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80% Rebellion of The Youngest / Chapter 11: Awakened Abilities

Chapter 11: Awakened Abilities

After leaving Adya's place, Hari went straight to home only to find that no one was home, it was almost 8 pm so everyone should be home with in an hour. Entering the Pass-code Hari entered the Flat, walking inside Hari was greeted by many warm memories which he thought he had forgotten. suppressing the tears welling up in his eyes, Hari stabilized his mode and directly went to the kitchen, After Opening the Manya Mind Star Hari was feeling a little famished.

Finding the Dining table and Kitchen counter empty, Hari open the fridge only to find veggie's and frozen Mutant lo Bear meat which his elder brother sent from the military camp as it was his first worthy Hunt. Ice creams, energy drinks, yogurt, Fruit juice were missing. it is to be expected since there is a huge rice bucket in his family his elder sister Urvi.

Thinking about it Hari decided to pan roast lo bear meat with salted french beans and ghee Rice for four, as a mercenary Hari was used to cooking he was skilled enough to own a small stall. it took 35 mins for Hari to cook the dinner, Hari wanted to wait for the family but unable to control his hunger he ate his portion of the food and kept rest on the kitchen counter and entered his room. leaving a note by the food which read 'I have already ate, you guys go ahead and eat'.

Entering his room Hari first placed the Rice potions and the energy stones on the study table and then cleaned all mess around his room. then he sat on his bed and checked his stats,

"local host name : Hari Eshwar

Age : 17

Mana : 9 stars

Race : Human Magic Apprentice ( Star Opening Realm )

Software : Basic Training Technique, Basic Military Boxing, Basic Foot work, Advanced Refining Technique.

Star opening realm (9/13)

Plugins : Hive mind [Manya Mind Star]"

Hari found that two new section were added to his stats, mana and Plugin.

Mana showed the amount of mana in his body, but he did not understand Plugin. so, Hari inquired about it with A.Q.U.A,

" Plugin Hive Mind was Installed with the opening of Manyu Mind Star. "

Although A.Q.U.A did not give Hari a detailed explanation but it was enough for Hari to guess what it is.

When Magic apprentice opens a star there is a chance that he/she can awaken a special ability related to that star while opening it. this is rarer case then opening both the life star. similar case has happened with Hari and his special ability Hive mind related to Manyu Mind Star. like how the system considers Magic Arts as Software it considers these special abilities as Plugins.

What Hive mind does is clear by the abilities name but due to the involvement of A.Q.U.A it has many variables to it but basically the same.

After knowing what Hive Mind can do, Hari was not very enthusiastic with its uses, even though it was a strong and a handy ability .

Then Hari turned his attention to the 3 Rice Potions on the study table, after thinking a little he asked A.Q.U.A to calculate the success rate of opening the Netra Eye star without using any external mana.

" Running Stimulation for opening Netra Eye Star with out External mana source.... "

" Stimulation completed "

" Success rate 23% for opening Netra Eye Star with out External mana source.... "

" Warning : Not Recommended to proceed with the action. "

Hari saw that Even after opening the Manya mind Star, he chance to successfully open Netra Eye Star were really low. he felt bad for himself for having such a average Talent.

He then asked A.Q.U.A to calculate the success rate of opening the Netra Eye star using Rice Potion.

" Extracting Info on Rice Potion, File Detected, permission to access the File. "

" Accessing File on Rice potion .... "

" Running Stimulation for opening Netra Eye star using Rice Potion.... "

" Stimulation completed "

" Success rate 100% for opening Netra Eye star using Rice Potion.... "

Hari than asked A.Q.U.A to calculate the success rate of opening the Hrdaya Heart star.

" Running Stimulation for opening the Hrdaya Heart star.... "

" Stimulation completed "

" Success rate 12.33% for opening the Hrdaya Heart star with out any External mana source..."

" Success rate 99.99% for opening the Hrdaya Heart star using Rice Potion.... "

" Reminder : Open Netra Eye and Asrj Blood Star before attempting to open Hrdaya Heart star..."

Seeing the reminder Hari understood why opening the Hrdaya Heart star using Rice Potion had only success rate of 99.99% it may be related with the reminder prompt, even though A.Q.U.A did not give a detailed explanation Hari still choose to open stars as per A.Q.U.A's reminder.

After Meditating for few minutes to clear his mind and relax himself Hari asked A.Q.U.A to open Netra Eye Star, Asrj Blood Star and Hrdaya Heart one by one in order, as he Drank first Rice Potion,

" preparing to open the Netra Eye Star..... "

" External Mana Source Rice Potion Detected... permission to access the mana source. "

" Accessing the mana source ... "

" Running Software Basic Training technique..... "

" Running Software Advanced Refining Technique .... "

" Introducing mana to Netra Eye Star to open the star, attempt no.1"

" Netra Eye Star opened , Attempt no. 1 successful. "

" stabilizing Netra Eye Star ... "

" Opening Netra Eye Star successful ... "

Few minutes after opening Netra Eye Star, Hari asked A.Q.U.A to open the Asrj Blood Star as he Drank the second Rice Potion...

