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58.26% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2389: MY ASSISTANT MOM

Chapter 2389: MY ASSISTANT MOM

"Mom," Evan said to his mother's back as she washed the dishes, her long, black hair swaying almost to her waist, the few strands of grey that he knew were starting to appear expertly covered by the treatments that she now got on a regular basis, the physical reality of life catching up to her at 44.

"What is it, Evan?" she asked, turning to smile up at her 25-year-old son who towered over her at 6'5", even though she herself was almost 6', her light-green eyes looking particularly exotic with her olive, Mediterranean skin tone.

"Some friends are coming over tonight," Evan explained.

"That's nice," Lily said as she turned back to her dishwashing. "Anything special?" she asked.

"They're helping me with a documentary I'm trying to create," Evan replied.

"What kind of a documentary?" Lily asked, turning to look at him, her full, D-cup breasts straining the buttons of her blouse.

"Well, that's just it," Evan said, clearing this throat, color rising in his cheeks as he looked down at his mother with that direct gaze of his grey eyes that always reminded Lily of his father, who had been killed in an accident over 10 years ago. "I got a chance to do something a bit different from Channel 23."

"Channel 23!" Lily exclaimed, looking at him. "Don't they do mostly adult programming?"

"Well, yeah, I guess that's pretty accurate," Evan agreed. "But they've offered me $100,000 to do this, and if they like it, there will be more, follow-ups."

"That's a lot of money," Lily said, leaning back against the counter as she studied her son, her arms crossed beneath her big breasts, accentuating them. "What exactly do they want you to do?"

"A series of documentaries exploring the new culture of sex outside the box," Evan replied, seeing his mother's eyes widen slightly.

"Sex outside the box?" Lily asked. "What exactly does that mean?"

"Basically, anything that's not considered normal, vanilla sex," Evan replied.

"Such as?" Lily asked.

"Well, anything other than normal relationship sex," Evan answered.

"Are you afraid to tell me?" Lily asked, smiling at her son. "I'm a big girl now. I think I can take it."

"Well, things like swinging, partner swapping, same-sex interactions, polyamory, group sex," Evan replied.

"What, no BDSM?" Lily asked, bursting out laughing when she saw the look on his face. "You think because I'm your mother that I don't know about such things?"

"They were pretty specific about not wanting to include anything that could be considered abusive," Evan said.

"Why do they want to do this?" Lily asked.

"To make money, increase their ratings," Evan replied. "Why do any of them do anything? It'll be so outrageous, scandalous, that they're hoping for a huge audience. They figure anything abusive would be a turn-off to too many people, whereas they think that most people will be at least curious about the rest."

"Well, I have to admit, I'd probably watch a show like that," Lily said, seeing the surprise on her son's face. "Just because I'm your mother doesn't mean that I don't have an interest in such things. I'm older, not dead."

"I didn't mean anything," Evan said defensively. "I, well, I just never thought of you as anything but, well, vanilla."

"Why do I think that I've just been insulted by my son?" Lily asked, laughing at the pained look on his face. "It won't be outrageous or scandalous to those non-vanilla people. For your information, young man, your father and I had a very dynamic sex life. And I do date now and then. But it's also nice to know that you even think of me as having a sex life. Maybe I'm not too over the hill."

"Uh, well, yeah, I guess," Evan said, nonplussed.

"So, what are you going to be doing this evening?" Lily asked.

"I think just interviews," Evan replied. "I want to explore their thinking, their motivation."

"Well, it all sounds very interesting," Lily said.

"So, you don't mind?" Evan asked.

"No, not at all," Lily replied. "Can I watch, listen?"

"I'm not sure how they'd feel about that," Evan replied slowly. "I'd need to ask them. Some people are more comfortable with these things than others. Some people are going to want to be disguised in the videos, others aren't so concerned. I have to protect the privacy of those who want that protection if I'm going to get an honest documentary."

"That makes sense and sounds very responsible," Lily said. "How did you find the people that are coming over?"

"It's two couples," Evan replied. "We're all friends, have known each other for a few years."

"And they...indulge in some of these things?" Lily asked.

"They're what I would describe as pansexual," Evan replied.

"What does that mean?" Lily asked.

"If it involves consensual, non-abusive sex between adults, they're into it," Evan replied.

"Well, that's certainly all-encompassing," Lily said. "Pansexual. An interesting word. And these are friends of yours?"

"Yes," Evan replied.

"You never cease to surprise me, Evan," Lily said. "You let me know if you want some refreshments or something, okay?"

"Sure, mom," Evan said. "Thanks."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Jared, Tina, Tom, Sally," Evan greeted the two couples when he opened the door that evening after dinner.

Jared was almost as tall as Evan with a powerful physique, while Tina was small, almost childlike next to him at 5'1". They were black. Tom was an even 6' with brown hair and deep blue eyes. Sally was 5'6" with red hair, green eyes, and intensely freckled, pale skin.

"This is my mother, Lily," Evan said, introducing her.

"Welcome," Lily said, shaking everyone's hand.

"No wonder you're such a gorgeous hunk," Sally said as she eyed Lily, a big smile splitting her face.

"Aren't you sweet," Lily said. "Please, come in."

"Mom was wondering if you'd mind if she sat in on the session," Evan said.

"I don't mind," Sally said. "You know what he's going to be asking us about?"

"I think so," Lily replied, blushing slightly. "I find this all very interesting."

Nobody else objected, so that was settled. Lily went to the kitchen for some drinks and snacks that she had prepared, taking them to the living room where Evan had set up his video camera on a tripod facing the sofa where the two couples sat.

"First things first, you need to fill out and sign these release forms," Evan said, handing each of them a form and a pen. "There's a place for you to put anything that you don't want to have exposed on the video, your voice, your face, anything about your body. I can alter voices, blur faces and any body parts as necessary."

Lily took a glass of wine for herself and sat in a comfortable chair to the side, out of camera view and line of sight for those sitting on the sofa.

"Okay," Evan said, taking the release forms and checking them. "I'm going to start the camera now. Everyone okay with that?" he asked as he sat down, the camera on its tripod in front of him.

"Why don't you start by introducing yourselves," Evan suggested. "Give us a name, your age, educational background, how long you've been married, and current profession."

"My name is Jared and I'm 28 years old. I have a law degree and graduated third in my class. I work as a lawyer. This is my wife, Tina. We've been married for 8 years."

"My name is Tina and I'm 27 years old. I have a degree in biochemistry and nursing and work as a nursing supervisor in the surgical unit of a hospital."

"My name is Tom and I'm 31 years old. I have a degree in engineering and am a senior partner in an engineering firm. This is my wife, Sally, and we've been married for 10 years."

"My name is Sally and I'm 31 years old. I have a degree in education and teach elementary school."

"That's quite a spectrum of degrees and professions," Evan said. "And we're here to discuss sex, specifically, your sex lives. As we will learn, you are all members of what is today referred to as outside-the-box with respect to your views and actions regarding sex. You are not monogamous."

"Who would like to go first?" Evan asked.

"Hell, I'd love to," Sally replied with a big smile. "I never get tired of talking about sex or doing it."

"In the 10 years that you've been married to Tom, have you ever been monogamous?" Evan asked after everyone had stopped laughing.

"Oh, sure," Sally replied, flipping her curly red hair back over her shoulder. "We were totally normal the first few years."

"Can you tell us what changed?" Evan asked.

"Well, we went camping with another couple, friends of ours that we'd both known forever, since we were kids," Sally explained. "They grew up and got married, just like we did. Anyway, we were camping near Big Piney Creek in the Ozarks because we were white-water running. We'd had a great day, 3 runs each, and we made a great BBQ over the fire."

"We got pretty drunk," she continued. "We were sharing a 3-person tent, which we'd done plenty of times. No big deal. We'd watched each other fuck side by side many times. It was always hot. Only this time, when I woke up because I was being fucked, it wasn't Tom. Tom was next to me in a 69."

"I didn't freak out," Sally continued. "I was still a bit drunk, enough that I realized that it felt good and it turned me on to be getting fucked right next to Tom. I didn't care at all that he was in a 69 with some other woman. It never crossed my mind. We fucked like crazy, changing partners several times before we finally packed up and went home."

"We talked about it, agreed that it had been nothing but fun, and decided that we'd like to do something like that again," she said. "We've been fucking other people ever since."

"Do you always do it together or do you sometimes go your own way?" Evan asked.

"Always together," Sally replied. "I'd feel like I was cheating if Tom wasn't there."

"How about you, Tom?" Evan asked. "What are your memories of that particular experience?"

"Pretty much the same," Tom replied. "We were all pretty trashed. It had been a great day. Sally and I actually brushed against Wrecking Rock on one of our runs. We were pretty high on adrenaline. I remember waking up in the middle of a wet dream, or so I thought. My cock was being sucked and I had a mouthful of delicious pussy. By the time I realized that it wasn't Sally, I was blowing a load."

