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27.27% Eternity: Calamity Reborn / Chapter 3: Raye

Chapter 3: Raye


That was the most prominent feeling I felt one day, I can't remember when I didn't feel anything else other than Pain.

That numbness.. was soothing. An refreshing soothing feeling to me.

The numbness might have made others panic, feel fear.

But to me?

It's as if I finally got to bed after being awake for far too long.. It's so.. nice..

But like all wonderful dreams, I was forced awoke from my lovely slumber.

Although.. I couldn't see.. the sounds I hear was muffled, whispers.

They sound angry.. why are they angry?

.. Oh I'm tired again.. Hello sweet slumber.

I don't know how long I slept before I was forced awake from my sweet slumber once more.

I can barely open my eyes.. I see an.. giant.. and.. huh?

I felt my mind cooling rapidly as I quickly looked around,

It seems like I'm being carried by someone.. where is that giant taking us.. What is happening?

Although those was the last thoughts I had before the sweet embrance of my slumber took me back.

I was forced awake once more.. This time the yelling was alot closer, I could hear a man and woman arguing non stop.

My mind was unable to register what they were saying, I was too focused on the feeling that was carried behind the words.. it oozed with the feeling of pain, an sense of betrayal.

I tried open my eyes before a strong light flashed over me, it was too bright..

It suddenly felt like my stomach got sucker punched.. I fainted before I even could register what happend.

Before I knew it, I could only feel pain once more, I hated it. I thought I was back in that hell, and that sweet numbness was a mere illusion. The pain kept getting stronger as it felt like I was being twisted over and over, gritting my teeth, I tried to open my eyes forcefully to see what happening. But before I got the chance to figure out what is happening, the pain vanished.

The numbness didn't return either, instead only cold remained, much to my confusion.

''W-What was that?!'' a feminine voice came from the dark, confusing me further, I forced my eyes open, this time with no issue.

Infront of me stood a blond haired lady, although she worned garbs that has seen is share of wear and tear, her stance was that of an alert animal.

In confusion I looked the direction she did, but couldn't see out because of something blocking my view.

'What the..' I thought as I kept looking at a.. 'basket?' much to my confusion.

With a inaudible sigh I returned my gaze to the lady, 'her stance is sloopy, she has probobly not been in too many fights.' I thought lightly, 'Impossible for her to be alive with that level of experience..'

As I kept my gaze on her, I felt the cold slowly nagging me, how annoying. I let out abit too loud of sound from it, as it seemed the lady realised my existance.

I kept my gaze on her as she eyes went to me.

I felt my mind slowly start cooling at a rapidly I observed the lady infront of me.. beautiful blond hair with what I seem to be able to see is am emerald green-like eyes.

She has a massive scar, reminds me of an animals claw, across her the left side of her face. It would seem the claw just missed her eye huh..

But.. I have to say.. she really..

''Too beautiful'' I thought, and she said at the same time. Shocking me for a second as my eyes started to itch.


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[Name: Raye Azuli]

[Title: Survivor of the Damned]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human]

[Body Parameters:]

-[Strength: 7E]

-[Endurance: 10E]

-[Agility: 8E]

[Soul Parameters:]

-[Soul Tier: 1, Low Grade]

-[Aura Mastery: 0 (unawakened)]

-[Semblance Mastery: 0 (unawakened)]


- [Innate: Danger Intuition: A] [Housework (Intermediate): A] [Teaching (Intermediate): D] [Knifework (Intermediate): B] [Hand-to-hand Mastery (Basic): B]

[Artes Style:]


[Aura Techniques:]


[Semblance Abilities:]

- [Semblance: ??? (unawakened)]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'W-What the?!' my thoughts were in shambles as I observed this semi-transparent window infront of me, unable to register what I was seeing.

I was unable to create coherent thoughts until I realised this lady.. 'Raye Azuli' was already infront of me and was lean down to take a look at me. 'Leaning?' I thought, glancing back at the window as she was searching something on me. Seeing [Race: Human], my mind realised that she isn't a giant or anything.. rather, I'm small, when I realised 'Raye' was looking at me, I started glaring back at her emerald eyes with a conflicted mind.

She kept staring at me.. Why you staring at me.

Oi stop sniffing, Please, It's embarrassing.

''Hello little guy..'' this lady exclaimed before she started poking my cheek, Ahhh. Get your giant fingers away from me.

Stop smiling, jeez.

''I wonder which speedy semblance left you behind'' she said under her breath.

Semblance?.. I glanced back at the semi-transparent window as she looked away, at the [Semblance Abilities:] section and the [Semblance: ???] skill.

What the hell is a semblance, actually..

Suddenly I felt a shift in gravity, and I realised the lady named Raye picked me and my container up.

''Welcome to your new home, little guy'' she exclaimed.. but my thoughts were somewhere else as I just noticed my small 'baby' hands, cementing that im more than 'small'


- - - - - -

Within the silent orphanage, the young lady was deep in thought while she was carrying the basket with the white haired child up the stairs.

