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32.14% Naruto: Otherworldly System! / Chapter 6: Easy Test, Easy Quest!

Chapter 6: Easy Test, Easy Quest!

I pass all the requirements and wait to get my team. This is my first step to become the strongest ninja.

<And strongest being. Dude, aim higher!>

{Yea brat! You need to aim higher then a merely strongest ninja. How about strongest in this world!}

I go up to Iruka and receive my headband which I replaced my googles with. I go back down and wait for Iruka to call my name for the team.

"Team 7 is Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki! Meet at **** to meet your jonin!" Why am I put with edge boy and fan girl? At least put me with some people I know!

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath as I go to the place. I go there and I sit in wait. I keep fiddling with my swords until the emo and fan girl show up.

"Wow Naruto, you finally came to something early." The stalker said to me. Seroiusly, what is up with her?

"Yep, and you properbly should stop fan girling over Sasuke for a change." I say.

Sudddenly, a white haired man with a mask covering his mouth appears while reading Icha Icha.

We look and he just waves and introduces himself.

"Ok, I am your jonin for this so go ahead and introduce yourselves and your dreams and likes."

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I don't like a lot of things. My dream is to avenge my clan and to kill a certain someone." Oh, so edgy.

"My name is Sakura Haruno and I like *Glances at Sasuke* and I dislike Naruto." What is up Sakura? Can I help you!

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like training and I dislike people that have nothing better to do with their life but fan-girl over a person that barely knows them." I look over to Sakura.

"Hey! Wanna fight punk!" She rushes over to me.

"Yea!" We glare at each other.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake and you don't need to know my dreams and likes. Go to the training field tomorrew and don't eat breakfast." I'm gonna eat breakfest. Who doesn't eat breakfast before a test?


New Chain Quest! 1/2 in Chain.

Pass Kakashi's Test!

Rewards: Magic Octopus Summon (Female), Skill Upgrade, 2x Max Chakra, 1000% XP, Unlock of SAO Trial, DXD Marraige Trial, and Trial of Wuxia Protagonists!

(AN: Don't worry, Naruto won't marry anybody. The whole champion battle and he is gonna participate and the SAO is well SAO.)


Huh, neat. I get to do trials after this.

Hey, umm why can't I eat the chakra pills?

<You can. You only couldn't because you were 8. They increase your max Chakra by 1000 each.>

I grinned. I ate the chakra pills and looked at my status.


Naruto Uzumaki

Level 20 (0/100%)

Titles- Owner of the Otherworldly System, Jinchuriki

HP- 248/248

Chakra/Mana- 16000/16000[80000/80000 Max with max Kyubi Chakra that the body can handle]

Strength- 51

Intelligence- 60

Dexterity- 52

Stamina- 124

Skills- Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu (MAX), Hand-to-Hand Combat (Level 100), Basic Chakra Control (Level 41), Shurikenjutsu (MAX), Blue-Fire-Bending (MAX), Seven Sins Clones (Level 6), Demon Breathing Technique (MAX), Sword Style: Twin Gods (Level 20), True Origins Crushing Kick (Level 1), Transformation Jutsu (MAX), Clone Jutsu (MAX)

Hidden Passives:

Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Bloodline, Dead Bone Pulse

Items: Soul Edge, Nichirin Blade

Remarks: This guy is about kick some genin ass.


I use my seven sin clones.

7 silhouettes came from my shadow, all of them having a different appearance.

(AN: From now on, I'll put Naruto: Blah Blah then Sasuke: Blah Blah Blah, just seemed confusing trying to figure out who is talking. Only when there is more then 4 people.)

Sloth: Ugh, I still want to sleep more.

Envy: Why do you want to sleep more?

Pride: Will you all shut up!

Naruto: Exactly, so tomorrew is the day I become a genin, so I will need for all of you to be ready. That is all.

Everyone: ... Basterd!

Sloth: You made me get up for that!

Envy: I want to sleep more!

Pride: You dare wake this King for something as menial as that!

Wrath: I'll fucking kill you!

Lust: My oh my. I will have to punish you.

Gluttony: Hey, you need to give me food now.

Greed: As long as you give me your Ryo, I'm fine.

Naruto: Shut up!

I sent them away, though what is the punishment that Lust was talking about?

<Nope, nope, not stepping on this landmine. Ask Kurama!>

Hey Kurama, what was the punishment?

{... fucking traitor system... Ok here is the summery...}

After 1 hour of giving Naruto Sex Ed, he finally understood and now blushed at the thought of lust.

How do you know about humans so much Kurama.

{... I had to sit and watch my hosts fuck}

Oh yea. Now I feel bad you.

The very next day, you can see Naruto eating ramen with another two made instant ramens= beside him. He is sitting in the training ground where his teacher told him to go. I see Sasuke come, and his stomach growls. I sits next to me and looks at my two ramen cups. I hand one to Sasuke with chopsticks.

"Why are you eating breakfast?" He asks.

"I can't fight on an empty stomach, here try it."

He grabs it and proceeds to eat it. We wait for Sakura and Kakashi. Unfortunately, Sakura came first.

"Naruto! Why are you eating? Sasuke, why are you eating with this loser?" She said the first part with contempt and the last part with worry. I swear to god, Sasuke is one of the harem protagonists.

"Yo. Want some?" I pass her the last one, which she hesitates and takes it.

<Heh, are you happy you took my advice about taking 3 cups?>

No, not really.