"I turned to look for Sally as I was cumming and saw her next to me on her back, looking at me, our friend fucking her and sucking on her nipples," he continued. "I saw that her legs were up around his waist and realized that she was enjoying it. Even though I had just cum, my cock got hard again watching her get fucked."

"We talked about it on the way home and agreed that it had been hot, no problems about it at all from either of us," Tom said. "After that, we found other people to play with. Our enjoyment and appetite for that experience haven't diminished at all. It still turns me on to see Sally with other people."

"Of course, you don't mind all of the other women, do you?" Evan asked.

"Not in the least," Tom agreed, everyone laughing.

"Shall we take a break or keep going?" Evan asked.

"Let's take a break," Sally replied.

"Your frankness is quite refreshing," Lily said to Sally as everyone had a drink and munched on the snacks she had created.

"It was the single most liberating moment of my life, in that tent that night," Sally said. "It's had a trickle-down effect in that I only live by my rules, my codes, my expectations. I can't please anyone but myself and I'm not going to waste any effort trying to please anyone else but Tom."

"Hey, save it for the video," Evan said. "This is a break. Talk about anything else."

"Is there anything else, Evan?" Sally asked, obviously licking her lips as she leered at him.

"Shall we continued?" Evan asked.

"Jared and Tina, was there a turning point in your relationship when you became non-monogamous?" Even asked once everyone had taken their seats again.

"Yes," Jared replied. "We were on vacation at Cayman Brac when we'd been married about three years. We became friendly with the bartender who invited us to meet him after work so that he could take us to some local places that tourists would never find."

"We were at one bar and it was totally crazy," Jared continued. "There were lines of cocaine that ran the length of the bar. Everyone was smoking big spliffs. There was a huge fountain that poured a continuous cocktail of Jamaican rum and assorted fruit juices. It was incredibly delicious and also deadly. Very stealthy. You didn't realize until it was too late how potent it was."

"At some point, there was a lot of shouting, then laughter, and the other guys encouraged me to join them as they all leaned back against the bar, facing the room," Jared continued. "There were about two dozen of us. The next thing I knew, the other guys started pulling their cocks out of their pants. The guys on either side of me were poking me in the ribs with their elbows, so I pulled my cock out, too."

"Then all of the women, maybe a dozen of them, knelt in front of us at one end of the line and began sucking our cocks," Jared said, shaking his head and laughing at the memory. "I was blown away, no pun intended. This hot babe that I'd never seen before was on her knees in front of me with my cock filling her mouth. That was when my brain clicked back into drive and I realized at the same moment I saw, that Tina was one of those women on her knees in front of the men, a cock filling her mouth."

"Someone called time and the women all shifted over one man, then began sucking the cocks in front of them," Jared continued. "This happened several times until finally one of the guys groaned and everyone laughed. He was cumming in the mouth of the woman sucking his cock. Nobody called time anymore, and instead of getting a break when they would switch, my cock just kept building and building towards orgasm as the woman sucking on it really went for it."

"One after another, I heard guys groan as they came, the women in front of them sucking them off," he continued. "Just as my own balls exploded, I looked down the line and saw Tina with cum running down her chin. I wasn't so drunk that I didn't realize what was happening. Tina looked over at me and I can only remember seeing her scrape the cum from her chin into her mouth as she shook her head."

"I wasn't that drunk," Tina said. "I mean, I was buzzed, definitely, but I had it under control. My first reaction when I saw the guys line up and pull their cocks out was to laugh until the other women pulled me with them. I could not believe that they were just going to suck these cocks. I looked over and saw the look of amazement on Jared's face as he looked down, his cock buried in that woman's mouth. I almost came, it was so hot. After that, I didn't care. I love sucking cock, so it was a lot of fun getting to suck different ones, one after the other. Great way to compare."

"When the guy came in my mouth, I wasn't ready for the force or amount of cum that erupted from his cock," Tina continued. "I'm a cum slut. I just love cum. I think it's what attracted Jared to me in the first place. I just couldn't get enough of his cum."

"There was more to it than that," Jared grumbled.

"I figured that that was it after the guys came," Tina continued, "but the girls gathered the guys that hadn't been lucky enough to be getting their cocks sucked when everyone came. There was one more girl than guys. It started the same, suck the cock in front of you, move to the next one when time was called, but then it totally changed. The girls all moved down one guy and stood up and bent over."

"I remember looking over at Jared to see how he was reacting," she continued. "His mouth was hanging open as he watched as each guy began filling the pussy in front of him with his cock while the girls bent over, their hands on the floor. They were encouraging me, pulling on me, so I just turned around and bent over and got my pussy filled with the biggest damned cock that had ever been in me."

"I was cumming like crazy as that guy fucked me, then they called time," Tina continued. "So we moved over and a new guy was fucking me. It was when we changed for the fourth time that the guy fucking me lost it and began to cum. The rest of the guys really went for it and then they were all cumming at once. I saw the other girls turn and suck the guy who had just cum in them, so I did it, too. When I stood up, cum was running down the inside of my thighs."

"How did that make you feel, seeing that, Jared?" Evan asked.

"Jealous," Jared replied, shaking his head. "I wanted to know what it felt like to fuck each of those pussies."

"You weren't bothered by what you had watched Tina experience?" Evan asked.

"No," Jared replied. "It started out so absurd, so unbelievable, that by the time the reality of it registered, it just didn't matter. If anything, I was getting turned on watching her. She's so tiny and a few of those guys packed some serious meat."

"You're definitely no slouch in the meat department," Tina snorted as everyone laughed. "I thought that was it, but was I wrong. I have no idea how many of those guys' cocks I had in my mouth, pussy, or ass that night. It seemed to go on forever. I was in heaven. I had never done anything like that before and it was the best night of my life, as far as I was concerned."

"The whole experience was surreal," Jared added. "Everything combined was a total sensory overload, whether it was watching Tina getting taken by one to three men at once, to tasting all of the women, getting to feel what each of their pussies felt like, my cock had never been harder. It was actually painful. I stopped being able to cum, but it wasn't until the next afternoon that my cock finally relaxed."

"Jared was always a stud, as far as I was concerned," Tina said, "but after that night, he became The Stud. The man can flat out fuck forever."

"It's all about the inspiration," Jared assured her, Tom agreeing.

"And this changed your relationship?" Evan asked.

"Definitely," Tina replied. "We'd always been close, really close, but nothing like what we had after that night. The only comparison I might have is what identical twins feel."

"I agree, that put us on a whole different level in terms of how we related to each other," Jared said.

"And you continued to find other people to have sex with?" Evan asked.

"Yes," Jared replied.

"You describe yourselves as pansexual; is that right?" Evan asked.

"If you have to put a label on it, that's as good as any," Sally replied.

"Would you care to explain to our viewers how you see pansexuality?" Evan asked.

"Sex between consenting adults," Sally replied.

"Any consenting adults?" Evan asked. "Even the same sex?"

"Sure," Sally replied. "Why limit ourselves to only half of the population as a potentially good time."

"So you enjoy sex with other women, too?" Evan asked.

"Most definitely," Sally replied with a laugh.

"Do you have a preference?" Evan asked.

"Not really," Sally replied. "I love it all equally."

"Had you had sex with women before you stopped being monogamous?" Evan asked.

"Just a few times in college," Sally replied. "It was nice, but nothing like it became later."

"Did you know about Sally's same-sex experience when you married?" Evan asked Tom.

"Yes," Tom replied, nodding.

"It didn't bother you?" Even asked.

"Are you kidding?" Tom asked. "Two women going down on each other bother me? Only in the best possible way," he said to laughter."And you have sex with other men?" Evan asked.

"Yes," Tom replied.

"Is this something that you had had experience with before the monogamous nature of your marriage changed?" Evan asked.

"Definitely not," Tom replied with a laugh. "I probably would have punched you in the nose if you had even suggested it."

"How did that change?" Evan asked.

"Purely by chance, I'd have to say," Tom replied. "We had been swinging for about a year and were at another couple's home, a couple that we had been with before. I was on the bottom of a 69 with Sally while the other guy was fucking her. Nothing turns me on as much as watching some other guy's cock going in and out of her pussy. She's got these really delicate little pussy lips and a cock looks really big going in and out of her."

"I'd learned that this was my favorite show, licking her pussy, her clit, sucking on her clit while some other guy is fucking her while my cock is in her mouth," Tom sighed.

"And it didn't bother you having your face, your mouth and tongue so close to a guy's cock?" Evan asked.

"I had already gotten over the incidental contact thing," Tom said. "Up to this point, I hadn't overtly, deliberately touched another guy's cock."

"What happened this time?" Evan asked.

