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63.63% Eternity: Calamity Reborn / Chapter 7: Lilu

Chapter 7: Lilu

Another week passed, marking the 23nd day in this new world.

Nothing much changes aside from Crim has been rather intensely training lately.

The Goblin Trio however kept harassing me, lucky Raye has been nearby a few times they were about, as one time she stopped them from trying to carry me.

With their noodle arms, it's fated that I'll be dropped.

There also has been a sense excitement in the air lately however, I'm guessing it is because tomorrow Crim and Lilu will officially be joining Oscuro Academy. Both going to the academy from morning to around dinner, not aware the specific time.

While those two are having a thrill for tomorrow, 'Although Lilu ain't showing it, unlike Crim' Lapis thought, I'm having my thrill this day.

''Let's go, Lapis'' Raye gently said with a smile as she picked up Lapis basket.

'I get to explore the world beyond the orphanage!' Lapis thought with a grin, eyes ready to scour everything.

'For the first time since I came here, I get to see what is past the orphanage, the backyard doesn't count!' Lapis thought.

Raye needs to go to the food market, and finally brings me with her.

Past times I got stuck with Jade, althought I don't mind Jade, I want to see the world abit.

When you been stuck in a endless changing hellhole, a fixed world seem like fucking paradise to me.

First thing that stuck out were the buildings, getting a actual closer look at them, although the orphanage is a strange mixture of sand colored bricks and wood, the other buildings were more of an brick and metal variant.

The further into the town we got, the more refined the buildings got, it had a weird aesthetic, but not bad.

Although there are pipes and power lines about, the sandy unstable road eventually became a hardened stone road which made walking alot easier.

'It's like an industry everywhere' Lapis couldn't help but to mumble in his head.

'I remember the gnomes called this aesthetic something.. steampunk I believe'

Closer into the town we got, the more ''steampunkier'' it got, 'I guess the orphanage is at the edge of the town or something, as it does not have the same.. worth, like these buildings got.' he thought

While Lapis was scouring the town, Raye herself were somewhat absentminded, however she never lost focus completely, as she sometimes observed some suspicious people in the alleyways on the way to the market.

She only relaxed once she got the market itself, a large open space that had stalls as far as she could see, with countless people to boot.

Various of fruits and foods being sold, even some stalls having jewelry or even weapons.

And if some looks real close, some can see stalls selling various colored crystals.

'hmm' Raye pondered while she took out the shopping list Jade gave her.

'Man.. So many people' Lapis mused as he observed the various people, people with cat ears, stag horns, droopy dog ears. Even various of tails that Lapis couldn't help but to wonder if it were soft to the touch. 'Faunus are rather intresting race' he mused as he saw a faunus who had fish-like scales on his face and another with chitin-like scale on her arms.

''THIEF! HELP!'' was suddenly yelled out of the market, Lapis felt Raye stop dead in her tracks while she, and since the baskets opening was faced that way, Lapis, was observing an young man sprinting past them with various of colored gems. While Lapis were thinking that the gems looked pretty weird, a gust of wind flew past Raye and Lapis, as there was another man dead on the heels of the thief.

''Stop right there, criminal scum!'' the man exclaimed, who were outfitted in grey colored light armor and an massive hammer on his back.

The thief mere just glanced backwards in frustration before throwing an yellow colored gem at his chaser. 'Seriously?' an confused Lapis thought while the man grabbed the hammer at his back and quickly caught the gem in the lower part of the hammer before swinging his hammer upwards as the gem itself got launched into the air.

'Why-' Lapis thought before his thoughts got interrupted as the yellow gem exploded into a cloud of lightning bolts, lucky the man swung the gem pretty far up before it exploded, out of reach of the market. The gem left an residue that lingered in the air for a few seconds dissipating.

'What the fuck?' Lapis couldn't help but to exclaim.

''Another law violated, thief!'' man yelled as he pressed a button on his hammer, hammer head slowly started to retract and open its head bit, various of mechanical bits shifting as the man took out a yellow gem himself and attached it to the top section of the now crossbow like weapon, before pointing at the thief and shooting a electrified bola that quickly caught up the thief and wrapped around him, making him fall flat onto the road.

