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53.84% From the shadows I rise / Chapter 6: Takin in Potter 2

Chapter 6: Takin in Potter 2

Once done with all my planing and thinking, the time had arrived for me to go and pick up young Harry. I hailed a cab and drove to the Dursley's house and knocked on their front door. After a couple of minutes the front door was opened. We conversed for a little bit while I waited for Harry to come down and for us to leave.

Once I saw Harry I immediately noticed that they had properly fed him and clothed him. They seemed to have also bought him a new pair of glasses. Looking at the fact that his body seems well rested they probably let him sleep in a proper bed. They are trying to make sure I don't notice anything wrong with him. I also noticed that he had a pretty big suitcase with him. Probably bought him an new set of clothes.

"Well Vernon it seems that everything is set. So tell me how much I should reimburse you for." I ask him with a smile on my face, as I take out my checkbook.

"Well we paid for 2 years at the primary school so that we could save up and pay the rest at a later date. So you owe us £500 each year so that would be £1,000." I knew for a fact that he was inflating the price by quite a the amount, but I am extremely rich and need a reason to spend my money. I wrote and signed the check and handed it to him.

I took young harry to taxi waiting outside and took him to the Leaky Cauldron. On the way there Harry was extremely quite so I decided to talk to him.

"Well Harry it's nice to finally have a chance to talk to you. Your uncle seems to enjoy talking too much." I say in a very calm and relaxed manner, I also make sure to add a smile and a little laugh at the end. He seems to visibly loose some tension and relax a little.

"Where are we going?" He asks me.

"Well Harry, I will be taking you to your new home. Where you will be staying till your 11 years old. Then I will send you to a special school, the same school your parents went too." He ears visibly perked up at the mention of his parents. Now he even seems a bit excited.

"You knew my parents?" He asked me.

"Well I didn't know them personally, but I do know who they were. They were also very respected in the school you'll be going to." As I finished saying what I wanted to say, we arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. I walked in along side Harry and we headed towards the back. The two of us are now standing in front of a brick wall and I decided that this is a good chance for me to become a sort of role model.

"Harry here is where you will be taking your first step towards a new life. Now watch closely." I say as I wave my hand and the bricks start to fall and form a door. I hear a little gasp and wow coming from him. I take his hand and head into the Diagon Alley, we head into a corner and I call Poppy and we apparate to my mansion. With a pop we arrive in front of my mansion.

I let go of Harry's hand and allow him to enter and exit the wards whenever he wishes. He just stands there for a little bit and stares at the manion in awe. He then looks at me looking at him and exits his little stupor. He quickly follows me and enters the mansion.

"Rooney." I call out to one of mu house elves and with a pop he appears next to us scaring Harry a little. "Get Harry a room, also take his measurements and go to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions and get him 3 robes with size readjustment, self cleaning and self repairing." I tell him while also giving him a moleskin pouch with 1,000 galleon in it. I then turn to Harry.

"Well I will officially welkom you to the Draknos manor. Rooney here will take you to your room and once your done setting up just call Poppy's name and ask him to take you to dinning room where we will have lunch. Oh that reminds me, what would you like for lunch." I ask Harry, who seemed to look at me like a deer caught in headlights. He looks confused for second before he nervously says.

"I-I don't know."

"Well that's alright we have 5 years to find out just exactly it is that you like." I turn around again and call out another one my elves to start making dinner.

"Naddy, make us something for lunch make sure it's not too heavy and easy to digest. Follow the recipes that I gave you guys. Also get Filkey to go to the market and buy some Butterbeer for our little friend here." I finish giving out the orders and watch as Rooney guides harry to his room I myself head to the library to collect some books, which I will have him read and study. I will also have to transfigure some gym equipment and also study up on my healing magic. I should buy some more biology books from bookstores from the muggles.

After about 20 minutes I return from the library and head towards the dining room. Where I found Harry sitting and patiently waiting for me. So I look at him and smile. I decided to start explaining a few things to him.

"Well hello there Harry. I have decided that maybe it is time that I answer some questions that you may have."

He looks at me for a second to try and find some questions that he may have that need to be answered. Then he thinks of one and I swear I could see a lightbulb flash on top of his head.

"My aunt and uncle mentioned that this is a school but I haven't met any other kids." It was less of a question and more of a statement. But I just rolled with it and eased his worries.

"Well Harry that was a lie. This is not a school and you are the only other person here." I can tell that fear and panic have started to set in, so to calm him down I decided to talk about magic.

"You see Harry magic is real." As I say that I wave my hand and the plate on the table in front of him turns into a bird. It flaps it's wings and flies away. I can tell that the moment I did that little magic trick, all the fear and panic immediately changed into wonder.

"You Harry are the descendant of a pretty powerful wizarding familie on your fathers side. Your mother on the other hand was known as the smartest witch of her generation. You my little friend are also a wizard. And to make sure that you are prepared for the wizarding world you will be a part of when you turn 11. I am here to train you." I say and I can see the sparkle in his eyes. When I finished my explanation the food arrived.

In front of lay a large assortment of different delicacy's. I look over to harry who seemed to be vibrating due to excitement with the thought of eating this. Then he looks at me nervously and asks.

"Am I allowed to eat all of that." That was when I remembered that Harry didn't get proper meals, but left overs from the Dursley's. I feel kinda bad for the poor kid, he has this giant prophecy hanging over his head. Spent most of his childhood doing nothing but enduring. And the only thing he did wrong apparently is being born. Which in itself is a stupid reason to go through all of that.

"Yes Harry, you can eat as much as you want. And any time you are hungry just call Bomley and she will take care of all your needs." I say as I call the little house elf and give her the task of being Harry's personal house elf for the time being. After dinner I lead him to the living room area. I take out the books that I had collected from the library and place them on the coffee table. Harry looked at the books and seemed very interested in what they were. I took a book on introduction to magic. I wrote the book myself. I gave it to him, he looked at the book then back at, then tilted his head to the side and looked at me full of questions. Then I remembered that he is only 5 years old and not some super genius with a big vocabulary. So I took the book back and read the title out loud for him.

"Introduction to magic for dummies. Wrote the book myself. It has a large amount of information specifically aimed at helping you understand what magic is, what it can do, how it effects reality and lastly why it effects it in that way. I have another book I wrote on how to better use your magic more effectively and more efficiently. But that is more advanced and we have to wait till you finish this book first." He looks at me like he understands.

"Once you finish this book you can read the other once or you can come to me and we can start doing practical training. In a few months when your body has had enough rest and nutrition. We will start your physical training to make you stronger. And if I remember correctly it should be your birthday in 2 months." I say and he nods at the second part.

I am a bit lost here, since when has Harry potter been so quite and shy. Or maybe it's due to his age and being in an unfamiliar location. Let's give it some time. After that I had also explained a few more things to him and then send him to bed. I should probably also head to bed. On my way to my bedroom I happen to pas by the library and then I start debating between my bedroom and the library.

I need to start some sort of training schedule for him. Since he is still young I will have him study Tai Chi and get him to loosen his muscles and become more flexible. It will help him during practical training when I start teaching him to dodge. I also need to do some weapons training, especially the sword. So many things to study so little time. Harry starts school in five years and I have to become a professor in four.

That reminds me, time to study curses, need to remove that nasty curse on the position of DADA professor. To the library it is then, with my dragon physic I need les sleep than normal people anyway.

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