"This guy was really fucking her," Tom reminisced, shaking his head and turning to smile at Sally. "She was cumming like crazy and I was drinking up her juices. Usually, you'd get some kind of a warning, but this guy suddenly started cumming in her pussy. I heard him groan and saw the cum seeping from around his cock at the same time. I was so surprised that he had done that with no warning, that I gasped, right at the moment that he pulled his cock from Sally's pussy, cum spurting from the end onto her pussy before it fell into my mouth."

"My god!" Lily gasped from her seat, her hand covering her mouth.

"I actually thought something a bit harsher than that," Tom said, laughing. "I mean, I've got cum dripping from Sally's pussy onto my mouth and chin and this guy's cock is in my mouth, just pumping cum. He didn't pull away and I just started sucking on him, figuring what the hell. I mean, I already had his cock in my mouth. I couldn't undo that, so I just went with it."

"You sucked his cock?" Evan asked.

"And then Sally's pussy after I had gotten all of his cum," Tom replied.

"You like the taste of cum?" Evan asked.

"Sally taught me to like it early in our relationship," Tom explained. "She loved to suck me off, then kiss me with her tongue still covered in my cum. She liked me to cum on her breasts, then lick them clean. Then it was eating her pussy after I came in her. It was a process. When we started swinging, she'd do the same, but with other guy's cum, kiss me, have me lick their cum from her body, eat her pussy after they'd cum in her."

"And you enjoy doing that?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, it's great," Tom replied. "It's just a matter of what you get used to. After that night, more and more guys would finish cumming in my mouth after fucking her. One night Sally said that she wanted to see me and the other guy in a 69, so we got down on the floor and sucked each other until we came. After that, sucking a cock just became another part of the fun."

"You enjoy it, sucking a cock?" Evan asked.

"Yeah," Tom replied, nodding.

"Do you have a preference, cock or pussy?" Evan asked.

"Oh, pussy every time," Tom replied. "I don't go to sleep dreaming of cock, but I do dream of pussy."

"And do you have anal sex with other men?" Evan asked, hearing a sudden intake of breath from his mother off to the side.

"Sometimes, yes," Tom replied.

"Do you give or receive when you have anal sex with another man?" Evan asked.

"Both," Tom replied, "but I actually prefer receiving."

"Why is that?" Evan asked.

"Because it feels so damned good," Tom replied to hoots of laughter and agreement from the others.

"And that, too, started after you began swinging?" Evan asked.

"That's right," Tom answered. "Sally's got a strap-on and she volunteered me for her practice ass, reasoning that I'd been fucking her in the ass for years, so it was time I got some back. Hard to argue with a woman when she uses logic like that."

"One of the parties that we went to, a few of the women had their strap-ons, which they loved to use on each other, but also enjoyed using on men," Tom explained. "A couple of the women had fucked my ass and I was eating the pussy of yet another woman when I felt my ass filled again. When I looked back, I was surprised to see one of the men. It was his cock in my ass. After that, it wasn't terribly unusual to get fucked in the ass by a man."

"How did you feel seeing Tom with another man?" Evan asked Sally.

"The first time I saw him with a cock in his mouth, I came," Sally said. "Most people, when they suck a cock, close their eyes, especially when it cums. Not Tom. His eyes are always wide open. I really enjoy sucking a cock with him, having the head between our lips when it cums. That's always hot."

"Shall we take a break?" Evan asked.

"Sure, I could use a bathroom break," Tina said.

As everyone stood up to stretch, Lily gathered the empty bottles and glasses from the table, showing Tina the bathroom on her way to the kitchen.

"Mom, you okay?" Evan asked as he entered the kitchen behind her.

"Yes, I'm fine," Lily replied, feeling the heat of her flushed face. "I wasn't expecting such total candor combined with zero sense of shame or embarrassment."

"I think we're close to finished for tonight," Evan said, taking the tray from his mother that was full of fresh drinks for everyone, then following her to the living room, noticing that her skin-tight jeans looked good on her.

"Jared and Tina," Evan said when they all got settled again, "did your same-sex experience pre-date your marriage?"

"No," Tina replied. "I was always cock crazy, never even thought about women in sexual terms."

"What happened?" Evan asked.

"We hadn't been swinging all that long and were with two other couples at one of their homes," Tina replied. "One of the guys had just fucked me and cum in my pussy. I was sucking his cock clean while he straddled my chest and someone started eating my pussy, which I appreciated, knowing that I was full of cum and just hate it when it all runs down the inside of my thighs."

"Anyway, I finished sucking the guy's cock clean and he got off of me and I saw that it was one of the other women eating my pussy," she continued. "I was a bit startled, but she knew how to eat pussy and I just came and came and came. Jared had been fucking her doggie while she ate my pussy."

"Thankfully, she stopped eating me when Jared came in her," she explained. "I was exhausted from cumming so much. I was just laying there, trying to catch my breath, when the woman who had been eating my pussy just crawled up my body and planted hers on my mouth. I almost choked as my mouth filled almost immediately with a river of Jared's cum and her pussy juices. I managed and then realized that I was enjoying the sensation of my mouth and tongue on and in a pussy, the flavors, the non-stop juices, the soft textures. I've loved eating pussy ever since."

"Do you have a preference?" Evan asked.

"Cocks, definitely cocks, but I'd hate to have to choose," Tina replied. "I'd rather just have both."

"Amen!" Sally agreed, followed by the others.

"How about you, Jared?" Evan asked.

"Like Tom, I would have punched your lights out if you had even suggested it before we started swinging," Jared said. "I became far more tolerant, but still wasn't interested. I was content to fuck all the women I could and watch Tina fuck as many men and women as she could. I was in male pig heaven."

"One night we had a date with another couple, really nice people," Jared continued. "The ladies started things off with a 69. I really get off on seeing Tina's tongue in a woman's pussy."

"I really get off on having my tongue in a woman's pussy," Tina said to laughter.

"The other guy and I were watching, jacking ourselves enough to stay really hard," Jared continued. "The girls stopped eating each other and kissed, a long kiss, I remember. There was some whispering. I can still see the other woman's eyes wide as she nodded her head and Tina turned to me and told me that she wanted to suck the other guy's cock, but that she wanted me to do it with her."

"I felt stuck between a rock and a hard place," Jared continued. "This was a step I hadn't anticipated or wanted, yet at the same time, I realized that there was a bit of fair is fair in the mix. Tina had been a perfect sex toy for the past year or more, fucking anyone and everyone, as much to turn me on as to get off herself. I realized that I needed to at least try, for her."

"So I sat next to her on the edge of the bed while he stood in front of us," Jared continued. "At first, I just watched as Tina sucked his cock, something I had seen her do many times by now. I loved the way she looked with a mouth full of cock, especially a thick, white cock like this guy's. It finally took Tina pulling me forward to get me to start, which I did very tentatively, just touching him with the tip of my tongue."

"It wasn't bad or offensive or anything, so I got bolder, let more of my tongue touch him," Jared explained. "As soon as I stopped thinking about it and freaking out in my head that I was touching another's guy's cock with my tongue, I was able to just mirror whatever Tina was doing, sliding up and down the shaft of his cock with our tongues, meeting at the top, tasting his pre-cum as our tongues dueled on the slit of his cock."

"I remember noticing that the pre-cum was really flowing when suddenly his cock was erupting between our lips," Jared continued. "I started to pull back, then managed not to, feeling the cum shooting from the slit of his cock as Tina and I dueled with the tips of our tongues. Even though I hadn't tried to, I had a mouthful of cum. I gulped it down and then noticed how sticky it was, coating my mouth, and then Tina was gone and I had the head of his cock in my mouth."

"I remember realizing that I had actually done it at the same time that I realized that it hadn't really been bad at all," Jared continued. "It was thinking about it in certain ways that got in the way. I still can't explain it, but I kept sucking his cock, exploring it, for at least five minutes. I found it fascinating. I loved the feeling, the texture, even the different tastes of pre-cum and then cum. It wasn't anything gay, but I knew that I was going to suck more cock and I looked forward to it."

"I had to stop sucking with him because I was cumming so hard," Tina said with a laugh. "Just seeing this big, macho man of mine with that big, thick white cock in his mouth made me cum. When he didn't stop kissing me, playing tongues with me when the guy came, I was overwhelmed by the intensity of my orgasm. I was totally shocked when he continued sucking on it, sucking the guy completely off and then continuing to suck on him. It's still one of my favorite memories."

"And anal sex?" Evan asked.

"That actually came much more quickly," Jared replied with a sigh. "It wasn't but a few weeks later when we were with another couple and he and I were in a 69 on our sides at Tina's request. She asked him if he'd be interested in fucking me in the ass. I wasn't expecting that. At least the guy didn't have the biggest cock."

"You'd never experienced a strap-on or dildo?" Evan asked.

