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40.39% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1656: MIL SITS ON MY LAP IN THE CAR


I never thought that it would ever happen. I was now feeling sorry for Anne, my Mother-In-Law. I was even feeling guilty for all the horrible things that I'd wished would happen to her. And that was a long list!

I met Rachel three years ago, and for some reason, that I still don't fully understand, her Mother took an instant dislike to me. Yes, I wasn't the doctor or lawyer that she might have hoped for, but I did have my own business, and being only twenty years old, I thought that she would be impressed with that. But she wasn't, and she didn't try to hide it.

"So Jake, you're an antique dealer?"

If Rachel had warned me that her Mother was a snob, I would have lied and said yes. But she hadn't, so I was truthful.

"No, it's not as grand as that. My shop just recycles things that people no longer want."

Then I did something that with hindsight, could only be described as a big mistake. I said, "I own a junk shop."

For a second or two, she looked horrified, and then she regained her composure. She was now stony-faced.

That set the tone for our relationship. From that first meeting, she's always looked down at me. Don't get me wrong, she's never openly rude. That's not her style. It's always subtle put downs and innuendos, that to the casual observer, might seem innocent.

When, a year later, we married, I thought that Anne would now accept me, and that our relationship would be better. But it wasn't. However, there was a change. I'd gone from being her Daughter's unsuitable boyfriend, to being her unsuitable Husband!

If only she'd treat me like Harry does, then we'd get on like a house on fire. He'd welcomed me into the family with open arms. And when I'd told him that we were going to get married, he'd given me a big hug.

"That's wonderful news. And I know that you will always look after my Daughter. I couldn't be more pleased."

And it was definitely 'I' rather than 'we', because all I got from her Mother was a forced smile and, "Congratulations," said through gritted teeth. And it must have pained her to say even that single word.

So why is she now getting my sympathy? It's because Harry has left her. And it was sudden, without any warning. When Rachel told me, I wasn't surprised. She treated him like a dog. The only surprise was that he'd stayed with her for so long. At first, I'd been pleased. I knew that I shouldn't gloat, but I couldn't help it. But when she came to our apartment, and I saw the hurt in her eyes, and the tear stains on her cheeks, I felt ashamed of myself. And I vowed that I would make amends. From now on, whatever help she needed from us, she would get.

And that's why, six months later, we were taking her to her Sister's place. She'd sold her apartment, but she hadn't yet found a new one. Until she did, her furniture was going into storage, and she would be living with her Sister.

That evening, I confirmed the arrangements with Rachel.

"So tomorrow we have to be at your Mother's apartment at ten?"

"Yes, and she's told me that we mustn't be late."

"And the storage firm will be finished by then?"

"That's what they've said."

If they weren't, then I wouldn't want to be in their shoes. Anne would tear a strip off them, and she would enjoy doing it.

"Did you warn your Mother about what she can take with her?"

"Yes. She knows that if she has too much stuff, then some of it will have to be left behind. Now is that everything? It's late, and I'd like to go to sleep."


In less than a minute she was asleep. And it wasn't long after, when I felt myself drifting off.

Despite getting up early, we ended up being fifteen minutes late. When we arrived, I expected her to be critical. Perhaps to suggest that for my next birthday, she would buy me a watch. But surprisingly, she didn't say anything. She must be cutting me some slack, because I was driving her to her Sister's place. Or perhaps it was because she now liked me? That thought nearly made me laugh, because her liking me, was never going to happen.

The storage firm had been, and all that was left in her apartment was what we were taking with us. And I was pleased that it wasn't a lot. It was in a corner of the room. Two large suitcases and a small box.

"You've done well. I thought that you'd have a lot more stuff."

"There is some more in the bedroom."

When I went into the bedroom and I saw it, I couldn't believe my eyes. It wasn't 'some', it was a lot. It was way too much, but I was determined to stay calm. Blowing my top would not help. Anne was fragile because she still hadn't got over Harry leaving. If I was to shout at her, she would probably burst into tears. And then Rachel would shout at me. It was best not to say anything.

It didn't take me long to get over it. I'd now gone from being annoyed, to seeing it as a challenge. And I'd realized that with some creative thinking, I might be able to get all of it into the car. I now had a plan, and I was explaining it to them. When I'd finished, Rachel was the first to speak.

"No, that won't work. It'll take us at least three and a half hours to get there. If it was just a short journey, then it would be OK."

When I looked at her Mother, I was expecting her to agree with Rachel, but thankfully she didn't, and she was surprisingly upbeat about what I'd said.

"It will work. And there isn't any other way of doing it. I'm sorry Jake, it's my fault, I should have put more of my things into storage."

Shocked? You could have knocked me down with a feather. My Mother-In-Law wasn't just being helpful, she had actually apologized!

When I started loading the car, I was optimistic that I could do it. And eventually I did. However, it took me an hour, and there was a lot of rearranging. But there was even more cursing and swearing. It had been difficult, and it had tested my patience.

"So what do you think?"

Anne was smiling, obviously pleased that I'd managed to fit everything in. Then I looked at Rachel. She was frowning, so I knew that she didn't like it. I was about to ask her why, when she spoke.

"It's too claustrophobic for me. You know what I'm like in confined spaces."

My plan was a good one, but I hadn't taken that into consideration. The car was so tightly packed, that there were now only two seats available. The driver's seat, and the back seat that was behind it. I was going to drive, and Anne was going to sit on her Daughter's lap. But now Rachel was objecting to it. Plan A wasn't going to work, so it was time for plan B. However, there was a slight problem. I didn't have a plan B!

But fortunately, my Mother-In-Law did. And it was a good one.

While looking at Rachel, she said, "What If you drive and I sit on Jake's lap?"

"I don't like driving."

Then, after she'd realized that it was either that or being in the back seat, she added, "But I'll do it."

When I got into the car, I could understand why Rachel had decided to drive. There wasn't a lot of room. To the front and side of me was a wall of boxes, suitcases, and plastic bags that were so full, it looked as if they were going to burst. I wasn't claustrophobic, but I would be glad when we got to our destination.

Then Anne got in. She wasn't heavy, and it wasn't uncomfortable having her sitting on my lap. But we had a long way to go. After a while, her weight on me might become a problem. And it was, but a lot sooner than expected.

We'd set off at eleven thirty, and it was all going well, until the road got bumpy. It was over in less than a minute, but it had given me a problem. A big one.

I'd said earlier that it was surprising that Harry had stayed married to Anne for so long, but he was getting something out of the marriage. And, up until now, it had been enough to stop him from leaving. But he had put up with a lot.

She didn't like me, but she did her best to hide it. However, with Harry, she'd often humiliate him in front of others, and he always took it without fighting back. And I knew why he had put up with it. If you were to see her, then you would know why as well.

She's forty three, but she has a body that a thirty year old woman would kill for. Her breasts are medium sized, but because she is only five feet tall, they look impressive on her small frame. And her hips and bottom are equally impressive. But it's her face that gets your attention, especially when she is smiling or laughing. Think Audrey Hepburn, but prettier.

So what was my problem? Isn't it obvious? The woman on my lap was my Mother-In-Law, but as far as my cock was concerned, that was irrelevant. Sitting on it, as I've just explained, was a very attractive woman with a nice ass, and the rough road had ground that nice ass into it. And that's why my cock was now doing its best to burst out of my trousers.