The white haired child, however. Was in deeper thoughts than her.

'This is ridiculous', the white haired child mused.

'Have I succeeded escaping that hellhole?.. But it should be impossible, to make it even worse I can't remember how'

'Last time I remember I barged into the Demon Kings castle to teach that old fart a lesson.. or was it the old favor the Dwarven King wanted to turn in.. or was it when I visited the Arachne empire..'

'Shit.. or was it..'

An heavy sigh escapes the white haired child, although the lady named Raye didn't seem to notice it.

White haired child started to sniff the air, with a confused expression lingering on its face.

'Smell of gnomes?, no.. that potent smell of metal and oil isn't here, children?' confusion hit the white haired child further.

'Children?..' white haired child mused while raising his hands from the blanket.

'Children.. exist here.. right, and I am one of them' while the white haired child was admiring his super smooth hands, the young lady entered her room with the childs basket in hand.

''Let's get you out of that worn blanket and basket, alright little guy?'' Raye mused as she placed the basket on the table in her room before she unwrapped a fresh blanket that she picked up on the way to her room.

As she gently picked up the white haired child, she freezes up, as she realised the child is abit too.. light.

She gently places the child on the bed and unwraps the blanket around the child, 'Its normal.. although he seems abit too thin' Raye thought before lifting the child and wrapped him in his new blanket.

'Weird' she mused before throwing that thought in the back of her head, and she place the child on her bed.

'Man..' white haired child thought. 'This blanket is soooooft'

'No more sleeping on the flameleaves, huh' white haired child mused before his gaze lands on Raye, who is.. currently undressing.

'W-Wait there lady' white haired thought before putting his child hands on his face.

'You're undress infront of a man you know!, or well.. I'm a child now huh..' white haired mused before looking somewhere else other than the lady named Raye.

'I'm a gentleman, I mean, an gentlechild' the white haired child exclaimed in his mind, before his gaze locked onto what was outside the window.

'An.. Moon?.. Impossible..' the white haired child was shocked, 'An fractured moon..' he thought while his mind was in chaos. Memories of a long forgotten time flashed before his eyes, a time when he was happy.. a time when he had a family.

'Im truly.. out of that place?' the white haired child exclaimed as reality is slowly starting to hit him, and much to his dismay, he started crying softly. A part of him told him to stop showing a weakness, or the weave will come just like how it took everyone dear to him, but another part of him knew this isn't the hellhole, even the greatest illusions was unable to trick him as this sensation he was feeling kept growing.

A feeling of hope.

Raye, now dressed in a pajamas, looked back to see the white haired child crying.

''Hey little guy..'' she exclaimed before climbing onto the bed, and taking the child next to her with the bed blanket over them.

''It'll be alright..'' Raye says softly as she gently rubs his head, noticing how extremely soft his hair is in the progress.

'So soft..' she thought before putting it at the back of her mind as she starts gently caring for the white haired child next to her.

After a few minutes the soft gentle sobbing of a child vanishes and a sleeping white haired child remains, Raye, deep in thought, kept looking at this child as her mind was somewhere else.

This lingers for a few minutes before she closes her eyes too, trying to sleep aswell, hoping the nightmares won't come for her this night too.

- - - - -

In a place where the skies are fractured, endlessly across the sky, and landscapes from twisted imagination, ever changing hellscape. Where if you look you see bloodstains far and wide, weapons of untold stories litter the lands.

A lone hooded figure lies, bloodied, and as time pass, creatures whos form is similar to an human and an flame minotaurs approach the lone figure.

''So this is where you are, Calamity'' the bullheaded creature, face filled with scars glares at the lone bleeding figure, yet him, nor all his party refuse to step closer to the lonely figure.

''Nn.. I heard.. this spot will change to a nectar oasis.. you see?, Feel like sleeping in that would be swell'' the hooded figure exclaimed, before shakingly trying to get on his feet.

Yet each time the hooded figure woobles, the bullheaded creature and his entourage tense up in their combat stance.

''So what.. brings you here, General?'' hooded figure quietly says, now on his feet ''You.. wanna fight?'' hooded man mused, slowly looking up at the demon kings general.

The bullheaded creature, the general, felt like his whole existance was slowly being etched away as he saw the hooded mans sapphire like eyes lock onto him, before the hooded mans gaze was put elsewhere.

But the overwhelming dread remained in the generals heart, and it seemed like it was the same for his entourage.

''I guess I hurt his pride by killing him twice.. or was it thrice?.. I can't remember.'' the hooded man exclaimed before looking down the ground, seemingly in thought.

''So, you here for some pride revenge or something?'' hooded man mused ''I bet he told you demons not to take revenge.. and yet, here you are.'' hooded man raised his head to look dead in the eye of the general.

''W-We..'' general fumbled with his words, slowly growing angrier in his mind as he is unable to create coherent words, but the mans gaze locked into him made him unable to think clearly.

