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chapter 10 begin again


"Tell me if I am wrong, Mav just came, gave me back my iPod and kissed me on my forehead and left," I said as I fell on the couch opposite to where my Mother was sitting "with a promise that he will see me again. I am not dreaming right?"

"Have this" Stella said as she gave me a cup of tea and sat near me "and yes that's what happened"

"Wow. He got some guts. Isn't it?" I said as I took a sip from my cup "he is repeating history"

"History?" Stella asked as her shaky hands pointed me took eat cookies which were kept in a box over the table.

"Yea... Our second meeting something like this happened" I said as my mother got up picking her purse.

"I am not interested in listening to how my love gloomed story, so I will leave you both. Will catch you soon Brittany and Stella ask her what is going on with bartender boy for me please and fill me afterward" she said and left us.

"So..." Stella said.

"Nothing Stell. Nothing interesting trust me" I said with a pleading in my voice

"I need sleep plus I have to finish all my work and assignments"

"Okay okay after tea I will leave you alone with your peace," she said with dramatic hand movements I smiled.

We finished our tea in silence and then she left.

I went back to my bedroom and tried to sleep but couldn't, so I sat up saw the time it was 10 am so, I decided to do my assignment and do some work for the next meeting, as I have to submit my last paper of this semester. Then I will be able to take a real job. Life will be easy.

I picked up my planner from the table and started to add on things and tick things that were done.

House rent - done

Carwash - done

Assignments - done

Final report - not done

Prepare Office handover - not done.

Search job - not done.

I started to write my final report on how this course was important for me, how much I learned in college, how the scholarship helped me in achieving my dream of becoming a writer. I wrote 2 pages long final report and thanking notes for my professors and mailed it.

Then I started with my office report while all memories from work hit me hard, how much I have enjoyed their working passion, how my Boss Mr. Turner inspired me to join professional courses. After Mav and I broke up, I decided to join somewhere to keep myself busy, so I had joined their publishing house as a receptionist for a time being. But then my love for books which was lost somewhere grew on me again, my colleagues pushed me I started to write online and on sites, when Mr. Turner my Boss came to know about it he suggested me to take this course, I fought for a scholarship, got promoted as his assistant, a kind of internship, and done 3 years went by with happiness and books.

Feeling content after finishing all my work I picked up my phone to see the time, it was almost 4 PM, I was starving, so I decided to take a quick shower and go out to eat something.

Picked up my iPod, connected it with speakers and played music "quit playing games with my heart" backstreet boys started to sing, I stood under the shower.

This song gave me unwanted memories.

Memories of our second meeting

*9 years back*

After getting drunk then meeting the stranger, whose name might be Mav, who protected me apparently from some prank, whom I kissed, I was tired so I ran to my apartment when the cab dropped me. I changed my dress quickly and slept like a dead body.

The next morning or I should say afternoon, I woke up to my roommate, Rose, banging on my door.

"What!?" I shouted

"Nina is on the phone, says it's urgent" Rose shouted "and do you even know its 4 pm wake up now"

"4..." I got up with a killer headache to open the door and answer the phone.


"You left your phone at the club last night"

"Ohhh noo... I'll come and get back it from you, when are you free?"

"It's not with me, someone from bar picked it up, they called me, go and pick it up"

"Ohh shit, you free? Come with me"

"Ohh honey, my neighbors need a Nanny tonight"

"It's okay I'll go"

"Okay bye call me if you need help"

"Yeah what was the name of the club?"

"Club Marvelous," she said with a laugh

"Okayyyy... See you tomorrow"

Got up, took a quick shower, threw in a pair of jeans, a white shirt, and a super comfy sweater, put on my glasses because it's too much of an effort to put on lenses, jumped into my sneakers and left to retrieve my phone. By the time I reached back to the club, it was 6, my head was about to burst, and I wanted to puke out my own stomach.

I went in as I entered the low thumping sounds shoot up my headache, I needed to get out of this place, I went to the bar, where stood a middle-aged man who said "not opened yet" without looking at me.

