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38.46% From the shadows I rise / Chapter 4: 4 Privet Drive

Chapter 4: 4 Privet Drive

With a pop we have arrived in front of what looks to be a pretty run down looking mansion. I stand there for a few minutes just appreciating the site of this mansion before I decided to take a step inside. The moment I do I can feel a sort of resistance, but just as I felt it it disappeared. Probably the wards are still active and they had just recognized me as a the owner of the house. I walk up to the mansion and notice that even though it looks kinda run down, it's not dirty. It looks like the house elves have been keeping it clean for the most part, dedicate little buggers aren't they. Looks like due to the fact that they haven't had a magic supply they couldn't keep up the good work and needed to save the reserves to survive.

I enter the living room where Poppy immediately gets me a clean chair to sit on. I look at all the house elves, they seem kind of nervous. Well I should let them introduce themselves first.

"Well how about you all give me your names before we do anything. The only name I know is Poppy and I can't ask him to do everything, because you guys would be doing nothing." I tell them with a little smile on my face. The all looked at each other and decided to stand in a line in front of me and introduce themselves one by one.

"Rooney." A male house elf announces, he looks the second oldest amongst them.

"Lapdey." He looks the youngest among the male house elves

"Naddy." For some reason I feel like a book worm vibe from this guy, don't know where it is coming from.

"Pabpy." Seems to be the oldest female among them.

"Filkey." Seems like her eyes are somewhat bigger than the rest.

"Bomley." She seems to be the youngest of everybody.

"Now that everybody has introduced themselves, I think it is time for me to formally introduce myself. My name is Arthur William Adam Draknos. From today onwards you shall be working under me. So let's get to work, please clean and restore the mansion as to the best if your abilities and Poppy show me to the library." I give them all task to complete. I decided to have Poppy walk me to the library instead of apparating there, so that I can get a feel for the layout of my mansion.

When we finally reach my library Poppy decided to speak up and tell me something that send me flying over the moon with how good this news was.

"Late master had a copy of every book from the main mansion put in this library, except for the more sinister books that he thought were better if less of those books existed in the world." Poppy said and if I wasn't scared of breaking the little house elf in half, I would have squeezed him in a very tight hug.

"Alright Poppy you go on ahead and help the others clean the mansion. I will be spending most of my time here in the library." I said as I maid my way over to the bookshelves.

I started to look for anything that was interesting and found a book on occlumency and legilimency. Those two books would come in very handy, so I decided to start small and read those books. Now due to the fact that I have a divinity in knowledge, even though it hasn't bee fully unlocked yet. I have a faster comprehension ability than others, I also read faster and I even have a photographic memory. That coupled with my extremely high talent in everything I was able to read, comprehend and put occlumency into practice within 20 minutes.

The first 10 minutes were spent reading and comprehending the book, the last 10 minutes were spent meditating and entering my mind scape. Organizing the mind scape was very easy to the fact that I already had a photographic memory. I made my mind scape a giant library with all of my useless knowledge in the library and there is a secret moving bookshelf in the back of the library that lead to all my important memories, which are sorted out in a computer mainframe system, which is also encrypted.

I decided to put my library at the center of the maze where there is only one entrance, but heres the kicker the library is invisible and just like doctor Fates tower you need a key to enter/make it visible. And the key is located on the other side of the maze behind a fake wall. There are a sh*t tone of traps and fighter jets doing patrols every few minutes. And at the forefront of my mind I put up some other memories that are just there to give people the feeling that they have successfully entered my mind. Memories of me training martial arts, an extensive amount of fights in underground fighting rings that I went through last year as a final test from my sensei. Some of the less intense magical fights I've been in with some monsters and also some basic training exercises I've done with Bill in Egypt.

I also went through all the transfiguration books in my ring for Hogwarts and I have to say this is one useful skill. I mean can you imagine being in the middle of a fight, throwing a shuriken and pulling a Naruto shuriken jutsu and enlarging that thing. I would curse the sh*t out of that guy.

