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Chapter 56: 56: The Sorcerer of Origin By: ImpossiblePossibilty(Fate x Danmachi)

Fic type: Oc/crossover/AU

This is an okay fic that I found. Its not bad but I hope the mc is a bit more ruthless. This has potential to be a good fic with a few tweaks.


The Sorcerer of Origin

By: ImpossiblePossibilty

Mercurius Ark head of the Ark magus family, winner of an AU 4th Holy Grail concluding that it was impossible for him to achieve a true magic in this modern world wishes to be sent to one where the Age of the Gods still exist. Now read his journey in the Dungeon City of Orario in his quest to reach a True Magic. Oc is not a completely horrible person like most Nasuverse Magus.

Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 25,287 - Reviews: 109 - Favs: 391 - Follows: 504 - Updated: Jul 10, 2019 - Published: Mar 3, 2018 - id: 12856301



The Sorcerer Of Origin

Chapter 1

Beyond The World

Everything was dark. The sky was colored jet black despite the fact that it should have been 8:00 AM. Smoke covered the sky blotting out all light from the sun. The once beautiful city of Fuyuki had been engulfed in a sea of flames.

Within this disaster man, womens, and children of all ages were trying to survive. Some ran. Other were to afraid and simply stayed in the safety of their homes. But no matter what they all died. Using the last of their breath crying for help from a hero that would appear and save them.

None came of course. Not because in this modern day in age there were none but rather but rather because the very fire that was killing them all was caused by heroes.

The Holy Grail War. A battle between chosen seven Masters seeking the mythical Holy Grail. Of course this Grail was not actually the one that Christ had used in his last supper but that mattered not to the average participant of this battle. After all what they craved for was the Grail function as an omnipotent granting device. Thus to obtain this device the seven Masters summoned servant. Spirits of ancient legend from eras long gone to due battle with.

This however is not a story about the sevens chosen Masters and servant fighting in this war but rather the result of the wish of the war winner.

Thus our tale start at the climax of everything at the final moments of the final battle of the 4th Holy Grail War.

" I must congratulate you lancer. Not many after all can have the right to claimed that they have pushed the me so far. However this end here. Be glad that I have acknowledged you as a worthy opponent. " Arrogantly proclaimed a certain gold armor wearing king.

" Do not act so arrogant King of Heroes. This battle is has yet to reach a clear conclusion. Neither of our master master has yet to defeat each other. Nor has either of us had yet to be push to the point where we are force to release the name of out mightiest noble phantasm." retorted a gold armor lancer.

Without another word both heroes resumed their duel. The king summoning dozens of portal each one containing a rank B or above noble phantasm within them to strike down the lancer.

In response Lancer charged forward. Only using the absolute minimum of moment to close the distance between the two while also making sure to deflect or dodge the barrage of attack heading his way.

Scene Change

While the two servant were engaging in their vicious duel so to were the two remaining master in this war.

Within the underground cavern of mount enzou a young man probably having yet to even reach the age of 20 is battling a battling a much more experience magus who was a best in his early 30 and at worst at his late 40 .

By all mean this should have been a one sided stomp match. Even ignoring the difference in the amount of experience and time to study their respective magecraft the lineage between the two were far to different.

The young man magus family was by no means small in fact one could argue that his family was at least upper class within the clock tower hierarchy. With the family starting of last year having reached a 100 years of age.

However on the other side of things. The young man opponent was a whole nother beast all together. Tokiomi Tohsaka. A magus from the Tohsaka family who has a legacy of over 200 years behind them doubling the 100 years the boy family had just recently reached. Which also means a much better magic crest. Not to mention the fact that compared to the young man family the Tohsaka's had a wealth or greater achievements one of them being that they were one of the 3 founding family of the very war they were taking part in.

However despite this great handicapped the young man was keeping up spell by spell against Tokiomi. In fact one could possibly argue that the young man had the advantage.

" So this is the prowess of the Ark family great prodigy. I must admit I was originally sceptical of your abilities but now I can fully see why many consider you to be your late father superior in the art of magecraft." Tokiomi said as he launched a fireball at Ark.

Reflecting the fireball away with a spell in one hand the Ark family head responded in kind by launching a ball of water at Tokiomi. Who easily dodged out of the way.