I tried everything, even digging my nails into the palm of my hand, in the hope that it would be a distraction. That was painful, but it hadn't worked, because my cock was still growing. I've always been proud of my big cock, more than happy to have eight inches. But now, for the first time, I wished that it was smaller. If it was, then she might not have noticed it.

"Is that what I think it is?"

Thankfully, she'd kept her voice down so that Rachel couldn't hear. Of course she knew what it was, but should I make a joke of it? We would both then laugh, and that would be the end of it. Nothing more would be said, and eventually my cock would go limp. Something like, "No, it's a banana in my pocket."

But I knew with certainty that she wouldn't find that funny. It was best to admit it and hope that she would be understanding.

"Sorry, it was the bumpy road. I just need a few minutes to get it under control."

"Make sure that you do. It's pushing against my pussy."

I couldn't believe she'd said that. In all the time that I've known her, she's never said anything that was even remotely sexual. And I wasn't touching her pussy. My cock was against her bottom. However, now that she'd said that word, there was only one thing on my mind. Her pussy. Without realizing it, she'd said the worst thing that she could have. There was now no way that my cock was going to go down.

"Are you OK in the back?"

That was Anne's opportunity to complain. But thankfully she didn't take it.

"Yes, it's a bit cramped, but we're managing."

We were managing, as best we could. I had a large bulge in my trousers, and she was ignoring it. That was until we hit another rough stretch of road. I say road, but was there actually one? It was so bad that I had to hold onto her.

When it was over, Rachel shouted out, "Are you two still alive," and then she laughed.

She might think that it was funny, but I didn't. At one point, I'd been worried that Anne's things might come crashing down on us, but thankfully they hadn't.

"You can let go of me now."

When I realized where I was holding her, I was horrified, and I quickly removed my hands. They had been around her waist, but they had ended up against her breasts. And I had been holding them so tight, that I'd felt her nipples against my palms. They were impressively large.

Could this get any worse? My cock had been pushing into her for at least half an hour, and I'd now just inadvertently groped her tits. But surprisingly, she hadn't shouted at me. And there was something that I was trying to understand. Her nipples had obviously been erect. We weren't cold, so did that mean that my Mother-In-Law was excited?

At first, my bulging cock had been a problem for her, but now it seemed that she'd got used to it. However, it was now a problem for me. It had been trapped for so long, that it was now very uncomfortable, almost painful.

In a casual voice, so that it would sound as if it wasn't a big deal, I said, "Will you please lift yourself up so that I can adjust myself?"

She did, and without saying anything. It didn't take me long to sort it out.

"Thanks, you can sit down now."

After doing that, she briefly moved her bottom about. Stopping when she'd found a comfortable position. This was a lot better, and given some time, my cock might even go limp.

A few minutes later, it was going down, but then, when Anne started moving her bottom again, it quickly got back to its best.

"Jake, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can."

"How big is your cock?"

Shocked, stunned, even amazed. You can take your pick of how you want to describe how I was feeling, because they were all applicable.

"Tell me, I want to know."

Just because she'd asked, it didn't mean that I had to tell her. But I wanted to, and I wanted her to be impressed with my answer.

"It's eight inches."

And she was, because she gasped.

"And how thick is it?"

I didn't know. Every man measures the length, but do any ever measure the girth?

"Thick enough to stretch even the biggest pussy."

I'd no idea what had prompted her to ask such intimate questions, but now that she had, I was going to make the most of it.

"It's my turn now. How big are your nipples?"

"I don't know, Perhaps half an inch."

Rachel has nice nipples, but they were only half that size.

"Touch them and tell me what you think."

What we'd said so far, could, at a stretch, be classed as flirting, but doing what she'd just asked, was beyond that. And she must realize that when my fingers were on her nipples, and I'd determined their size, they would be staying there. But she was my Mother-In-Law, and she wanted me to do something. It would be bad manners to refuse!

When my hands were on her tits, her nipples were easy to find because they were so big. And they got even bigger as I was inspecting them.

"I think you're right, but to be sure I need to go inside your clothes."

I'd said it calmly, in a matter of fact way, but I was anything but calm. My heart was pounding in my chest, and there were butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't remember the last time that I was as excited as this. But was it going to end up being an anti-climax? I was still waiting for Anne to answer me. And that was a bad sign. I was about to ask again, when she responded. Not with words, but with her actions. She was now pulling her top out of her skirt.

As soon as it was out, I took over. Lifting it up to her breasts. Then, after putting my hands inside it, I pushed her bra up. Her tits were now exposed. I couldn't see them because she had her back to me. But that didn't matter, because I could touch them, and that was enough to get me excited.

At first, my hands were all over them, but then I concentrated on her nipples. I'd been wrong, half an inch was an underestimate. They might even be three quarters. And they were thick. You could definitely hang your hat on them!

They were everything you'd want nipples to be. Harry was a fool. If I was him I wouldn't mind being humiliated during the day, because at night, feasting on her magnificent tits would more than make up for it.

"'We're stopping in two minutes."

That startled both of us. We'd been so engrossed in what we were doing; we'd forgotten that she was there.

It didn't take me long to pull her bra back down. So shortly after, when the car stopped and Rachel opened the door, there was nothing to see. Then Anne got out, and there was. My cock had lost some of its length, but if Rachel was to look down at my crotch, then she would notice it. And that might happen, because she was standing close to the open door, and I was still seated.

"Take the keys, I need the Restroom."

After handing them to her Mother, she hurried off. We had got away with it.

We hadn't just stopped so that we could use the restroom, we also needed to eat.

Bobs Burger Bar. The best burgers in town!

That might be true, but only if the town didn't have another place that sold burgers. The food was greasy, and the coffee, if it was actually coffee, had a strange taste that was difficult to describe. But it had one redeeming feature. It had filled us up.

As we walked back to the car, Anne and Rachel were talking, but I didn't join in the conversation. I was thinking about something, and it was important. When Anne was back on my lap, was anything going to happen? I'd enjoyed her tits, especially her big nipples, but for only a brief time. I wanted to continue what we'd started, but did she?

While we were eating, I'd kept looking at Anne. She hadn't ignored me, but she also hadn't responded as I'd hoped that she would. I wanted some acknowledgement from her that we had been intimate. Perhaps a suggestive smile or a knowing look. But disappointingly, that hadn't happened.

So now, while I was in the back seat, waiting for her to sit on my lap, I wasn't optimistic.

"I think I might be able to sit in the back. Jake you can drive."

Before, I hadn't been optimistic, but it had still been a possibility. Now it was dead in the water.

"No Rachel. I will be too heavy for you. It's better if we stay as we are," then, while making eye contact with me, she said, "Jake, don't you agree?"


Now my pulse was racing, because her look had said it all. It was game on!

As soon as the car was moving, she was wiggling her bottom. And I knew why she was doing it. She was doing it to arouse my cock, and to tell me that she wanted my hands back on her tits. It wasn't a subtle gesture, but it was effective. My cock was now swelling at an alarming rate, and my hands were going under her blouse.

This time, I didn't push her bra up, instead I unhooked it. If we were to stop suddenly, as before, then getting it back on quickly might be a problem. However, that was unlikely, because we'd just eaten, and we'd all visited the Restroom. Nevertheless, it was still a risky thing to do, but it was a risk that I was prepared to take. I didn't want her bra to get in the way while I was enjoying her magnificent tits. And she didn't seem to be concerned. She had even bent forward to make it easier for me to unfasten it.

