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61.53% From the shadows I rise / Chapter 7: Amelia Bones

Chapter 7: Amelia Bones

Next morning I exit the library and head towards my bathroom to take a soak in my tub. I just need a minute to relax. As I was relaxing in my tub I remembered something. In about four months it will be my 20th birthday. Also the day I awaken my divinity, I'm quite excited about it. I wonder what will happen with me. Also will I receive other benefits, I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

I exit the tub and put on one of my suit's, cause today is a day all about business. I need to formally introduce myself into the wizarding community and get my hands on some law books to study.

I head down to the dining room where I see Harry already eating some oatmeal. Which I find quite confusing, cause he was as quite and shy as a mouse yesterday and now all of a sudden he is already taking this as his new home. What an od little man he is.

"Well good morning Harry." I say. I ask Poppy to prepare my breakfast for me.

"Good morning sir." Harry says quite comfortably. Which once again surprised me, this is a complete 180 from yesterday. Well I guess he adapted quite quickly in most situations in the book and movie. Mostly cause he just went with the flow and decided not to argue, well at least not too much.

"Just call me Arthur. I will be like your big brother for the next coming years, so don't hold back and come to me if you have any questions." I tell him. Poppy shows up with my breakfast which are an assortment of fruits and a banana milkshake. I drizzle some honey on my fruits and enjoy my cold breakfasts.

After breakfast Harry headed off towards the living room I bade him a good day and headed off towards the ministry. It's time for the world to know that the family Draknos is back.

I walk out of my manor and apparate to Diagon Alley. I exit the Leaky Cauldron on to the bustling streets of London. I head towards the ministry of magic. I hale a taxi and head towards the Great Scotland Yard, where I find a phone box. I head inside and dial 62442 and wait for it to connect. After waiting for a few minutes the lines connect and I hear the voice of an office lady.

"This is the ministry of magic. My name is Karin how may I assist you." This sounds exactly the same as an actual social worker.

"Hi my name is Arthur and I would like to schedule a meeting with minister Fudge. Tell him it's urgent and if he doesn't agree tell him my last name is Draknos." I hear her writing something down, then I hear her stand up and walk away. I patiently wait for her to come back. A few minutes later she tells me the minister will see me right away.

So here I am a few minutes later sitting in front of one of the most incompetent ministers of magic to ever be elected. I honestly wonder how he lasted as long as he did.

"Well good afternoon minister Fudge. Let me formally introduce myself. I am Arthur William Adam Draknos. The reason I am sitting here today is to inform you that I will be taking my rightful place in my seat as one of the sacred 28 or should I say 29." I laugh at my own little joke and the minister laughs along with me.

"Yes, of course mister Draknos. I will announce a Wizengamot meeting right away. It will take 20 days before the meeting will officially start." Minister Fudge tells me. He is a man that lives on ratings. So he tries to keep everybody happy. So here is my chance.

"I would also like to meet the head of the Aurora's if you don't mind." He just nods to me and leads me towards the Aurora's department. On the door to the office there is a name plate and on it is a name written. Amelia Bones ad trustworthy as the word can get, one of the best ally's you can possibly have in this world. Minister Fudge knocks on the door and we hear a come in and that is exactly what we did.

"Hello there Amelia. I have brought you a guest." Minister Fudge announces and I see a middle aged woman sitting behind a desk going over what I assume to be report's, what kind of report's is anyone's guess.

She looks up from her papers and looks and annoyed at minister Fudge, then she looks at me and she seems surprised. It's like she recognized me, but that's not really possible. The only other thing is, that she probably assumes Fudge is here to drop me off at the Aurora's departement.

"May I ask who exactly it is that I am meeting and why I am meeting him." She seems to be a little on the edge. Not surprising, her job is stressful and she has an incompetent boss on top of that. I feel for this poor woman.

"Ah yes, let me introduce you. This is sir Arthur Draknos." After mentioning my last name Amelia seems surprised. She is only 32 years old but she had heard about the extermination of an entire pure blood family being wiped out. It's been almost 4 and a half decades since and no one has heard of any surviving members. So after all this time most people have forgotten about this once great family.