" Hmmp are you perhaps admitting your inferiority as a mage Tokiomi. If so at least know that you would not be the first family head over twice my age I have defeated in a formal duel." The head of the Ark family replied.

" By no means did I ever say such a thing. I recall simply stating that for your age you are indeed stronger that your late father. Which in itself is an impressive feat."

Tokiomi launched another fireball at Ark however unlike before this one was more powerful meaning deflection was out of the option. So Ark took the only reasonable approach to this and jumped out of the way of the fireball. However just when he had landed Ark found himself staring at a ruby which had probably been thrown in anticipation that he would dodge this way.

In a great burst of light the jewel erupted in flames engulfing the Ark family head in it explosion. Tokiomi however did not let his guard down believing that such an attack would be able to bring his enemy down.

When the smoke had faded as predicted by Tokiomi the Ark family head was okay in fact he was completely uninjured thanks to the barrier he manage to erect the moment of the explosion

"Well than that quite a shame I was hoping to not have to kill you in this war. After all you seems like a genuinely nice guy. Perhaps if things were different I would be out right now having coffee with you." Said the Ark head casually as if the event just now didn't faze him at the least.

" Assure of your own victory already? One would think that from that last exchange you would be the one losing this battle. Also by the way I much more personally prefer tea."

" Well then I say you need to get your eyes checked good sir because from my perspective me easily blocking that jewel you went through so much trouble making sure it would hit, shows exactly how wide the gap between us is."

" Oh what has possibly brought you to that conclusion. Though you coming out of that attack completely unscatthed was indeed beyond my expectation I don't believe such a feat gives you the right to call yourself my absolute superior."

" Oh I can assure you Tokiomi That I have more than enough reason to have confidence in myself."

Crossing his arms numerous magic circles started to appear behind Ark. There number in the dozens. A feat that by all means should be impossible for most modern day maguses. With the amount Ark had called forth there number alone would decimate Tokiomi and this is not even taking in the amount of power in each of them individually.

Tokiomi of course recognized what the magic was, well what type it was at least. Magecraft from the age of the god. From the era when Gods and Monster stilled roamed the world.

" I see so this was the spell you had in you sleeve this entire time it would seems like this is checkmate. However before my end I would like to ask you how."

Thinking about his option for a moment Ark quickly came to a decision.

" Simple really if you recall my assistant in this war summoned caster as a servant so I had him summoned someone more than willing to teach me the arts of magecraft. Though I will admit I am nowhere near his caster skill level. Thus why I arrived late to this battle. I needed the extra time to prepare this spell. The battle until now was me pulling my punches while I added the finishing touches."

" Hahahahahahaha." laughing in response to Ark explanation just now Tokiomi looked as if he was about to fall onto his knees. " Ah forgive me for that outburst just now. I simply couldn't believe that during the short duration of this Grail War you would manage to obtain magecraft from that of the age of the Gods. However I do not believe that a noble magus like yourself would lie so you word must be that of the truth. Yes it would seems that from the beginning I stood no chance in this battle."

Knowing that his end was coming Tokiomi used all his remaining magical energy to at least try to protect his magic crest from the coming barrage to come. Praying that his daughter Rin would be able to find his corpse.

Feeling that Tokiomi has finally given his last prayer. Ark unleashed the full might of his magic upon Tokiomi annihilating him in a barrage of light.

' Master the King of Heroes is now within the range of the spell caster had previously set up.' Ark servant Karna telepathically communicated to him

'Perfect then I shall now activate the bounded field... Karna by the power of my last remaining command seals be filled with mana and win this battle.' Ark commanded

Back to the Heroes moments earlier

The city of Fuyuki was in near complete ruin. The flames that had previously engulfed it were now gone blown away more or less by the clash of the 2 heroes. However in there now lay skyscrapers snapped in half, Crater miles wide, and roads completely destroyed.

Even now that epic battle was still going on. The gold Lancer this entire has been trying to close the distance between him and the golden king aiming to deal a single fatal blow toward the king of heroes. Naturally though Gilgamesh did not just simply sit by and allow this as he continues to fire barrage after barrage of Noble Phantasm at the Son of the Sun God.

