have to go for a meeting," he said and I stood up.

"Uncle give me the Address I would like to join from today if you don't mind," I said

"Rob. Call me Rob and it is weekend night so just go and notice the environment for one or two days and then start your work from Monday. Okay?" He said as we walked out of the office

"Sure Rob" he hugged me

"See you soon Mav, let's talk some other day and my team will send you the contract" and he left Chris came to me running

"What happened in there?" He asked taking long breaths and hyperventilating

"Well I got it, he use to be my family friend," I said as I looked at Rob who now is entering the elevator.

"Yessssss" he shouted

"Calm down boy," I said as he hugged me.

"Thank god, you know you are my first client, my first client got a job in the first interview... Yes!" He said.

"Seriously?" I said shocked and he nodded with a big smile which made his all 32 teeth visible at once

"So I am your experiment object?"

"No you are my first client," he said

"Let's go I have to start working from tonight, and I need sleep," I said with a sigh

"I can give you a ride"

We came down to find Taylor sleeping in the parking lot... Sleeping in his car. I punched the door to which he startled awake.

"You back? What happened in there?" Tay asked me

"I got it and what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked him as I sat on the driver's seat, not at any cost I am letting this sleepy head drive.

"How can I leave my homie alone on his first interview... Now drive and wake me up when we reach home"

I smiled this man has been with me since we were kids and every day he is a new person.

We went home and spent the whole day sleeping.

I had to be at the club by 7 but when we woke up it was 9:30

"Shit!" I panicked

"Wha- what happened?" Taylor asked.

"I had to be at the club by 7!" I said putting on clothes at my full speed.

"We will reach on time don't worry, " Taylor said as he moved to pick his phone and then his eyes widen

"Holy-- christ it is 9:30!" He shouted like I didn't know this already

"I'll go and bring out the car," he said picked his shirt from the floor and ran out

By the time we reached club, it was 10:10, thank god this is not my first official day at the job. I called Rob on my way to tell him and explain why I was late to which he laughed.

"Can I join you!" Taylor asked me

"Yes, drinks on you," I said

"Okay," he said with a shoulder shrug imitating girls "from next time you are paying" and giggled

We went inside the club "Ruby's" which is at the end of the alley and as Rob told me, it was not a big club, there were around 10 tables, a dance platform, a small bar counter.

We sat down at the table after getting our drinks, beer for Tay, coke, and soda for me.

"He was right this club is dead," I said to Taylor

"Yeah, I mean... This club is empty on a weekend, I mean how many people are there on the dance floor, 8 or 10"

"I have to do something for this club. This place must mean something for him, otherwise, why would he want to this shady club when he has a business worth millions?"

"Hmmm.," Taylor said "now let me enjoy my drink"

I was taking in the atmosphere, not crowded at all, this club needs new furniture, a new DJ, a new dance platform, new everything. I could only see 2 staff there, one boy, who should be called Teddy bear as per his physique, average height, chubby cheeks, curl hairs. And another one was a girl with blond hair.

I went to talk to them near the bar counter, Teddy bear was bush on his phone, the wait is he playing games?

Blond stood up as she saw me.

"You need another drink?" Blond asked me

"No, can we talk," I said

"She is engaged, no chance loser," said the boy without looking up and blond girl kicked him

"Don't mind himMyselfld Maya, by the way?" she said

"Hi I am Mav I have no other intention- " but my voice was cut by Taylor

"Look at her?" He said while taking a sip from beer and stood next to me

A girl in very short I mean very short dress, wild curls throwing here and there grooving along with the music. Back to us, with one heel in one hand and when she turned, I saw a girl with heavy makeup, smudged, singing the song and dancing in a way no one should be allowed. 2 Boys hovering over her and she ignoring them like a professional.

"Fuck!!!!" I shouted

"That's Ruby She is a regular customer here, so we know don't even try on her," Maya said with a hand wave.

"Ruby...?" I said

"Yes!" Maya said

"Ummm hmmm she is Brittany," Taylor said with a laugh "no night is boring with you Mav"

"Control me before I kill someone," I said Is I moved to the dance floor. And Taylor pulled me back

"One step at a time, remember?" He said

"Be here if something goes wrong we will handle"



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