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Chapter 52: 52: The Unknown Visitor from Another Galaxy By: Eldenwind(RWBY x Star wars)

Fic type: Crossover/oc

A sith apprentice finds himself on remnant. The story is alright if you can overlook the part of the sith apprentice being not very sith like. He's not a wuss but he is not that dark compared to what you would expect from the Sith. Mc is from the old republic era.


The Unknown Visitor from Another Galaxy

By: Eldenwind

A Sith apprentice finds himself thrown into an unfamiliar world filled with monsters and crazy people. Now he has to somehow manage to blend in all the while a storm (or two) approaches with dark plots and militant extremists. OC from the Old Republic Era. Cover image courtesy of Nemris.

Rated: Fiction M - English - [OC, Blake B.] - Chapters: 83 - Words: 198,337 - Reviews: 576 - Favs: 756 - Follows: 843 - Updated: Aug 21, 2019 - Published: Sep 20, 2014 - id: 10703765



Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own either RWBY or Star Wars

An unnerving sense of displacement, an uncomfortable feeling of falling despite his body being still. His senses seemed to have stopped working suddenly, no sounds or smells, no light beyond his shut eyelids. When had he closed his eyes? A small sense of dread formed in his heart. Had his master managed to cut of his senses? He couldn't even feel his master's presence and that was new to him. He hadn't been unable to feel his master's presence ever since he had become his apprentice.

This was the last time he would participate in his master's experiments with powers he didn't understand, was what he wanted to say but he didn't exactly have a choice in the matter now did he? The feeling of falling stopped, although a slight sense of displacement still remained. It seemed he didn't have to worry too much as his senses returned. But his returning senses worried him, he felt a cool breeze, heard the sound of leaves rustling in the wind. The air felt warm, and he felt sunlight on his face. He opened his eyes.

"What…" a young man exclaimed silently, his eyes wide in shock. "Where am I?" This is most certainly not his master's laboratory. It didn't even seem to be the same planet.

The youth took a deep breath, reaching out with his mind. He could feel the mystical energy of the force surrounding him, suffusing the air, connecting all living things around him. He frowned. It was odd, he still couldn't feel his master, not even faintly, and that worried him in many different ways. At the same time he felt a slight sense of relief forming, a feeling of hope that he had become free from his master.

His mind reached out further, seeking answers. First he sought out the stars, looking for some hint about where he had ended up. His frown deepened, he couldn't feel any force sensitive individuals within his reach. No space faring life forms indicating a ship in travel. Sure he couldn't reach all the way across the entire galaxy but he could still search nearby systems. Yet nothing. This worried him deeply. Where were he that he would be so far removed from either the republic or empire that he couldn't sense either?

His probing mind returned to the planet he was on. If he could at least find civilization he might have some answers. His mind started wandering the area around him searching in ever widening circles for some hint of civilization. After a while of searching he felt something different. A large gathering of living beings packed together in such a way that it could only be a form of settlement. It didn't feel too large, reasonable, but hardly matching up to some places he had been. He ascertained the direction and distance to the settlement. A kilometre or so due south-west. A smile crept onto his face as he started to withdraw his senses, only to disappear as he felt something wrong. A void in the force filled with malice. He felt more of them moving around. He counted eight, nine maybe ten moving in his direction slowly, their malice targeted on him.

He opened his eyes, berating his carelessness for not making sure his position was secure before he started meditating. Reaching into the force once more he willed his weapon attached to his belt into his hand. At first glance to the untrained eye it might seem little more than a metal cylinder, but in actuality it was one of the most elegant weapons of the galaxy, feared and respected by all, a lightsaber.

The youth stood there as the anomalies approached. Ten black furred beasts with bonelike spines and a skull mask with red lines running across it with red eyes seemingly glowing with malice stalked out amongst the trees towards the clearing the youth stood in. They spread out in a half circle around him, clearly intending to surround him as they stalked around him, keeping a careful distance.

He stood there, waiting for the beasts to make a move, their anomalous nature only making them easier to sense. Some might have been too unnerved by the voids in the force the beasts were, but for someone like him who had been forced to serve a dark lord of the Sith as his apprentice they only caused a slight sense of discomfort, he was used to things that should not be.