Naturally even with Karna great and impeccable skills he could not fully deflect everything coming his way with pure martial prowess alone, being force to use his Noble Phantasm Brahmastra more than a few time already despite it heavy cost, to blow away some of NP barrages.

This has been going on for the last 5 minutes now which is a long time when you consider that both these greats heroes are moving at speeds faster than even lighting. With no end in sight. Though due to the cost effectiveness of the King of Heroes and inversely the great drain of the Invincible Hero of the Mahabharata the ties was ever so slowly turning in Gilgamesh favor.

That is until just now when Gilgamesh master Tokiomi causing the link between them to be cut. Now normally this would not be to much of a problem for the King of Heroes. Especially since he had been summoned as an archer with Ex rank in independent action. By all mean with how cost effective he was even if that skill was say a B rank he would be able to last at least 2-3 days.

However the situation for the king of heroes was most sever. For he had been pushed to the location where the late caster of this war had set up her final work. A bounded field that just now had been activated with the function of draining as much mana from the everything within it range as possible.

Now of course this would affect Karna who was in the field range also but unlike the King of Heroes Karna still had his master who was now free from his intense battle to fuel him, along with a command seal.

In other word the tides of battle had completely changed.

Using the opening given to him. Karna focused his prana burst behind him and launched toward Gilgamesh at unprecedented speed. The King of Heroes tried to slow Karna advance via a massive barrage of noble phantasm while he withdrew to draw his greatest treasure EA no longer having the option to hold back considering the situation he was in.

Much to AUO chagrin however rather than take the few seconds required to deflect the barrage Karna instead simply encase himself in his own Prana burst tapping into the power of the command seal his master had used to further empower the flames to allow him to burn away all the treasures.

In a single blink of an eye Karna had closed the distance between him and the King of Heroes and with a single strike that the King had no chance in blocking or dodging the world was engulfed in flames.

Back to Ark

Everything was over now. Zoukens had been defeated and permanently down for the count, Tokiomi is dead, and with Karna last suicide attack Gilgamesh was now gone too. To further confirm this the Greater Grail had at last taken form before me. Confirming that the seven servants summoned have now been properly sacrificed to it. Yes right now there is not a single opposition to stopping me from taking but just another step toward my long cherished desire.

" Are you sure you want to do this though? To abandon this place?" Asked a voice from behind me.

I didn't jump from the sudden surprise despite the fact that my mind was currently running at a billion miles per minute right now. After all I recognized this voice. Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. The Old Man of the Jewel, Kaleidoscope, The Wizard Marshal, and whatever other hundreds of titles he has. However I know him as simply the guy that apparently been 'sponsoring' my participation in this Grail War.

" There is nothing here left for me anyways. I am the last of my family with no brother or sisters let alone even cousins. Though I do have allies in the clock tower they are by no means friends, and the one person I had trusted most in this world my assistant is dead. Truly there can be said to be nothing left binding me to this peculiar world."

" I see very well I can tell nothing I say will persuade you otherwise so I will take my leave now." Thus like that he was gone.

Honestly sometimes I wonder what the old man up to. If he knew my wish from the beginning and had the time to visit me throughout this entire war than I wonder why he does not simply just use his magic to transport me. I know he isn't stingy about such a thing considering all those other useless pieces of shit regular people that he constantly troll are evident of that fact. Well not that it matter now.

" Oh Holy Grail. Grant me this wish." I started speaking the word that I had been constantly repeating in my mind since the start of this war. Though as if to spite me the repressed memories of the important individuals that had help me get to this point also started to pop up.

" This world this present is a worthless one." My assistant no I guess it time to basically acknowledge him as a proper prodigee that followed me everywhere like a dog he was even as loyal as one to enough to even sacrifice himself for the sake of my victory. Honestly looking back now I should have taught the brat better than I did.

" That is why free me from the chains that bind me here." My father perhaps the entire reason why I had taken upon me this journey for the grail so that I may fulfill my true ambitions.

" Transport to a new world a new reality." My prodigee servant/ my mentor for this grail war ironically considering the position of his master. The one to teach me magic from the age of the gods along with various other useful skills.