So I stepped back and saw a waitress, I went to her who gave me serious judging looks and I asked for my phone, she told me to wait near the bar, she will ask the owner or other staff,

I stood near the tables, waited for her to come back, she came after a few minutes and told me the person who has my phone will be there in less than 10 minutes. My head was killing me and I could puke any moment now.

"Can I have some water?" I asked her.

"Sure" she went and brought me a water bottle.

I stood there holding on myself, shouldn't have come here tonight, shall I leave or shall I go out for now and then I can come back or what I am going to do if I have to puke right now. As the bile build up in my stomach I decided to search the same waitress and tell her to keep my phone with her and I will come back to take it from her later. I started to search her, and an all-white shirt made it more confusing, I needed to puke so I ran to the washroom stalls when I saw a man coming towards me.

"Hey gurl," he said broad shoulder, muscular, I am sure he has abs, African American I think, with a small mole near the left eyebrow, and a thick accent.

"I need to go," I said as my gag reflex worked.

"Neah neah doesn't go, let me treat you with a drink," he said as he came and stood in front of me.

"No!" I said

"Why not?" He asked coming close to me.

"I need to-" before I could say any further he cut me off

"Give this man a chance, I am a good boy," he said making a puppy face.

"I need to go to the-" before I could say anything I did what I was scared of.

I puked all over his leg and shoes.

" ugghhhhhh. Girl you alright" he said as he gave me his hand for support.

"That's why you needed to go.." He said as he held me better.

"Washroom... More... Sick... " I said as I ran to the washroom, he followed me I went to the toilet and emptied the content of my stomach.

"You fine girl?" I heard that boy asking me.

"No... " I said grabbing the wall for support.

"You need anything," he asked

"No I am fine, I'll be out in a min--" before I could say I puked again by leaning toward the toilet.

"Yeah we can see," he said.

"I am fine don't worry," I said between the gasps of air "I am never going to drink again Ever" I shouted.

"Yeah, we will see. I am waiting outside, take your time" he said.

"Okay!" I shouted

feeling little light and better after almost dying of vomits after 20 mins, when I came out of the toilet, there was a water bottle of chilled water near the sink. I grabbed it and drank it.

The boy still there standing outside the washroom. He seems nice.

"Better?" He asked

"Much better," I said

"Cool. Wait here I'll be back after changing my pants" he said as to be pointed me toward the chair.

"Change?" I asked

"I know the owner," he said with a wink and left. I went to the chair and sat down, that waitress from before brought juice for me.

"Here have it," she said.

"Thanks" I took it from her "oh and by the way my phone- "

As that boy walked back to us,

"Want a drink," he asked

"Yess yes why not.," I said while sipping juice from my glass shaking my head as a no.

"Okay I am taking this as a no," he said as he sat down on the chair just next to mine, and the very next moment he said, "want to try something strong then?" Coming very close to me.

"What!?" Just this word came out of my mouth

"Drugs... Wanna try?" He said as his arm rested on my shoulder, and his words left me lifeless

*what the fuck is happening*

"Say, baby girl" he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Noo... " I said which came out as merely whisper.

"Last night you didn't said no to the drinks I was sending to your table?" He said and leaned more into me. I turned to look at the waitress who was expressionless.

"You are the same man who was planning trick? The one from that table?" I pointed to the table.

"Ummm hmmm," he said.

"I need to go.. Where is my phone?" I asked her.

"Here" I heard a voice which made me shiver, I knew who was it.

"Mav, right? Doesn't matter, Help me," I said as I stood up immediately "he is trying to drug me"

"Seriously?" He said

"Look at my face and you think, I am in the mood of a joke?" I said as I went behind him to hide.

"Not you, him... Seriously, you don't have to ask her just give her, pass me the drugs, Ruby hold her hand out" he said to the waitress. I felt sick again, I trusted this man. I took some steps away from him as Ruby came to hold me.

And I shouted at top of my lungs in the hope that someone will come to help me.

