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51.6% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2116: MOM'S RECOVERY

Chapter 2116: MOM'S RECOVERY

Ouch! Yah that hurts." My mom said, wincing in pain.

My mom was laying down while the doctor examined her leg. Two weeks ago she and I were involved in a car crash which broke my mom's leg and gave me a concussion.

"And how about this?" The doctor asked my mom as he squeezed her big toe.

I felt bad for my mom, she was clearly in pain. Her doctor had prescribed her pain killers, though she didn't take them, she claimed they made her sick. For the last two weeks (and likely the next four) she was essentially bedridden.

After the doctor completed his exam he and I helped my mom get into her wheelchair. As we exited the exam room and entered the lobby she mentioned she needed to go to the bathroom.

"Sure, do you need help?" I asked her.

"Oh honey you don't have to do that." She replied.

"I want to help! Let's go." I commanded as we made our way to the ladies room in the empty lobby.

I opened the restroom door, she wheeled herself in and I closed and locked the door behind us.

"Let me help you up." I said.

I took her crutches and rested them against the wall. My mom was such a proud woman, she hated depending on others, which is why I wasn't surprised to see her struggling to stand up on her own when I turned around.

"Mom, let me help you!" I said with a smile on my face.

I helped her stand up, holding her hand in mine as she raised up. She was wearing a loose white t-shirt and cut-off jean shorts (it was July after all). As she got to her feet she lost her balance and fell into my arms.

"Careful, take your time." I said.

As I helped her regain her balance I realized I was holding her arm with one hand and the other hand was supporting her lower-back. I couldn't help but look down and notice how nice her ass looked in those jean shorts. Without even thinking I placed my hand squarely on her left ass cheek and helped her finally regain her balance.

"Thank you sweetie." She said with a smile and a look of exhaustion.

"You're welcome Mom." I said as I slowly took my hand off her ass. "I'll be outside in the lobby, let me know if you need help."

As I sat in the lobby waiting on her I noticed I had a boner.


Once we got home from the doctor's office I helped my mom lay down on the couch in the living room. She and I had been living in this house for the last eight years. My dad left her when I was young and ran off to live with his girlfriend in the Phillippines. It had always been just me and mom.

I was 19, living at home and taking computer science classes at the local community college. My mom, 44, worked as a legal assistant at a law firm just down the street from our house.

"What sounds good for dinner Mom?" I asked as she got comfortable on the couch.

"Oh honey I hate that you have to take care of your mom all the time. We can just order pizza if you want?" She replied, adjusting her wrinkled t-shirt.

"Pizza sounds good to me! I'll call it in." I said with enthusiasm, I could eat pizza everyday I thought to myself.

After calling in the delivery order I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a beer, then sat down next to my mom on the couch in the living room to watch tv.

"Ugh, this t-shirt is disgusting." My mom said. "Sweetie would you mind grabbing another t-shirt from my closet? I'm too tired to take a bath."

"Sure Mom" I said as I moved swiftly up the stairs to her bedroom.

I opened her closet door and began sifting through her shirts. I took my time until I finally settled on one of her t-shirts and made my way back downstairs.

"Will this work?" I asked as I handed her the fresh t-shirt.

"Perfect! Thank you." She said with a smile as she grabbed the shirt. "Close your eyes mister." She said with a wry smile as she began to take off her shirt.

"I will." I said as I turned my head away.

After a few seconds there was a knock at the door. Surprised I quickly glanced at the door, then at my mom. She was topless but had covered herself with her blanket.

"Dang that was fast!" She said.

I went to the door, paid and thanked the delivery driver, and walked back into the living room with our pizza.

Once I returned to the living room my mom went back to putting her new shirt on. She had one arm through and was struggling to get the other arm through.

"Here mom, let me help." I said as I rushed over to her. "Arms up." I said.

She gave me a puzzled look then reluctantly raised her arms. As I finally got her other arm through I looked down and couldn't believe what I saw: my mom's bare tits. They were bigger than my girlfriend's, way bigger. Thankfully my mom swiftly pulled her shirt down herself and said "thanks sweetie" without noticing a thing.

"Would you mind putting these in the laundry room?" She asked as she handed me her shirt and her bra.

"Sure thing." I said and made my way to the laundry room.

I looked at her bra and without thinking buried my face in it. I was in such an aroused state. I regained my composure and went back into the living room.