" One where the age of the gods still continues and shall continue. One where various magical races still walks with mankind. One where Gods and Humans have reached understanding. One where magic still run rampant without the prohibition of Gaia." Finally my completely loyal super ultra powerful servant that had always stood by me this entire war Karna. Actually now that I think of it I never once told him my first name. Well I guess I'll have to remedy that when we next meet in this new world.

" So that I may fulfill my ambition of reaching a True Magic grant me now this wish Oh Holy Grail!" Thus like that the Holy Grail activated and I was engulfed in a pure white light.


My arrival into a whole nother world did not go exactly as I had expected it to. Then again when did using a magic beyond one's current understanding ever go as planned.

Rather than a fashionable arrival through a portal in space and time like Zelretch often did I was instead sucked through some kind of black hole in space and time and was then thrown the other end at a completely random location.

Which bring me to my next problem with my first experience with parallel world travel. Rather than give me at least some option on to where and how I would land I was instead sent crashing from multiple meters in the sky to a random alley somewhere. Safe to say I was anything but pleased. Honestly if that was any other magus in my situation they probably would have been dead then and there it was only thanks to my family specific magecraft that I was able to survive such a fall.

Getting out of the miniature crater I created due to my sudden landing. I decided now was a good time to dust off all the dirt and grime that had been collecting on my clothes ever since my fight with Tokiomi ,up till the landing just now.

Taking a quick look around me I noticed that there was a strange lack of people giving me strange stares despite the ruckus I caused just now. From that I can assumed a few things about my current location. based on the lack of noise from the street surrounding this alleyway, along with the lack of people passing by it from what I can see. The place I landed at his relatively abandoned.

This is both good and bad. Good because that means I didn't created any unneeded attention for myself. I definitely didn't need any of that right now when I just arrived in a new world. Especially after what my experience with the Grail War has taught me.

This is horrible however since now that I have the time to better compose myself, I have just realize that I can't detect anybody within a 4 mile radius of myself. Well I can sense that beyond that there are people with all kind of levels of strength but they were all crowding each other. Troublesome because there goes my plan of just knocking out some idiot in a abandoned shady corner of town and extracting all this world general knowledge directly from his brain.

Well there no point just waiting here than for someone to come. Since I confirmed no one near me may as well explore my surrounding.

Walking out of the alley I was in, the first thing I noticed was just how badly decayed the various building around me were. Some of them were fairly minor with only cobwebs and a few small cracks in there walls other got as bad as having plant roots taking up the majority of the building. Honestly I wonder how that was even possible considering that the 2 building I just compared were literally right next to each other!

The second thing that caught my attention were how old the neighborhood I was in was. Not in the way that everything seemed to be abandoned for some time now but rather the architecture of the streets, houses, etc. Now I am no expert in this subject but with a single structural grasping spell it was easy for me to tell that the quality of the street and houses were far inferior to that of even the more antique areas in London.

Walking toward one of the abandoned building I noticed that there was a sign on the front door, from the appearance of the building that looks to be a run down store I am assuming the signs say open or close. Assuming because I have no idea what the bloody hell written on it! Despite the fact that I had knowledge in pretty much almost if not every language dead or alive on Earth.

Actually hang on I think I can decipher what written on this. Yes from what I could tell the language this is written in seems to be just a weird mix between the normal and cursive english alphabet, From the O like letter at the beginning and the fact that this conveniently also has 4 letter this signs is flipped open.

Well look like me being sent to this area wasn't a complete waste of time. Already I gotten the opportunity to learn this world language without any interruption. Still just to stay safe I should probably find more samples just in cast there are any irregularities I maybe missing like possibly an extra letter.

Walking away from the abandoned shop I began to continue wandering down the streets along the way I found more sample of this world written language to decipher. As I initially expected the only difference is that the english alphabet is written in a strange mix of cursive and normal. Though no all is going exactly fine. Despite the fact that I know how it written now it doesn't mean I know how to speak it. For all I know some of these letter could have a completely different pronunciation. And with no one in a-

Wait there was someone heading this way or rather in this direction. From what I can tell this person is alone with nobody else. Though that person feels to be much stronger than the average human from my world. By how much I'm not sure but now may be the my only chance for a comfortable first contact. However before that I'll think I will scout him out.