"It's a pleasure to meet you madam Bones. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a while now." I say as I grab her hand and give a kiss to the back of it. Now that I get a better look at her, she doesn't as old as she did i the movie or maybe in the next few years she will age rapidly due to stress. For now at least she still looks fairly attractive, I don't mind using some good old fashion handsome charm.

"The pleasure is all mine mister Draknos, come please have a seat." She says as she pulls out a chair for me. I take a seat and as I fo that minister Fudge takes that as a sign to leave. So he bade his goodbyes and left to go do whatever it is he was supposed to do. Now that I am finally left alone with Amelia I think it's time to start making friends.

"Well I won't lie to you madam Bones, the real reason I have come to visit today is because I will be joining the Wizengamot in 20 days. As the sole surviving member of my family as well as having a muggle mother will most likely make me experience troubles. So I have come here today to make you my Ally, cause I have heard that you are the most honest and trustworthy of them all." I say my part and wait for her reply.

Amelia goes into deep contemplation over what I had just said and she comes to the conclusion that what I said is very true. She has deduced that I won't really have a problem joining the court, it's the fact that anything I do after joining the court that will be heavily monitored.

"Very well mister Draknos. I can help make sure that you won't be too heavily restricted in the actions you take." She tells me. Now I have a political ally and have some sway in the court. But I need more sway, so I need to get Sirius out of Azkaban. I also need to study the laws.

"Very much appreciated madam Bones. I would like to request somethings from you, don't worry it's nothing problematic." I tell her and reassure her that it isn't anything that can get her in trouble. So I just asked her for a book on the law and if I could have one to study. She nodded and gave me one of the Aurora booklets for newcomers, who need to study the law.

I had decided that it is better if I ask Fudge for the papers on Sirius black. It is going to be so easy to convince him of it too. The man loves his ratings, anything that can boost his public image is welkom. And I have just the way to convince him of it. So before I leave I head back over to minister Fudge's office to pitch him my plan.

"Minister Fudge I have something to speak to you about and I was wondering if you could spare me some time." I ask politely.

"Of course mister Draknos, come in. Have a seat. Tell me what is it that you have on your mind." He tries to be as friendly as possible.

"I have heard of Sirius black. It says that he is a traitor and a villain. I had just visited the archives to check and see if I could find any information on his trial, but to my surprise it seems like he hasn't even had a trial." I say and made a surprised expression.

At my statement Fudge seems to grow paler as he understands what this could mean if someone else found out. Putting a pureblood in prison without a trial is a big no no. His ratings could drop if more pureblood families find out. Even worse if a pureblood can be locked away with out trial what about a muggle born, they will start a revolution.

"Why look so worried Fudge I have a solution to your problems. Why don't you raise the problem in the Wizengamot in 20 days. Tel them that you had wanted to make a good impression on the boy who lived, so you went to do some homework. To make notes for future reference on his parents if he has any questions. When you found this out you were outraged. Also what better way to gain ratings than to be the one to set an innocent man free and to gain the gratitude and favor of both Sirius black as well as Harry Potter himself. You wil then also have another political ally in Sirius to ensure your reelection." I finish pitching my idea to him.

Once I was done talking minister Fudge seems to have regained all the colour he had lost plus some more. He seems to have weighed the pros and cons in the situation and realizes that what I said was very true.

"Very well mister Draknos I will see to it, that it is done." He tells me. Then I remembered that I have to warn this idiot so he doesn't do something stupid.

"Fudge, don't tell anyone about this. Keep it a secret, cause who ever wanted Sirius put away had put a lot of effort in to it. Make sure you bring him in in 20 days. I believe you can tel miss Bones to send in her personal best to pick him up from Azkaban. Wouldn't want to gain the ire of the boy who lived, if he finds out you are the reason his innocent uncle is dead." He rapidly nods at what I said.

After doing everything that needed to be done I head back home.

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