I was now enjoying her impressive nipples, and she was responding in the same way that Rachel does, by moaning.

"Are you OK in the back?"

That got a quick yes from her Mother.

"Good. Do you mind if I put the radio on?"

This time I answered her.

"No, and put on whatever you want."

"I will. House rules. The Driver always gets to pick."

Then she laughed. On another day, I would have pointed out that we were in a car, so it should be car rules. But today I didn't, because I didn't want to get into a discussion about it, I just wanted to get back to servicing her Mother's tits.

The first song was by the Eagles. And you've guessed it. It was Hotel California!

This was good. I had my fingers on nipples, that for length and thickness, were the best that I'd ever had. And there was plenty of time to enjoy them. But it wasn't long before I was frustrated. I desperately wanted them in my mouth.

"I need to turn you around."

"No, Rachel will notice."

She wanted to do it, but she was worried that we might get caught. Hopefully, I could persuade her to change her mind.

"It's OK. We can't see her, so that means that she can't see us. We can do it safely."

And we could, but we would need to be careful. The bags and boxes to the front and side of us were our cover. But if we disturbed them, they might come crashing down onto us, and Rachel would definitely notice that.

"Should we do it?"

I held my breath as I waited for her answer. And when I got it, it made me smile.

"Yes. You only live once."

So, my Mother-In-Law, who at times I'd thought was quite dull, was actually adventurous.

We managed it, but only just. Her weight wasn't a problem. I'd easily been able to lift her up, but turning her around had been difficult. Her legs had almost dislodged one of the boxes. She was back on my lap, but now she was facing me.With a straight face, I declared, "That was easy!"

Thankfully, the radio was louder than her laughter.

I'd turned her around so that I could suck her nipples, but before I could do that, she surprised me by putting her mouth on mine.

For the next few minutes we kissed passionately. When we stopped, we were both breathless. For what seemed like an eternity, we locked eyes, and then she spoke.

"I know that you think that I don't like you, and that I never have. But that's not true. It took me a while to understand why I was nasty to you. My Daughter had you, but I couldn't. I was jealous."

But that didn't explain why she was nasty to Harry, but I wasn't stupid enough to say that. However, what she had said, had explained why we were now being intimate. When we had started, I hadn't asked why. I was a typical male. When sex is offered, you take it, even when it's with your Mother-In-Law!

But what should I say to her? I didn't know, then, with a sudden insight, I did. She'd want to hear the truth.

"You're right. At times you have treated me badly. I thought that it was because you didn't think that I was good enough for Rachel. But despite that, I've always found you attractive. No, more than that. I've always wanted to fuck you."

She opened her mouth to speak, but then she quickly closed it. And I knew why, like me, she was eager to continue.

My first suck was tentative, but the next was so hard that it made her gasp. And I kept on doing it. Only stopping so that I could switch nipples. And that was often.

"This is good, but there's another part of my body that needs to be played with."

She'd said it in a seductive voice. I knew where that place was, but I decided to act dumb. And for me, that wasn't a difficult thing to do.

"Your feet?"

"No, guess again."

"Your legs?"

"Wrong again. As Bill Clinton might say, 'Close, but no cigar'."

That made me laugh, and I only just managed to keep the volume down.

"I give in. You tell me."

"My wet pussy,"

When my hand went between her legs, she opened them. That took some of her weight off my cock, which was a relief, but more importantly, it gave me better access to her pussy. As my fingers touched her panties, Rachel spoke.

"It's decision time. Stop now for a quick break or carry on. I'm easy."

I said, in a loud voice, so that Rachel could hear as well, "Anne, do you want to stop now."

Just to me, she said, "No way. I want your fingers deep up my pussy and your thumb on my clit."

Her Daughter got from her, "I think we should carry on."

So we didn't stop. Rachel hadn't asked me what I wanted to do, but I didn't mind. I was happy with the decision, and why wouldn't I be? Instead of taking a break, I was now going to be fingering a sweet pussy.

I wanted her panties off, but not yet. Exploring her covered pussy was exciting me, so I was happy for them to stay on for now.

She'd said that her pussy was wet, and the proof of that were her heavily stained white panties. And as I moved my fingers along her slit, the damp patch got even bigger. While I was doing that, she'd moaned, and she moaned again, but louder, when my fingers moved higher up so that they were on her clit. But was I actually touching her clit? I wasn't sure. Her lips were large, so it might just be part of them that I was pressing down on. It was now time to take her panties off.

While pulling on them, I said, "These need to come off."

After she'd put her knees up to her chest, I lifted her up, and she pulled them down to her thighs. I then put her back on my lap. But too quickly, because she lost her balance. Her back hit some of the boxes. They wobbled, but fortunately they stayed in place.

"What happened?"

I didn't know what to say to Rachel, but thankfully her Mother did.

"My fault. I was stretching my legs, and I hit a box."

"Next time be more careful. But do you want me to stop?"

We both said no at the same time, and a lot louder than was necessary. Rachel thought that was funny, so she laughed. However, if she'd given it a bit more thought, she might have speculated on why we were so eager to stay in that cramped place. And she was a clever person, so she might have come up with the right answer.

I took my time pulling her panties down from her thighs to her ankles, because we couldn't afford any more mistakes.

Her panties were now off, and I was seeing a part of my Mother-In-Law that I never expected to see. Her naked pussy.

I'd been right about her lips. They were large. And I would enjoy pulling on them, but frustratingly, I was going to be denied the ultimate pleasure. Having them in my mouth. Then I almost laughed when I realized something. They were so large that they should come with a health warning.

'*** Danger, choking hazard! ***

I'd spent enough time looking at her pussy, it was now time to finger her. But just when my fingers were at her opening, Rachel spoke again. And this time, before doing it, she turned the radio off.

"I'm surprised that you haven't got cramp. If that was me in the back, then I'd be suffering with it by now. Are your legs OK?"

I didn't know if she was asking me or her Mother. But it didn't matter, because neither of us were having any problems with our legs. So when I said yes, I was answering for both of us.

"No, I've got some cramp in my right calf."

I was stunned. Even if that was true, she should have kept her mouth shut. Rachel would now stop the car. Her Mother, sitting facing me, and with no panties on, would take some explaining.

"As soon as I can find a suitable place, I'm going to stop."

Her Mother would be OK. Rachel would forgive her, but I was a dead man.

"No, that won't be necessary. I just need Jake to massage it. What I want is for his fingers to go deep into the muscle."

"I won't stop, but tell me if it gets worse. Jake, I want you to help my Mother. Will you do it?"

That got a quick yes from me, because it wasn't her calf muscle that she wanted my fingers to go deep into, it was her pussy. She was playing a dangerous game, but I was happy to join in.

When my two fingers pushed into her, she groaned. And Rachel heard her.

"Did he go in too deep?"

"No, it's what I needed. And he should keep on doing it."

"Jake, please do what Mother has asked."

I almost laughed. Without knowing it, she'd just given me permission to finger her Mother. And that's what I was doing now, with an enthusiasm that was making Anne very excited.

While I moved my fingers inside her wet pussy, I was looking at her. Her eyes were closed, and she was biting on her lip to keep the noise down. The expression on her face said pain, but I knew that it was really pleasure. I was enjoying it as well. What man doesn't, when his fingers are in a responsive pussy? But I'd enjoy it a lot more if my cock was getting some attention.