Now what I don't understand are all these useless wand movements and incantations. They make no sense, when you transfigure something you are changing their properties, so all you have to do is imagine and have a clear picture of what you want and it will succeed. If wizards had integrated muggle science into their thought process it would be so easy, with knowing how everything is made up of molecules.

— 5 months later—

I have spent five months doing nothing but eat, sleep, read and repeat. I have successfully learned every single spell for the seven years in Hogwarts. Well I did go out once to pick up my suits. I wanted to inscribe some runes on them, but I had no time to study them due to the fact that I wanted to study everything I know and remember from Hogwarts. The problem was I underestimated my own intelligence and estimated more time than was necessary. I estimated to learn and put everything to practice it would take me about 10 months it took me half that time. My comprehensive ability is quite terrifying. So I put in another 2 weeks to study runes. And put on a self cleaning and repairing runes on my suits.

After all was set and done I decided to visit the boy who lived. So I had my dinner and went to bed. The next morning I woke up and had a chat with the house elves.

"Poppy prepare my breakfast, I am going out to the muggle world for a few days." I declared and made my way to the dinning room. After breakfast I had Poppy apparate me to Diagon Alley, were I then made my way to Gringotts and got some of my galleon converted to pounds. I then headed over to the Leaky Cauldron and once again entered the bustling streets of London.

I hailed a taxi and made my way over to 4 Pivet Drive to visit the Dursley's house. I had a plan of action I was going to get Harry on my side. Get him to trust me more than Dumbledore, that way I also have stronger political power. Cause I may be the sole remaining heir of the Draknos family, but I am not a pure blood so I will most likely be in a disadvantage politically. Even though Harry is the same, he is the boy who lived. So with him on my side I can pull a few strings from behind the scenes as well.

I locate the Dursley's house and notice that Vernon isn't home yet so I decided to wait till he gets back. Lucky for me I didn't have to wait to long, cause almost an hout later I can see his car pull up in the drive way. I give it about 30 minutes and make my way over there. I knock on the front door and wait for someone to answer. The one who answered the door was none other than Petunia.

"Hello there, my name is Arthur. I was wondering if you have a child by the name of Harry staying here." I ask with the friendliest smile I could possibly muster and boy do pretty people have it lucky, cause ehe almost immediately open the door when she saw my face. But she froze once she heard my question.

"May I know why you are asking that." She says in a bit of a guarded tone. Ready to slam the door in my face. I can also see that Vernon is making his way over here.

"Well that is quite simple really, I am part of an organization that looks for gifted children to help raise to better the future of humanity. If you would like to speak in to more details about this, you can look up our website and call this number." I say giving her a card with my phone number and email address. I then take my leave.

I make my way towards a library and quickly set up a website with a whole bunch of random information, about how it's a boarding school and how most of our graduating students have entered schools like Oxford and Cambridge. Those computer classes I took in my past life have come in pretty handy, bow that I actually understand what I am doing.

I make my way out of the library and rent a room in a hotel not to far away from the Dursley's neighborhood. I look at the calendar and notice that harry should be turning six in a few months and should have already showcased his above average intelligence. A few minutes later I get a call from an unknown number, which I suspect to be Vernon. I pick up the phone and immediately hear a happy and exciting voice over the phone trying to get on my good side as much as he can.

"Hello there Arthur, can I call you Arthur." He asks trying to be friendly.

"Yes that is no problem at all, so tell me what it is that you would like to discuss." I ask and try to emanate a jolly mood.

"Well I heard from my wife that you had come to pick out our son for this boarding school of yours. I would just like to invite you to dinner tomorrow to go into detail about the arrangements."

"No problem I would love to have dinner with your family mister Dursley." I say.

"Oh, just call me Vernon." He states trying to make us out to be friends. I go to sleep planning out all the variables for tomorrow. I also make sure I have the imperio curse ready just in case.

Next morning I decided to take a walk around London and visiting some of the famous tourist locations. I had converted about 10,000 galleon to pounds. So I have about £50,000 to spend, which would be worth around £780,000 in modern time. After spending the day having fun enjoying myself, it was finally time for me to take Harry Potter and give the poor kid a conscious, so he won't be brainwashed and used by people like Dumbledore.

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