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82.14% Naruto: Otherworldly System! / Chapter 20: Fox Sage! Strange Demon!

Chapter 20: Fox Sage! Strange Demon!

"Come human." The huge fox sent away the little chuuniboyu.

The huge fox is also holding Icha Icha Violence.

"I see you are a fox of culture."

He looks at me and is confused at what I mean.

"Meaning I also have Icha Icha." While taking out three of the books. He widens his eyes and does the Kakashi eye smile.

"Finally, I have searched for a worthy person to train. Ok, I will teach you how to become a SAGE!"

"Hey, what is a sage?"

"A sage is someone or something that can use senjutsu chakra or use senjutsu for short. In order to become a sage, you need to be able to draw in Nature energy and blend it into your own in order to create senjutsu chakra. Nature energy is all around us, if you get too little, then you can't do anything. If you get too much, you start gaining fox-like qualities and if you don't stop, you become a fox statue. This also happens to those training under the toads and snakes. The last qualification that is not necessary but I highly advise you to master is Sage Mode. It is gained through the absorbtion of Nature energy, the perfect Sage Mode is when you can properly balence the Nature energy and chakra so you don't have animalistic traits but also can use senjutsu to the fullest. Sage mode can improve your physical capabilities by a large margin and your taijutsu, genjutsu, and ninjutsu gain huge power." He explained nonchantly.

"Great! How do I start?" This will give me a great power boost!

"Follow me to my courtyard." He then used body flicker. I also use body flicker to appear at what looks like a giant cave. I go into it to see the fox with some black orbs and a belt. Why the hell would he have a belt?

"So, how am I going to train?"

He points to the stalagmite that has a board barely balencing on it.

"You need to not move any part of your body, be one with nature."

He showed me how to meditate and after one hour, I can sit still. So I need to think of nothing.




?! Greetings, child....



?! I know that you are practicing Sage mode...

You... are worthy of my bloodline.

You will receive it... no matter what.

I am just a wandering demon...

Don't fret, my child. You... are lucky.

The only thing I ask... is that....

You never... eat the hearts of those...

That have never harmed thee...

Or never commit any crimes worth killing...

So go... my child... Jinchuriki of the Kyubi...

Host... of the Otherworldy System!

<Host is recieving a bloodline! The bloodline is the Emporer Heart Eater Demon Bloodline! You will not receive a change in appearance but will gain the Heart Eater hidden passive and an increase to your stats!>

So I am becoming a demon, fine. At least the person that is giving me the bloodline has a set morals, though I am not sure about the whole heart eating business.

"Naruto, you have achived perfect Sage mode! How the hell did you do that!"

Really? I look into my chakra to see it perfectly mixed with another green thing. That is properly nature energy.

[Giant White Fox POV]

What in the Six Sage is going on! I purposely brought him to a cave so he can get used to the Nature Energy. There is a less concentration of Nature Energy here but holy hell! I didn't even need to use the belt to knock out the Nature Energy!

[Naruto POV]

"Ok, Naruto. You need to lift up the Fox statue using only your chakra." I looked at a huge fox statue and I proceeded to lift it easily.

"... Naruto, use a ninjutsu and apply the Sage Chakra to it."

I made a couple handsigns and used Great Breakthrough which became about 200% more powerful.


"You should go look into this mirror." The fox gave me a mirror to look in and I have some orange eye shades and my pupils became a slit like a fox.


New Quest!

Become a deck of Yugioh Cards and allow a trash duelist become Number 1 and defeat Zarc!

Reward: ???(Will reveal if quest is complete.)

Note: You will be teleported to the Arc V universe as a yugioh card and your abilites will turn into a deck including summons.

Warning!: Abilities are not enough to make full deck so System has to stock it with Graceful Charity, Pot of Greed 3x, Trade-in and many others.

Deck will be 40 cards


I agree! Let's do this! A blue light covers me and it teleports me through a tunnal that will give even people with no vision a seizure and I feel my body compressing, goddamn it hurts! I completed my Sage Training and now I am currently in a new inn.

When I got out of the seizure butthole, I saw a person about 15.

[Damien POV]

I look to see Zarc from the corner I am hiding. I need to help defeat him, but I am not even a duelist. I wanted a perfect deck but I threw all of them away so I don't even have a deck left. I know, it's pathetic but I need to tell other duelists!

^Do not fret.^


^My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I am a card. Do you want to defeat Zarc?^

Yes. Yes I do! But... what am I going to do?