My free hand was now on my zip, and I was about to pull it down, when her face suddenly changed. And I knew why, because I'd seen that same expression lots of times before. It was how Rachel looks when she is about to come.

It had taken me by surprise, but I don't know why. My two fingers had been going deep inside her, and I'd been rubbing her clit with my thumb. So her reaching it was inevitable.

It could have been a disaster, and it almost was. But we were very lucky. While I was fingering her, she'd managed to keep the noise down. Just the occasional moan, but not loud enough so that Rachel could hear. But now, while she was climaxing, she had no control over it. I'd managed to suppress some of it, by putting my hand over her mouth, but she'd still been loud.

So how had we got away with it? By some miracle, seconds before Anne had come, Rachel had turned on the radio, and because it was her favourite song, she'd turned the volume up.

Rachel singing along to Born In The U.S.A. had saved our bacon!

When it had finished, she turned the volume down, and then she declared, "I enjoyed that."

But not as much as her Mother had enjoyed climaxing!

When I make Rachel come with my fingers or tongue, it's never enough for her. She always wants to be fucked to a second one. Was her Mother like that? She was twenty years older than her Daughter, so one might be enough for her. Was it going to end now, with her being satisfied, and me being left hanging? I needed to know.

When Anne opened her eyes, I asked, "What happens now?"

"Do you want to come?"

Now that was a silly question, and

I thought about saying no, but I decided against it because she might think that I was being serious.

"Yes please. And I'm willing to beg."

That made her chuckle.

"I want to fuck you."

"No. Doing it in the car is too risky, and it's too soon for me. I need time to recover. That was wonderful, but it took a lot out of me. Sorry, you can't have my pussy. It's my hand or nothing."

Before, fortune had favoured her. Bruce singing his anthem had masked her noisy climax. But now, fortune was against me.

"We're stopping in a couple of minutes. I need to pee, and I need a coffee. But not at the same time."

Then she laughed at her weak joke. But we didn't join in, we were too busy sorting ourselves out.

This time, when Rachel opened the door, and Anne got off my lap, my cock was already limp. On being told that we were stopping, all I was concerned about was turning Anne around, and getting her fully dressed. Climaxing was now the last thing on my mind.

As we walked towards Carls Coffee Shop, I had two questions. The first one being, had we really managed it in only two minutes? I still couldn't believe it, but we had, and without Rachel noticing. My second question was to Bob and Carl, and it was regarding a pet hate of mine.

"Why is there no apostrophe?"

This was supposed to be a quick stop, but the coffee was so good that it had to be savoured. Carl's grammar might be poor, but his coffee was excellent. It was forty five minutes before we left the Coffee Shop. Rachel went ahead, while I waited for Anne to come out of the Restroom. When she did, she had something in her hand. She then handed it to me.

"Put it in your pocket."

It was her panties. And her taking them off could only mean one thing. We were going to fuck!

I now wanted us to hold hands, and then run to the car. The sooner we got there, the sooner we could start. But even if I could persuade Anne to do that, Rachel wouldn't just think we were being silly, she would be suspicious.

As soon as we were in the car, my hands were on her, but she brushed them off.


She'd said it in a low voice, almost a whisper, but the tone of it told me that I shouldn't try again. When she was ready to start, she'd let me know. After five minutes, I was still waiting. Had she changed her mind? I was about to ask her, but before I could, she said, "Rachel, will we be stopping again?"

"No, we should be there in just over an hour. And we can manage that without having to stop."

Her Daughter got, "OK," but for me, she said, "That's plenty of time. Now what are you waiting for?"

I was tempted to point out that she was the one that had delayed it, but that would be silly. I didn't want an argument, I wanted to fuck. I might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I did know when to keep my mouth shut.

This time, when my hands were on her, she didn't brush them off. Instead, she was lifting her blouse up for me. As eager as I was to get my cock inside her, I was happy to wait a little while longer.

What was supposed to be a taster before the main meal, was becoming more than that. My hands had now been on her nipples for at least ten minutes, and both of us were reluctant to move on. That was understandable. They weren't just long and thick, they were also responsive. When I rolled them between a finger and thumb, she moaned. But pulling on them, was driving her crazy. Fortunately, the radio was on, and it was loud. It was drowning out the noises that she was making. She definitely had special nipples. The best that I had ever seen?

Lexi, my first serious girlfriend, had big tits. They were melons, topped with prominent nipples. We dated when we were both eighteen, and when we eventually fucked, it was the first time for both of us. It wasn't memorable, because neither of us were experienced. However, her big nipples were memorable, and up to now, they have always been the best that I have ever enjoyed. But not anymore!

We had an hour, but if we weren't careful, we might easily run out of time. We might arrive without knowing it, because we were so engrossed in what we were doing. Aunty might open the car door, eager to see her Sister. And she would see her, bouncing up and down on her Son-In-Law's big cock!

But was there time to turn her around, so that I could suck on her nipples again? A minute or two would be enough for me. Then I nearly laughed. When my mouth was on her I would be reluctant to stop. Two minutes could easily become ten, or even fifteen. No, it was time to fuck her.

Then, with immaculate timing, Anne said, "Put your cock in me."

Great minds think alike. Or is it, fools never differ?

My cock was now out, and if it could speak, it would say, "What took you so long?"

And it would have a valid point. It had been trapped in my trousers for a long time. But now it wasn't just joining in, it was the star of the show.

Getting it out had been the easy part. She'd lifted herself off me, and I'd quickly done it. Now she'd have to go even higher so that I could get my cock to her opening. She managed it, but only because I'd lifted her up

The head of my cock was now parting her big lips. Then, in my eagerness to get inside her, I lowered her too quickly.


And Anne hadn't just said it, she'd shouted it out. When the radio was suddenly turned off, I knew that we were in trouble.

"Are you OK?"

I didn't know what to say, but I knew that I had to say something, and say it now, because she was slowing down. I might be panicking, but fortunately for both of us, my Mother-In-Law wasn't.

In a calm voice, she said, "It's that cramp again. And I'm sorry about the bad language. I'm OK now, so there's no need to stop."

"Are you sure?"


"Jake, you need to go deep into her, and keep on doing it. Don't stop until she is satisfied."

"OK I'll do that."

I then held my breath, only releasing it when the car started to speed up. I was impressed with Anne. I'd suddenly dropped her onto an eight inch cock, and after the initial shock, she'd quickly composed herself.

Rachel then turned the radio back on. I'd managed to reply without laughing, but it had been difficult. Before, she had given me permission to finger her Mother. But now it was even better. She'd just given me permission to fuck her Mother, and to not stop until she'd reached it!

When I put my hands under her bottom, she said, "I've never had a cock as big as this before. I like it, it's what my pussy needs, but I also need time to get used to it."

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you."

And I was. I was fucking her slowly. Despite it being quite an effort to keep lifting her up, and then putting her back down onto my lap, I didn't mind. The pleasure I was getting from going deep into my Mother-In-Law's juicy pussy was worth it. It was as if it had been made specially to fit my cock. And because my cock was thick, there was tightness to her pussy.

But what about Anne, was she enjoying it, or enduring it? If you could hear the noises that she was making, then you wouldn't need to ask. When she wasn't moaning, she was either grunting or gasping. Sometimes she was even purring. It was good for me, but it was even better for her.