"Silentium, abscondam. " I casted two spells on myself the first to silence the noise I create and the second to just make me overall harder to protect. Thus like that headed into a shadowy alleyway to hide myself.

Time Skip

Poor that was the first thought that ran through my mind when I first saw this boy. From first impression alone I could tell that he wasn't that financially well off. For one his clothing were made of extremely quite low quality material and I didn't even need structural grasping to figure that out. Two his clothes had quite a few holes and patches on them. That combine with the fact that he look to be trying to head to his home when were in a presumed abandoned part of town point me to believe that he is a hobo.

Would noticing those details first be strange? kinda. After all most normal people would probably honed on the fact that this kid is an albino rather than the fact that he poor but then again I not most people but rather the winner of the 4th Holy Grail War. Going through such a horrendous event has fine tuned my brain to gather information by observing the smaller details of a person to figure them out rather than simply trust appearance alone.

Besides that this kid seems to be a hunter or warrior of some kind. Based on the backpack he carrying, the chestplate he wearing, and the low quality knife he has on him along with the way he run being inefficient I guessing he relatively new at this.

From the looks in his eyes and the pure smile on his face. This kid doesn't look to be a bad person either. Conclusion he the best possible candidate that I could have possibly met in this place. Sure the fact that he seems to be some kind of warrior is off putting but again he seems pretty nice plus the kid looks to be a complete noob so in worse case scenario I can at least escape if needed. For now though I should think about how I should make first contact.

Hmmm he looks to be running quite close to the side of the roads so I could probably just accidentally crash into him by rushing out of an alleyway to make it look like I am in a hurry. Yeah I'll go to the nearest alleyway up ahead and when he about to run by it Ill rush out and 'accidently' crash into him.

Pov Shift

Today was a great day. I don't know why but for some reason luck been on my side this entire day. This morning when I was on my way to the dungeon Miach-sama gave me two potion. Eina-san also gave me a map of the 3rd floors meaning I finally had permission to start adventuring there from her. On top of all that I manage to gain a monster drop today! I can't wait to finally get home and tell this to Kami-sama! I imagine she be-

" Guuuu" It seems that without realizing it I had bumped into someone causing us to both fall. The area around here is abandoned so there usually only me and my Kami-sama. So I guess I gotten reckless.

Looking up to see who I had bumped into. I greeted with the sight of a human male probably around the age of 19. I had never seen this person before while running around here. Despite the exotic clothes he was wearing. An expensive looking black jacket with a hood on the back along with blazing red loose baggy pant combined with his strangely designed shoes and shirt would look like something I would recall seeing.

Though then again I can't see his face very clearly due to his hood covering the majority of it. So perhaps he just someone I haven't met yet that just recently got those clothing.

" Ahhh sorry for bumping into just now." I said to this stranger.

"HOCASDOHSAJDASD" Staring straight into my eyes the stranger said some strange words that I didn't understand.

I don't know what happened afterward but for some reason everything just got really fuzzy all the sudden.

Back to Ark Pov

Mission accomplished! Information fully extracted. Thank you kind stranger for your patronage in my quest to rehabilitate into the culture of this world.

Though he didn't know everything I would have like him to I got the general gist of how things work around here. Still what a surprise. I know that a world where Human and God reached an understanding was part of my wish but I never thought it would be granted in this form.

This world where Humans, Gods, and various other races live side by side in complete perfect harmony of each other. Of course according to this boys memories racism was still kinda a thing but compared to my world, this world that had yet to even reach an era of Enlightenment was doing much better at handling racism than my world did.

Though I wonder what I should do now with this new information. My best move in order to gain a true magic would be to gain a blessing via joining one of these gods familia but the problem is which one.

Loki at first glance seems like a good choice a powerful familia with lots of resources behind it. It would be probably pretty hard, but with my magic that I would dare say is far superior to the extremely limited stuff they got here I feel like I have a chance. The big problem is that I would prefer not being force to go on the expedition that they often go on.

Ganesha is another big shot that is probably easier to join than Loki. They don't go on as many adventure and more often than not simply handle public relations so I would probably have more freedom there than Loki. However I'm not sure how well I would get along with their eccentric god.

Freyja is definitely out of the option. I read more than my fair share of myth and in them a general consensus seems to be that if one can. Always at least try to avoid goddess of beauties no matter what.

