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8.69% Connecting the Dots / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Initiation

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Initiation

Naruto was not having a good day. No, forget that, Naruto was having a TERRIBLE day. Not surprising perhaps, given that it was storming and he was dripping wet. Or that he'd just run over twenty miles just to get here. Or that he was standing in the middle of a battlefield amidst the broken and bleeding bodies of his friends. Or that the people responsible, standing just across the wood from him, were some of the most wanted criminals in the world.

It didn't help either that one of them had once been one of his closest friends.

"They're not dead, you realize." Sasuke said coldly, bringing Naruto out of his stupor. "Though killing them would be easy enough."

Naruto's eyes turned just a touch red. "Sasuke…"

"They were trying to stop me." Sasuke interrupted him. "I've left enough examples by now for them to realize what happens to those who try to stop me. It's not my fault they decided to be stupid." His eyes narrowed slightly. "But at least they recognize that I can never return."

"Sasuke, these people were your friends!"

"Tch." Sasuke jerked his head upwards. "I am an avenger. I do not have 'friends.'" Naruto noticed the red-haired girl behind Sasuke wince slightly. "While others may obtain bonds of love and friendship, such bonds only distract me from my true nature. My darkness is my strength. Bonds of hatred are the only kind I can ever have."

"You left them alive." Naruto pointed out.

"Don't tempt me," growled the silver-haired boy at Sasuke's side, leveling an enormous sword.

Sasuke ignored the swordsman's outburst. "That was so that I could convince you."

Naruto blinked.

"You, Naruto, have grown powerful, but you remain the same idiotic dobe you were before. You refuse to confront reality. You fail to realize that who I am is who I want to be. I do not need rescuing, not from Orochimaru, or Madarra, or even from myself. As an avenger, this path is my destiny."

"Don't start feeding me that destiny crap." Naruto growled. "You're starting to sound like Neji."

Sasuke shook his head. "Dobe. You still don't get it. I am an Uchiha. I am destined to be driven by hatred, I am destined to be an avenger. I am destined to do battle with you."

"I'm not gonna fight you, Sasuke."

"Yes you will." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "That's why I left your friends alive." He stepped forward a little and nosed one of the bodies with his foot. It let out a feeble groan.

Naruto's eyes widened. "Don't…!" He said, stepping forward.

"Hm." Responded Sasuke, simply studying the body at his feet, ignoring the looks both Naruto and his own team were sending him. "I remember this one. Not the most powerful genin, but devoted. Went down easily enough. Kept getting back up, though, must've knocked her over thirty times. Rather like you in some ways." He frowned contemplatively. "I think I even remember Zetsu telling me something about her and you during Pein's attack."

"Er… Sasuke-kun…," whispered the red-haired girl hesitantly.

"You always were focused on bonds, Naruto. Protecting your precious people, ne?" He glanced up to see Naruto quivering with rage. "Is this one of them?"

Naruto did not respond.

"And," Sasuke continued as he flicked his sword into his hand and laid the point on the girl's throat, "can you protect her? Hmmm?" He lifted a calm eyebrow.

Naruto stared at him, shock rapidly turning to anger. The red-haired girl's eyes widened. The huge man to Sasuke's right shifted uneasily. There was a long moment of silence in the forest.

The body under Sasuke coughed suddenly. "N… Naruto-kun…?" It croaked.

Several things happened in that moment. Naruto threw himself, screaming and glowing with a strange red chakra, at Sasuke. Sasuke flicked up his sword and threw himself at Naruto. Sasuke's teammates, too slow to realize what was going on, started backward. A pair of white eyes opened and groggily focused on the battle.

And off to the far left of the battle, a battered, bleeding man with silver hair raised himself on one elbow . His right eye opened, revealing a curious, swirling red eye.

"Kamui." He whispered.

The air around the field crackled with a strange energy. The forms suddenly blurred, warped, reshaped, and twisted into strange spiral shapes. And then there was a blinding flash…

And suddenly they were all gone. The field, the bodies, the fighters, and the friends. The only person left was the silver-haired man. I… didn't mean to… get all of them… Hatake Kakashi, Rokudaime Hokage of Konoha, collapsed onto the cold stone. Oh well. I hope… they do alright… were his last thoughts as he slipped into unconsciousness.

In an alleyway in Gotham, a bright light flashed and several dark forms tumbled to the ground.

Somewhere in Hub City, a boy fell through a flashing hole and collapsed onto the pavement.

Jump City's park flared with sudden light as four figures materialized into existence.

Three guards in a mysterious underground complex leapt backwards as a glowing portal filled the hallway and shot several people at them.

And high in the skies above Metropolis, a glowing ball of light materialized and dropped three people toward the ground below.

As they fell, the slim blond girl in the group opened her eyes. For a moment she stared at the swiftly approaching lights.

Her eyes widened. Whoah.

to be continued...

A/N: Wow, what a lot of pretty story hits, alerts, and faves! Very nice! Thanks a lot! But you know what would be even nicer? REVIEWS. Faves are nice and all, but reviews give an actual personality to my readers. You become MORE than just a number, you become a living, breathing person! And you like breathing. So review.

Oh. Yes, I'm now aware that actually Deidara's arm was NOT sucked into another dimension, Kakashi's eye just broke it off at the shoulder. I'm sorry. Looking at the scene in the manga, it really, really looks like the arm just completely disappeared. Lets just label this an AU, shall we?

Now, while I'm at it, I have a misconception to clear up. A few of the reviews I did get expressed concern that NaruHina was overdone and that the pairing would dominate the Crossover. Also, I have a vague suspicion that many of the faves and alerts I did get relied partly on my statement in the last chapter that this would have the NaruHina pairing in it.

So. To be fair to both parties, here's the deal. This is not a NaruHina STORY, but it is a Crossover story with NaruHina elements. Same with Batman and Wonderwoman. The point of this story is not going to be Uzumaki cleaning out Hyuuga's tonsils, but at the same time I do plan for there to be NaruHina moments. To be honest, I'm not sure I could get rid of them if I tried-there was another plan I was trying to keep out of here, and it snuck in anyway.

And anyway, just because a pairings been done before doesn't make it bad, in the same way that a new pairing might not be good. I could write a Hashirama/Shiho pairing, but that doesn't mean it'd be any fun to read.

Next chapter should be up in two weeks or so. From what I've gotten done on it so far, I'm pretty proud of it... lets just say the DC heroes are going to meet the rookies in some interesting ways.

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