When I speeded up, she responded by becoming noisier. Normally I like that. The louder the better. I don't want a woman that stays silent, I want a woman that lets herself go. But this wasn't the place to do that. Fortunately, Rachel likes her music loud, and if it's a song that she knows, she always sings along with it. But if her Mother was any louder, then that would not be enough to keep us safe. And we were about to find out if that was true, because my balls had just tightened, and she was making a strange noise. Both of us were about to come.

What should you do in situations like this? You should stop. It's too risky to carry on. But of course, you don't do that, because neither of you are in control, your cock and her pussy are!

We reached it together. When I started to spurt into her, I grunted loudly, and she screamed. But who was banging on the car? It took me a few seconds to realize what was happening. We'd suddenly driven into torrential rain, so bad, that Rachel had to stop the car. It was deafening. But it was over in a couple of minutes, and then we were on our way again. Somebody was definitely watching over us, because the noise that the rain had made had drowned out our noise. Even my Mother-In-Law's scream.

But had that spoiled it, putting us off when we were reaching it? No way. My climax was long and satisfying, with an intensity that made it one of my best ones ever. But what about Anne? It had certainly been a long one. She had only stopped whimpering when we had started driving again. But had it been a big one? I would ask her about it.

"How was it for you?"


"So the rain didn't spoil it?"

Her response creased me up, because it was so funny. And I didn't care if Rachel heard me laughing.

She'd said, in all seriousness, "What rain?"

When I explained it to her, she also thought that it was funny, so she laughed as well. Rachel would have heard us, but she must have been concentrating on the driving, because she didn't say anything.

As expected, as soon as we arrived, Aunty came out to meet us. When she opened our door, she was shocked to see her Sister sitting on my lap. But she would have got a bigger shock if she'd opened the door twenty minutes earlier, when we were fucking!

We only stayed the one night. Before leaving in the morning, we promised Anne that when she'd bought a new place, we'd drive her to it. And she had promised that next time she would take fewer things, so that we would all be able to have a seat. She had sounded convincing, but even as she was saying it, I knew that it wouldn't happen. That she would find some excuse for taking too much.

And that would mean that she had to sit on my lap again!When she joined me in the kitchen I could tell that she wasn't happy. And it wasn't because I was a psychic, it was because it was written all over her face.

Angrily, she said, "I don't believe it!"

Thankfully, that anger didn't appear to be directed towards me. However, I needed to be careful. One wrong word, or silly joke, and it would be.

"She's acting like a selfish bitch."

I was about to speak, but she cut me off. First, with a menacing stare, and then, while wagging her finger at me, with a warning.

"Jake, don't you dare defend her."

I had no idea what all this was about, but what I did know was that she needed to calm down. And that I could help her to do that.

In a soothing voice, I said, "Sit down, I'll make you one of your special coffees. Then we'll talk about it."

I made sure to do it properly. Taking my time, so that each ingredient was measured accurately. Any mistakes and she would notice, and then I'd get her wrath as well.

After two sips, she spoke again, and this time in a calmer voice, "Thanks, It's perfect."

"You're welcome."

She then told me about the conversation that she'd had with her Mother. When she'd finished, I wanted to smile, but I kept a straight face. To her, what she'd told me was bad news, but to me it wasn't. It was the complete opposite. Just thinking about what she'd said was getting me excited.

At the weekend, her Mother wanted us to relocate her from her Sister's house to an apartment near to where we lived. On hearing that Rachel had lost her temper, and she'd told her Mother what she thought about her. And it hadn't been nice things. Her Mother had fought back, and it had become an argument. It had eventually ended with Rachel reluctantly agreeing to do it, but only because there was nobody else who could.

I know what you're thinking. If anybody is a bitch, then it's the Daughter rather than the Mother. The Mother needs help, but the Daughter doesn't want to help her.

However, to make the right decision, you need to be fully informed.

Two weeks ago, we moved Anne to her Sister's place. The plan was that she would then stay with her sibling until she'd found something suitable to buy. And now, even though she was still looking, she would be moving again. Apparently, she wanted to be on her own, so, without telling anybody, she'd arranged to rent a property.

The moving had been hard work. A long tiring journey in a car that was packed from top to bottom. And Rachel had done all the driving. Now, without a good reason, we would be doing it again, and not long after the first time. That's why her Daughter was calling her a selfish bitch.

Those of you with an enquiring mind will be wondering why this makes me happy. Shouldn't I be angry like Rachel? No, and I'll tell you why I've said that.

On the day that we moved her, most of her belongings were put into storage, but there was still a lot of stuff that we had to take with us. And cramming all of that into the car was hard work, and I only managed it after a lot of swearing, and a lot of rearranging of items. The car was so full that there was only one passenger seat without anything on it. So while Rachel did all of the driving, I was in the back, with Anne sitting on my lap. The plan had been for Rachel to be in the back instead of me, but when she'd tried it out she'd found it too claustrophobic. And I couldn't blame her, it was like being encased in a tomb. Confined spaces aren't a problem for me, but it still made me feel uncomfortable.

If the road hadn't been bumpy, and Anne hadn't been attractive, then the journey would have been uneventful. But that's conjecture. I was a young man, only twenty three years old, with a high libido, so perhaps any woman that had sat on my lap would have produced the same result. I'd got an erection, and because I'm proud to say that I have eight inches, it was a big one, and therefore difficult to hide.

At first, when my cock had started to expand, I was horrified. And then, when Anne noticed it, I was embarrassed. I'd done my best to control it, but it had a mind of its own. My Mother-in-law was surprisingly calm about it, and slowly, over time, that calmness became excitement. What started with me playing with her tits, ended up with us fucking. And because we were surrounded by all of Anne's belongings, in our own private space, Rachel couldn't see us, so we hadn't been caught.

Now you understand why I'm happy that we're moving her again. It's another opportunity for us to be in the back, with her on my lap. And this time, we won't need the road to be bumpy for us to get excited!

On Saturday morning, while we were on our way, I thought about my Mother-in-law. When I'd first met her she wasn't impressed with me. I wasn't the Doctor or Lawyer that she wanted for her Daughter. I had my own business, a shop that sold second-hand goods. I was proud of it, but to her it was just a junk shop, and I knew that she wouldn't be telling her friends about it. I thought that over time I'd win her round. That eventually she'd succumb to my charm. But she hadn't, even when I'd married Rachel. So what had happened two weeks ago wasn't just exciting, it had also been surprising. And I'd found out that her behaviour towards me had been motivated by jealousy. She'd wanted me, but she couldn't have me, and her response to that was to treat me badly.

It was late when we arrived, and I was tired because I'd done most of the driving. Rachel was greeted with a big hug, but all I got was a quick hello, and it had been said without any enthusiasm. However, I didn't mind. My Mother-in-law wasn't stupid, if she'd been anything other than cold towards me, then it would have looked suspicious.

While we all ate together, I found it difficult to keep my eyes off Anne. Of course, I'd always known what an attractive woman she was, but it's only recently that I've enjoyed her sumptuous body. And I was now eager to enjoy it again.

She's forty three years old, but she doesn't look it. You could believe that she was Rachel's elder Sister rather than her Mother. She's small, only five feet tall, but she's still an imposing woman, both in character and physique. Her medium sized breasts look good on her small frame. And she's not just a one trick pony. She has other desirable attributes. To go with her impressive tits, she also has matching hips, and a bottom that you can't take your eyes off. Now that should be enough for any man, but there's more. To the envy of all her female friends, she doesn't just have a gorgeous body, she also has a beautiful face. Think of Audrey Hepburn, and that's her.

