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76.92% From the shadows I rise / Chapter 9: Teaching Harry 1

Chapter 9: Teaching Harry 1

While Sirius was being led to a room to rest and eat. Give himself a chance let all the anxiety from through out the day to exit his system, so he has a clearer mind. I went ahead and had dinner with Harry.

"Harry I had met someone today that you might want to meet." I start of the conversation as Harry seemed really invested in his spaghetti and meatballs.

"Oh, who might that be." He asks me with a mouth full of food.

"I met your godfather. Apparently he was put in jail by accident and couldn't come see you. I had helped him out and brought him here to meet you tomorrow morning." I say. Harry stops eating and looks at me. I can see that with the first half of my declaration he tensed up, but as I continued he seemed to calm down. Probably realizing that it's not that his godfather didn't want to see him, it's that he couldn't.

"Alright." Is the only response I got before he once again went to war with his dinner.

"Also tomorrow I will help you with your studies and if I see that you have improved enough by the time you turn 6 I will start your practical training with magic. Also at the end of the week we will start your physical training." He seems excited at the opportunity to become a wizard. But he seems more excited at having the chance at being a martial arts master.

The main reason is because I had shown him some of my recorded fights. He seemed so entranced at the thought of being able to fight like me. Being able to brake a 5 cm thick piece of wood with his bare fists.

Doing martial arts and Tai Chi had actually given me an idea of using martial arts to bend the mana around me like the Avatar. Sadly I have had no progress in this field after all this time. I think it has to do with the fact that mana doesn't flow the same way as chi. So I would need to visit a world where chi technique are prominent, so I could have a better understanding chi movement.

After dinner I headed back to library to start studying all the stuff I had left to the side to study the subject that have more priorities. So when I entered the library I immediately went to where I kept all my books on Alchemy and Curses.

The next morning I left the library, heading towards the dining room table where I heard talking and the occasional laughter. I was really confused, but then I realized that Harry Sirius must have met and are hitting it off. I enter the dining room and sit at the head of the table. The moment I sat down a bowl of fruit honey and a strawberry milkshake appeared on the table.

After a few minutes the other finally realize that there is another person at the dining table. They turn to look at me and see me just enjoying my breakfast, so they just ignore me and continue talking and laughing. After I finished my breakfast I decided it was time for me to talk to harry about his training.

"Well, good morning. Harry I will check how far you have gotten with your studies this afternoon. You may enjoy yourself for the rest of the morning. Also Sirius you are welkom to stay as long as you lik." I tell them as I get up from my seat and head for my office just off the living room. I decided to invest some money in some muggle businesses and make my wealth bigger for when I leave I have more gold.

I apparated to Diagon Alley and headed for Gringotts. Once I entered the bank I headed for a free teller and asked him if he could tell Flitslay I was here to see him. A few minutes later I am sitting in his office.

"Well good morning mister Flitslay. I have come here today to offer you a business proposal that you will surely love." I tell him and at the mention of money you could tel that the goblins back became straighter.

"Well mister Draknos I would like to hear you proposition." He says as if he is uninterested just in case it's a bad deal.

"Well as you know the muggle's are advancing very quickly with their technology. And by the way things seem their are a few business that are much more profitable than the rest." I tell him and bring out a binder with all the information I could find on the different companies that are worth investing in. I put in enough information that it looks like a good deal, but left out all the important information that they would either have to agree with me or spend a lot of time and resources to get that missing information.

I then took out a contact that states that we are going to be business partners. It states that all the money made from the investments will be divided between the two parties at a rate of 75/25 me being the one with the higher percentage. And if by any chance I am no longer alive or go missing for more than 2 years, the percentages will switch to 30/70 where Harry Potter will inherit the smaller percentage. And the money left in my vault will also be inherited by Har try potter with 10% of what is in the vault will go to the bank.

When the goblin finished reading this his eyes almost bulged out of his skull. I mean based on the money he could make from the galleons in my vault is already enough for him to sign this contract, I mean 10% of 400,000,000 is still 40,000,000. I took out two more copies of the contract. I made sure to make sure 3 people have to sign each copy. Which are te head of Gringotts Ragnar, my banker Flitslay and me. Making the contract magically binding was also aded. We each keep a copy of the contract.

I left the bank with a smile on my face. I realized I spent more time than I originally thought I would. So I immediately went back home. Once home I saw something I never thought I would ever see, Sirius studying. He was reading and studying the book I had given Harry on an introduction to magic. And he seemed really focused too.

"Well isn't that a rare sight to see. Sirius Black famous for fooling around instead of studying, sitting here with his head in a book." He looks up at me and we both laugh.

"Just because I don't like studying doesn't mean I'm stupid. I can recognize great material when I see it snd this book has answered some questions I have had about magic since my time in Hogwarts." He tells me.

"Well it was written by yours truly. I have a very high talent for magic and with my genes, I not only have a high amount of mana but I also have a high affinity with it. Can you imagine that a man with both affinity and talent, that my friend is a scary thing." I say and hand him a book that is a bit more advanced than the one he was reading. Then I turn to look at Harry who was, just like always snacking and reading.

"Alright Harry let's see how well your studies have gone. Tell me what you have understood about what is written the book." I ask Harry, who looks at me for a second puts his book away and starts explaining.

"Magic is a type of energy that freely floats in the air. It has a special property that allows it to create matter, by combining particles at a sub-atomic level. By reading the science book you gave me I now understand that that means, that it basically creates stuff out of thin air by pulling these particles together. That is how magic works in tan-d-im." He looks up at me to see if he said the word right and I just nod.

"With creation of things. Magic like transfiguration works by changing the structure of the objects at a sub-atomic level to make new things. These changes are maintained by magic. That is why when the mana you put in runs out the atoms destabilize and return to their original form."

"Witches and wizards are people who are born with a high amount of mana inside their bodies. Which causes mutations which make them more in tune with mana making it a possibility for them to also control mana, resulting in magic. Also due to the fact that witches and wizards have a natural affinity with mana, they also passively draw mana to themselves which causes their mana reserves to grow bigger. At the age of 11 for a reason you haven't figured out yet, the body automatically starts drawing mana actively. Which causes their previous tiny reserves to grow bigger faster. Making it possible to cast magic from that age onwards. This phenomenon repeats itself when a witch/wizard reaches the age of 17." He stops there and puts on a thinking face to try and see what else he can remember that he has studied up until now.

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