When I sat down next to her my cock was rock hard.

"You ever held a girl's bra?" My mom asked me with a grin.

"Oh yah, I mean I'm sure I have, just not one like that." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked, puzzled.

"Well I have obviously held Ashley's (my girlfiend) bra." I repied.

"And what's so different between hers and mine?" She asked.

"Well her bra is, uhm..." I said shyly, unsure of how to explain myself.

"Go on..." My mom said.

"Her bra is smaller than yours." I said.

"Ha! Well I do have her beat in that department." She said jokingly with an air of confidence that further excited me.

"That's for sure!" I said excitedly. "I wish she had breasts like yours."

"Oh stop! They aren't that great." She said as she looked down at her chest.

"Are you kidding me? They look great! Plus Ashley's nipples are weird, yours are perfect." I exclaimed.

"My nipples? How do you know what my nipples look like mister?" She asked.

"Well I might have seen them when you changed just now." I said.

"Oh my, how embarrassing." She said with a sigh. "I've had huge nipples my whole life. That's why I always wear a bra."

"Well you're not wearing one now." I said as I gazed down at her chest. "I think it looks fine."

"You don't see them?" She asked as she turned to me and pulled her shirt tight against her chest. "Look at them! It's so obvious!" She said as she looked my directly in the eyes.

"I can see them now I guess, but they look fine." I said. Her nipples were huge, but gorgeous. Her areolas weren't particularly big, but her nipples themselves were huge, almost exactly the size and color of a hot dog.

"Well thanks honey." She said as she slouched back into the couch and directed to attention back to the tv we were watching.


"Hey sweetie." I heard as I woke up.

"It's late, we should go to bed." The voice said, who I now realized was my mom's.

I had fallen asleep on the couch.

My mom was leaned up against me, almost as if she had fallen asleep against me. The blanket was covering the both of us; did we sleep together? I thought.

We both sat up on the couch.

"Ok, bedtime." I said to my mom with a sleepy smile.

I helped my mom stand up and wrapped her arm around my neck, supporting her. We slowly made our way up the stairs. I helped her into her bedroom and sat her down on the side of her bed.

"Thanks sweetie." My mom said.

"You're welcome. Is there anything I can get you?" I asked.

"Could you hand me that silk shirt hanging on my closet door? I wear it when I sleep." She asked.

I took the shirt off the hanger and handed it to her. Without a word she took her shirt off. Her DD tits bounced when she threw her shirt on the floor. The main light in the room was on! I was standing in front of my topless mom, staring at her bare breasts. My mom had never done anything like this before.

She quickly had her silk shirt on and began climbing under the covers, as if nothing had happened.

"Good night honey. Thanks for taking care of me." My mom said.

"Good night Mom." I said as I bent down to hug her. She hugged me tightly, I could feel her breasts and those huge nipples pressed against me. Suddenly my mom began to giggle.

I abruptly stood up.

"You were poking me in the stomach." She said sheepishly. I looked down and realized my boner was obvious.

"Sorry mom, I...uh..." I stuttered nervously.

"Oh stop, it's perfectly normal. Plus if you take care of it you will fall asleep easily." She said in a very motherly tone. "Sweet dreams honey."


I woke up to my alarm going off. It was 7am.

I threw on some gym shorts and a t-shirt and went to check on my mom.

"Knock knock" I said quietly as I opened her bedroom door. She was still asleep in her bed. I slowly walked toward her bed, which made my heart start racing. I immediately had a flash-back from the night before of my mom's tits. As I crept closer the floor screeched, which woke up my mom.

"Good morning mom." I said.

"Good morning honey." She said, stretching her arms in the air and yawning. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine. I hardly remember falling asleep." I said.

She began to sit up. Suddenly I saw my mom reach her hand out towards me.

"Honk Honk" I heard my mom say laughingly as she squeezed the tip of my cock with her hand. I was shocked! My mom was squeezing my erect penis.

"Uh, uh..." I sputtered.

"Can you help me up sweetie?" She said, disregarding the cock squeeze.

I helped her up and supported her as we made our way to the bathroom. Once I sat her down on the side of the tub I asked her if there was anything else she needed. Because I was standing and she was sitting I realized not only did I still have a boner, it was right in front of my mom's face.