By the time we'd got to the dessert, profiteroles, I'd managed to calm down. I could look at Anne without staring, and without getting excited. But as soon as I was in bed with Rachel, I started thinking about my Mother-in-law again, and what was under the stylish clothes that she wears.

If you like your lover's nipples to be small and dainty, then she's not for you, but if you like them long and thick, then she's your woman. They are at least half an inch long, and they're plump. When you suck on them, you don't want to stop. And while you're feasting on her breasts, thinking that life can't get any better than this, I can assure you that it can, because between her slim legs is a sweet pussy, that when aroused, is one of the best that you will ever have. But be careful when you suck her labia into your mouth, they're big and meaty. You might choke on them!

Thinking about Anne was enjoyable, but it was also a mistake. I was now excited, and I wanted sex. My intention was to save myself for tomorrow, for when I'd be in the car with my Mother-in-law, but that had now changed.

"Go to sleep!"

Rachel's back was towards me, and I'd put my hand on her shoulder. We've been together long enough for her to know what my intention was. And the same for me. I knew that if I continued, the answer would still be no, and she would shout at me. Some battles you can't win, and this was one of them. Now I was frustrated, and despite my best efforts, it was a while before I was asleep.

It was seven o'clock when I woke, and that was only because Aunty was knocking on the door.

"Breakfast is ready."

That got mumbled thanks from me, and then I nudged Rachel. But it took more than that to wake her. When I eventually managed it, she was in a surprisingly good mood.

After yawning, and a big stretch of her arms, she said, "It will be nice having her living near to us."

That wasn't what she'd said a few days ago, when her Mother had told her that she was moving, but I wasn't stupid enough to point that out to her.

After quickly showering, we went downstairs for breakfast. While we were eating, Aunty suddenly said something, and it made my heart sink.

"This time you'll all have a seat. My Sister isn't taking everything with her. I've had a word with her, and she's agreed to leave some of her things with me."

Was that true? It must be, because when I looked at Anne she nodded. And worryingly, she didn't seem concerned. I'd assumed that she would be as eager as I was to do it again, but it was now obvious that she wasn't. To say that I was disappointed was the understatement of the year. I felt deflated, and all I wanted to do now was to complete Anne's move as quickly as possible.

After breakfast, I packed the car. This time it was easier. There was still a lot of stuff, but unlike last time, the front passenger seat could now be used.

We were now on our way. I was driving, with Rachel next to me. We'd only gone a couple of miles, when Anne shouted out from the back, "I've bought a few items from a local store, and we need to pick them up. I'll give you directions."

It didn't take us long to get there. Anne then went into the store, returning in less than five minutes with two small parcels. Rachel was curious, and her Mother told her that they were ornaments, and that she would show them to her when we stopped for lunch, but I wasn't interested. I just wanted to be on our way. We had a long way to go, and it would be late when we got to Anne's new place.

As I was pulling away from the curb, Anne spoke, "Jake, please go to the back of the store, there's something else to pick up."

After giving a deep sigh, that was probably loud enough for my Mother-in-law to hear, I did what she'd asked.

When Rachel saw what we were picking up, I thought she was going to have a fit. It was only the presence of one of the store assistants that was stopping her going into a rage. That 'something', wasn't a single item, it was six boxes, and two of them were large.

While smiling, and in a soothing tone, Anne said, "I know it's a lot, but they're all for you. A thank you for moving me. I know that sometimes I can be a bit selfish, but I do appreciate you doing this for me."

Rachel was now a lot calmer, but she was looking at the boxes and wondering how they would all fit into the car. Eventually, she came to the same conclusion as me.

"They will have to go onto the front seat. There's no other way."

And that would mean that she'd have to drive, while I was in the back with her Mother. That would make my day, but Rachel didn't like driving, so there was a strong possibility that she might refuse to take the parcels.

"I'm sure that you'll like them. I picked them especially for you. And they were VERY expensive."

That tipped the balance, because after giving a deep sigh that was even louder than my earlier one, she said, "Jake, put them in the car."

I did, and with a smile so big that it was cracking my face. My Mother-in-law was a wily old bird. She'd planned this so that she'd have to sit on my lap again. It was now game on!

When Anne got onto my lap, the first thing she did was move her bottom about so that she could get comfortable. It was only for a brief time, but it was enough to get my heart pounding in my chest and the blood flowing into my cock.

In a low voice, that only I could hear, she said, "For the last two weeks, all I've been thinking about is your big cock, and how good it felt when it was deep up my pussy. I want you to fuck me again."

That was what I wanted to hear, and my response to it wasn't words, it was to put both of my hands onto her breasts. But surprisingly, she quickly brushed them off.

"No, wait until we get onto the open road, there's too many vehicles here. I don't want us to be stopped at traffic lights with my tits hanging out for all to see."

Imagining that, almost made me laugh, but somehow I managed to keep control. I was desperate to push her top up so that I could enjoy her impressive nipples, but she was right, I'd just have to wait.

The next few minutes, until it was safe for me to touch her, seemed like an hour.

My hands were now on her, and I was trying to feel every part of her breasts. And there were a lot of them. She was silent, but that changed when my fingers got to her ripe nipples. The low moan that she uttered, sent a surge of excitement through my body. This for me, was as exciting as when I'd first enjoyed Rachel's tits all those years ago. As nice as this was, it would be even better without her top and bra in the way. But when I tried to pop the top button of her blouse she stopped me.

"Don't unfasten it. We need to be careful. Last time we were reckless, but we were lucky, and we managed to get away with it. Just put your hands under my top and push my bra up. If Rachel suddenly stops the car, then it won't take me long to cover my tits up."

I was disappointed. Lust, not logic, was spurring me on. I was willing to risk it, for her to be topless. However, I wasn't completely out of control, so I did realize that what she had suggested was the sensible option.

After pulling her blouse out of her skirt, my hand went under it. The next obstacle was her bra, but it was easy to push up. My hands were now caressing her naked tits. And as I was doing that, I was thinking of something else. Her sweet pussy. But that was for later. We had a long way to go, so there was no need to rush. I knew from the previous journey, that what she had between her legs was special, so I wanted to savour it.

"Do you remember what happened the last time you sat on his lap?"

That startled both of us. We might be in our own bubble, our own private space, but we needed to remember that even though Rachel couldn't see us, she could still hear us if we spoke too loudly, or if we made too much noise.

Then she said more, "After a while you got cramp, and you shouted out in pain. Jake had to sort it out for you."

It hadn't been cramp in Anne's legs that had made her shout out, it had been what my fingers and cock had been doing to her.

"Yes, it was painful, but Jake fixed it for me. And my legs are now starting to hurt a bit."

"I think he should do it again, and do it now, before it starts to get worse."

And just to make it clear what she wanted me to do, Rachel said more.

"Jake, I want you to concentrate. You have to do whatever my Mother asks of you."

"I will."

And I would, with enthusiasm, because I knew what sort of things she'd be asking me to do.

Loud enough for Rachel to hear, Anne said to me, "That part of my leg needs your attention."

It wasn't any part of her leg that she was pointing at, it was the prime part of her tits. It was one of her nipples. When I expertly rolled it between a finger and thumb, it made her gasp.