"Nothing but a thermometer, and that was when I was a kid," Jared replied. "But the guy was really cool. I think he'd had a lot of experience, because even though there were moments when uncomfortable was moving into pain, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought it might be. Once he'd gotten his entire cock into me and I knew that that was it, I was able to relax and he was able to slowly start fucking my ass. I was really surprised by how good it started feeling as he was able to pick up the pace and really fuck me. My cock had gotten hard by the time he finally came, which he did in my ass, telling me it was the only way to lose my cherry. I really didn't have any complaints about the whole thing, so as the opportunities presented themselves, I indulged and went with the flow after that."

"So you only tolerate getting fucked in the ass?" Evan asked.

"No, no, you misunderstand me," Jared replied. "I totally get off on having a cock in my ass. I've cum from having a cock in my ass. It always gets me hard. The best is playing club sandwich, fucking Tina while some guy is fucking her ass from beneath and some guy is fucking me."

"Do any of you talk about your pansexuality with your vanilla friends and co-workers?" Evan asked.

"It depends on who and what they're asking," Sally replied. "I'm not ashamed of who I am, but I know that there are people out there who just cannot handle what we represent. In general, I don't think people discuss such things, maybe some boy talk in the locker room or on the golf course, maybe some girl talk in the lady's room, but people don't generally discuss the specifics of their sex lives unless it's with people whom they know that they can trust, especially if it's something unconventional."

"I'd like to ask a question," Jared said.

"Go ahead," Evan replied.

"Lily, you're what we'd call vanilla," Jared said, startling Lily at being addressed. "You're also enough older than us that you'd have a different generational outlook on things. How does what you've heard here tonight strike you?"

"Wait, wait," Evan said. "If you're going to answer, I want you on video, not in the background.

"Oh, my!" Lily said, flushing. "I didn't plan on participating. I feel like I've invaded your privacy enough just by sitting here and listening to your stories."

"Just sit in the middle on the sofa, mom," Evan directed.

"We don't usually bite," Sally said with a smile as she wriggled closer to Tom to make room, as did Tina on the other side so that Lily could sit between them. Even so, the sofa wasn't made for five, so they were all sitting thigh on thigh, shoulder on shoulder.

"So," Jared said, "what's your overall gut reaction?"

"Fascination," Lily replied.

"Really! Why is that?" Tina asked.

"That you're so brave, so open, so completely unabashed about it," Lily replied.

"I'd never do anything that I'd be ashamed of," Sally said.

"You're single now?" Tom asked.

"Yes," Lily replied. "My husband, Evan's father, died in an accident ten years ago."

"And you never remarried?" Sally asked. "I hope you have an active single's life, because you are too hot to waste."

"Sally!" Evan said as the others laughed and Lily's face flushed.

"Well, I'm sorry, but your mother is a babe," Sally insisted. "I find it hard to believe that she's the mother of a lunk like you, actually."

"It just never seemed that important," Lily said. "Adam was the love and lust of my life. I date now and then, but that's more to have some company than looking for anything further."

"So, you're not bothered by what you've heard tonight?" Jared asked.

"There's nothing to be bothered by," Lily replied.

"Do you think you could be friends with people like us, knowing what we're like?" Tina asked. "I'm asking that generically, not personally, specifically."

"Of course," Lily replied. "I'd consider it a privilege to know such dynamic people as yourselves."

"Have you ever known other people like us, swingers?" Sally asked.

"Actually, yes," Lily replied after a very pregnant pause.

"Really!?" Evan exclaimed, staring open-mouthed at his mother. "Who? When?"

"Really, Evan, you need to get hold of yourself," Tina said with a laugh. "Why shouldn't she have friends or know people who are swingers? You do and you don't seem to have a problem with it."

"Yeah, well," Evan mumbled as Tina's words sank in for Lily.

"Were they friends or just people that you knew?" Sally asked.

"No, they were friends, good friends," Lily replied. "It was a long time ago, almost 20 years. I haven't thought of them in years."

"And you knew that they were swingers and they knew that you knew?" Sally asked.

"Yes," Lily replied, laughing. "There were no secrets in that regard."

"Sometimes the apple doesn't fall so far from the tree," Tom said.

"They were a lot like you," Lily said. "Bright, articulate, bright careers ahead of them. They were some of the most balanced people I've ever met."

"Have you stayed in touch with them?" Sally asked.

"Not since Adam died," Lily replied.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up difficult memories," Sally said, putting a hand on Lily's thigh.

"Sometimes a bit difficult, but always good," Lily said, putting her hand over Sally's.

"Can you talk about him, tell us what he was like?" Tina asked.

"How could I not after listening to the four of you baring your souls," Lily replied. "Adam was a lot like Evan, or Evan is a lot like Adam, I guess would be more correct. He wasn't quite as tall, but the same basic build, eyes. His hair is more sandy blonde while Adam's was ash blonde. Adam was very sensitive to the needs of others."

"We've all said almost those exact words about Evan from time to time," Tina said, smiling at the sharp inhalation of breath and wide eyes as Lily turned to look at her. "He must really be his father's son."

"I always thought that Adam cared more for the pleasure, comfort, and ease of others before himself," Lily said. "Like I said, he was the love and lust of my life."

"These friends of yours that you used to know," Sally started to ask.

"Bill and Janice," Lily said, a wan smile on her face. "The odd couple. Bill wasn't that tall, but he was built like a tank. I always thought of him as the gentle giant. Janice was barely 5' tall and looked like a tiny child next to him. She was Tinkerbell. Not unlike Jared and Tina, except Bill was much thicker than Jared."

"Bill and Janice," Sally said. "How open were they with you about their swinging? Was it more general or detailed? Did they try to interest you?"

"Sally, what's with you?" Tina asked. "You're interrogating her."

"I just wonder what the swinging world was like 20 years ago," Sally said. "Maybe our parents were swingers?! Who knows? That's why I asked."

"They couldn't have been more open about all of it," Lily said with a sigh, glancing at her shocked, slack-jawed son behind the camera. "I think they got off on telling all of the lurid details to a vanilla friend. God knows, Adam and I would tear each other up afterwards."

"Damn!" Evan said.

"Well, I know that hearing and telling these stories has me more than ready," Tina said with a laugh.

"You're always more than ready," Jared reminded her to general laughter.

"Why don't I give you some...privacy," Lily said, sitting up on the edge of the sofa.

"Whatever for?" Sally asked. "We're not the least bit inhibited by your presence, but at the same time, we'd never want to offend you. We're adults, we can control ourselves."

"Did you ever see your friends, Bill and Janice..." Jared started to ask.

"Maybe we should call it a night," Evan suggested.

"Probably right," Tina agreed, elbowing her husband in the ribs.

"It was a real pleasure meeting you," Tom said, shaking Lily's hand. "And I agree with Sally, you are definitely a babe."

"Next thing you know, he'll be wanting you to sit on his face," Sally said, hugging Lily. "I think Evan's lucky to have a mom like you."

"Definitely a pleasure," Jared said, gently taking Lily's hand.

"And you're so tall," Tina sighed as she looked up at Lily.

"Don't they say that good things come in small packages?" Lily asked, bending down to softly kiss Tina on the cheek."So I'm told," Tina replied with a grin.

"I really hope that you'll visit again," Lily said. "Not just words. I'd enjoy it."

"I'm sorry about that, mom," Evan said when they had gone. "I sure didn't intend for you to get pulled in like that."

"Well, they had a right to ask me, I think," Lily said. "I mean, after hearing their stories..."

"How did you feel about that?" Evan asked.

"Like I said, fascinating," Lily replied.

"It didn't bother you?" Evan asked.

"No," Lily replied. "If anything, it was exciting, a turn-on to hear. Are you going to do more interviews like that?"

"Hopefully," Evan replied. "I want to get a good cross-section sample of experiences."

"But not with them again?" she asked.

"I can't think of anything else to ask them that would be germane to the documentary," Evan replied. "If anything, maybe they'll let me video and interview at the same time as they're playing with some friends."

"You seem to know them pretty well," Lily observed.

"We're friends, like I said," Evan replied. "I've known them for a few years."

"And you...interact with them, too?" Lily asked.

"Mom!" Evan exclaimed, staring at her. "Do you really want to discuss my sex life with you? Do you want to discuss yours with me?"

"Fair enough," Lily replied, coloring slightly. "I apologize. And thank you for letting me sit in. I really did enjoy it."

"Any time," Evan said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lily was very conflicted as she thought about that evening for the next few days, picturing in her mind's eye the stories that she had heard. She was getting worked up, horny, by constantly thinking about it, to the point where she contemplated accepting the next date offer she received.

"Mom, I'm going to another couple's house to do interviews for my documentary," Evan announced as they ate dinner.

"Just one couple?" Lily asked.

"I think so," Evan replied. "They're in their early 50s, I think."

"So old!" Lily commented.

