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25.92% Tales of Demons, Gods, and Libraries / Chapter 7: Ch. 7 Canon

Chapter 7: Ch. 7 Canon

Today has finally arrived! The day canon begins!

Maintaining my morning routine, I decide on skipping breakfast so I can post myself near the classroom building entrance. It doesn't take long before my target approaches. The numerous teenagers talking over each other causes the cramped hallways to provide an ideal environment to blend it.

Syncing our steps, I stalk ever closer to my target. Unaware of my presence, I prepare to execute my move at a hall intersection. Seeing my chance, I slip a small worn booklet into my target's hand. Before the hand-off could be completed, I had already silently stepped into a separate group of teenagers before the target comprehends what just happened.

Taking a chance, I sneak a peek at my target. Confirming mission accomplished, I can't help but smile. The confused look on Ning'er's face as she's looking between the booklet in her hand and searching the hallway is absolutely adorable.

The worn booklet is a recent creation of mine. I was able to use the Library of Heaven's Path, and my own memory of the story, to design a phony medical book describing Arctic Decease, it's symptoms and treatment. Included was an instruction section for the basic version of the daoyin technique. There is even a section describing the likely causes to be aware of. The most common of which states mostly as a result of a low-quality cultivation technique.

Taking my seat in the back of teacher Xia's classroom, I have to continuously restrain myself from sneaking off to observe Nie Li's reincarnation. For two months I've been forced to wait, I can manage a few more hours.

"What's gotten into you," asked Liu Yang.

Looking at my drowsy neighbor, I reply, "Just excited about some plans I made earlier."

A sly smile slowly spread across Liu Yang's face. "Those plans revolve around Xiao Ning'er?" His sly smile changed into what I can only describe as a shit-eating-grin.

Keeping a straight face, I answered, "No, my plans do not revolve around, nor include Xiao Ning'er."

"Well, I think you might be in her plans," retorted my neighbor with his ever-growing grin. I'm starting to find his face very annoying.

"What does that mean Liu Yang," I asked with just a hint of annoyances lacing my voice.

"You would know what that means if you would have stuck around a bit longer after sneaking that book to Xiao Ning'er. She seemed rather determined to find out who passed it to her," Liu Yang explained.

"Not a word," I ordered. With a look that promised much pain, he quickly nodded his head. But his sly smile never left his face.

As a final jab, "If I was you, I wouldn't wager only one other person say you give her a book. Or love not. Whatever it was"

Before I can comment, teacher Xia walks into the classroom. Ignoring my neighbor for the moment, I quickly decide on what to do if confronted by Ning'er. Deny everything. Might even shift blame to another, and pretend to be an innocent third party.

Teacher Xia starts today's lesson by going over Demon Spiritualists and Fighters. He doesn't give the class a demonstration by merging with this demon spirit like Shen Xiu does in canon, but he's far more respectful when going over the differences. He only lightly touches on family status, and that wasn't derogatory at all.

Luckily teacher Xia cuts class shorter than usual today. Seizing this opportunity, I quickly make my way to Shen Xiu's classroom. I stand a bit down the hall from the door to prevent it looking like I was waiting on them. My excitement is building to near uncontrollable levels.

I've already planned out how to stage an "accident" to punch that pedophile square in the crotch! As their door opens, suppress my excitement even more as I begin to move forward. Slow and steady to get the timing right. Oh, this is going to be great.

As the students exit out of the classroom, my excitement begins to lower. I avert my eyes when Ning'er walks out of the room, but maintain my leisurely walk towards the classroom door. Seeing Wei Nan and Zhang Ming walking out of the room erases all thoughts of punching a pedo.

Suddenly, as I'm nearly upon the door, there he is. The man of the hour. Nie Li himself. As I get within striking distance, I'm able to get a good look at him.

The longer I look at his face, the fewer doubts I have. Standing before me is a nothing but a depressed and indifferent looking teenage Nie Li. There is no trace of wisdom or intelligence in his eyes.

As he finally takes notice of me, I say the first thing that pops into my mind, "This is such bullshit!"

Nie Li looks at me oddly and stutters out a few words.

Placing all my focus on him, "Sage Emperor and Ying Yueru are expecting a child."

Keenly watching for any possible sign of understanding or even a muscle twitch, Nie Li just attempts to step away from me while mumbling out congratulations. Reluctantly accepting the possible, I move around him and numbly make my way after Wei Nan and Zhang Ming. I need confirmation Nie Li really didn't reincarnate.

My mind is racing and emotions are running wild, and it feels like I just got punched in the gut. Forcing myself to not cause a scene, I track down Zhang Ming before he arrives at the dining hall.

Shen Xiu executed her bitch mode lesson on noble superiority, but there were no disturbances in class. Nie Li just sat in his seat not paying any attention to anything. A few short questions later and I'm forced to accept this new reality.

Skipping dinner, I head directly to my room. My emotions keep spiraling out of control. Unsure if I should rage for wasting two months waiting for that pecker-head or shout with joy at not having to deal with him. It's an even toss-up right now.

Securely back in my room, I begin pacing while attempting to get my thoughts in order. So much time squandered but so many more doors open up. The more I look at it, the more opportunities there are. The root of the issue stems from waiting for nothing. My plans where to gain cultivation techniques from him, and then work behind the scenes as he's drawing everyone's attention.

I feel like such an idiot! I didn't need to sit around waiting for Nie Li to get strong! I have something even more powerful than the Temporal Demon Spirit Book! I got the fucking Library of Heaven's Path!

I wasted so much time waiting for Nie Li. I never worried about a cultivation technique, because I was banking on using Nie Li's manuals to remove the rest of the flaws from the Library of Heaven's Path.