"Is he doing OK?"

"Yes, but he needs to do it harder."

"Jake, please do it. And don't make me have to ask you again."

I could hear the annoyance in her voice, and I knew that if I didn't do as I was told, then she'd get angry. But that wasn't going to happen, because I was more than happy to do whatever her Mother asked of me.

"Yes Rachel."

My fingers were now rougher, and I wasn't just tweaking her nipple, I was pulling on it.

Loudly, she said, "Do the other one as well."

I quickly did, and her response consisted of two things. First she moaned, and then she started grinding her bottom into my cock.

I'd now enjoyed her tits for at least ten minutes. It was time to finger her.

"Anne, are you ready for me to move down?"

Before she could answer me, Rachel chipped in with, "The lower leg, that's a problem area, make sure that you give it your full attention."

It took all of my self-control to stop myself from laughing, and then I said, "Yes Rachel."

As soon as my hand was on her thigh she was opening her legs. That's what I wanted, but only after her panties were off.

In a low voice, I said, "Close your legs. I need to get your panties off."


That wasn't the response I'd expected. Had she changed her mind? If she had, then I didn't understand why. Her nipples were swollen, and she'd been making a lot of noise, so she was definitely excited. Then I had to smile.

"You aren't wearing any."

"I might be, why don't you put your hand between my legs and see for yourself."

When I started to pull her skirt up, she gave a little shudder, in anticipation of what I was going to do to her. And when it was up to her waist, and my hand was going under it so that it could get to her pussy, she spoke. I stopped, with it only inches away from her honeypot, while I waited to hear what she had to say.

"Rachel, so far, Jake has been doing a good job. But this is the area that needs his special attention. I'm worried that he will be too gentle with me."

After giving a deep sigh, she said, with some irritation in her voice,

"Jake, you need to up your game."

I hadn't done anything wrong, but I still felt the need to apologize, and to do it quickly.

"Sorry. What do you want me to do?"

"Go deep into her."

That was better than I could have ever hoped for. Without her knowing, she'd just given me permission to put my fingers into her Mother's juicy pussy, and to not stop until they were in up to the knuckles. My hand was now moving again, and because, as expected, there were no panties in the way, my fingers could enter her. They then did, and with a speed that took her breath away.

"Are you doing it?"

Anne answered for me with a quick yes, and then she added, "But he's only used two fingers. I like three."


Before she could say more, I cut her off with, "I'm doing it now."

This time, when the third finger went in, she lost control. She gave a loud moan, and on hearing it Rachel would know why she'd uttered it. It was because her Mother was sexually excited. I braced myself for the awkward questions, and accusations, that were going to come. But amazingly, there weren't any. Rachel had mistaken it for an expression of pain rather than of pleasure.

"Jake, I'm glad that you're not doing it to me. Mother, you need to be brave."

"I'm OK, but Jake, you need to move your fingers."

I was now fingering her, and Anne was getting noisy. But that was OK, because Rachel believed that it was her Mother's response to my fingers going deep into her calf muscle. It wasn't. It was her Mother's response to my fingers moving quickly inside her hot wet pussy. But I wasn't going to correct her!

It goes without saying, that Anne was enjoying this, but what about me? Despite my throbbing cock still being trapped in my jeans, I was as excited as my Mother-in-law was. And all the talking, especially the innuendos, were making it special. However, we needed to be careful. We might get carried away and say something that was too blatant. And seconds later, when Anne suddenly spoke, I was convinced that she'd done that.

"I've got a little lump that you need to rub."

That should have been in a low voice, just for me to hear, rather than shouted out. I'd now got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and my cock was starting to deflate.

"That will be a knot in the muscle. I get them sometimes if I do too much running."I shook my head in disbelief, and then I offered up a silent prayer. Somebody was watching over us. To me, what Anne had said, was only one step removed from, 'Rub my clit', but we'd got away with it.

"Jake, rub it hard, And Mother, tell him where to do it."

That was too much for Anne, I had to put my free hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh.

My fingers were now out of her, and they were sticky with her juices. I was searching for that little lump. Her pearl. It was hidden under her labia, and I had to burrow down into those meaty folds to find it. It was already out of its hood, ready for me to play with it.

When my finger moved across it, she purred, and then she said, loud enough for Rachel to hear as well, "Lower." Then, when I'd touched it again, she made a noise that was difficult to describe, but I knew what it meant. I had found her sweet spot. And in case I hadn't realized the significance of that sound, she spoke to confirm it.

"That's it, keep your finger there."

"Jake, that's good. Now rub it hard."

"Yes Rachel."

Anne's clit was now not just getting hard, it was getting fast as well. I was on a mission to make her come as quickly as possible. I knew from the last time when we were in the back seat of the car, that my Mother-in-law liked to come twice. This one, with my fingers, was for her. The next one, after she's had some time to recover, is for both of us. That's when I'll fuck her, and hopefully, we'll climax together.

As I moved her closer to her orgasm, I realized that there was a problem, and it's one that I should have anticipated. Anne was loud when she reaches it. She can even be a screamer. Rachel will understand some noise. I'm supposed to be working on a knot in her Mother's leg, and that would be painful. However, Anne screaming out with pleasure when she comes would be too much.

With my mouth close to her ear, I said, "You need to keep the noise down. Do you understand?"

That got nothing back from her, and she was continuing to moan, and she was getting louder. I tried again, "You need to..."

It was too late, her body had gone rigid. Then it all went crazy. All the boxes around us started shaking, and Anne was screaming. And for a few seconds, the car seemed to be out of control. What on earth was going on? Then Rachel spoke, and I got an answer.

"A blowout. That was scary, I almost screamed as well."

I couldn't believe it. There must be a patron saint for, 'Giving your Mother-in-law a climax in the back of a car while her Daughter is driving', and today they were taking care of us.

While Rachel slowly brought the car to a stop, I pulled Anne's bra and top back down so that her tits were covered, and then I made sure that her skirt was over her legs. When she got out of the car she was still recovering from her climax, but I wasn't worried. If her Daughter was to notice anything, then she would assume it was because of what we had just experienced when the tyre had blown.

It was almost shredded, but it didn't look as if the rim was damaged. Rachel had done well to keep control of the car, I'm not sure that I'd have been able to manage it. Fortunately, it was on the passenger side, so I'd be out of the way of any passing vehicles while I changed it. And because I'd done this before, I knew what to do, and so it wouldn't take me long to change the tyre. But first I needed to get to the spare, and that was easier said than done, because it was underneath Anne's belongings.

Fifteen minutes later, it was all done, and we were ready to go. I was excited, because I knew what was going to happen next. Very soon, my big cock would be deep up her sweet pussy.

But I was wrong!

After turning the engine on, Rachel didn't immediately drive off. And then, after a few seconds, she turned the key, and the engine stopped.

"Jake, it might be better if I sit in the back with my Mother. I'm a bit nervous after that blowout."

That was understandable, but for selfish reasons, I wanted her to continue driving. And with a bit of luck I might be able to persuade her to do that.

"I'm happy to drive, but won't the confined space make you feel uncomfortable? It might be best if I sit in the back with your Mother."

"Yes, it will be claustrophobic. But I'd prefer that to driving."

It was now time for Anne to say something, but she stayed silent. That angered me. She was OK, because she'd just had a nice climax. She wasn't the one who was frustrated. I was beginning to think that Rachel was right, her Mother was indeed a selfish bitch. But on reflection, that was a harsh thing to say. Anne knew that Rachel was stubborn, so there was no point in trying to persuade her to drive.