On the complete opposite end of those last three however is the familia of this boy that I hypnotized to be sleeping on the wall right now. The Hestia familia a new poor familia that literally have zero pros for joining it over any other familia. Well for the average person at least.

It because they are new and just starting out that they are perfect for me to join. They are a blank slate a familia with zero duties beside go into a dangerous underground dungeons and kill deadly monster that want you dead. From the memories I got from the boy his goddess seems pretty nice and easy to get along with if not on the overly emotional side. Though it obvious she likes this boy so my chances of becoming the head of things is probably nonexistent. Not that I would want to, too much responsibility that would get in the way of my research time.

Their financial issue isn't that much a problem for me. I could probably just open a magic shop using my spare cash from dungeon exploring and my wares would sell like crazy. After all my standards for magic item seems to be much higher than that of this world. Which is sad now that I think of it since they are still in the age of the gods. Though I can't confirm this since this boy has only ever went window shopping for them so he probably never seen the actual good stuff. I have confidence in the items I make rivaling this world absolute best regardless. And even if that venture failed WHICH IT WONT! The money one could make from the dungeons with only maybe killing 4-6 goblin is more than enough to apparently pay for a night at an inn and I am confident I could do better than the boy here.

I estimate that as I am now even without a falna I could probably kill in about an hour around 10-20 goblins depends if the dungeon is 'nice' enough with it spawn in the the first few floors. After all what a bunch of monster compared to history mightiest heroes.

Thus with my plan set and my lines ready I awoke the boy from his slumber.

"Uwahhh, sorry for bumping into you just now!" The boy named Bell said to me again. Not realizing that he was just a moment ago sleeping on the wall.

" It okay we are make mistake every now and then."

" Still I insist. After all you could have gotten hurt from that fall."

" Alright then I accept you apologies boyo." I waved it off. "Say your an adventure aren't you?"

" Yes, Im currently an adventurer under to Goddess Hestia." He replied instantly as if somebody like me could be trusted. Honestly this kid to pure for his own good.

" Ah well than this is pretty embarrassing to ask you but would you mind if I join your God familia." May as well lay it on him straight consider the type of person he is this is the best possible approach.





Hmmm? Did I perhaps do something?


Time Skip

" Bell-kun welcome home!"

Arriving at the rundown church that I already knew existed. The first things that greeted me was the sight of Cranel goddess hestia. Who I can only described as a child with breast rivaling that of super models. Launching herself onto the boy causing both off them to fall over.

" Kami-sama not now. There a guess here." tried to calm the goddess

"Eh?" noticing my presence just now Hestia turned her head slowly toward my direction as if just she showed me scene she didn't want anyone else to see. It okay Goddess I already have seen this multiple time due to Cranel patronage. There absolutely no shame in this situation. Definitely none at all. LoL.

" Ah Bell-kun brought a friend home come in come in." Hestia quickly recovered getting off of Cranel.

" It be an honor to accept. Kami-sama."

" Ah please call me Hesia instead."

" Alright Hestia-sama."

Guiding me into the church we went into an underground room where all there furniture seemed to be.

" Bell-kun would you mind fetching us some tea."

"I hope you don't mind but due to our financial situation we can't provide more." Hestia apologized. Not stated but apologized, man this is a really weird experience for me. A god apologizing to a human. Even with Cranel memories this is hard to take in.

" It alright Hestia-sama considering the reason I am here I should be glad for this much."

" Kami-sama here your tea." Bell returned with 3 cups of tea.

Taking a sip to accept their hospitalities I couldn't help but to notice the poor quality of this. Not that I am blaming them after all when one lives as the head of a fairly big magus family naturally one get the opportunity to try the best the world has to offer. Not to mention the gigantic time difference between my world and this one that has led to innovation in the art of brewing.

" So I must ask what the occasion for this sudden visit Bell friend."

Right straight to the point I guess here's goes nothing. Standing up from my seat.

" My name is Mercurius Ark. Hestia-sama please let me join your family!" I practically shouted that last part as I gave a bow.




Were doing this again aren't we?

"EEEEEHHHHHHHH!?" was the only response from the goddess.

