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100% From the shadows I rise / Chapter 12: Teaching Harry 3

Chapter 12: Teaching Harry 3

I have been training Harry for about a month and a half now and he has made some decent progress. He can do 20 proper push-ups without any strain, he can run a few kilometers before he is tired and do a decent amount of pull-ups. If you are wondering why as a six year old child he can make such quick progress. Magic my dear friend and a couple of healing potions for those nasty muscle pains after a hard days of working out. I mean the kid could do barely half a push up and he was out for the count. I call this amazing progress.

Now I got him to slow down and keep up a routine, don't want him to overwork and stunt his growth. He has also joined me in my morning Tai Chi exercises. The most interesting thing to happen was that Sirius also decided to join. I put him through a hellish training schedule these last two weeks. He's a grown man I don't have to be afraid of stunting his growth.

I make one of my house elves chase him around the mansion. Every time he stops running he gets zapped. I made the house elf scream 'The Power of YOUTH' every time he started running again. Ever since that day Sirius has been looking for a new mansion so he can move out.

Due to all this training he has managed to start gaining some muscle and an outline of a six pack and I mean a proper six pack. Not the six pack you get cause you are skinny and that your skin raps around the muscle.

"Alright lets start with some basic martial arts moves. Throw your best punch." I tell Harry. He starts of by making a fist, but he already made a mistake by putting his thumb inside his fist. Then he extends his arm to throw the punch. Only for his spaghetti arms to wobble like crazy. I just face palm myself.

"First off, do not ever put your thumb inside your fist. You have a high chance of breaking your thumb if you do that. Next try to keep your arm stable. Let's start with the basic practice stans. Legs at shoulder with and put your arms at your side. Now put your arms at a 90 degree angle. Make your fist and throw a punch." I show him a demonstration of karate punches.

He redoes exactly the way I did it, except it looked really amateurish. Then again what do you expect this is the first time he has thrown a punch. I continue to instruct him and point out the flaws in his punches. This goes on for sometime. Then we had lunch. After linch I tell him his new routine to build up more muscle mass.

So I have him the Saitama training regimen. And told him to do as many as he can before he collapses, till he can do the full exercise without strain. He will do that in the morning and in the afternoon I will continue to instruct him on his martial arts. In the evening he is free to join me in the library to do some magical studies.

That is how we spent the next 3 months of our time with Harry doing a Saitama work out, Sirius running away from house elves screaming 'the power of YOUTH'. I even made them use voice alteration to make them sound like Guy sensei. I spent my time meditating and slowly transfigurating myself in to my animagus form.

Finally after 3 long months of hard work Harry was able to do the Saitama work out without strain. So I decided to allow him to do light exercises in the morning and I also taught him to meditate. So every morning before the sun rises Harry and I sit outside in the lawn and meditate till the sun rises. The we do Tai Chi to make sure his body stays flexible. After that a Saitama work out.

I have been able to produce magical weights like the ones that Rock Lee hid under his leg warmers. Except they are smaller and loom like bracelets and they work with magic. I will give Harry a pair to help with magical control and training when he turns like eight.

I have also started to join Sirius in his night life, as I have come to realize that I am lonely as fuck. I also have some pent up lust that needs to be released. So almost every other night Sirius and I head out to the streets of London and pick up some chicks. He got drunk one time and picked up a hooker that stole his wallet. He had like £300 in his wallet, if you were to convert that that same money would be worth £885 now a days.

Sure not worth much in 2020 where everything costs hundreds of pounds, but now in this day and age where your monthly groceries don't cost you more than £50 pound that a shit ton of money.

I'm getting side tracked, so back on topic. I need a girlfriend. Maybe I can find one if I look in the French wizarding community, they are better looking then the english for sure. Maybe I should see if I have a chance with Cindy Crawford. She was one of the hottest chicks in the 80's. She should be about 20 years old now. I can't tho I will be leaving this world in a few years after I read all the books in the Hogwarts library. Also maybe visit the department of mysteries.

"Hey Arthur I have found this lovely little pub around the corner the other day. So get your head out of your ars and let us start our nightly adventure." He said while rapping an arm around my shoulder and dragging me along. I had turned 20 about a week ago and instead of celebrating I spent it studying. So Sirius dragged me out to party till I dropped. Which is never gonna happen with my metabolism.

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