It took 3 hours for Kakashi to come.

"Where were you!" The banshee screeches.

If she speaks one more time in the annoying voice, I will punch her.

"Well you see, I saw this black cat and... then I got here."Did he just narrate a whole book to us?

"What kind of escuse is that?" She stopped using the annoying voice, thank my ears.

"Ok so the test is that you have to get these two bells. If you get a bell you pass. Simple."

"Wait, that means one of us isn't gonna pass!" Whoppy fucking do Sakura. How did you find that out. Ok so enough sarcasm.

"And you will need to come at me with the intent to kill or your won't pass."

I need to scan+ all of them.


Kakashi Hatake

Age: 27

Race: Human

Titles: Son of the White Fang, Copy Ninja

HP: 5000/5000

Chakra: 1000/1000

Strength: 71

Intellegence: 81

Dexterity: 83

Stamina: 2500

Skills: ???

Remarks: A guy with a Sharingan and a hidden past.


Sasuke Uchiha

Age: 12

Race: Human

Titles: Emo Boy

HP: 142/142

Chakra: 300/300

Strength: 27

Intelligence: 41

Dexterity: 51

Stamina: 71

Skills: Shurikenjutsu, Uchiha Hand-to-Hand, Fireball Jutsu

Remarks: Brooder


Sakura Haruno

Age: 12

Race: Human

Title: Useless, Fan Girl (Adds +10 to stats when in 5 kilometers of Sasuke Uchiha)

HP: 42/42

Chakra: 100/100

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 21

Dexterity: 13

Stamina: 24

Skills: Shurikenjutsu, Basic Hand-To-Hand

Remarks: Useless and she hates you.


Wow, Sakura really lives up to her title. Only person that will be remotely useful is Sasuke.

"Ok, now hide." He said and I went where Sasuke was.

"Sasuke, I think we should attack as a team."


"Because I read up on Kakashi and this test is based on teamwork so as long as out plan is good, we can do this."

"Ok, what is the plan?"

"The plan is (Insert Plan here)"

I run into the open and use shadow clone jutsu, making 10 clones. 5 of them pull out their swords and I also do that.

"Ninja Tatics 1: Taijutsu"

The sword clones then rush up to Kakashi and try to attack him. I bite my finger and summon Gigalith.



Gender: Male

Level: 45

Health: 145= HP 290/290

Attack: 184

Def: 164

Spec Attack: 64

Spec Def: 81

Speed: 41

Ability: Sturdy

Hidden Ability: Sand Force

Moves: Wide Guard, Autotomize, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Throat Chop, Body Press, Stealth Rock, Hyper Beam, Rock Slide, Giga Impact, Heavy Slam, Round, Tackle, Attract, Sandstorm, Rest.

(AN: I know Gigalith learns Stone Edge at level 48 but it's a fanfic. Gigalith *maybe* will use Atrract on Sakura. Also T.O.C.K works on anything that can reproduce. T.O.C.K is True Origins Crushing Kick.)


"What is that?" Kakashi said, very confused. The clones slash at Kakashi, of course with the Sharingan, we dodges all of them but on the last hit, he replaced himself with a log.

I look over to where Kakashi is and I couldn't find him. Then I found out where, in order to talk about that, we need to talk about earthquake. There is this really good thing about earthquake.

The jutsu Earth Style: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique or simply Head Hunter jutsu, is basically dig. Earthquake does 2x damage to those in the middle of dig. Honestly, I didn't know Kakashi was there, Gigalith somehow knew and used Earthquake. Kakashi then pooped out the ground, bloodied and then Sasuke jumped and did a kick to the stomach to Kakashi.

Sasuke then was making hand signs. Kakashi falls back and one of my clones, kicked him up and I jumped up with my swords in my hands and use Fimbulwinter and Ragnerok in each one and slashed him down. Sasuke steals my kill and uses Fireball Jutsu when Kakashi was falling down. He falls down on the ground and he barely gets up. His entire body is damaged. My clones then sheathe their weapons and try to grab the bells. Since Kakashi is slowed, he can't get out of the way and suddenly I get a Ding in my head.


Chain Quest Complete!

Pass Kakashi's Test!

Rewards: Magic Octupus Summon(Female), Skill Upgrade, 2x Max Chakra, 1000% XP, Unlock of SAO Trial, DXD Marraige Trial, and Trial of Wuxia Protagonists!


New Chain Quest! 2/2 in Chain.

Pass Chunin Exams!

Rewards: Travel Function Unlocked, 10000% XP, Body Strengthening Pill (Ten-Tail Body Toughness)


*Sigh* God damn that was tough. I needed to hide most of my abilities.

"Ok, you pass but Sakura you were useless in that whole exchange." Kakashi said.

"Now you will go home and get ready for next week." We bow and go back to our houses/apartments.

I lie in bed and I figured, hey I should read the manuscript of Boku No Pico.

That was the worst mistake in my life.

Gejahex Gejahex

I don't know why but I just have this innate hate for Sakura. Gigalith also has the 1 stamina = 2 health but the stamina is replaced with HP.

For the Max Levels because I am too lazy to write it. It halves the cooldown and cost.

Envy, Lust, and Greed are girls

Wrath, Sloth, Pride, and Gluttony are boys.

By The Way: Stamina is super easy to raise. Just run or do something exhausting a lot. That is why Kakashi's Stamina is so high. Stamina is useless to put stat points in. I am not putting levels for people without a system because why would I.

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