^Use me and my deck!^

I look up to see a blue glowing deck and a duel set! I grab it and put the deck into the duel disk and but on the new gazer. It looks like a headband with a strange symbol but it has a scratched line through it. I put on the head band and walk back to face Zarc.

I can do this!

I can do this!

When I finally go up, I see Zarc looking at me.

"I challenge you Zarc, to a duel!" I say trembling.

"Ohh. I'm surprised it isn't others, ok I'll bite!" He says as her got his duel disk.

I readied mine and I put the 15 cards of mine into the extra deck.



"I go first!" I get my 5 cards and look at them.


Rouge Ninja Naruto Uzumaki

Level 6

Wind Attribute



Effect Monster

When there is no monsters on your side of the field, special summon this card in attack mode. If you pay 100 life points, special summon 2 Shadow Clone Tokens which have 2000/1800 and level 6. Shadow Clone Tokens are counted as Naruto Uzumaki and are Wind Attribute. This effect can only be activated once per turn.

"I will become the strongest! Believe it!" Naruto Uzumaki


"Since there is no monsters on my field, I special summon Naruto Uzumaki in attack position!"

[Naruto POV]

Finally, my turn, he calls me out and I front flip from the card onto the field, taking a Dio pose as I land.

Unfortunately, I cannot speak to Zarc but I know the deck that the system created and it is broken as fuck!

"Now, I pay 100 life points in order to special summon 2 shadow clone tokens!"

I got my cue and used shadow clone jutsu to make 2 clones.

"Now, I use the spell card, Rasangan!"




Give each Naruto Uzumaki on the field 500 Atk and piercing damage for the rest of the duel.

Draw one card, no effect can negact this card's effect.


He draws a card and smiles, I look to see through the card and it is Kunai with Chain.

"I place 2 cards face down and end my turn."

The face down cards is mirror force and kunai with chain. He also has a quick-play spells called Blue Fire and Mystical Space Typhoon. Then the pendulam monsters Jasmine and Yun Che, don't know why the system made them pendulam monsters, I just roll with it at this point.

"My turn, I draw! I put Supreme King Gate Zero and Supreme King Gate Infinity in my Pendulam zones! I can summon monsters from level 0 to level 13!"

Fuck! He got broken effects!

"I pendulam summon Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon and Supreme King Dragon Darkwyrm and two of them!"

Then appeared several dragons in front of me, three to be precise. Two Darkwyrms and 1 Raging, this is going to suck.

"Battle! Go Raging Dragon! Attack a shadow clone!"

The raging dragon held its fist forward and dashed towards a shadow clone. The shadow clone put up its rasangan towards the raging dragon in a useless attempt to ward it off.

"No you dont! Kunai with Chain!" It ties up the dragon into defense mode and it gave me an extra 500 attack so I have 3800 atk!

"*Spits* "I end my turn!"

"I draw, I use pot of greed and pay 100 life points again!" He draws 2 more cards and I summon 2 more shadow clones.

"I use the spell, Uzumaki Barrage!"


Uzumaki Barrage!


Destroy 1 creature in defense mode and 1 creature in attack mode if you have 3 or more Naruto Uzumaki's. If you don't have the conditions, spell does nothing.


It destroys the Raging and one darkwyrm, they got destroyed my clones kicking them all and finding out there weak points.

"I place Yun Che and Jasmine in the pendulam zone! I can now summon monsters level 4 to 10!"


Number One Throughout All Of History Yun Che

Level 5

Attribute Dark

Atk/ 3000

Def/ 1300

Pendulam Scale: 4

Pendulam Effect: This card is sent to the graveyard if "Jasmine" is not in the other pendalum zone. When a monster attacks, grant all monsters in your control 500 Atk points for the rest of the battle phase. When a monster on your side of the field is banished or sent to the graveyard through any means, move this monster onto your field with 4000 ATK.

"To fully understand a person, one would normally need a few years, around a decade, or even a few decades. However, if one wanted to know a person's fundamental nature, only observing his eyes would be enough."- Yun Che


Blood Soaked Jasmine

Level 5

Attribute Dark

Atk/ 1300

Def/ 3000

Pendulam Scale: 10

Pendulam Effect: This card is sent to the graveyard if "Yun Che" is not in the other pendalum zone.

When a monster of the opponent attacks, destroy that monster and the ATK of that monster is dealt to the opponent. When a monster on your side of the field is banished or sent to the graveyard through any means except tribute, xys, synchro, or fusion, move this monster onto your field with 4000 ATK

"No matter who you turn out to be in your next life… a man, a devil, a plant, a beast… I will always find you."- Jasmine to Yun Che


They were decent effects, but not really good enough.

