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81.81% Summoning System In My Own Novel (Dropped) / Chapter 5: 5 - Party

Chapter 5: 5 - Party

Next Day, the whole capital started to celebrate. The Empress Dowager's birthday was a very popular day because people of all ages go out and celebrate. Empress Dowager was always kind to the people of the Estramite Empire and did her best to maintain peace and justice which gained her the support of the people. In Empress Dowager's Palace, envoys from nearby countries started to arrive sending their gifts and congratulations. The number of people attending her birthday is 10 times the number of people that come to see the emperor. Awhile later, a guard came in saying "The Seniors have arrived" Following his words, a few old people followed by their disciples entered the hall. The moment they entered the hall, all the nobles in the area started to walk closer to them to send their greetings. Unfortunately, these old people completely ignored them. To these seniors, the nobles aren't worthy of their time, they are just people with some money and no real power. Senior Mial started to say "Where is that Senior Alderven? He usually goes around bragging about his daughter. It's weird that he isn't around." Nian who was standing behind him said " Master, maybe Senior Alderven will be with Empress Dowager" An old lady said "Hmmm, I don't feel his presence around. How could he leave the people who will cure his daughter without reception."

While they were arguing about Alderven whereabouts. Somewhere else in the palace, Liam was looking at his people as he said "Listen to me carefully: Veldora, Lyron, Odin, and the blood army will go and attack The Yang Sects. Try to make it quick and quite. The faster you finish the mission, the smoother our plan will go. Nixon will be protecting Izzy"

All of them nodded their heads saying "Yes, my lord." Liam nodded his head as he continued "Once you finished with the disciples, take all their valuables and Odin enslave anyone powerful for your blood army and shadow guard prepare a trap for that pervert old man. We are going to capture him alive. Killing him is an easy punishment. I will make him regret the day he was born"

After that everyone disappeared leaving Liam told Viana to change his clothes as his personal maid and then walked toward the birthday party alone. Back at the birthday party, people were enjoying their time chatting and discussing the latest news about the traitor 9th prince.

A noble lady started saying "How dare that trash prince plot against his father, the emperor. He is an unfilial son, He dares to attack the emperor"

Another lady said "Yes, I heard about the news, If it wasn't for the brave Crown Prince's findings about the plot, the 9th prince plans would have succeeded, We are lucky to have such a brave Crown Prince, Do you know what type of woman does he like?"

Before she heard an answer, the guard came and said "His Majesty, Emperor Theodore Von Estram, and the Crown Prince Thome Von Estram, have arrived"

The two entered wearing majestic clothes stunning the nearby women , they started screaming seeing them entering the hall . Most of them were looking at the crown prince with many ways to seduce him .

"Your Highness, Crown Prince, It's been a long time since we last met. Do you remember me?"

"Crown Prince, Could you tell me how you found the traitors plot?"

Hearing them saying these words the seniors could only laugh and roll their eyes. They all have seen what happened at the palace and how the royal family was beaten by a 7 year old boy.

The emperor came running toward the seniors with shining eyes as he said "Greetings Seniors, I hope you like your stay in the capital. If you have any request please tell me, after all you are all my guest, Hehehee"

A creepy old man said "We had a deal, where is your daughter? Who killed my disciples who came to take her?"

The emperor had sweat on his face as he said "Senior, I don't really know. Maybe it's Liam's doing! He might have done something"

The creepy old man looked at him with a smirk as he said "You better to honour your end of the bargain otherwise . . ."

The emperor smiled as he said "Don't worry, I won't break my promise"

The same guard came in as he said "Her royal highness, Empress Dowager Nora Von Resalo, and her highness, Princess Lily Von Vermillion, have arrived"

A woman that looks in her 30s wearing gold and black robes with a phoenix shaped hairpin, and next to her is a 6 year old girl wearing similar robes while carrying a small cute golden fox in her hands.

Seeing their appearance, everyone was stunned and shocked. The Empress Dowager had regained her youth back, The emperor and the seniors were looking at her as if looking at a ghost. Some of the nobles were looking at Lily surprised because it's their first time knowing about Lily's existence.