"Swinging isn't just for young people," Evan said. "My preliminary studies have shown me that there are plenty of people in their 50s, 60s, 70s, even 80s who swing. I want to find some of these people and interview them."

"Well, they should certainly have some interesting stories to tell," Lily said, shaking her head.

"Would you like to come with me?" Evan asked, eyeing her. "I could introduce you as my assistant. It might make it easier for them instead of just me."

"You wouldn't mind?" Lily asked, her eyes brightening. "Maybe they'd object."

"I doubt it," Evan said. "They know I'm associated with Channel 23, so being a documentarian, it's not so unusual that I'd have an assistant."

"Well, if you're sure that it's okay, I'd love to come," Lily said. "The other night was so interesting. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Should I change?" she asked, looking down at herself.

"You don't have to," Evan replied, "but it might juice things along if you looked a bit sexy."

"Sexy!" Lily exclaimed, then burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, but that's pretty funny. Dress sexy so that you can interview a couple in their 50s about their swinging."

"It was just a thought," Evan said. "You should be comfortable above all."

"Let me see what I can do," Lily said.

"I'll do the dishes," Evan volunteered, which earned him a big smile as she left the room.

"How's this?" Lily asked when she appeared in the kitchen several minutes later, just as Evan was finishing cleaning up from dinner.

"Holy shit!" Evan gasped when he saw his mother. "You look fucking hot!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide as he took in his mother in a mid-thigh skirt that showed off her long, slender legs and slim hips, and a tube top that made her already large breasts seem even larger as it hugged them tightly without a bra, leaving her flat midriff bare, a small gold ring piercing her navel.

"Well, thank you," Lily said, "but you know that I don't approve of that kind of language."

"I'm sorry, mom, but you look smokin'," Evan said, shaking his head.

"I wasn't even sure that this would fit anymore," Lily said, looking down at herself. "I haven't worn these in a long time, not since..."

"Aw, mom, it's okay," Evan assured her, turning and enfolding her in a hug, feeling her big breasts mashing against him. "It sucks that dad's gone, but you still have a life to live, and nobody as beautiful and sexy as you should hide it. I think you look great and I'm sure that Harvey and Sylvia will think so, too."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Here, why don't you take this," Evan suggested, handing his mother his leather portfolio. "That way you can look like my assistant and I'll deal with the camera," he said, shouldering his bag of camera equipment.

"You must be Evan," the man who answered the door said, a smile on his face. "Harvey Kuhms," he said, holding out a hand.

"Hi, Harvey," Evan said, shaking his hand. "This is Lily, my assistant."

"A pleasure indeed," Harvey said as he shook Lily's hand, eyeing her up and down. "You sure know how to pick 'em. Please, come in," he said, standing aside. "This is my wife, Sylvia," he introduced when they had entered.

"Hello!" Sylvia said, a generous smile lighting up her face beneath pale blue eyes and a cap of light-brown curls. She was a few inches shorter than her husband's 5'9". Harvey was balding, but appeared fit with a broad chest.

"And this is my brother, John," he said, introducing the other person.

"Hello," John said, smiling as he shook hands. He appeared a bit older than Harvey and had a slight paunch, though he had the same hazel eyes.

"Please, have a seat," Sylvia said, leading them to the living room. "Would you care for something to drink?"

"Thank you," Lily said with a smile.

"Some wine? Beer? Something stronger?" Sylvia queried.

"Whatever you're having will be fine," Lily said.

"I have a feeling this is going to be a whisky evening," Sylvia said as she went over to the wetbar that was in one corner of the living room.

"Cheers!" Harvey said when they each had a glass in hand, raising his in a toast as the others joined in.

"Oh, this is nice," Lily sighed after taking a sip of the amber liquid, just a few small ice cubes in the glass. "So smokey, tastes like the earth."

"That's why we love the Islay whiskys," Harvey said. "This one's a Laphroaig, my personal favorite. It's very smokey and peaty."

"That's the word, peaty," Lily said.

"Before we start, I need you to fill out and sign release forms," Evan explained as they sat in chairs across a coffee table from the sofa where the others were sitting, turning to look at Lily and glance down at the portfolio on her lap.

"Here you are," Lily said after extracting three of the forms from the portfolio and handing them each one, along with pens.

"Blurred body parts," Sylvia read, chuckling. "Why ruin the best part?" she asked, Harvey and John laughing with her. "Are you going to be seeing our body parts?" she asked, her eyes twinkling, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Well, we'll see how the interview goes," Evan replied. "But everything is up to you. We want to know your thoughts and initial experiences, but we also want to share the graphic actuality of the experience so that our viewers will better understand."

"Sounds good to me," Harvey said. "What do you want to know?"

"Why don't you start by introducing yourselves, first names only, tell us your age, how long you've been married, educational and/or professional background, things like that," Evan suggested.

"Well, I'm Harvey, 52 years old. Sylvia and I have been married for 31 years. I went to work on the docks right out of high school, retired after 30 years as the operations manager."

"I'm Sylvia, 50 years old. I'm partially retired, working now as a consulting surgeon after 20 years as a cardiac surgeon."

"I'm John, 55 years old," John spoke up, surprising both Evan and Lily. "Harvey's my younger brother. I'm retired, was a partner in an accounting firm for 30 years. My wife died a few years ago."

"And you're going to tell us about your sex lives?" Evan asked.

"What would you like to know?" Harvey asked.

"First of all, do you have a monogamous marriage?" Evan asked.

"No," Harvey replied.

"Was it ever monogamous?" Evan asked.

"No," Harvey replied, smiling at the sudden look of surprise on Lily's face. "Sylvia and I met on a double date that John and I had. Jeanie was John's date. We all ended up fucking each other. I thought that Sylvia was the world's end. I couldn't get enough of her. We were together every day after that and have been ever since."

"Did that ever happen again?" Evan asked.

"All the time," Harvey replied. "John and I fucked her all the time and Sylvia kept introducing her girlfriends to John. We were constantly taking turns fucking each other."

"And there was never any jealousy?" Evan asked.

"Never," Harvey replied. "The only thing that mattered was getting laid."

"Yet you married Sylvia," Evan said.

"Damned right I did," Harvey laughed. "I wanted to make certain that come hell or high water, I had Sylvia. At the end of the day, it was her pussy or mouth or ass that I wanted to be in, no matter who or how many others there had been."

"And it didn't bother you that Sylvia was fucking, I assume, other men besides yourself and your brother?" Evan asked.

"Of course not," Harvey snorted. "I love to watch her fuck."

"What's your take on all of that, Sylvia?" Evan asked.

"I had been trying to maneuver a date with Harvey for a while," Sylvia replied with a laugh. "I had heard that he was a really good fuck from a couple of my girlfriends. We were all sex-crazy nymphomaniacs back then."

"You've changed?" Harvey snorted as John laughed.

"Anyway, when he did finally ask me out on a date, I was determined to make sure it wasn't the last time," Sylvia recalled. "I had heard about him and John, how they fucked their dates and then swapped, but that sounded like fun to me, so when I got the chance, I tried to fuck both of them to death."

"She's still trying," Harvey said.

"Even back then, in university, trying to get into medical school, I wondered if I'd ever get married, have a family," Sylvia said. "I knew that I could never, would never settle for just one cock in my life, and I also knew that finding a guy that would tolerate that would be just about impossible."

"Harvey was my savior. The man is an insatiable stud. He can fuck and he can fuck forever and there's really nothing else that he'd rather be doing. He also loves to watch other people fuck, especially me, which also turns me on. I get chills thinking of people watching me. So when he asked me to marry him, making it a condition that I not change anything about how I lived my life, I couldn't say yes fast enough. It's been 31 years and hundreds, if not thousands, of different people, and I'm still crazy horny for him. Or anyone else who wants to join in."

"I can't tell whether you're the good guy or the bad guy in all of this, John," Evan said.

"I'm the lucky guy," John said, laughing.

"How did you feel, sharing girls with your younger brother?" Evan asked.

"Proud," John replied. "I was his big brother. It was my responsibility to teach him how to grow up."

"Isn't that usually a father's job?" Evan asked.

"We never knew our father," John replied, shrugging his shoulders. "The responsibility became mine."

"How did you feel about Harvey marrying Sylvia?" Evan asked.

"Happy, really happy," John replied, beaming a smile. "That meant that she'd always be around. Sylvia is one of the all-time best sex toys."

"You were married. Did your wife know about your relationship with Harvey and Sylvia?" Evan asked.

"Gloria was one of Sylvia's best friends," John replied. "In a way, it was more like a group marriage. We had houses next door to each other."

"Were all of your sexual activities heterosexual?" Evan asked.

"Gosh, no," John laughed. "That would be a handicap."

"Handicap?" Lily blurted out, surprising everyone.