For the first half an hour, I was hopeful that Rachel would change her mind. That the confined space would get to her, and we would then change places. But it didn't, and I continued to drive until it was time to eat.

We stopped at, 'The Big Grill', and that was a good choice, because the menu was extensive, and the food was excellent. The only downside was the price. It was expensive.

"This lamb is delicious, would you like to try it?"

I declined Anne's offer. The huge steak on my plate was more than enough for me. And it was what she had between her legs that I wanted, and not what was on her plate. If only that tyre had been sturdier, then my balls would now be empty, and my semen would be seeping out of her pussy.

When we'd finished, I was stuffed. I'd eaten way too much, and what I wanted to do now was to take a nap rather than drive. However, as I was about to get into the car, Rachel said something, and hearing it, gave me a surge of adrenaline. I now wasn't sleepy, I was excited.

"I want to drive."

And I wanted to give her a big hug. When I looked at her Mother, like me, she was struggling to contain her excitement. Fortunately, Rachel had her back towards us, and by the time she'd turned around, we'd managed to compose ourselves.

We'd only travelled a hundred yards, but my hands were already on her breasts. I was making up for lost time. Then, after lifting her blouse and bra up, my fingers were eagerly on her plump nipples.

While pulling on them, I said, "I know that it's difficult for you, but you need to keep the noise down. If you scream again then we're in trouble."

"I'll try. But it's going to be difficult to do that when your big cock is pounding my little pussy."

Rachel then shouted out, "Do you mind if I put the radio on?"

I answered her with a quick no, and then in a low voice, so that only Anne could hear, I said, "As long as you don't sing along. You're tone-deaf."

That made Anne chuckle. Despite our relationship now being a lot more than it should be, we still loved her dearly. However, we were both in agreement about her vocal abilities. She couldn't sing!

The radio was now on, and it was loud. That was good, it would drown out some of the noise that we would be making when we got more passionate. But we still needed to be careful. In a competition between the radio and Anne's scream of pleasure, to see who could be the loudest, then Anne would be the winner every time.

My mouth was now on her nipple, and I was sucking hard. To be able to do that, I'd moved her so that she was sitting sideways on me. It wasn't the ideal position, but turning her completely around so that she was facing me, was too risky. While doing that, if her foot, or indeed any other part of her body, was to touch any of the boxes that were surrounding us, then they might come crashing down.

When I'd started to enjoy her nipple again, I was expecting it to satisfy me for a long time, but after only a few minutes I wanted more than that. I wanted her juicy pussy.

"I'm going to move you back so that I can finger you."

"That sounds good, but putting your big cock deep up my pussy would be better."

I couldn't argue with that. But in my enthusiasm to get her into position for fucking, I moved her too quickly, and her foot hit one of the boxes. It had just been a glancing blow, but it was enough to make it wobble, and for it to then fall on top of us. Anne screamed, and this time it was from pain rather than pleasure.

That got, "What the fuck?" from Rachel, and then the car started to slow down.

Seconds later, three more landed on top of us. Fortunately, by the time we'd stopped, I'd managed to cover my Mother-in-law's tits with her bra and blouse.

If when Rachel had opened our door, we'd been expecting sympathy, or even concern, then we would have been disappointed, because all we got was laughter.

Five minutes later, we were driving off. Except for some bruises, we weren't injured. The boxes that had fallen down were now stacked again. We were back to normal, so we could now fuck.

When she lifted herself up, so that I could get my cock out, she was careful not to disturb anything. As soon as it was out, my hands were on her waist, lifting her even higher.

As I lowered her onto my cock, she started to purr. And as I went deeper into her, that purring got louder. She was the cat that had got the cream!

She was now sitting on my lap, with all of my eight inches inside her. I was impressed, she was a small woman, but she'd managed it, and without complaining. But we shouldn't stay like this for long, we needed to fuck before something else happened. First it had been a burst tyre, and then the boxes had fallen onto us. What next? Perhaps an earthquake or a lightning strike. I offered up a silent prayer to our patron saint for ten minutes of peace.

Two minutes into our allotted time, and it was all going well. We were into a nice rhythm. I was repeatedly lifting her up, and then lowering her back down onto my cock. She was moaning every time it stretched her pussy, and I was grunting every time it was deep inside her. And I loved the feel of her pussy lips, as they gripped my cock as I went in and out of her. However, there was one thing that was stopping it from being perfect. Rachel was singing along to the radio. But then she suddenly stopped, and the radio was turned off.

"Next week, I'm going out with my friends, would you like to come?"

From her Mother, Rachel got, "Yes please," and just for me, she said, "I always like to come."

That spurred me on, and I was now trying to make that happen, by fucking her harder and faster. That was dangerous, because the radio was off and Rachel was talking to us. But I was almost past caring. My cock was now in control, and it was desperate to reach it, and nothing, not even an earthquake or a lightning strike, was going to stop it from doing that!

"So are you sure that it's OK for me to come?"

Anne then got a quick yes from Rachel, and a quick stroke from me. That stroke turned out to be a mistake, because after receiving it, she uttered a long moan that was way too loud. And Rachel was now stopping the car.

When she was out of the car, her Mother was still impaled on my cock. I'd been too shocked to act, and now I was waiting for her to open our door. What she was about to see would shock her, and I knew that I would get all of the blame. That was unfair, but I would be a gentleman and accept it without complaining.

But surprisingly, our door didn't open, and Rachel was now walking quickly away from the car. And it looked as if she was heading towards, 'Paul's Perfect Pizzas.'

I didn't know why she was doing that, but I didn't care. All that concerned me now, was emptying my balls into my Mother-in-law's sweet pussy, before her Daughter got back to the car.

I'd been fucking her hard before, but that was nothing compared to what I was doing now. It could be described by one word, and that word was 'brutal'.

And now, because we were alone, Anne didn't have to hold back. She wasn't just loud, she was deafening.

I'd asked for ten minutes, but I was short-changed because it ended with at least three to spare. She climaxed first, and her scream, when her orgasm was at its height, was memorable. It was still going on when I started to spurt into her. When I'd finished, all I wanted to do was to stay still and get my breath back. Repeatedly lifting her up and down had been exciting, but it had also been a workout, and I was now tired. But this wasn't the time for relaxing. It was the time for action. We needed to be covered up, and composed, before Rachel got back. And Anne was still out of it.

Fortunately for us, Rachel was away for a long time, so when she did eventually get back to the car, we were ready. There was nothing to give us away, except for a slight smell of sex, but that could be mistaken for the natural smell from two bodies being close together.

"Sorry about that, but the lamb that I ate upset my stomach, so I needed the bathroom. Fortunately for me, we stopped outside a pizza place, so I could use their restroom."

We were both sympathetic towards her, and both of us were also relieved. Her not feeling well at that specific time had enabled us to finish fucking without being caught.

For the next half an hour, we travelled in silence, and then Rachel spoke.

"I don't find the driving hard work, but I do find it boring. It must be the same for you two, squashed into that small space, and nothing to do."

We knew that we should have agreed with her, but what she'd said was very funny to us, because we had definitely not been bored, so we laughed, and it was loud enough for her to hear.

"Why was that so funny?"

One day, perhaps when I've had too much to drink, I might tell her!


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