"I'm good thanks honey." she said, and without hesitation reached out and pulled my pants down with a quick jerk. My cock literally "popped" out of my shorts, which were now down around my mid-thigh area.

I quickly yanked my shorts up, my face turning bright-red.

"There! We're even. You've seen my boobs and I've seen your cock." She said as she turned around to draw a bath. She turned both the hot and cold dials, the sound of a running bath always soothed me.

"My goodness mister! I had no idea how big my son was." she said as she glanced up at me. "Your cock is still hard as a rock!" she said as she reached back out and pulled down my shorts.

My cock popped out again, but this time I didn't pull my shorts back up, I actually stared up at the ceiling. After a few seconds I looked back down to see my mom staring at my cock.

"Your head is SO big!" she said, and reached out with her hand. Rather than touching my cock, she reached for my balls. She gently pressed her hand against them, then cupped them in the palm of her hand. "Your balls are big too honey!" she said.

After about three seconds of having her hand on my balls I felt an overwhelming urge and knew I was about to orgasm. Without warning cum shot out of my cock. I felt my mom take her hand off my balls as I shot load after load. During the orgasm, as I do with most orgasms, I was looking up at the ceiling.

Once my orgasm subsided and the pulsating of my cock died down, I caught my breath, opened my eyes, and tilted my head back down.

In front of my was my mom, barely clothed, with her face covered in my cum.

"Oh my god mom! I'm sooooo sorry!" I said in a state of disbelief.

Cum was dripping from her nose, in her eyes, in her was everywhere!

"Wow!" My mom said, as she started to laugh. I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"I wasn't expecting THAT." she said as she wiped cum from her left eyelid. "Good thing I'm about to wash up. Go eat breakfast honey." she said. I quickly vacated the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

"Oh my fucking god that was hot!" I thought to myself as I laid back on my bed.

I wore a big smile on my face as I stared up at the ceiling. The sound of the running bath water rang out from down the hall. My mom had a leg cast, so her baths consisted of her seated on the side of the tub and giving herself a sponge bath. I closed my eyes and visualized her washing my gobs of cum off her face, and soon I fell asleep.

I woke up to the hot sun beaming on my face. I normally closed the blinds to my bedroom window that faced east, but clearly my mind had been elsewhere when I fell asleep.

After a few yawns and stretches I freed myself from the shackles of my cozy bed and made my way to the hallway bathroom. Once I stepped out of my room and into the hallway I was met with the smell of bacon. "Mom's making breakfast!" I thought to myself as I rushed to turn on the shower.

In no time I was freshly showered, dressed and making my way down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie!" My mom said with a big bright smile on her face.

"Good morning Mom!" I replied as I took a seat on the kitchen counter next to the stove.

"Breakfast is ready." She said. "Would you mind making our plates honey?"

"Of course Mom, you didn't need to do all this with your leg and everything." I replied with a tone of genuine care.

"Oh but I wanted to make us breakfast honey. I hate how dependent I am on you so I wanted to do something on my own." She said.

"Well it looks delicious!" I said as I bit into a piece of bacon. Even though we didn't have much financially my mom always bought our meats and vegetables from the farmer's market, and this bacon was some of the best I'd ever had.

"How'd you sleep?" My mom asked as she sipped her coffee.

She looked so good. She was still wearing the silk shirt I gave her before she went to bed the previous night. Everytime I saw her now I felt tempted to look for those captivating nipples of hers.

"Good I guess, I hardly remember falling asleep." I said as I chugged my orange juice.

"Well good!" She said. "I have a feeling your 'release' helped."

"Oh...yah...uh..." I stammered.

"Oh don't be embarrassed sweetie. Are you all done?" She asked as she went to grab my empty plate.

"Yes, thanks Mom that was so good." I said.

"You're welcome honey, it's the least I can do for you taking care of me." She said. "So, it's Saturday, what are we going to do today?" She asked.

"I don't have any plans, what sounds like fun?" I asked.

"'s so hot out, how about we go see a movie?" She asked.

"That sounds perfect! Let me see what's on..." I said as I pulled out my iPhone. I loved going to the movies, my girlfriend Ashley and I went all the time.

"What's Ashley up to today?" My mom asked.

"She's in Colorado with her family, remember?" I replied.

"Oh that's right, duh." My mom said.

"Ok Mom I've got two choices for movies we can go see: would you rather see a scary movie or a comedy?" I asked her.