Time skip

After waiting patiently for minutes on end just I like I did with Cranel it seems that Hestia finally calmed down a bit. Hmmm she got over it faster than the boy did than again unlike him she is a goddess with her lover trying to calm her down.

"Wuwuwaa!?" Or you know she was still as confused as before. Screw it I am not dealing with 5 more minutes or mindless mumbling. Let just go with it.

" I understand this is quite a lot I am asking of you but please consider even for a second my request!" 10/10 perfect acting skills. Now hopefully while she in her less than stable state doesn't ask for a why.

" Kami-sama please get it together!" Cranel scream with all the strength his level 1 lungs could possibly afford him snapping Hestia out of her daze.

" Eh? Ohh! Please forgive me for that sorrowful scene just now!" Goddammit Cranel you're too pure for your own good now she actually somewhat stable!

" Though I would more than gladly add you into my familia. Can I ask why Ark-kun? As you see there not many pros to joining our small yet humble familia?"

And she asked the one question I didn't want to answer. The worst part of all this. I can't lie. After all humans can't lie to gods and I don't want to risk it just because I am from another world. Well here goes then.

" Okay Hestia-sama but while I tell you my story I like to request to you not to interfere."

Giving me a nod in response. I began telling them how I got to this world and why. Naturally considering how nice the boy and Hestia is I omitted some detail about my murder death kill tournament and just said it was a normal tournament. I also omitted from the more gruesome things I have done as a magus. Along with some of the darker detail of my world like how the Gods are no longer around and the planet wan't humanity dead.

' I see you came to this world because you believe that in your world than reject magic it would be impossible to reach this things called a True Magic. So you hoped to travel to a world with a much nicer magical environment by participating in a tournament to gain a magical artifact capable of granting almost any wish. Do I have everything so far."

Nodding only in response I allowed her to continue.

" So you came crashing landing here and after sometimes managed to quickly gathered information about this world using your magecraft." Not entirely untrue I did use magecraft to gain most of my information here. Thanks to Cranel kind patronage.

" Thinking that growing stronger by joining a familia would be you best bet to achieve your dreams. You head out to find a familia that would allow you to join it and that when you ran into Bell-kun right?" Okay she twisted that last part into her own interpretation but hey no point in biting the hand that feeds me.

" That more or less the entirety of my story yes."

" I see well if that the case I see no reason to not help you with your goal in reaching this True Magic. Welcome Mercurius-kun to the Hestia familia."

Thus like that Bell erupted in joy.

My oh my why is it that I feel I will have to be watching out for this kid in the future.

Well if you made it here then you probably have some question about this chapter but before we go on I would like to say this I have low confidence in my fight scenes and possibly Grammer.

Now some of you may be wondering why I use a magus Oc rather than Shirou or Emiya or just a normal Si. Well for the first two I didn't have confidence in my skill to fully portray them also because we already have a crossover with them as mains. As for not using an Si well I felt that it would actually be easier to use an Oc instead. Give him an actual goal beside herp a derp live life become the best no one ever was get a harem. As for why I used a genius Magus rather than say someone with class card or a true magic well I didn't wan't to make my Oc to OP and reaching a true magic is my Oc goal so can't have him start out with it.

In this AU of the 4th War Angra never contaminated the grail because he wasn't summoned.

How Op my Oc you people may wonder? Well as he is now he not at the level where he can take on level 4 or higher. Without a falna he anywhere between high end level 2 to low end level 3 if he gets a lot of prep time. My Oc main strength would be his SKILL in magecraft. In the Hierarchy of Orario Riveria is the STRONGEST mage but Mercurius is the most SKILLED.

Why didn't Karna use Vasavi in his fight against Gil some of you may ask. Charge time moment Karna get that out Gil uses Ea to end the fight he had to stall things out until Merc defeated Tokiomi and activated the mana draing bounded field caster left behind.

Why did I start my story during the climax of the final battle of the Grail war. To give you a bit of context by the way this is an AU of the 4th war if you can't tell. Kiristugu never got hired by the Einzbern in this one.

One last disclaimer I am by no mean a mega nerd on everything Nasuverse just and above average one so forgive me if I make some terminology mistake here and there.

Any way Review and tell me what you think Any other inquiries then feel free to PM me.

Ms_Magician Ms_Magician

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