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69.23% From the shadows I rise / Chapter 8: Wizengamot

Chapter 8: Wizengamot

I had just returned home when I noticed that the sun is still high in the sky. It will take a while for the sun to set. So I decided to head for the library and continue studying my healing magic. As I pass by the living room I notice harry eating snacks while reading on my couch. That reminds me I can make him some supplement potions to help put his growth and health back on track.

So I get Poppy to buy me some ingredients from a potion shop in Diagon Alley, while I head of to the potions room. In te middle of the room there are multiple cauldrons of varying sizes. After Poppy came back with the ingredients I immediately went to work, I had come to realize that making potions is a very precise process. You can't make mistakes or the potion will come out terrible, either in taste or in effect. I mean potions taste bad in the first place, but they can taste a whole lot worse.

After sitting in the potion room for about half an hour I exit with two potions. These are two of the easiest potions to make, so it didn't take to long. I make my way over to the living room and hand the potions to Harry and tell him to drink them. I also ask Bomley to get harry some juice to wash down the potions. After I was done with that I headed off to the library.

For the next couple of weeks, Harry and I have spent our times doing nothing but studying. Harry would sometimes come and ask me questions but nothing out of the ordinary. We were both stuck in the same, but enjoyable routine of eating, sleeping, reading and repeating. Harry as really opened up to me and is no longer shy, he is especially happy with the fact that he is eating properly and has his own bedroom. The thing that he is happiest about is being treated like a human being and not some type of free labor worker, that can be abused.

The meeting at the Wizengamot is supposed to take place tomorrow. I can't help but be excited. I have also finished studying all my healing magic and wizarding laws. Honestly who wrote this law book a five year old. All te laws are on the side of the pureblood's almost no laws to protect muggle born wizards. The only people who are properly protected except for pureblood's are the muggle's themselves, not muggle born wizards. I'm talking about muggles that don't know about the wizarding world.

Anyway gotta get ready for tomorrow, I'm gonna be so busy. *sigh* No rest for the wicked they said. With that last thought I headed of to bed.

The next morning I woke up, took a shower and headed down for breakfast. During breakfast I had let everybody know that I wil be going out today. Before I left I helped Harry with some questions he had, mostly just some words were too hard for him to understand. That reminds me to buy him a dictionary on my way back from the ministry.

So here I am sitting in a chair in front of every member of the Wizengamot, as they stare at me. They all want to make sure I am who I say I am. Most of them are happy that there is another young wizard that they can marry their daughters too. Especially due to the fact that my family is rich and even though I am the only member, it is a fact that even the weakest member from the Draknos family is worth at least 6 elite wizards. And they could tell that I was worth more than that, purely based on the fear that they feel when looking at me from deep within. So I should be worth 10 or more elite wizards.

Most didn't know who I was at first, they thought I was some kind of criminal who needed to put to vote on a death sentence. So it was hilarious when minister Fudge announced who I was and that I was here to take my place among the council. Most of them rapidly agreed hoping to gain my favor, wit madam Bones being the first as my ally. I mean who wouldn't want a rich ally with the strength to back it up.

Now that my matter was over, it was time for this mornings main event. Just as I finished my thought minister Fudge stood up from his seat. At that moment there were also some reporters realized that something important was about to go down. So they held made sure that their quilts had enough ink and their note pads had enough room to write on.

"I would like to bring to your attention a serious problem that has certainly caught mine. A few weeks ago I had decided to read up om some events that pertain to the boy who lived also known as Harry Potter. I had come across something quite disturbing. It was brought to my attention that Sirius Black was put in Azkaban without a trial. Seeing that we are all here why don't we hold the trial right now." As he said that two Aurora's came in with Sirius black, they put him in a chair in front of the council and administered some Veritaserum.

All these happened in such quick succession that many people hd trouble keeping up. Most of the reporters where having the time of their lives. Some pureblood's seemed worried, cause they were able to connect the dots. If Sirius could be put in jail with no trial, what about us. Due to the fact that everybody seemed to be stuck in their own thoughts I decided to get the ball rolling.

"Mister Black is it true that you were the one to be the main cause for the murder of James and Lily Potter?" I ask.

"No." He answered and seemed to have gained some light back in those dead eyes.

"Can you perhaps tell us what role you played in the murder of James and Lily Potter?" I ask another question.

"I played no part in their murder. They were murdered by he who must not be named. Peter Pettigrew and I were under the Fidelius charm. He told that man where the Potters where hiding and I arrived to late and could only find their dead bodies." He says and starts to tear up a little.

"One last question. What is your relation to the Potter's?" I ask the last question, te killing blow for all those who doubt.

"I am Harry's godfather." He actually starts to cry a little at that last question.

When everybody heard the story they were stunned. Sirius Black is innocent, the real guilty party is Peter Pettigrew the man we had awarded a medal of the highest degree and honor towards, the Order of Merlin. I decided to help out Fudge to firmly get him in my pocket. Not only is he innocent he is the godfather of the boy who lived.

"Well minister Fudge I believe you deserve an applause for unearthing such a thing. Not only have you freed an innocent man, you have done a great service by giving the boy who live another family member. When he joins the wizarding world in a few years I believe he will be eternally grateful." I say for all to hear.

I then walk down to Sirius Black and help him up from the chair and start heading for the exit just before we leave I say.

"I believe that this meeting has come to an end so I shall take mister Black to the infirmary and make sure that he stays safe." And continue walking. Once outside of the meeting room I stop walking and look at Sirius.

"Well took me quite the effort to get you out of Azkaban miste Black. I believe Harry will be happy to see you." I say with a smile. At the mention of Harry, Sirius immediately perks up.

"How is he and also who are you?" He asks with an inquisitive look on his face. Then I realize that he wasn't there for the first half of the meeting and I haven't introduced myself, so of course he doesn't know who I am.

"Forgive me. My name is Arthur William Adam Draknos. From the most ancient and noble house of Draknos and at the moment the caretaker of Harry Potter." I introduce myself.

When he heard who I was he didn't seem to know I mean he was born 2 decades after the extinction of my house. But when he heard that I was the caretaker of his godson he went over the moon with happiness.

"Well I will take you to my mansion were you will rest up. You can meet Harry tomorrow, when you have had a a good night worth of sleep and some good food in your stomach. Maybe shave a little wouldn't want to scare him, by making him think I brought big foot home." I laugh at my own joke. Once we exit the ministry I apparate us back to my mansion where I get a few o the house elves to look after him and heal some of the injuries he had.

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