"Using all 4 shadow clones to build the overlay network, I XYS summon, Tailed Beast Saiken!"

My shadow clones were sucked into a giant vortex and out of that vortex came the 6-Tails, but it also had 4 star-like things orbiting his body.


Tailed Beast Saiken

Rank 6

Attribute Water

Atk/ 3200

Def/ 3000

Requires 4 level 6 monsters

Bubble Charm- If you use one overlay unit, take control of one of the opponents monsters. Saiken cannot attack this turn.

Tailed Beast Bomb- Use 3 overlay units to destroy every monster on the opponents field, this effect can never be negated.


"I use Saiken's effect! Using 1 overlay unit, it can take one of your monsters and bring put it under my control! But he can't attack this turn." Saiken proceed to blow a large bubble that encased the dragon and put it in my field.

"Now attack! Darkwyrm and Naruto." I threw shurikens which was followed up by a kick to the groin. Damien was laughing and Zarc covered his crotch in pain with Darkwyrm biting him.

"Even my monsters hate you Zarc!"

He is on about 5200 Life Points, he is going to do an ass-pull, I can feel it in my blood. I have grown a knack for these things.

"My turn! I draw. I pendulam summon Astrograph Sorcerer! Then I tribute Astrograph Sorcerer and banish all 4 of my dragons to summon Supreme King Z-Arc!" A giant dragon that had the green lines came to his side of the field and then the guy jumped onto Z-Arcs head and fused. He looks ugly.

"Attack Naruto Uzumaki!"

The big dragon tried to bite me but I think Damien has a plan.

"I cast the Quick-Play Spell, Blue Fire! It lowers your attack by 500 and raises Naruto's attack by 100!" A blue fire dragon came from the card and attacked Zarc and it encoated me. I summoned many shadow clones and all of them punched the Dragon. I destroyed the huge dragon, yay.

"Piercing Damage!" The body of the dragon falls and he gains 300 life points back due to the pendulam effects of Infinity.

"Not so fast! Mystical Space Typhoon destroys Infinity so you can't pendulam summon anymore."

Gotem cornered now!

"I cast the spell One More!"


One More!

Quick-Play Spell

Target a monster to attack again. Adds 1000 ATK to target monster!


"Now Naruto, attack the Hyper Synchro and end the game!" I attack it and the rasangan goes through and hits Zarc.


Mission Complete!

Rewards: Haki Training Manual, Dying Will Training Manual!

Teleporting back!


Hey, Ron. Why did you give me the quest?

<Well, I do make the quests but this one was easy so you only get those.>

Just show me my status.


Naruto Uzumaki

Level 28

Titles- Owner of the Otherworldly System, Jinchuriki, Avenger

HP- 576/576

Chakra/Mana- 25000/25000 [125000/125000 Max with max Kyubi Chakra that the body can handle]

NEW| Sage Chakra- 3000/3000

Strength- 70

Intelligence- 73

Dexterity- 79

Stamina- 288

Skills- Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu (MAX), Hand-to-Hand Combat (Level 100), Basic Chakra Control (Level 42), Shurikenjutsu (MAX), Blue-Fire-Bending (MAX), Seven Sins Clones (Level 6), Demon Breathing Technique (MAX), Sword Style: Twin Gods (Level 20), True Origins Crushing Kick (Level 1), Transformation Jutsu (MAX), Clone Jutsu (MAX), Renewal Taekwondo: Recoilless (Level 3), Fox Summoning(MAX), Body Flicker (MAX), Water Walking (MAX), Tree Walking (MAX), Rasangan (MAX), Wind Style: Great Breakthrough (MAX), Sage Mode (Level 3)

Hidden Passives:

Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Bloodline, Dead Bone Pulse, Eye of Adam, Heart-Eater Bloodline

Heart-Eater Bloodline- The core essence of most living things is the heart. You can gain 10% of the creatures stats when you eat the heart. You can only eat the heart if it is still beating. You can access to demon form

Demon Form- Your skin turns red and you grow horns from your forehead. You also get a red tail.

You gain 20 in all stats and all of your attacks deal extra damage to Holy enemies but you Holy damage dealt to you is super effective.

Items: Soul Edge, Preator Suit, Fox Scroll

Remarks: At the level of mid game harem protagonists.


Gejahex Gejahex

You all are underestimating the Voice of God. He can sing the opening to Boku no Pico.

Just a power up before the Chunin Exams. Don't worry Chunin Exams next chapter

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