"Sure," John replied. "This planet is 51% female, 49% male. Limiting ourselves to heterosexuality would be like fighting with one hand tied behind our backs."

"Did any of you have any same-sex experience before you got married?" Evan asked.

"Sure," John replied, nodding.

"Yes," Sylvia said.

"Me, too," Harvey added.

"For me, it was like a membership requirement to be in the cool group of girls, the ones who fucked as often as they could," Sylvia said. "We'd hang out, those of us who weren't lucky enough to have a date, and we'd eat each other's pussies. It wasn't a cock, but pussy is good when there's no cock. Actually, pussy is always good, it's just that cock is better."

"It was my 18th birthday, in the morning," Harvey said, shaking his head. "John and I had just woke up. We shared a room and he was still living at home while he went to university. We never had much money. Mom didn't have an education past high school, so she only got jobs that barely paid enough for us to survive. We lived in a walk-up apartment, 2 small bedrooms with a common wall, a very thin wall. If someone talked above a whisper, you could hear it in the next room."

"Anyway, John put his finger to his lips, our signal that he wanted to talk but didn't want mom to hear us," Harvey continued. "He had the upper bunk. When we wanted to talk privately, we'd always do it in his bunk, so I climbed up. I was surprised when John told me happy birthday. I didn't understand why we had to hide that from mom."

"Then John asked me if I wanted to get laid," Harvey reminisced, laughing. "I can still remember how my heart started racing at the thought. I was just a skinny 18-year-old with pimples. Getting laid was still just in the realm of dreams for me. Of course, I said yes, then John told me that there was only one catch."

"I can still remember his eyes as he looked into mine. Our noses were just inches apart as we knelt down into the covers to muffle our voices. He told me that he guaranteed that he would get me laid that very night and many nights after that, by different girls. I remember how hard my cock was when I heard this. Then came the metaphorical 'but'," Harvey said, sighing and shaking his head.

"The 'but' was that I had to suck his cock, then and there, and that I'd have to suck his cock at least once for every time that he got me laid, more times if it was a new girl," Harvey exclaimed, laughing when Lily gasped, her hand going to her mouth.

"If you don't mind my asking, what about that surprised you?" Harvey asked, looking at Lily.

"Wait, wait," Evan interrupted. "I can't have someone off camera as part of the discussion other than me as the interviewer. I have no objections to you asking mo...Lily questions, but I'd want her to be in the shot as well."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Harvey started to say.

"No, no, that's all right," Lily said, smiling, then laughing. "If I'm going to react, you have every right to ask me why."

"Would you like to join us?" Harvey asked, he and Sylvia making room on the sofa between them for her.

"Evan?" Lily asked, looking at her son.

"It's all good," Evan replied. "It's entirely up to you."

"So, what was it that caused you to react?" Harvey asked as Lily sat sandwiched between him and Sylvia with John on the other end.

"The coercion," Lily replied.

"Coercion," John said, "usually implies the use of force or threats or intimidation. There was nothing of the sort. It was a straight bargain. You want sex with a woman, suck my cock; if you don't, no harm, no foul."

"So you sucked his cock?" Evan asked, noticing how his mother's skirt had ridden up on her thighs.

"I did," Harvey replied, "badly, though I did make him cum."

"How did you react to that?" Evan asked.

"I was going to spit it out, stop, when John told me that I had to swallow it," Harvey replied. "So I swallowed it. He kept telling me what to do, how to do it, so I did what he told me to do until he stopped cumming and he told me to stop."

"How did you feel about the whole thing?" Evan asked.

"It was a bit weird, gross, but other than that, I didn't really mind," Harvey replied. "John was my big brother. He had gotten me out of more scrapes and problems than I can count. To this day, other than Sylvia, there's nobody that I trust more. That's how I felt then, too."

"And did he keep his word?" Evan asked. "Did he get you laid that night?"

"John always keeps his word," Harvey said solemnly, like a mantra. "Sara Silverstein. Big breasts, though not in your league," he said, looking sideways at Lily.

"They sure are something," Sylvia said with a sigh, cupping her own small, B-cup breasts.

"Oh!" Lily gasped, embarrassed, feeling her nipples reacting.

"Sara Silverstein?" Evan asked, trying to divert the conversation back where it belonged.

"Yeah," Harvey nodded, "big dark nipples. She liked it when I chewed on them. I almost fainted when she took my whole cock in her mouth. I had never even imagined anything feeling that good. Her pussy was shaved, just a bit of hair above it. And it was long from front to back and her inner pussy lips hung down and had a dark tinge on the edges, like her clit. It was big and fat."

"It sounds like a nice memory," Evan said.

"One of the best," Harvey agreed with a sigh. "The first should be memorable like that."

"Did you continue to suck your brother's cock?" Evan asked.

"Every day," Harvey replied with a laugh, "sometimes twice. Whenever John had the urge to cum, he'd ask me to suck his cock. I got pretty good at it after a while."

"Did he ever suck yours?" Evan asked.

"I had been sucking his cock for a couple of month's, I'd say," Harvey replied. "I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me, but right in the middle of him blowing a load of cum into my mouth, I thought about the fact that he had never sucked my cock, though the girls that he continued to come up with did, with enthusiasm. So, when I finished sucking him off, I asked him why he never sucked my cock. He told me because I had never asked. So I asked."

"And did he suck your cock?" Evan asked.

"Better than anyone had up until then," Harvey replied with a laugh. "My big brother is a world-class cock sucker."

"He knows how to eat pussy, too," Sylvia added with a laugh. "The man's got a talented tongue."

"How did your sex with men experience start, John?" Evan asked.

"We lived in a tough neighborhood," John replied. "It had harsh rules. One of the rules is you don't cross the gangs, especially if you don't belong to any of them. I was lost in thought and crossed the street at the wrong place one day and some members of the gang that controlled that street caught me. I was 19. They gave me a choice; suck their cocks or they'd beat the shit out of me. It wasn't much of a choice. It was coercion," he said, leaning forward to smile at Lily, who blushed.

"So I sucked their cocks," John continued. "There were four of them and they were all black, but only one of them had a large cock. They were laughing as I sucked each of them, threatening to beat me if I spilled even a drop of their cum. When I finished, they told me that I had to come to the same spot every week and suck them, otherwise, they'd come find me and my family."

"I was terrified," John continued, "but what could I do? Who could I turn to? So I went there every week. Sometimes there'd only be 4 or 5 of them, sometimes there'd be 10 of them. And I'd suck their cocks. I don't remember when it was, but one day I realized that I was counting the days until I was supposed to report to my weekly cock sucking fest. That was when it dawned on me that I was enjoying it.""Your circle of acquaintances must have changed as time went by," Evan said. "Where did you find other like-minded people to play with?"

"Mostly from the docks," Harvey replied, "though some of Sylvia's high-society doctor friends liked to play, too. Dock workers are tough people, usually from humble backgrounds. Humble backgrounds usually translate to no money, nothing to do, so they fuck. That's why they have such large families."

"Is anal sex something that you enjoy?" Evan asked.

"Sure," Harvey replied, nodding, "though I wasn't crazy about it at first."

"Why is that?" Evan asked.

"I had just started working on the docks," Harvey explained. "I was still a skinny kid and didn't know that much about life. I had been working there for six months when I got called to the supervisor's office. He was there, along with the shift foreman and the mob guy who controlled the docks at that time."

"The supervisor told me that I had passed my probationary period and was now eligible to be considered a dockworker. That meant a 50% wage increase from the probationary period's rate of pay. But to finally qualify, there was a rite of passage that I had to undergo. I had to let each of them fuck me in the ass."

"I really didn't take that long to think about it, I just dropped my pants. I had fucked a few girls in the ass by now and knew that they had lived through it, had enjoyed it, so I wasn't that afraid or anything, just a bit nervous. I certainly didn't feel any stigma about it."

"The owner went first, which was good, because he had the smallest cock. It wasn't the greatest experience, but I'm sure it could have been worse. The supervisor went next. His cock was bigger, but it went in easier, probably because my ass was full of cum and it lubricated the way in. After he came in me, the foreman took his turn. Two loads of cum or not, his cock was really big and I felt it. I thought it was going to split me in two, but somehow my ass adjusted and he really fucked me. If I hadn't been on my hands and knees on the floor, I would have fallen down when I felt his cock throbbed deep in my ass and knew he was cumming, but I'll never forget them laughing when they saw me cumming at the same time, nobody having touched my cock. To this day, if I get fucked by a really big cock in my ass, I can cum from it."

"I can attest to that," Sylvia laughed. "I've even made him cum when I use my extra-large strap-on on him."

"What about you, John?" Evan asked.

"Same story," John replied. "I'd been going down to that same spot and sucking off that gang for six months, I guess. By then, everyone knew that I enjoyed it, so they stopped being so disrespectful and treated me more like one of the gang, except that I was sucking their cocks."