A beast charged at his seemingly undefended side. He flicked a switch on the object in his left hand and a blade of pure dark crimson energy formed. Just as the beast was about to swipe at him he jumped, somersaulting above its head and cleaving it in two. He landed in a low stance as two more of the beast came head on, apparently unfazed by the fate of their pack mate. He dashed forward at inhuman speed, cleaving the beast in the middle before it could react before stabbing the other through its head with a swift lunge as it turned towards him. Now all seven remaining came at him at the same time. He grinned.

A swift pirouette lopped of one beasts arm and as he stopped a swift slash beheaded another. As the beast whose arm he had cut off turned to snap its jaws at him he spun the saber, cutting of the foolish beast's snout. To his surprise it still tried to kill him forcing him to use the force to push it away. It, and two others just behind it flew of, impacting heavily against some trees. He jumped as one tried to tackle him clearing the beast entirely and landing in front of another. Its attempt to swing at him was interrupted as two quick slashes cut of its arms while a finishing thrust through its chest killed it. A quick spin 180 degrees brought him to face with another beast and an upward slash split its skull. Letting his slash retain its momentum he turned on the place and cut down another with a fierce chop.

At this point two of those that had been pushed away returned charging at him. A quick flick of his wrist sent the lightsaber spinning cutting right through one while he extended his arm towards the other, reaching into the force, channelling the dark side as lightning shot forth electrocuting the other and sending it flying back into another tree. A quick look at the third of them confirmed that it had died, presumably from the wounds he inflicted on it earlier.

Now only one remained. As he got a better look at it he saw that it was larger than the others, presumably the alpha and leader of the pack. It charged towards him, his lightsaber was still flying and would not return before the beast could reach him. It mattered not, he turned his left arm towards it, once again reaching into the dark side. But this time no lightning shot forth. Instead the beast suddenly halted as it was lifted up, its claws reaching for its throat, trying desperately to undo the grip that was choking it. Obviously it was futile, there was nothing to try and pull away, it could not touch the force. His hand tightened, increasing the pressure on its throat, slowly crushing its windpipe, suffocating it. He held out his right hand in the direction of his lightsaber and it came back to it. He deactivated it and put it back in his belt as he considered the carnage and the beast before him.

The youth felt no other presences as the beast in his grip finally died. He felt some elation, and tried to suppress it, without his master he might just get off of this damned path. At the same time he admitted to having garnered a taste for the freedom offered by the dark side. But he also knew that he didn't need the dark side to be free. Both sides offered freedom, it was the orders that imposed rules and restrictions. He shrugged and set off towards the settlement he had sensed before the ambush, pausing with a bit of interest as he noticed the bodies scatter and disappear before moving on. He needed information, and there were only one way to find it that he knew of for now. And that was amongst the civilization on this planet.

Authors Notes: Hello. This is my first ever attempt at writing fanfiction and as such would just love to see some feedback. Something I have been thinking about and just not really being able to decide is when in the RWBY timeline to dump the poor dastard. I was mainly considering just before the beginning of volume one or at the beginning of volume two and have his first day at beacon see him get caught up in the food fight between team RWBY and team JNPR. Do feel free to point out mistakes and tell me what you think. And do tell me when you think I should start it and while you're at it maybe give me some suggestions on how I should shoehorn our poor unnamed friend into the plot.


Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own either RWBY or Star Wars

A young man stood on the sidewalk to a bustling street. Clad in black robes, his appearance was drawing attention to him. Now, he was used to being looked at and whispered about by commoners, but these people did not look at him in fear, but in curiosity, and their whispers were not the hushed voices of concern, but the wondering whispers of the curious.

He frowned for the umpteenth time that day. He was drawing unnecessary attention, which could make it more difficult for him to blend in. Thankfully he understood their language, it seemed to be similar to Republic Basic, but their written language was completely different. The people around him were all humans like him so that did not seem like it would be a problem.

He needed a plan, at the moment he was drawing to much attention just by his presence and that just would not do. Firstly, new clothes, his Sith garb was obviously something odd, a curiosity. Secondly, a new weapon, not that he was unsatisfied by his lightsaber but considering the attention drawn by his outfit the unusual and exotic weapon would draw far more and far less desirable attention. Thirdly, language, not so much the spoken, there he could manage just fine, as much as the written, he could not read it at all and that would be a major obstacle if he was to blend in with this society.