"Hmmmm...let's go see the scary movie!" She said, smiling.

"Sounds good! It's on at 2:15." I said, excitedly. I too wanted to see the scary movie, comedies bored me for the most part.

"Woohoo! Well I've got to do some send some emails then do some laundry before we go." She said. "See you in a bit." She said as she leaned over and kissed me on the corner of my mouth.

"Sounds good Mom, see you in a bit." I said as I watched her limp herself into the living room. God what an ass I thought, 2:15pm couldnt' get here fast enough.


"Honey?" I heard my mom say as she knocked on my bedroom door.

"Come in Mom!" I said from across my bedroom.

"It's 1:30, do you want to meet downstairs in a few minutes? Which theater are we going to?" She asked.

"We're going to the Sundance, so we don't have to leave for another 10 minutes or so." I said. The Sundance was a small local cinema just down the street.

"Ok sounds good." My mom said. "What's that smell? Have you been smoking mister?"

"I took a few hits earlier. I thought you didn't mind if I smoked weed?" I said.

"Well it's better than drinking I guess, just don't like you doing things behind my back." She said.

"Well why don't we smoke a little together before the movie? Come on, it'll be fun, plus I know you don't take your pain killers, maybe some weed can help ease some of your pain." I said, convincingly.

"Oh I don't know, I tried it once in college and it didn't do anything for me." She said.

"I insist!" I said as I grabbed my bowl off my nightstand. "Here." I said as I handed her the loaded bowl and a lighter.

"I don't know honey, I don't even know how to do this." She said as I handed her the bowl.

"Here, just put this up to your mouth. I'll light it for you, now breathe in." I said as I put the flame to the ground marijuana. Immediately the bowl caught fire. My mom took a HUGE hit and immediately began coughing. The coughing turned to laughter, and soon we were both giggling as my mom caught her breath.

"You ok?" I asked, laughing.

"WHEW! Yes, I think I'm ok." She said smiling. "I need a drink, my mouth is so dry."

"Sure Mom, let's go downstairs, get a drink and head out." I said as I wrapped her arm around my neck.

We wobbled our way downstairs, had a quick drink in the kitchen, got in my car and pulled out of the driveway. I glanced over at my mom on our way to the theater and she looked stoned! She was staring off into the distance through the windshield with a faint grin on her face. I could tell she was enjoying the effects.

I pulled into the theater parking lot and found a spot right up front. I flung my door open and ran around to help my mom out of the car. Once she got on her feet she stumbled a bit and fell into my arms. We both started giggling again. "This is going to be fun." I though to myself as we made our way to the entrance.

"Here honey, for the tickets." My mom said to me as she pulled a $20 out of her purse.

"Oh no Mom, I've already got the tickets." I said to her as I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket. As an avid movie-goer I had all the apps on my phone, and once we settled on the 2:15pm showing I went ahead an purchased the tickets through the app.

"Oh, well, thanks mister! You drove me here AND you bought our tickets? I'd call this a date!" She said excitedly.

"This IS a date!" I said as I we walked towards theater 3, holding hands.

We arrived at theater 3 and walked into the darkness. The theaters at Sundance were fairly small as they fancied themselves an "indie theater", hence the name Sundance. To my surprise the theater was empty, like completely empty.

"Looks like it's just us! Where do you want to sit?" She said.

"Hmmmm" I said, surveying our options. The theaters were small, no stairs or anything, and there was a mixture of recliners, loveseats and couches instead of traditional movie theater seats

"How about over there?" I asked as I pointed to a couch on the other side of the theater.

"That looks perfect." My mom said as she gazed in my eyes.

We made our way over to the teal couch (which was in the darkest spot of the seating area).

"Here, let me help you." I said as I held my mom's hand while she gingerly slumped down into the couch.

"Thanks honey." "Come sit." She said as she patted the couch next to her.

I sat next to her and made myself comfortable.

"Honey is it ok if I lean against you? I need more legroom for this stupid cast." She asked quietly.

"Of course." I said as she leaned against me.

Just then the lights dimmed, signaling the start of the movie. The film was about a group of college kids who were filming a documentary about an abandoned sanitarium. There was a very tense scene and I felt my mom squeezing my hand.