"Didn't they have any girlfriends?" Lily asked.

"Oh, sure," John replied. "And they'd often be there. They enjoyed seeing a white guy sucking their man's cock. One day, Trevon, the gang's leader, asked me if I wanted them to fuck me in the ass. I told him that I had never done it, or thought about doing it. He told me that they had been talking about it and had decided that since I liked sucking their cocks so much, that I'd probably enjoy getting fucked by them."

"Were they coercing you?" Lily asked, at which John burst into laughter.

"Not in the least," John replied. "They were politely asking me if I wanted them to fuck me in the ass. To this day, I don't know why I agreed, but I had grown close to these people, as odd as that may seem, and didn't see the harm. I had fucked plenty of girls in the ass and knew that none of them had ever complained."

"So, they put me on my hands and knees on a picnic table that was in this small park and Trevon fucked me in the ass," John continued. "I'll give him credit, he took as much care as he could so that it wouldn't be unpleasant for me. It was an amazing scene, like something out of Deer Hunter, all of these black people, naked dancing around the table while I was getting fucked in the ass."

"Trevon came in my ass. I could feel his cock pulsing. When he finished, four more guys took their turn before Trevon stopped things, telling me that that was enough for the first time, that they'd do it again the next time I came. After that, I'd go down there once a week and they'd take turns fucking me in the ass while I sucked one of their cocks. It actually got to the point where some of the girlfriends would have me eat their pussy while I was getting fucked in the ass, most of the time full of cum."

"I did that for two years, every week," John said. "The gang changed. They grew up, died, went to jail, moved away, whatever, but those were two of the best years of my life. The rest of the time I was getting laid like crazy, then I'd have what I used to think of as my twisted day."

"Why don't we take a break," Evan suggested. "This seems like a good point."

"I'll get some more whisky," Sylvia said, getting to her feet.

"This is going really well," Evan said.

"It's fun reminiscing like this," Harvey said as they all stood together.

"Good memories," John agreed.

"Here we are," Sylvia said, showing up with a bucket of ice and a bottle of Laphroaig, taking each of their glasses and pouring a generous two fingers over some ice cubes. "To good times," she said, raising her glass.

"Good times," they all agreed, toasting.

"So, what did you think of our tales?" Sylvia asked.

"Please, I'd like to keep any discussion about you and sex for the camera," Evan said. "Anything else is fine."

"Okay," Sylvia said. "How long have you been working together?"

"Oh, that's just started," Lily replied. "This is actually my first assignment."

"What did you do before this?" Harvey asked.

"I was in administration," Lily replied. "I wanted to be closer to the action, as it were, not locked in some office on the 35th floor all day. Everyone thinks that Evan is really talented, so I jumped at the chance to work with him."

"Well, you look as though you belong in front of the camera, not behind it," Harvey said.

"What are we going to do next?" John asked. "You have more questions?"

"Actually, I don't," Evan replied, "unless you know of some that I should have asked."

"I think that you should just make a video of us fucking," Sylvia said, laughing when she saw Lily's eyes go wide. "A picture is worth a thousand words and all that."

"I would definitely like to have that kind of footage to use in the documentary," Evan said. "Is that something that you'd like to do?"

"I told you, I love people to watch me fuck," Sylvia said with a laugh, "though I don't know why anyone would want to watch three old people like us. You and Lily would make a far more interesting video, I think."

"But this is about you," Evan replied, feeling his mother trembling next to him as her arm leaned against his.

"Well, I know these two old goats are always ready," Sylvia said, smiling at Harvey, then John.

"Shall we fuck?" Harvey asked, grinning at his wife.

"I think we should fuck," Sylvia said, laughing. "Come with us to our sex room," she said, leading the way down a hall to a door which she opened, slipping her shoes off, then stepped through.

"Oh, wow!" Lily gasped when she stepped into the room, the floor of which was one big mattress, a low wetbar in one corner, a large assortment of sex toys hanging from hooks on one wall, pillows of all sizes scattered everywhere.

"You like it?" Harvey asked, a hand on the small of Lily's back, her skin hot beneath his cool palm.

"It's like a fantasy," Lily laughed.

"Will that work in here?" Harvey asked, indicating Evan's video camera on its tripod.

"I think so," Evan said. "If we can keep the action to one side of the room, I can set it up on the other side and the vibrations should dampen out."

"Come on, you two," Sylvia said, pulling her smock off over her head, revealing that she was naked beneath it. Her small, B-cup breasts sagged a bit and had pale, light-brown nipples. Her stomach had dropped, the stretched skin hanging down a bit towards her smooth-shaven pussy which appeared as a dark furrow between her legs.

Harvey's cock was thick and his cock and balls were shaved, making his cock look even larger. John's cock wasn't as thick as his brother's, but he, too, was shaven.

"What about you?" Sylvia asked, looking at Evan and Lily, who had been fidgeting as she watched them undress, uncertain of what to do.

"What about us?" Lily asked.

"You're not going to keep your clothes on, are you?" Sylvia asked.

"Why wouldn't we?" Lily asked.

"Well, because we're not performing seals is why," Sylvia replied, her hands on her hips. "We don't mind if you watch, film, even actively join in, but you do have to participate at least by taking your clothes off. How are we supposed to get in the mood when we feel like goldfish in a bowl?"

"It's not a problem," Evan said, pulling his t-shirt off and revealing his chiseled upper body. "You should wait outside," he suggested, taking his mother's arm lightly in his hand. "This is a bit much for a first assignment, I'd say."

"N-n-no, no, I was just surprised is all," Lily stammered, a pit in the bottom of her stomach, a voice in her head screaming at her to leave NOW.

Reaching back, Evan activated the camera.

"You're sure?" he asked. "It wouldn't have any negative effect on your job, I assure you. This is over and beyond the job description. I've done this before, so it's not a big deal to me."

"No, it's okay," Lily said, placing a hand on her son's forearm.

"Jesus! They are fucking beautiful!" Harvey exclaimed when Lily suddenly peeled her tube top off, releasing her naked breasts which bounced heavily on her chest, her large, dark nipples visibly tightening into large knurls on the ends of her breasts.

"Fantastic!" John agreed.

"I'm jealous," Sylvia said and everyone laughed, the tension broken.

"That's some assistant you've got there, Evan," Harvey said.

"I'll say," Evan breathed, not believing what he was seeing, the most perfect breasts he could imagine and they were his mother's.

"Oh, my, look what we have here," Sylvia said when Evan peeled his shorts off, not wanting to force his mother to go first, his 8" of cock more than half hard. "I can't imagine what could possibly have caused that," she said to more laughter as Lily's cheeks flamed as she stared at her son's cock.

It's so big! she thought as she unzipped her skirt and let it slide to the floor, leaving her naked.

"No panties!" Sylvia noticed.

"I don't own any," Lily confessed. "My late husband didn't like them, thought they were just in the way, so I never bought any again."

"You look just like Sara Silverstein," Harvey said, staring. "The exact same pussy."

"Oh, my!" Lily gasped, resisting the urge to place her hands in front of her.

"Long pussy from front to back, long lips, big clit, dark-tinged edges," Harvey said softly. "She was delicious, too."

"Okay, big boy, I've got something delicious for you right here," Sylvia said, dragging him down onto the floor and straddling his face.

Lily glanced over to where Evan was thankfully behind the camera, though it was hard not to notice his cock standing out in front of him. It was so big! Looking back, she saw that John was now standing in front of Sylvia as she rode Harvey's tongue, his cock filling her mouth.

"Is this your first time watching people having sex?" John asked, reaching out and gently pulling Lily closer, into the shot, his arm draped in a leisurely fashion across her shoulders as Sylvia continued to suck his cock. Like his brother, his cock was about 6".

"No," Lily replied, unable to tear her eyes from Sylvia's mouth wrapped around the shaft of John's cock.

Evan looked up, his eyes wide when he heard that, his cock lurching.

"You enjoy watching?" John asked, reaching down and grasping his cock and slapping the head of it against Sylvia's outstretched tongue a few times before letting her suck it into her mouth again.

"It's exciting," Lily replied, aware of the wetness between her legs.

"It is, isn't it?" Sylvia asked, gasping for breath. "I love to watch people having sex almost as much as I like doing it myself," she said, turning around and laying down, taking Harvey's erect cock into her mouth and presenting her ass and pussy to John as Harvey continued to eat her pussy.

Lily knew that John could feel her trembling against his side as he reached down with his free hand and guided it to Sylvia's pussy, leaning his upper body back so that Lily had a perfect view of his cock disappearing into her.

"Sylvia's still got a great pussy," John sighed as she sawed his cock in and out of her, then pulled it out after a few strokes to show it glistening with a sheen of pussy juices. "Always wet," he said, sliding his cock back into her pussy as Harvey continued to lick it from beneath.