" preparing to open the Asrj Blood Star..... "

" External Mana Source Rice Potion Detected... permission to access the mana source. "

" Accessing the mana source ... "

" Running Software Basic Training technique..... "

" Running Software Advanced Refining Technique .... "

" Introducing mana to Netra Eye Star to open the star, attempt no.1"

" Asrj Blood Star opened , Attempt no. 1 successful. "

" stabilizing Asrj Blood Star ... "

" Opening Asrj Blood Star successful ... "

After Opening Asrj Blood Star, Hari was considering to take break for few minutes and then drink the last Rice potion to Open Hrdaya Heart star but he heard another prompt in his head,

" Correction, Success rate 100% for opening the Hrdaya Heart star with out any External mana source... "

Seeing the Correction Prompt, Hari finally knew why A.Q.U.A reminded him to Open Netra Eye and Asrj Blood Star before attempting to open Hrdaya Heart star, because after Opening Netra Eye and Asrj Blood Star Hari is no longer a normal Magic Apprentice but a Peak Magic Apprentice. therefore the mana contained in his star has doubled compared to when he had just opened Manyu Mind Star. So, with the mana present in his body Hari no longer requires Rice Potion to open Hrdaya Heart star. So, after few minutes Hari asked A.Q.U.A to open Hrdaya Heart star.

" preparing to open the Hrdaya Heart Star..... "

" Accessing the mana from with in local host ... "

" Running Software Basic Training technique..... "

" Running Software Advanced Refining Technique .... "

" Introducing mana to Hrdaya Heart Star to open the star, attempt no.1"

" Hrdaya Heart Star opened , Attempt no. 1 successful. "

" stabilizing Hrdaya Heart Star ... "

" Opening Hrdaya Heart Star successful ... "

"local host name : Hari Eshwar

Age : 17

Mana : 12 stars

Race : Human Peak Magic Apprentice ( Star Opening Realm )

Software : Basic Training Technique, Basic Military Boxing, Basic Foot work, Advanced Refining Technique.

Star opening realm (12/13)

Plugins : Hive mind [Manya Mind Star], Boundless Heart [Hrdaya Heart Star], Darwin's Blood [Ajrs Blood Star], Mana Eyes [Netra Eye Star]"

After opening the Hrdaya Heart star, Hari checked Stats for any new changes and was surprised to find three more new awakened star abilities Boundless Heart [Hrdaya Heart Star], Darwin's Blood [Ajrs Blood Star], Mana Eyes [Netra Eye Star]. then he went through their uses one by one,

Boundless Heart, Provides the user with a boundless 3D space with in his heart. the boundless heart can store both living and non living things, but for the user to store a living being with spiritual and mental awareness it require's the willingness of that particular living being.

This ability made Hari very happy and enthusiastic, as a Mercenary Hari knows that how important a low level storage item is, so needless to say that the value of Boundless Heart which seems to have unlimited space and also allows the user to store living things and beings with awareness is far beyond describing.

Hari used his conscious to look in to the Boundless Heart, what he saw was a bark but visible empty space extending without a limit in all 6 directions, then he used his thought to store remaining 2 mana stones and the last Rice Potion in it. with this ability Hari did not care if other abilities disappointed him. thinking this Hari moved to next Ability

Darwin's Blood, the blood of the user rapidly adapt to to any environment. Example if the is in a very cold place the temperature of the blood will rise to keep the body from getting frozen, In a case where a poison is introduced in the user then the blood will adapt to the poison or gain Immunity towards it as per the situation requires.

This ability also did not disappoint Hari as Darwin's blood is one of the high level star abilities registered in Federation, the explanation may be simple but it has wide range of survival abilities. Hari in his mercenary days experienced many cold nights, poison, virus, etc so he knew how important this ability was for survival out side the city, with enthusiasm Hari moved to the last star ability

Mana eyes, user's natural vision is enhanced to tremendous levels and become sensitive to mana, invisible vibrations that all objects, especially living things, release. these vidration become stronger with level of the mana contained in them. This enabled them to "see" objects and living creatures and predict the actions of others even with their eyes closed it also allows the user to have an almost 360 degree field of vision. The user can also see the Mana pathway system of their opponents, making the user Immunity to Eye base illusions. the user can also see through object's with low man vibration gaining a X-ray like ability but all he could see would be is mana.

Seeing the third ability Hari felt as if he was in the seventh heaven, as mercenary Hari had to explore many tombs, dimensional secret spaces, unknown terrain etc, which were rigged with various booby traps or filled with unknown variables but with this ability he can be one step ahead. Hari tried to turn on the Mana Eyes,

" running plugin Mana Eyes. caution : running plugin Mana Eyes consumes mana "

as soon as the mana eyes were turned on, Hari's brown Iris glowed with blue color. and every thing around him turned in to mana construct, Hari saw a panorama view of his room in the form of mana constructs. with a little concentration Hari looked past his room and saw 3 mana construct in the form of human body sitting and eating. it seems his father mother and sister have returned already and also seemed to be enjoying his cooking. as Hari wanted to explore more, A.Q.U.A alert Hari that the mana in his body is down by 25%. so Hari turn off the mana eye.

" closing plugin Mana Eye.."

It seems that with Hari's current power he can't maintain mana eye for long time. but still he was satisfied with the ability. Out of the four abilities Hive Mind was one ability which did not suit Hari's character and principle. but still he could not deny its usefulness.

After opening the Netra Eye Star, Asrj Blood Star and Hrdaya Heart star, Hari finally turn his attention to Atman soul star. Hari had never in two lives had ever heard of a 3rd life star and A.Q.U.A wasn't much help. Then he finally decided to ask A.Q.U.A to calculate the success rate of opening the Atman soul star,

" Running Stimulation for opening the Atman Soul star.... "

" Stimulation completed "

" Success rate 0.0054%, for opening the Atman Soul star with out any External mana source..."

" Success rate ....

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