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25% Naruto: Otherworldly System! / Chapter 4: A Fox and a Rock VS. A Harem Protagonist+Harem

Chapter 4: A Fox and a Rock VS. A Harem Protagonist+Harem

What is Kunai with Chain?

<It is like an automatic rope that ties one opponent and gives you an attack buff>

I will need to train my bone kekkai genkai, that way I will stand a chance against the harem.

I think of my bones and imagine them growing. I see a bone protrusion out of my forearm. I think of making shurikens with the bones. I feel three shurikens growing out of my forearms. Thinking of making a bone sword in my hand, it does that and now I need to test the density of the bones. While trying to make the bones harder, I discover that I shoot them out like an arrow from my palm. I'll call this Bone Shot. Also, making bones shoot out from every pore in my body like a porcupine is gonna be called Bone Spikes. Hey, I am not chuunibyou, I can't come up with, "Bone Style: Grand Porcupines Lament!" or something along those lines.

My mind and body are ready. I got my two swords, the fox still owes me rent, and I have Boldore. He can set up Stealth Rock in 2 seconds. Lastly, I have a trap card. I get all my shurikens and kunai and begin to teleport to area where I will be taking the trial. I get covered in a blue light and I get teleported.

<You are a isekai-ed Naruto, you have to fight Issei and his main Harem and defeat them!

Rewards- 100% XP, 10 GT, God-Slaying Tier Skill: Groin Destruction, Chakra Increasing Pills>

I wake up to me laying down, see bright lights. I jump up and see 7 beautiful girls and one guy with all of their mouths dropping. Now I know why the system said that Issei was a greedy basterd and I agree with him fully. Issei is a fucking harem seeking guy huh.

"Who are you?" Everybody except me now had black wings behind them. The red-haired lady asked me this. She looks like the leader.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I need to defeat all of you at the same time in order to get back. Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I say all in rabid succession. I summon 14 clones, 2 clones for each person, and go attack the valkyrie looking lady. She keeps sending light spells one after another, this is some fast-reload shit right here. I take a step back and analyze the situation. The leader is using Destruction magic by the looks of it. The system (Thanks to dontenglish for the powers of Issei's harem!) gave me the rundown of the powers of the enemy. Rias the red head uses destruction magic. The others I know but don't care about, expect Issei. You red dragon cheat. The Neko girl easily wipes my clones, along with many others except the healer and the holy magic girl. I think their names we're Asia and Irina. (AN: Who names their child Asia. It's like naming my child America.)

Only 5 more to go.

"Why are you doing this?" The one guy asks.

"Well, because my employer is jealous and he said you are the enemy of all men. I just need to beat all of you up, then I get to go home to so make it quick."

"For you!" What kind of reply was that. The Neko charged at me and tried to land an kick to my face, I duck and punch her in the thigh. She grimaces in pain and jumps back. The remaining 4 shadow clones surround me.

"They are weak, go Boldore!" I throw out a poke ball and it releases Boldore.

Issei is confused on how a Pokemon could be here and the girls are also confused on what creature it is.

Boldore creates a load of gems and use them to attack the Neko. Power Gem is a special move so it does crap damage overall to the Neko, but still knocks her out. All of them unleash their respective attacks, Issei charging with the gauntlet in front, Akeno blasting her holy lightning, Rias using Destruction Magic, Roseweise just spamming with her infinite mana pool, and Xenovia with a giant sword swinging. I could do this. I unsheathed my swords and run towards Xenovia's blade.

As it was about to hit me, I hit it away with Soul Edge and I use Demon Slash on her. Since she has a great sword, she should be a tank. She also faints and I jump with my clones to attack Issei. He blocks the Nichirin blade but stabbed him with Soul Edge. Boldore jumped with me and used Rock Slide on Rias. We fall to the ground onto our feet and face the final two.

"Boldore, attack the one that shoot lightning." He is a rock type and she is using lightning attacks. That means half damage. The clones go first with me in the middle. The clones use Demon Barrage and I also activate it. She manages to take out 3 of the clones but a clone and me get near.

"Uzumaki Demon Barrage!" We scream in unison as we are pummeling her. She knocks out and I disperse the clone. I look to see Boldore on top of Akeno and kept clawing at her face, brutal but I like it.

<Trial Complete! Rewards: 100% XP, 10 GT, God-Slaying Tier Skill: Groin Destruction, Chakra Increasing Pills! Teleporting back to home. Trial function will be sealed for 4 years after this!>

Why is the Trial function sealed?

<Do you know how hard it is to teleport you. It would have been much easier if I had just made a simulation.>

You mean those are real people?


... TF!

So I just injured them for no reason?

<Many things don't have a reason.>

Just give me my damn rewards!

<Quest Complete! Rewards: Nutcracker Kick!(Divine Skill), 15 Gacha Tickets, Blue-Fire-Bending(Avatar), Seven Sins Clones!>

What are the Seven Sins Clones?

Seven Sins Clones (Level 0)

Effect 1: Creates reflections of you of one of the seven sins. Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Greed.

The reflections will have either 50% of your power or 100% depending on host.

Each reflection needs 100 Chakra.

What is fire bending?

Blue Fire Bending- Allows you to create orange fire and blue fire from your chakra without hand signs. Also has the potential to create lightning.

Note: Blue fire requires more chakra but it is hotter.

Orange fire per cubic foot: 10 Chakra/ needs 1 chakra per second to be maintained without proper fuel.

Blue fire per cubic foot: 20 Chakra/ needs 2 chakra per second to be maintained without proper fuel. (Locked)

Lightning- 100 Chakra per 10000 watts with extreme current.

<Would you like to combine Nutcracker Kick and Groin Destruction?>

Gejahex Gejahex

I swear to god, I'll make the next summon a tentacle monster! It will be funny. It will be glorious.

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