Retrieving my journal, I begin combing through it, looking for anything that may have been neglected. As I complete the last page, I can't help but curse myself! The first cause of my cursing; I never absorbed my journal into the Library of Heaven's Path. The second cause of my cursing; there are parts of the Heavenly God technique written in my journal!

Using the Library of Heaven's Path, I absorb the journal. After confirming it's done, I move to a lit candle and set the journal on fire. Patiently waiting by the window for the fire to consume all the pages, I start formulating a plan.

Tossing the burnt-out leather cover into the wastebasket, I sit down and get to work. There are so many things to prepare for, but a tentative plan seems to just flow onto the parchment. After less than ten minutes, I approve of the newly created plan outline. Leaving room for adjustments is a must. I can't confidently say I'll be able to predict others' reactions enough to make elaborate plans.

I have a long night of transcribing tonight. I'm going to require money and pills, and the Alchemy Association needs better formulas and instructions. But first, I need a cultivation manual.

Standing in the middle of the now-familiar sea of bookcases, I focus on what I need. With a command of "Soul Force Cultivation!" I watch as thousands of books appear before me. Making sure to include my journal, soul force control technique, and all the current Heaven's Path books, I issue the command to compile.

Floating in the air is an untitled book. Quickly checking for flaws, I'm met with disappointment. Seven flaws are contained within the chant, and I have no clue on how to eliminate them. If the flaws would have been in the meridians, I could have listed off all the meridians until the correct one appeared.

Not allowing this to discourage me. I recall all the books again and focus on what I desire before commanding to compile. Floating before me now is a much thinner book.

[A flawless book of Heaven's Path to Bronze Rank Demon Spiritualist...]

Pushing my luck, I continue on.

[A flawless book of Heaven's Path to Silver Rank Demon Spiritualist...]

[A flawless book of Heaven's Path to Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist...]

[A flawless book of Heaven's Path to Black Gold Rank Demon Spiritualist...]

[A book created by the Library of Heaven's Path containing a cultivation technique to Legend... 2 Flaws...]

This is much better than expected! The two flaws in the Legend rank manual don't deter me, because I already know where to get six Legend rank manuals from.

Looking over the Heaven's Path to Bronze Rank, I'm quickly drawn into the explanation and technique itself. It doesn't seem to focus on a particular attribute, but the very energy surrounding us. There even appears to be a section for a body cultivation chant. That's priceless! While I do physical exercise to improve my physical attributes, the chant will slowly strengthen and improve my body.

Resisting the urge to start cultivating, I sit down at my desk and begin to transcribe a flawed version of Alchemy Fundamentals followed by vastly improved pill recipes. Most likely, my speed to Legend rank will be dependent on having enough resources. I can create a partnership with the Alchemy Association for these recipes that will supply me with pills and money.

By the time I finish the last recipe, the sun has already set. My emotions have calmed, and I'm feeling considerably better about the future. Deciding to skip a round of body cultivation, I lay in bed and start thinking of plans for any possible situation that may arise tomorrow. A lot is riding on the terms I'm going to require them to accept. Calming my mind, I try resting for the night.

The following morning I wake up excited for the day. I have to do a round of body cultivation to help calm me down and steady my nerves. After cleaning myself up, I ensure all the needed items are stored in my interspatial ring before departing my room. Skipping class, I head off-campus and into Central District.

Stopping at every herb shop on the way to the Alchemy Association, I purchase a fair quantity of general alchemy ingredients. These will be put to use very soon.

Arriving at the Alchemy Association, I walk directly towards the first available Apprentice I see and hand them a large golden token. He takes a moment to look between me and the token before he disappears down a hall after bidding me wait a moment.

Looking around the front lobby, I notice several new changes. Nothing major, but it does have the appearance of recent renovations. I'll take it as a reliable sign they were able to get their monies worth from the soul force control technique.

As my wait reached twenty minutes, Master Hu enters the lobby and seems to be a bit worn out. Despite his tired appearance, I'm willing to bet nothing and no one escaped his notice the moment he walked in. With a joyful grandfatherly look at identifying me, he motions me to follow without slowing his stride through the lobby.

Falling into step beside the elderly master, I stay silent and attempt to map out the route we're taking through the building. Our walk comes to an end before a thick set of enchanted doors. Feigning a puzzled look, I quickly inspect the enchantments. Without even using the Library of Heaven's Path, I quickly determine their purpose and weaknesses. It seems they're enchanted to withstand a moderate amount of damage.

Master Hu effortlessly opens the doors to reveal a spartan room of stone. In the center of the room stands what can only be a sturdy looking pill forge. Standing in their white robes beside the forge is Senior Alchemy Masters Zhang Xuan and Wang Chao. I'm a bit confused about their choice of meeting location, but never allow my features to so much as twitch as we enter the room.

Master Hu closes the door behind us, and we cross the room to greet the other two occupants. Courteous greetings are exchanged, and we politely fill the other party in on recent events without giving too many details. I'm able to confirm the Alchemy Association has increased its revenue simply due to lowering the failure rate of pill forging.

Soon enough, Master Hu decides it's time for business and asks, "So, what will we be forging today? Don't worry about risks, this room is designed for experimental and untested recipes."

You crafty old fox! I suspected this was the purpose of the room, but his confidence in my visit today still catches me off guard. Hastily returning to a neutral look, I decided to throw the ball back in their court.

"That would all depend on what you wish to accomplish. You may decide on Soul Enhancing, Body Refining, or Recovery." Seeing these crafty old men doing their best impersonation of goldfish, fills me with joy.

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Almost done with the edits, and then I can start working on a new chapter. Enjoy!

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