The various colored gems that the man had in his hands fell on the floor aswell, creating a *glinking* noise as they hit the ground and started rolling.

''Ah..'' man exclaimed, before standing still for a second before letting out a sigh of relief. And started going over to the thief to arrest him.

Raye observed this arrest with a frown before shaking her head and going back to shopping.

Lapis however had star eye'd-like fascination in his gaze and a massive grin that he couldn't hold back. Gem exploding.. kinda weird, but check. But that a hammer changing into an crossbow-esk gun that shoots electrified bolas? 'FUCKING AWESOME!' Lapis exclaimed in a overwhelming amazement. 'Man, this world succeeded creating something the gnomes failed, if they knew.. hoohoohoo, they would be coughing out blood for days'

- - - - -

Sadly nothing else intresting happened in the market, much to Lapis dismay, and Rayes relief.

''We're baaack'' Raye let out as we walked into the orphanage, and Jade coming out of the kitchen

''All well, dear?'' ''Nn'' Raye let out as she put the groceries on the kitchen table, and Lapis on the kitchen desk.

''Have the kids finished their homework?'' Raye asked as she took out the groceries out of the bags.

''Only Crim and Lilu.. speaking of Crim, did you see him on your way back?''

''Eh?'' Raye turned her head in confusion. ''Crim is not here?'' to which Jade just shook her head.

''Well.. He'll be back when he wants.'' quietly said, to which Raye responded her ''Jade! It's not safe for a child to wander the city!'' to which Jade didn't even respond to.

''Why don't you help the children with their homework, Raye?'' Jade exclaimed as she glanced at Raye. ''I'll take out the groceries, okay?''

Raye merely looks at Jade in disbelief before trying to get out ''But Jade!''

''No buts, Raye. Help the children'' Jade looked out the window as Raye quietly nod, but Lapis noticed a slight rise in anger in Raye. ''If something happens to Crim, you know it's your fault.'' she said as she walked out of the kitchen into the direction of the stairs.

''I know..'' Jade barely let out, unheard by Raye, except Lapis who picked up on it.

With that, Jade continued taking out the groceries and puts them in their locations, while Lapis continued observing this 'old' woman.

'Something is wrong..' Lapis thought as he observed her movements, 'I thought her stats decreased was because age, but seeing her actual age with the system, and comparing it to how old she looks.. It's like..' Lapis thought got interrupted as the sound of someone rushing down the stairs echoed into the kitchen.

A flash of purple peaked around the corner, glancing into the kitchen as she momentarily looked at the white haired child before putting her gaze onto Jade.

''Jade! I finished the homework'' a slight blushing Lilu exclaimed with a smile before stepping into the kitchen.

Jade, now turned to her smiled as she gentle started patting Lilu. ''Good job, Lilu. But it seem like you have something on your mind'' ''u-uhm..'' Lilu quietly mumbled.

''Since im joining the.. academy tomorrow, I wondered.. If you could help my training one more time?'' Lilu asked hesitently, albied it wasn't hard to notice a tinge of hope in her voice.

Jade let out a slight laugh before putting the last grocery in the shelf.

''Even if you're joining the academy, Lilu. I'm always capable of giving you advice whenever you need it'' Jade exclaimed as she picks the basket with Lapis in it.

''Come, to the yard. It's not long before the others are done with the homework aswell'' ''Nn!''

- - - - -

With the sun up in the sky, a young girl and a older woman stood opposite of eachother with their weapon of choice.

While an basket with the white haired child was on the nearby bench observing this exchange.

'Spears huh?' Lapis thought as he saw Lilus weapon of choice.

Jade were using a spear too, but remembering her masteries via the system, it seem like her weapon of choice were kamas and scythes.

''Ready?'' Jade exclaimed as Lilu nodded, getting into her stance. Feet apart and spear pointing forwards, she slowly started to breathe eerily calm as she kept glaring at Jade.