The emperor started to say "Is that you , mother? Impossible, That's impossible, What treasure did you use? Could you tell your filial son? Also, why did you take Lily away from me? She is my precious daughter and it's my job to look for a good future for her." He didn't care about her health. All he cared for is what he would gain from it.

The Empress Dowager looked at him for a second, she said "Hmmm? Scram, I don't remember inviting you!" then she continued walking toward her seat.

Izzy looked at the emperor as she laughed and pointed saying "Scram you filthy pig, Big Brother Liam will beat you up the moment he sees you, Hehehehe" Hearing their words making fun of the emperor, all the nobles took in a sharp breath of cold air. The Empress Dowager just kicked the emperor away!

At this moment, the creepy old man walked forward as he pointed at Lily saying " Hehehehe, Little Izzy where do you think you were going, You are mine!" The Empress Dowager stopped as her eyes and aura turned cold. She said in a domineering voice "Yours? Are you looking for death? Do you know to whom you are talking to?"

Before Empress Dowager has the opportunity to reveal her full cultivation a strong aura appeared in the sky. Everyone looked up to see a 7 year old wearing a mask that appeared to be flying with four wings of flame behind his back. His appearance stunned everyone.

"Is that the trash 9th prince."

"Hmmmm, No that must be some else, It must be a senior in disguise "

The same guard walked forward as he said "His Majesty, The King of Vermillion Kingdom, King Liam Von Vermilion has arrived."

Hearing the introduction, they were all stunned. To them, this is a traitor, not a king. They were all started to question their reality. Some of them started to realize that the news about the 9th prince was all fake and lies.

They looked at him with curiosity to know the truth about him. Because most of the nobles already knew the emperor and the crown prince are useless. Liam started descending down from the sky as he said to the creepy old man "You old shit, Why do you want to die so bad? You dare to look at this king's sister?"

The old man thought for a while, then he said with a smile "My apologize, Empress Dowager. I am not looking for a fight. Your son promised to give me Izzy in exchange with some pills. I was just following the agreement.

Since he couldn't fulfill his end of the deal, it's his fault. I am not looking to fight Senior Alderven. But, little Liam I like you, Do you wanna join my Sect?" Liam landded on the ground as he said with a low voice that everyone could hear

"I don't join dead people" The creepy old man had an angry look on his face as he bellowed out "I decided to let your attitude slide due to you being related to Senior Aldervan but do not push your luck." He was never refused and threatened like this before. This is a declaration of war. He was only holding back because he feared offending Senior Aldervan.

Empress Dowager smiled as she said "Now Now, It's my birthday. If you have any fights, it would be after the party. If you guys continue you will have to face Papa, Isn't that right, Papa?"

She looked at a cloud in the sky while saying those words. Everyone looked up and they could see 6 people hiding in the clouds. After seeing everyone looking at them, they revealed themselves. They were 4 middle - aged people and 2 young people . One of the middle - aged people was Senior Aldervan.

They came down as Senior Aldervan said " Hehehehe, Didn't I say my daughter is awesome, Look what she has got a grandson, She has a grandson much more awesome than your grandsons, Hahahahahahaaaa, Don't argue with me, Just accept it and kneel down with defeat."

A beautiful middle aged woman with red and white hair laughed as she said "Hohohohooo, You have a good grandson, What's your ugly daughter have anything to do with it." Unknowingly a Light flashed in Liam's eyes when he saw the middle aged woman. He remembered her from one of the extra chapters he wrote.

She has one of the keys to an ancient Mage's inheritance. Immediately, he started to brain storm ideas to get the key which is actually a black ring that she is wearing.

After her, another middle aged woman with white hair said "He is not bad His magic and spells are will trained and pure. His talent in magic is unmatched in his generation!"

As Liam was about to go and talk to someone his great grandfather came in front of him and said "Little Liam, those old fools don't believe my daughter is the best, Come and beat their two disciples"

Then Grandpa Aldervan took me to the middle of the birthday party's dance floor and said loudly "We are doing a competition to prove who is the strongest in the youngest generation, Those who are in the first place will have the choice to receive a gift or a request from each of us the 4 great seniors and open invitations to join our sects, Also, the 2nd and 3rd place will receive a small gift and personal invitations to join our sects, It's a great opportunity for the young generation, Little Liam will be representing my daughter in the competition. The competition will start in 30 minutes go and prepare yourselves."