He pondered. The third could be done just as, but the other two would require funds, and he heavily doubted Republic Credits would do in this place. That would be a priority then, it would help him immensely, not just with the aforementioned, but also with food and lodging. So the problem there was, how? Stealing? He could be cold and ruthless, but even so he did not think highly of those who stole. Extortion? What did he just say about attention? Work? Could work but he did not know the written language nor did he have any contacts in this place… yet.

Only one way to find out he supposed, talking to the locals. He suddenly started moving, startling some who had been observing him. He picked out a target, a man walking just a bit ahead in the opposite direction.

"Excuse me?" He raised his voice a little, doing his utmost to keep it inquiring and uncertain, a testament to the proud and fearsome Siths acting skills. "Could you tell me the direction of the nearest administrative office? I'm new to town and a little lost."

The man looked at him curiously, wonder apparent on his face. "Just a little bit down the road and to the left. Looking for work? Or are you planning to enter Beacon?"

"Something along those lines, yes. I'm a little short on funds you see." The youth said, reaching out with the force, strengthening the man's natural desire to help.

"Oh, yes, that is a problem, here, have some Lien. It's not much, but I'm certain an upstanding young man like you can get more, no problem." The man smiled, digging out a sort of leather, storage?, and picking out some coloured cards, handing them to the young man.

"Oh but you didn't need to…" The youth said, feigning surprise.

"Eh, it's okay, just take it."

"Thank you sir, I will not forget your kindness." The youth smiled. 'And weakness.' He added in his mind.

"No problem, and welcome to Vale." The man said cheerfully, waving as he continued on his way.

The youth looked at him for a while, returning the gesture, before moving again, continuing in the direction pointed out. He looked down at the cards in his hand. This was their form of currency? How did it work? How much did he get? He studied them a bit, musing as to what their value was. He would have to figure this out eventually. He shrugged a bit, putting them in a pocket for safekeeping. He thought back to the man's words. 'Beacon? What is that?' He dismissed the thought, deciding to check on that later.

He used the force to reach out with his mind, investigating the people around him. They felt weird, like they were different. The force in them did not seem to connect them to other living things. No, that type was also present, but faintly, no more than in the trees or plants. Instead they had something else, something different, something more stained with their personality. He had already managed to differentiate between maybe seven individuals, even tracking one far beyond his vision range. Normally he only really got, "someone's there" or "someone is approaching" but here it was possible to see a difference. This interested the youth greatly and he decided to look into this.

He looked to his left, spotting a different building with some kind of writing on it and people moving in and out. He supposed that was what he was looking for. He looked at it. Even if he entered it would hardly help him right now, any kind of documentation would be a problem right now. He took care to dedicate the place to his memory before he moved on. 'Now, where to? I don't know anything about this place, I'm drawing too much attention, and I can't read their language. Then the only logical course of action is gathering knowledge, and for that, Libraries are generally the best option.'

With a new course of action decided, all that remained was figuring out where it was. Calling the attention off the nearest person, a young girl with black hair with red streaks in it wearing a red hood, he inquired about the location of the library, and after being guided there by said girl, found himself looking at quite the collection of hardcover books, although the young man had no idea what they were, for in his world information storage was handled differently. He looked around with interest, picking out some books and looking at them, opening them to look at the text. He quickly came to the conclusion that to handle this he would need some help.

The helpful girl from earlier came to mind, but she had left immediately after he arrived. Thinking back about her, he remembered that the unusual energy he had sensed in the people here had been unusually strong in her, it had seemed to radiate in a manner unlike the others he saw and seemed almost to cover her, protecting her. She had also carried herself with a grace and confidence that implied she had been a warrior of some kind. 'She had also been completely ador…' He stopped his thought. What was he thinking? He shook his head and scanned his surroundings.

His wandering gaze stopped on a girl sitting in a chair reading a book. She was not tall, maybe the same height as the girl earlier with light purple hair reaching down to her shoulders and light blue eyes wearing glasses. She seemed to be wearing a light grey jacket with pink highlights and burgundy sleeves with similar light grey pants with pink highlights as well and a pair of simple white shoes. For some inexplicable reason he decides to talk to her and therefore approaches, tentatively raising his voice. "Um, hello?"


