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75% Naruto: Otherworldly System! / Chapter 18: Tailed Beast Bomb!

Chapter 18: Tailed Beast Bomb!

All I see is darkness. There is a familiar but more dense chakra flowing through me. I open my eyes and look at my self.

I look edgy as fuck, a dark-red chakra cloak which is the color of blood, then fox-like bones are forming outside the dark-red chakra cloak. I also feel more powerful! But the most important part is that I have 7 tails on me. Sasuke will kill to have this form.


Learned the Tailed Beast Bomb!

Tailed Beast Bomb- Gather Chakra at a 8:2 ratio and can be used as a beam, ball, or a combination of both. Can compress the ball or beam.

Costs 1000 Chakra at minimum, able to infuse more chakra for more POWER!

Deals Chakra x 2 Explosion Damage

Remarks: Basically better Rasangan, but needs more chakra.


The information on how to use Tailed Beast Bomb flows into my head. (AKA, Kurama experiences with TBB)

I look towards Isobu and only see everything in a shade of red. I rush towards Isobu on all fours while firing little Tailed Beast Bombs from my mouth. The bombs damages him a little and I claw his eye. He is forced back, then I made my tails extend towards Isobu, trying to penetrate him. He tries to whip the tails away with his tails but 3 get by and strike his underside. I create beam of chakra and blast it from my mouth.


Isobu gets blown back and sends a wave of water at me. I jump up and run towards Isobu while holding a Mini Tailed Beast Bomb like a rasangan.

Let's go, Mini Tailed Beast Bomb!

The ball pushes him back and then explodes.


Quest Complete!

Defeat Yagura

Rewards: Headphones (Multi-Dimensional), Tailed Beast 101: Kurama by Naruto Uzumaki the 7th Hokage.


Quest Complete!

Talk to your dead father somehow!

Rewards: Title- I see dead people, Temporary Travel (2 years), 100% XP


<Congratulations! You leveled up!>


I look over and turn back into my base form, why is my skin red?

Argh, my skin burns, this is uncomfortable.

I look to see Yagura back into his human form, laying face up floating in the water. I pick him back up then put him on my soldier and go back to base. Oh, might as well take some money from him. What, don't judge me, I am poor!

I take to headphones in my hands and they look pretty good.

They can change sizes to fit my head and play any type of music and can go up to 110 decibals. Just name a song and it plays it and it can change colors. I play my favorite song, Bad Situation, and make it orange.

(AN: Bad Situation is a song that plays in the original Naruto. Usually when Naruto is in a bad situation.)

I also look at the scroll that the system gave me, apparently it will help with syncing Kurama.

<I updated to description to Eye of Adam and you should look at the title you just got.>

Oh, cool.

Eye of Adam: Consumes 7000 chakra per minute. Eyes will turn blood red with 6 white rings in a spiral on the eye. Can only have 2 Paths active at the same time on each eye. Gives battle prediction and insight when active.

Effects: Path of Temptation: Releases a genjutsu similar to the Infinite Tsukuyomi but works for one person per activation and much more powerful. User decides when illusion stops and user can see what the illusion is.

Path of Death: Insta-kill for those weaker. Can reanimate dead bodies back into their prime living state under the control of user. Can only reanimate if the target was killed by user.

Path of Taming: Has a chance of taming anything. Depends on strength of user and target.

Path of Buddha: Passively regenerates any small wounds instantly, heals large wounds in 10 seconds, replaces organs/limbs in 60 seconds. Calms mind and accelarates thinking by 2x.

Path of Asura: Every kill you make will this path is active gives 1% to stats for 30 seconds. Pain is also reduced by 90%.

Path of Life: Heals a person you choose fully. You can sense life energy and turn surrounding life energy into chakra.


The effects are absolutely disgusting, look at the full heal! And the Path of Death! The only thing bad is the 7000 chakra per minute cost.

"Hey! I brought back Yagura."

I walk into the throne room and look at Mei and Ao.

"Good job! Now w-"

"Hold up, I'm not done. Yagura was being controlled." After speaking, I pour cold water over Yagura.

"WFAFKLANFOWKF! What happened? Who are you! Where am I!" He jumped up and looked at us in caution.

"Sup, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and you were being controlled."

"What? All I remember is a man with... the... sharingan... That man, he mind controlled me!"

"Yep, you even killed all those with kekkai genkai." He lowered his head in shame and sat down.

"Just kill me."

"Don't go emo on me."

"I don't deserve another chance."

"Well, you aren't the one who wanted to kill all of those people, also you need to help those people."

"You are right."

Well that took less then I expected. I put my hand out to help him get up. No use loathing yourself. He grabs my hand and gets up wearing a small smile.

"Hey, Mei! Could you say that you defeated Isobu?"


"Because the whole rouge ninja business."


"One last thing, can I enter the chunin exams.

She stared at me with wide eyes and began coughing.

"First off, you would destroy the other genins and second, you are a missing-nin of the Hidden Leaf so how would you participate?"

"Could I perhaps enter as a mist ninja?"

She did the Thinker sit and agreed.

"Your teammates will be Haku Yuki and Sado."

"Why Haku?"

"Because she is about chunin level."


"Also, I will make your record 12 C missions, 21 D missions and 1 B mission."


I say my farewell then walk to the bookstore to buy Icha Icha Violence and Icha Icha Innocence. I only read Icha Icha Paradise so I need to read this.

After buying the books and getting wierd looks from the book seller, I go to an inn to sleep for the night. We get there and I ask for two rooms. I get my key and summon my summons. Ellie the Octopus tends to my uncomfortable skin and after healing me, she hugs my neck and goes to sleep. Teemo plants mushrooms around the room just in case and sharpens his darts. Gigalith is eating a rock and I hear banging and moans from the other room. Only Jasmine and Yun Che are in there and this continues for the entire night. Also summoning the Foxes will take some work which I will leave to future me.

I just sharpen my ninja tools with Teemo because I couldn't sleep due to the two wuxia people fucking like rabbits in heat. I suddenly get an amazing idea.

"Hey Teemo, how about we go into Yun Che and Jasmine's room, to prank of course."

"No. For you see, Naruto, it is an unspoken part of the bro code to not interrupt a friends sex."

At that moment, we hear a whole script of erotic stuff.

"Unhand me, Yun Che the beast!"

"Don't worry, Jasmine the knight, I will send to a land of pleasure! Then we will see what you will say!"

"Get that filthy, big thing away from me!"

"Get ready Jasmine!"

I look at Teemo who is still shapening his darts but quicker and harsher then before. I sigh and try to sleep with my headphones playing GO! from Flow.

(AN: Lets face, Ellie the Healing Octopus is better at healing then Sakura but more forgettable then Ten Ten. Also my hand is trying to choke me for writing this.)

Gejahex Gejahex

Naruto is going to kill the Harem guy with no doubt, just a matter of when. I prefer to do it as soon as possible.

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