Really? I am representing my grandma? This old man is too much, but by winning this competition I might be able for Elyenora to give me the dark ring. I will do my best to win the competition. Also, open invitations are very valuable. It means I can make anyone join their sect with the open invitations. I started to walk back to my grandma and my sister to talk with them about the competition and when I got to my grandma I said "Happy birthday Grandma" and I gave her the present I bought then I saw Izzy pouting so I gave her the bracelet I got her and also gave her the necklace with the black stone

After a while, 20 young people including me were summoned to a newly built battle ring. I was the youngest of the group. I can see the Crown Prince and Naya who gave off a chilly aura, children of nobles from the empire and nearby countries and the 2 young people who came with grandpa Aldervan. An old man walked forward and said "I am Liren of Green Fire Sect and I will be the Referee for this competition.

There are 20 competitors from the young generations, There will be 10 fights in the 1st phase, 5 fights in the 2nd phase, and 1 fights for the final phase. The 1st and 2nd phases will be 2 people per fight. However, the final phase will be 5 people free for all. The first 5 ranks will be determined by eliminations. The last one standing is a winner and will be ranked first

"He looked around and then said "The rules are simple:

1 . No killing is allowed

2 . You lose when you get out of the ring

3 . Stop when the other party surrender

4 . No external help is allowed

5 . No using assassination artefacts

Those who break the rules will be given a punishment based on their actions . If you kill someone, you will be killed. Remember this is a friendly match. So, don't go too far while fighting. Is that understood?" All of us nodded our heads.

Then the man said "1st match is Michael Everfree vs Daniel Spring" the 2 young men walked on to the stage and Michael said "My father is a Duke of the Estramite Empire and therefore I suggest you forfeit before I break your bones" and to this taunt Daniel who came with one of the elders on the cloud with Liam's great grand father said "Shut it, We of the Ocean Breeze Sect never back down"

Then the referee said "Fight" and before Michael could process anything he was already attacked. Daniel used a technique from the Ocean Breeze Sect called 'Raging waves' and this greated a wave over Michael's head and when the water came down you could see that it was electricity charged which knocked Michael unconscious.

The referee announced "Daniel wins"

And everyone was shocked at how fast he finished and the other matches where roughly the same where Liam's opponent surrendered and Naya who is Lady Lydia's granddaughter froze her opponent while the crown prince used a palm attack and pushed his opponent out of the ring and so the 1st match was up and so was the second in which Liam uses a Mind spell to make him fall asleep and in the final rank where:

Liam Von Vermillion

Naya frost

Crown Prince Thome

Daniel Spring (who came with Liam's great grandfather)

Leila Wish (who came with Liam's great grandfather)

When each of them where there they all attacked but Liam stayed still and so Daniel jumped as high as he could a took out a rapier and swung it down but when he tried to hit he went straight through the illusion and hit an Earth spike and revealed Liam who was using a spell called air step and Daniel was taken out of the ring and was ranked 5th.

Now everyone was wary of Liam and Leila started to use long range powerful skills which Liam had to use a strong defence spell for and when Liam was not watching the Crown Prince took out a cube and faced one side of it to Liam before pouring Qi into it and Naya who saw this screamed "Liam, watch out" but it was to late and 100 needles made out of compressed Qi flew towards Liam.

Before the could reach they were all dodged by Liam but then all the needles came back and followed Liam but this was when his great grandfather released his aura and the Qi dissipated and there where no longer any needles

Then the referee said "Stop" which caused everyone to freeze but the referee continued with "Crown prince of the Estramite Empire broke the 5th rule of the tournament and has tried to assassinate King Liam Von Vermillion" he then looked towards Liam and said "What would you like to do with him?"