She was sitting reading a book on tactics fighting Grimm when she heard a voice speak out to her. She started, snapping her head up towards the source of the voice. Before her stood a reasonably tall young man, with semi long dark blonde hair reaching down over his ears. He had piercing dark blue eyes, although currently they seemed to waver nervously. He was clothed in heavy black robes of a type she hadn't seen before and she could glimpse a dark vest type garment covering his chest as well as dark pants with a pair of black boots completing the outfit. She raised her eyebrows, nervously responding.

"Y-yes? What is it?"

"Oh, no, sorry." The youth shifted nervously, seemingly lost for words. "I wondered if you could help me. I'm looking for a good way to study the written language here and I kind of…"

'The written language?' The unexpected words brought her out of her nervousness a bit. "Why would you be doing that?"

He winced, seemingly berating himself for such a stupid wording. "Ah, you see, were I grew up we used a different writing system and so while it is shameful to admit I kind of can't read the local language."

She frowned, wondering where he grew up to have such a problem. "Maybe I can help you?" She was intrigued by the young man and decided that the best way to learn more was to offer her help.

The person in front of her seemed a bit shocked at her willingness to help but quickly recovered forming a smile on his face. As all this happened she noticed that the young man was not bad looking. His face was lean and well-shaped and his body was slim with just a hint of musculature indicating he kept himself in good shape. Realising she was staring at him she looked away, a slight hint of heat in her face.

"Thank you. I suppose introductions are in order, my name is Wayle Tyran. You may call me Wayle." He bowed theatrically.

'Wayle? Odd name.' She nodded. "My name is Latune Subbota. You may call me Latune. Nice to meet you."


He wasn't sure how to interpret the recent turn of events. After having spent a few hours learning to read which left him able to at least somewhat comprehend the text, they had spent maybe another hour talking about various things, through which he had managed to learn a lot more about the place he had come to. Now he found himself holding a pile of clothes as Latune considered a suitable outfit for him.

During their conversation he had let slip that he was unfamiliar with the local fashion and that he was wearing his only clothes. The result was as you could see. At least he found out that he had been given a fairly large amount of money from the man. Always something. It did on the other hand leave him a bit worried about the man's reaction when he realized how much he had given away to a stranger. Oh, well. One thing at a time.

After an agonizing hour or so they had left the store, his funds heavily reduced and his Sith garb in one bag while two more held some others. He himself found himself in a black vest with dark red and light blue patterns running up the sleeves before meeting on the back and a pair of nice dark grey pants with silver and gold trims. Underneath the vest he had a white shirt that could just about be seen. He still had the same boots though but that's fine. He liked the outfit, it was comfy, good looking and easy enough to move in. Most of it had been chosen by Latune, except for the vest which he had chosen after feeling it to be strangely fitting.

As it was getting late Latune asked him if he had a place to stay. He shook his head.

"Then I'll show you to a nice hotel I know where you can stay for a reasonable price." She suddenly said, waving for him to follow. "Come on! This way!"

He followed and they walked at a brisk pace before reaching their destination, a decently sized hotel with decently prized rooms. Renting a room for a few nights, they parted with promises to meet again if they could. He chuckled as the adorable girl left. Wait, what was with him today!? He shook his head and followed the wallet to his room.

It was a nice enough room, not to small, not to large. He was used to smaller and while most would have considered it a normal room to him it was luxurious beyond anything he had seen in quite some time. Depositing the clothing bags on a chair he immediately investigated the room and its functions, taking quite some time to figure out the bathroom.

He threw himself on the bed, mulling over what he had learned since he arrived in this world. The technological level was far behind that of the Republic and they knew nothing of the force. Instead they had what they called "Aura". An energy present in all living things, it was reminiscent of the force but far different. The creatures he had encountered were called "Grimm", soulless creatures bent on the eradication of mankind, or something. Furthermore there were something called "Dust", a mysterious substance that had saved mankind and now served as their primary weapon against the Grimm. This was of extra interest to him, as he considered its uses and powers. He would have to look more into all of these things.

Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this. No action here, just a lot of fluff. This happens before episode 1 of volume 1 for those who want to know. And hey! Our protagonist has been named! And two characters who will never again appear has shown up! *Blatant lies*

Anyways, please do give feedback. And feel free to point out any mistakes I make. And before I leave I would like some feedback on what team to put our friend, although I'm leaning towards either none or one with OCs. Until next time, goodbye, and have a nice day.

Ms_Magician Ms_Magician

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