"HELP ME!" "LEAVE ME!" "HELP ME!" I Shouted. As Ruby held me and Mav's hand were on my mouth the very next moment to shush me.

"Quiet," he said as his other hand was at the nape of my neck to keep me at the place. I tried to fight hard but of the no use, so I bite his palm which was covering my mouth. He lost his concentration and I kneed him on his crotch, he cried out of pain and the next thing I did was push Ruby and run.

Before I could run away two big hands were on my shoulders, which pulled me back. And... It was that drink-drug man

"Please let me go. Please I beg you Please" I said as my panic was at its peak.


He burst into laughter fits. Followed by Ruby who was helping Mav getting up.

Mav joined them and begin to laugh.

"We are sorry. Sorry" said Mav laughing so hard that he was out of breath the same as the other two "come here," he said but I didn't budge.

"We were just playing," said that drink-drug boy.

"This is Taylor. My friend, this is Ruby also my friend" Mav said as he started to walk toward me.

I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Last night we made a bet that who gets your number wins free drinks from other for a month, but when I approached you, you were drunk so I decided to drop the plan and got you delivered to your home," he said with chuckles now standing in front of me.

"but apparently you left your phone at the table, sorry I looked into your phone, contacted the most dialed number and here you are, Taylor decided to prank you when you were in the washroom," he said giving me my phone back.

I snatched my phone from his hand

"Sorry it went too far," he said looking into my eyes "and you look cute with these glasses," he said making my heart race faster which was trying to calm down.


After a minute, processing all that happened I turned to face Ruby

"Ruby thank you for the juice and water," I said looking at her to which she smiled and mouthed sorry.

"Taylor, minutes ago I was feeling bad for puking at your shoe, now I am just glad I did," I said with gesturing thumbs up by both hands to which they all laughed again.

"And. You Mav, all this time I thought about you thinking, you saved me and you will save me from this "prank" like last night but you actually pranked me" I said looking into his deep eyes.

"So.. You were thinking about me," he said with a smirk as his eyes moved to my lips and a flashback of me kissing him crossed my mind, which made me angry "come let's sit" he took my hand

I pushed his hand away "I need to go bye Mav, hope I don't have to see you again" and walked to the door.

"Britt" I heard him calling as I walked out of the bar

"What?!" I hissed

"Look sorry it was just a joke," he said dim light from sunset making him look like an angel, beep brown eyes like honey, his messy hair which was complimenting his eyes under sunlight, his loose black Nirvana T-shirt and jeans making him look like a model and his pink lips

*no no flashback, I have tasted those lips, kiss*

* I need to go, this man is no good for me*

"Thinking about last night, ain't you," he said now smiling

"You are dangerous," I said without thinking

"Stay, don't go," he said

"No!" I stood my ground "bye"

"Okay see you soon then" and he kissed my forehead which gave me chills, literal chills, how does he do that, how he has this effect on me?

After a few seconds, he moved back.

"For now go home take rest, drink plenty of water," he said

"Okay," I said as a cab came

"I have your number I'll text you" he shouted as I sat down in the cab and I smiled.




At present


My phone rang which dragged me out of my daydream, I wrapped a towel around me to answer the phone it was Liam


"Hello Britt, wanna go out for dinner"

"Guess what I am starving"

"Great then see you at?" I looked into the phone to check the time it was around 5:30


"7 cool"

"See you soon"

He hung up. I have a lot to tell him. I went to the kitchen as I was starving, made myself ramen and cup of tea. Searched for an episode of F.r.i.e.n.d.s and enjoyed my time alone. Thinking about his words *"see you soon"*


Agirlwithno_Job Agirlwithno_Job

hey guys, this chapter is a bit lengthy, so bear with me. and to those who are reading it, i just want to say Thank you so much❤ even if i am not getting much response i am happy for the reads, to know that people are looking and reading what i write is very heart warming. i am so grateful of you all and suggestions and reviews are always welcomed.

with all the love M

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