"Ahh!" My mom yelled as a jumpy, scary scene played out on screen. She turned and buried her face in my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hahaha you ok?" I whispered in her ear as she clung to me.

"That scared the shit out of me!" She whispered back into my ear.

Suddenly I felt my cock growing.

"It's ok." I said as I hugged her tightly.

After a few seconds began to adjust herself.

"Ugh!" She grunted in a 'loud' whisper. "This stupid cast, I can't get comfortable. Plus I'm supposed to have it elevated." She said as she continued to struggle.

"Here, let me help." I said. I bent down, lifted up her cast and gently set it on the arm rest at the end of the couch.

"Thanks sweetie!" she whispered happily.

I sat back down and before I knew it my mom was laying her head on my lap.

"Ok if I rest my head here?" She said.

"Yes of course." I replied.

As we watched a scene unfold in a bathroom I thought of what happened the previous night in my mom's bathroom. The thought of my mom's hands on my balls made my cock grow, quickly.

My mom's head was right on, well, my penis head. As my cock grew I could feel it pressing against the back of her head more and more. After about a minute I was rock hard, my cock basically supporting my mom's head. There was no way she couldn't feel it.

Suddenly my mom sat up and whispered in my ear "I think there's something wrong with my pillow". Just then I felt her squeeze my cock head twice real quick. "Honk Honk" she giggled. "You sure have been excited lately mister." She whispered.

"I can't help it." I said, as if I were a victim.

I realized that her fingertips were still holding my cock head. She and I were gazing into each others eyes in the dim light of the screen in front of us. I felt her squeeze my cock head a third time, then a fourth, then a fifth.

"I can't believe how big the head of your cock is sweetie!" She whispered in my ear. "I love it."

Stunned, I didn't know what to say, all I knew is it felt like I was in a dream. As a young boy I would occasionally think about my mother in a sexual way. I couldn't believe she now had her hand on my penis.

The screen went all black, which totally blacked out the theater. My mom was now stroking the head of my cock. I was rock hard and let out a soft moan.

I felt her reach for the zipper.

Soon she had unzipped my pants (but not unbuttoned). I felt her hand reach into the opening of my pants, digging for my cock. I was wearing loose boxers, and almost immediately she was gripping the shaft of my cock.

"Oh honey, I'm so impressed with your size." She whispered seductively as I let out a louder moan.

She was slowly jacking me off. Running her fingertips gently up and down the shaft and head of my throbbing cock.

I reached out for her breasts. She was wearing a bra and a t-shirt. I felt her boobs and began to squeeze them. She adjusted her cast and sat up more so that I could get a better angle.

Her tits felt amazing. I couldn't believe we were touching each other like this. I hated that I couldn't feel her bare boobs.

"Ugh I want to feel those nipples!" I whispered in a pleading tone.

I noticed her move about but couldn't tell what she was doing, it was so dark. Then I felt her hand me her bra.

I started at the bottom of her shirt and began to feel her up. Soon I felt them: huge heavy tits and those massive nipples. I began to squeeze them with both hands.

My mom began to stroke my cock harder and harder. She softly pulled my hands off her breasts. Without warning I felt my mom's hot mouth on the head of my cock.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." I whispered, loudly.

She slowly kissed and licked the head of my cock, as if she was shyly making-out with it. I reached for her tits, but her shirt was covering them.

I tugged on her shirt and tried to pull it up to reveal her bare tits, but she resisted when I did this.

"Fuck it" I thought to myself as I knew I wasn't going to last another minute or two. I aggresively lifted my mom off my cock, pulled her shirt up over her head, threw it off the couch and pushed her mouth back on my cock.

At this point she had most of her cock in my mouth. She was bobbing up and down, inching further and further down my shaft.

"I'm gonna cum!" I scream-whispered.

I grabbed the back of her head and slammed it down while I thrusted my cock up at the same time. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back while I felt the orgasm begin.

I heard her gag loudly as the first load of cum shot down her throat. She tried to pull off my cock, but I shoved her face down even harder, my cock halfway down her throat.

She gagged again. And again. And again. I felt her teeth against my abdomen as I felt my cock pulsate.

As my near 30-second orgasm subsided, I opened my eyes. The theater was now lit up.

I looked over to see my mom, topless, hurrying to find her shirt. As I sat up I saw the hostess standing just a few feet away. There was a look of horror on her face.

"Get out!" She yelled.

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