Lily was frozen as she watched John fucking Sylvia, his arm around her shoulders holding her snugly up against his body, her breast mashed against him. As if that wasn't enough, her son was watching everything, his big cock standing out in front of him.

"Okay, here we go," John gasped, leaning back until just the head of his cock was in Sylvia's pussy. "Oh, yeah!" he cried out, throwing his head back as he came.

Almost immediately, Lily could see cum seeping from around his cock as he continued to cum. When he finally pulled his cock from her pussy, Lily gasped when she saw a river of cum run from her, down onto Harvey's tongue below, then John's cock, filling his brother's mouth as Harvey's cheeks hollowed as he finished sucking his brother off, then returned to slurping the cum cocktail filling Sylvia's pussy until she was sparkling pink and clean.

"God, I love both of you," Sylvia panted, lifting her face from Harvey's cock and looking back over her shoulders. "I can see why John was so inspired," she said with a smile as she looked at Lily plastered to his side.

"Thank you," John said, releasing Lily. "You're one hell of a cuddle."

"You're welcome," Lily gasped, still shocked by what she had seen as Sylvia crawled down Harvey's body and mounted him, leaning back on her hands which were on either side of his knees, her feet planted beneath his shoulders as his cock filled her pussy, spread wide open for everyone to clearly see.

"God, I just love having my clit licked while I'm getting fucked," Sylvia gasped as John crawled over his brother's body to glue his mouth to the junction of Sylvia's pussy and his brother's cock as they fucked.

Lily moved to stand next to them, facing the camera without thinking of it.

"Do you always stay behind the camera?" Sylvia asked as Harvey's cock slid up and down, in and out of her pussy.

"Not necessarily," Evan replied.

"Do an old lady a favor and come out here and let me suck your cock while these two are busy," Sylvia implored.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Evan asked as Lily gasped, her hand going to her mouth.

"I'd love it," Sylvia said.

Lily stared, her mouth open as Evan approached, his big cock leading the way. He looked at her, a wry grin on his face, and shrugged his shoulders as he stopped next to them, facing his mother on the other side.

"That is one beautiful cock," Sylvia said, reaching up and wrapping a hand around it as she directed it to her open mouth.

Lily felt her already slick thighs get even wetter when she saw Evan's cock disappear into Sylvia's mouth, all of it. She actually gasped when Sylvia's nose pressed up against his belly and she could see his cock throbbing in her throat.

"Now that's a real mouthful," Sylvia gasped after she had pulled back, jacking him as she darted her tongue into the slit.

"Not too many people have been able to do that," Evan said as his cock disappeared once again into Sylvia's mouth.

Evan could see that his mother's big, dark nipples were hard. He could also see the moist glistening of her inner thighs and knew that she was excited. He could just make out her pussy lips hanging between her thighs and the tip of her clit as Sylvia continued to suck his cock.

"Ahhh," Harvey cried out, lifting his hips as he came, his cock buried in Sylvia's pussy, John's mouth glued to the junction of his brother's cock and his wife's pussy.

"Oh, god!" Lily gasped when she saw John capture his brother's spurting cock in his mouth and finish sucking him off before gluing his mouth to Sylvia's leaking pussy to eat her. Looking up, she met her son's eyes, then looked down to see his cock in Sylvia's mouth.

"I'm going to cum," Evan announced, his eyes locked with his mother's.

Lily forced herself to look away, looking down to see the head of Evan's cock laying on Sylvia's tongue, cum shooting onto her tongue and into her mouth as he came. Sylvia's tongue was thickly coated with cum before she wrapped her lips around the head of Evan's cock, her cheeks hollowing as she eagerly sucked him off, not stopping until she had extracted every erg of cum that she could.

"Well, that was certainly a treat," Sylvia gasped as she gulped for breath, swallowing yet again. "It's been a while since I got to suck such a nice, young cock."

"I can't imagine a cock not liking being in your mouth," Evan sighed. "That was great."

Lily could not stop staring at her son's cock hanging in front of Sylvia's face, her hand still wrapped around the shaft.

"He does have a beautiful cock, doesn't he?" Sylvia asked, seeing where Lily's gaze was directed.

"Oh! Well, yes, he does," Lily replied, blushing furiously, feeling her big, dark nipples getting even harder and her pussy getting even wetter.

"Well, I think that pretty much does it for this evening," Evan said. "Thank you, on many different levels. Your stories were fantastic and watching you together was inspiring."

"It was nice to have an audience," Sylvia said, leaning forward to suck one last time on the tip of Evan's cock before releasing him.

Everyone started to dress and Evan happened to look over at his mother when she bent over to pick up her skirt, her back to him, displaying her ass and pussy, her long pussy lips clearly glistening with beads of pussy juice on the edges, petaling apart to just reveal the wet pink interior before she stood back up. It made it difficult for Evan to stuff his hard 8" of cock back into his shorts, especially watching his mother's big breasts bounce, her nipples still dark, rock-hard knurls as she pulled her tube top back on.

"Well, that went really well, though not like I'd expected," Evan said as they drove away, Lily still in shock.

"I just don't know what to say, Evan," she finally sighed.

"Sorry you came?" Evan asked.

"No, and yes," Lily replied. "It was fascinating to hear their stories, but I wasn't really prepared for the rest."

"My guess is that this is only the beginning, the tip of the iceberg," Evan said. "It's bound to get crazier and crazier. You might want to reconsider coming along."

"I do need to think about it," Lily agreed. "You didn't seem uncomfortable with what was happening," she ventured.

"I wasn't," Evan agreed.

"You've done these type of things before?" Lily asked.

"Mom, do you really want to talk about my sex life?" Evan asked. "That would give me the room to ask you about yours, like that comment you made about having seen people having sex before."

"You're right," Lily said. "It really is none of my business. You weren't bothered by me being there, naked?" she asked.

"Bothered in only the wrong ways," Evan replied with a laugh. "Christ, mom, you really are hot. I mean, I don't care about you being 44 or my mother, you are hot. You've got a killer body."

Your father used to say the exact same thing," Lily laughed. "He used to call me killer at certain times. It's nice to know that I haven't totally lost it."

"I think they would have given their eye teeth if you had joined in," Evan said.

"Oh, no!" Lily gasped. "Just being naked like that, John holding me against him while he fucked Sylvia, that was more than enough. And then you..."

"Yeah, well, I certainly didn't plan on that," Evan laughed. "Though I do have to say, she knew what she was doing."

"And you enjoyed it, having her..." Lily asked tentatively.

"Mom, there's no such thing as not enjoying a blowjob, no matter who it's from," Evan said. "Any blind man could tell you that. It was a bit weird having you standing there watching, I have to admit."

"But that didn't stop you," Lily pointed out.

"It's one of my rules in life," Evan said. "Never say no to sex, especially when a woman asks."

"Evan!" Lily gasped as they pulled into their drive.

"Can you give me one good reason why I should ever say no?" Evan asked as he parked and they exited the car. "I didn't think so," he said after no reply was forthcoming."Mom, I've arranged a video session with two couples," Evan announced at breakfast a few days later. "They're neighbors who only recently found out that they were each swingers. They're willing to be interviewed about what it's like to need to hide who they really are."

"That should be interesting," Lily said. "Would you like me to come along?"

"I'm not sure you'll want to," Evan replied. "They agree to the interview, but they insist on a party afterwards."

"Oh! I see," Lily said, her cheeks coloring. "Well, I survived the last one. Maybe it will be okay."

"You enjoyed watching them?" Evan asked.

"It was exciting," Lily admitted.

"They also said that they want - their words - the camera crew to join them in their party," Evan added, smiling when he saw his mother's eyes pop as she choked on her coffee. "I haven't told them the size of my crew. For all they know, it's a dozen people."

"And you're going" Lily stammered.

"Join in? Hell, yes," Evan replied with a laugh. "I never say no, remember? Besides, it's great for the documentary."

"I just don't know what to say," Lily sighed.

"I didn't think you'd want to come, but I thought I should at least tell you about it," Evan said.

"Well, I appreciate that," Lily said. "I think maybe this one isn't for me.""You got in late," Lily said the next morning at breakfast.

"Yeah," Evan agreed as he slumped in his seat. "It was a long night."

"With them?" Lily asked, her eyes wide.

"Yeah," Evan replied. "They were pretty crazy, lots of fun. Good people with great attitudes."

"I see," Lily said, clearing her throat. "And you made a video of it all?"

"I almost ran out of memory cards," Evan laughed. "I was on my last one. I kept charging my batteries. I don't know how many times I had to change them."

"Well, I'm glad that it was successful, that you had a good time," Lily said awkwardly.

"Oh, mom, it's cool," Evan said, reaching across the table to take her hand. "I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a grown man and I'm single and I love sex. I make enough money that I can afford my own place. If my life is making you uncomfortable..."


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