Jade just smiled and didn't go into a stance, merely had her spear leaning on her shoulder as she observed Lilus stance with approval in her gaze.

Lapis observed aswell, intrigue in his eyes as he gazed on her stance. 'Intresting..'

As her preperation was complete, Lilu sprung foward and stabs towards Jade, who merely redirected the blow with her spear as she sidestepped.

With the blow redirected, Lilu twirled and spun the spear as she sidestepped to dodge Jades blow that was aimed towards her shoulder, attempting to hit Jade with the other end of the spear.

Jade calmly backed off as Lilus spear end nearly hit her chin before stepped in to strike her with her hand. Frowning, Lilu was forced to back off as Jade inside her spear range, dodging her spear strike that came when she backed off, she tried to retaliate but her strike was redirected again.

Backing off further, Lilu forced herself to take deep breaths, Jade didn't follow up and merely just kept smiling while observing Lilu.

'A fighting style that focuses on.. well.. Focus, huh.' Lapis thought as he kept observing the spar between Lilu and Jade. 'It seems like she has trouble keeping the focus up however.'

Lapis couldn't help but admire Lilus combat style, as whenever she entered complete focus, it seemed as if she was dancing as she fought.

It wasn't long before there was a *thump* sound as Lilu got knocked down onto the sand, breathing pretty hard from exhaustion.

''I'm impressed, Lilu. You nearly learnt all of the fundamentals I taught you'' Jade exclaimed with a smile, and a tone of pride. Holding out her hand to pull Lilu up, she gently patted her back as Lilu was forced to use her spear as a walking stick.

''Yeah.. but.. I still didn't get a hit in..'' Lilu said with a pout, ''One day, Lilu.. After all, with you joining the academy, it's not long before you surpass me''

''I.. guess..'' Lilu mumbled with a frown on her face that turned to a light smile as she turned to Jade.

''But you'll always be my teacher, Jade!'' she exclaimed with a bright smile. Jade merely smile back and started to pat Lilus head, Lilu missing the dark expression that passed over Jades eyes for a second. Lapis however noticed it, 'hm..'

- - - - -

Entering back into the kitchen, Jade was in deep thoughts as she walked. Before stopping and handing the basket with Lapis in it to Lilu. ''Here Lilu, I have to go up and check on the others, mind taking care of Lapis?'' Lilu, looking flustered suddenly being handed the basket, nodded hesitantly as Jade amusingly smiled as she said ''Just don't make Lapis fall for you, okay~?'' ''W-Wha'' Lilu let out as she blushed while Jade walked out of the kitchen.

Queue, silence.

Lilu stood still with basket in hand, unsure what to do. Only after a minute she moved and placed the basket on the table, turning it so the opening is towards her.

''H-Hey there..'' She sheepishly let out as she looked on the white haired child, remarking his beautiful sapphire-like eyes. Lapis returning her gaze as both of them looked upon eachother.

Lilu with her purple short cut hair and amber colored eyes made her quite cute tomboy, although behind the the baby fat, it was possible she might become a beauty when she grows older.

'hm..' feeling his eyes itch as he looked into her amber eyes, he mused if he should respond to her.. maybe not.

* Ding *

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Name: Lilu]

[Title: Hardworker]

[Age: 13]

[Race: Human]

[Body Parameters:]

-[Strength: 10E]

-[Endurance: 13E]

-[Agility: 16D-]

[Soul Parameters:]

-[Soul Tier: 1, Low Grade]

-[Aura Mastery: 9E]

-[Semblance Mastery: 0 (unawakened)]


- [Innate: Prodigy (unawakened)] [Hand-to-hand Mastery (Basic): B] [Meditation (Basic): B] [Spear Mastery (Intermediate): E] [Footwork Mastery (Basic): A] [Danger Intuition (Basic): A] [Knifework (Basic): C]

[Artes Style:]

- [Fundamental Style: Path of Focus (Basic): B]

[Aura Techniques:]

- [Aura Reinforcement (Basic): E]

[Semblance Abilities:]

- [Semblance: ??? (unawakened)]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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