''I'll recommend you something, demon. Take your entourage, your 6 snipers who currently aiming at my head 3 kilometers away, and the deathworm you have below me, back to your broken kingdom. Alright?'' hooded man exclaimed, whos is gaze slowly started growing colder.

Feeling his pride as a demon being tarnished, he couldn't stop himself from exclaiming

''F-Fuck you!'' in anger.

The general and his entourage entered into a proper combat stance, although still shivering from fear as the hooded man kept glaring at them.

Hooded man merely gives them a amused smile before letting out ''Once I killed all of you reaaaaal slow, and if the weave haven't taken you yet.. Tell your king i'm coming for him again when you're alive, yes? Good'' as his gaze gets colder with each word, then an overwhelming sense of dread overtakes the general and his entourage.



- - - - -

''Ow ow ow ow'' an pained girly voice echoes, slowly waking up the white haired child from his dreams, confusion promenant before memories of yesterday recollects itself.

White haired child opens his eyes and sees the legs of the lady named Raye, who is currently half on the floor and the bed.

'What is she doing' smiling child mused, as for Raye, shes currently looking at the ceiling horrified.

'W-What the hell' Raye thought as she is trying to calm her rapidly beating heart and the cold dreadful chill she felt.

'Not.. a nice way to wake up..' closing her eyes, Raye tries to remember what kind of nightmare she had, before remembering yesterday, and subsequently, the child that is currently on her bed.

''Ah!'' Raye exclaimed before getting her legs off the bed and getting on her knees to look on her bed, seeing the white haired child that is looking very amused at her shenanigans.

''Well Im glad you're having fun, mister'' Raye pouted before letting out a tired sigh, turning her head and looking at the clock.. which is 06:23.

'Knowing Jade, shes probobly already in the kitchen' closing her eyes, Raye recollect herself before standing up and walking around the bed to the childs side.

''Since you're up, little guy, let's go down and meet Jade'' Raye exclaimed as she gentle picks up the white haired child.

'Jade?' the child wondered, as his gaze go past the window and seeing the almost rising sun, 'Who is insane enough to be already up at the crack of dawn..' the child mused.

- - - - -

With the young lady with child in arms quietly walks down the hall, the child got a proper view of where he is.

'Rather large house huh.. there is alot of drawings on the walls, seems like the Rayes room is furthest away from the staircase.. 5...7 rooms each side.. this is a rather large place huh, is it a palace or something' child thought amusingly.

as the lady got to the staircase, the childs eyes was drawn to a picture, a non-drawing.

'Family photo..?' with his mind slowly cooling down, he rapidly observed this picture of Raye, and older woman, and 11 children, 5 girls and 6 boys.

But seeing the different features on the children, made the white haired child realise this place is more akin to an orphanage rather than a large family.

The childs thought started drifting as the lady kept walking down the stairs to a living room with several toys everywhere, dodging few of the toys before getting an a kitchen, where a grey haired lady in a green worn robe was chopping something.

''Jade'' Raye exclaimed while stopping at the pathway into the kitchen.

''Yes, dear'' Jade gentle said before turning around, expressing a shocked expression as she sees Raye holding a white haired child, whos sapphire-like eyes seemed to shimmer for a second while looking at her.

As for the child..

'What are you..' child quietly thought in his head, Observing the second semi-transparent window that popped infront of him again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Name: Jade Calavera]

[Title: Hell Reaver, Former Protégé]

[Age: 47]

[Race: Human, ??? (Sealed)]

[Body Parameters:]

-[Strength: 15E (45A-)]

-[Endurance: 30C (55S)]

-[Agility: 20D- (60S-)]

[Soul Parameters:]

-[Soul Tier: 1, High Tier (Heavily Injured - Permament)]

-[Aura Mastery: 37B]

-[Semblance Mastery: 68S]


- [Innate: Limitbreaker: A] [Innate: Death Defying: C] [Hand-to-hand Mastery (Pro): C] [Footwork Mastery (Pro): B] [Meditation (Advanced): E] [Kama Mastery (Pro): D] [Dust Mastery (Pro): C] [Danger Intuition (Pro): A] [Scythe Mastery (Master): B] [Leadership (Basic): B] [Knifework (Pro): B] [Teaching (Intermediate): A]

[Artes Style:]

- [Fundamental Style: Path of Focus (Basic): S] [Kama/Staff Style: The Grimm Reaper (Master): D] [Scythe Style: Dance of the Reaver (Master): A] [Scythe/Hellfire Style: Hell Reavers Song (Pro): S]

[Aura Techniques:]

- [Aura Reinforcement (Pro): A] [Aura Healing (Advanced): D] [Aura Slash (Pro): S] [Aura Impact (Pro): B] [Aura Sensing (Pro): B]

[Semblance Abilities:]

- [Semblance: Hellfire] [Hellfire Explosion (Intermediate): B] [Hellfire Rain (Intermediate): C] [Hellfire Dance (Advanced): S]

[??? Skills:]

- *Unable to View, Sealed*

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'An hidden boss?' he couldn't help but to amusingly think.

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