Liam was shocked for a moment and pondered and then a smile appeared on his face as he said "Bloos or Pain" the referee was confused and said "what do you mean?" Liam responded with "Should I give him to my Vampire or my Poison Master?" The crown prince who heard this laughed loudly and pointed at Liam saying "you have a Vampire and a Poison master and you want us to believe that" but at the exact same time as he said that Shadow jumped out of the Prince's shadow and said "Your task is complete"

Liam had a smile on his face as he heard this and so Liam said "you want proof that I have those beings as my underlings" then without waiting for a response Liam started summoning Axial

Suddenly a big circle appeared out of the ground and his butler came out of it, then Liam said to Axial "you can drink his blood but first take him away" and then before anyone could do anything Axial took away the crown prince.

And while everyone was in shock Liam said "Do not underestimate me because even though I showed you one of my cards, I showed you the weakest one out of my thousands of cards" and when everyone heard this they decided to take his words seriously.

Then the referee said "Crown prince is now being given 5th place and Daniel is being given 4th"

Then the match continued and Liam used a mind spell called mind needle to make Leila fall unconscious and then Leila got 3rd place and the final battle was between Liam and Naya and so Naya threw multiple Ice needles at Liam but Liam used a spell called flaming wall and then used a very strong lightning spell called lightning arcs which threw 3 arcs of lightning at Naya and then he used a Time spell called 'accelerate' and ran around the stage causing Naya to be unable to hit him with her Ice or Water magic.

She was about to use a strong spell she knew but Liam as a magus was stronger than a mid-mage and so he used a spell he learnt as a Warlock called 'Natures Wrath' and vines appeared out of the ground entangling around Naya and then Liam went up to her and used Magic to put her to sleep.

Liam was ranked 1st while Naya was 2nd and therefore Liam got request one thing each from each one of the elders and so from his great grandfather he got a Mind spell called chaos of the mind and from the others 2 he got an illusion spell and a Shadow spell which he gave to Shadow, he also managed to get the ring and put it in his inventory.

<Liam POV>

Before the party was over and everyone started to get ready to leave I went up to my grandma and said "thank you grandma for giving me this very precious mask to let me see normally, I appreciate it"

<Back to 3rd person>

Liams grandma was slightly confused but cached on quickly and said "your welcome darling but it also has my fathers signature on it so if someone tries to steal it my father can locate them.

Everyone in the party realised how precious the mask was but once they heard that they quickly lost the idea to steal the mask quicker than it came.

So the party went on and when it finished Liam kidnapped the Old freak and sent him with Venam as a poison tester. Soon word got out on how the Vermillion kingdom took over the Blue Iris Sect and The Yang Sect and has also become a very large country.

The 3 earth builders that Liam summoned had made great walls around Vermillion Kingdom and he Also made the Capital larger and has 10 more cities and each city has 3 villages under it so there are 30 villages.

Also Liam got the go to to kill the Emperor from the Empress Dowager and also the 3 nobles have had their families and money and their estates moved to Vermillion Kingdom and each of them has been given the title Duke and his Grandmother and his Sister have been given the highest title available which is Archduke/Archduchess and Izzy is also given 100 shadow guards that she does not know about.

Veldora, Lyron, Celestial, Venam, Shadow have all been given noble title's and Vermillion Kingdom just conquered the Gastel Kingdom north of them with no casualties being the first war in history with 0 casualties. This made the Vermillion Kingdom the most feared Kingdom on the continent.

<3 Months after the Party and 2 weeks after conquering the Kingdom>

Liam completed a hidden quest which was to conquer a Kingdom and he got a 'Psuedo-Magi Summoning ticket' which he waited to use today and when he used it a cold frost enveloped the room and out came a lady around the age of 21 and she said "My liege I am The bloody ice warrior queen who is of the Archmage rank and I am also the Ice Spirit Queen and I am very good on the battlefield please name me."

Hearing this Liam smiled and said "Your name is Esdeath and you are now the commander of the army"

Hearing this Esdeath smiled and said "thank you for giving me such an important title, I will not let you down"

I realised that Esdeath may seem cold but she is very kind and loves encouragement so I told her to kneel down and I patted her head and she got so excited that she ran to the army to train them.

Axial decided to replace all the butlers and maids with his underlings who where all vampires and he is now the head butler

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